Team Mickey - Biggest Loser "No Excuses" 2012 Challenge


Still working! Thought I may have to come home today. About an hour after I got there I started to feel really sick-- the room was spinning and thought I was going to be ill. I sat down and pulled the trash can next to me and waited for it to pass. I took a half a dramamine2 and started drinking a lot of cold water. It was really hot in the office and I had been running around doing stuff so I think it may have just been overheating. I also haven't been getting enough sleep so that may also have contributed. I made it through the day but didn't eat much. I had a few Tootsie Rolls just to make sure it wasn't a sugar crash (that's my story and I am sticking to it! :rolleyes1 )

DD12's birthday was yesterday and her party is Saturday. No idea how I am going to get everything ready for the party but it will be pretty low key so hopefully it will all come together.

Not much exciting other than that and I need to get some things done before bed so TTYL Everyone have a great ON PLAN day!
Duplicate post. Hit Submit Reply, went to do laundry, came back almost an hour later and it was still spinning like it hadn't posted! DIS Gremlins again. . .
If you had a friend who wanted to join the weight loss wagon that we are on, what would be your one piece of advice? Something you learned, a mistake you made, anything like that.

Drink water. More specifically, drink water before you eat because you might be thirsty, not hungry even if you feel hungry.

What would be your one don't miss attraction or restaurant if you were helping a newbie plan a trip?

I love "it's a small world." It's classic Disney to me. Really, all of Fantasyland is. Go at rope drop, especially for morning EMH. (Stay on property if you can. Value resorts are well-themed and fine if you are used to a double bed.) We've really maximized our time in Magic Kingdom using morning EMH. Another tip I've heard but don't use is to ride some of the more popular attractions during the parade. I see the thought behind this, but since I won't go on the 3 Mountains, it hasn't really helped me. I think we did take advantage of this tip to ride Haunted Mansion once. I'm not very snobby, except when it comes to wait times. :rotfl2:

Duplicate post. Hit Submit Reply, went to do laundry, came back almost an hour later and it was still spinning like it hadn't posted! DIS Gremlins again. . .

I was wondering about them yesterday myself! They were sabatoging me as well. :headache:

Not much new to report. I woke up before 3 AM this morning. I have no idea how many hours of sleep I actually got because I woke up multiple times between the 1st time I fell asleep and before 3 AM. The strange part is that I do not feel tired. My doctor has been letting me playing around with my meds (with some directions & precautions :thumbsup2) and I think I found a good combination. I called his secretary yesterday and only gave her half the message, so I will call her again later today. I am debating writing it down and dropping it office as I will be by his office later today. His secretary isn't very welcoming and she makes me feel like I'm a nuisance. It would be so much easier if she would connect me to his voicemail, but I'm afraid to suggest it and she has only offerred once. :headache:

I am going to eat say hi to Team Donald and then eat breakfast. Healthy Habits will be posted later this morning.
Good morning TEAM MICKEY! ::MickeyMo

Today is an exciting day! :cool1:

For the first time in over 20 years, I am happy to report I am now officially in

Buffy, hope the kiddos are feeling better and they did not share their bug with you! :flower3:

LTS, hope that you are over your thing yesterday, too. :flower3: That's one of the hazards of your occupation -- those people share their germs alot! :sick: Happy birthday to your DD! :bday: Is this another surprise party? party:

CC, glad that you are able to work out your meds so you can feel better! :goodvibes You might try faxing your doctor's office.

I'm calling myself caught up from this point but wanted to be sure and share my exciting news! :goodvibes

Have a great day Mickeys! :smickey:
If you had a friend who wanted to join the weight loss wagon that we are on, what would be your one piece of advice? Something you learned, a mistake you made, anything like that.

What would be your one don't miss attraction or restaurant if you were helping a newbie plan a trip?

For the friend...there are all kinds of tips and tricks for eating well and exercising more, but I think I would tell her to talk to herself as though she were talking to a friend. We are so supportive of our friends and yet so often quick to knock ourselves down when we have setbacks. Learning to tell myself that I am worth this effort, that I can pick up from a bad day and move on, and that I deserve to be the best me I can be has taken a long time - and I still stumble on it sometimes. But I realized that I tell my friends those things all the time when they need my support - how could I not offer myself the same courtesy?

Can't-miss at Disney...for attractions, if you like roller coasters, I'd have to go with Aerosmith, which I *love* (always ask to wait for the front row - it never takes very long, and it's awesome!). For the non-coaster types, I think I'd have to say Soarin' - it's just beautiful, and I find it really relaxing, in an odd way! Restaurants...I don't even know where to start, there are so many that I love! Of the signatures, Jiko and Narcoossee's are probably my favorites. I also love Flying Fish. Character meals - I love the princess breakfast in Norway; it's a family tradition for us. Karamell Kueche in Germany is an amazing stop for a treat, too! I could go on about food forever, but none of us needs that... :laughing:

Good morning TEAM MICKEY! ::MickeyMo

Today is an exciting day! :cool1:

For the first time in over 20 years, I am happy to report I am now officially in
:cool1::banana::cool1::banana: Congratulations! :cool1::banana::cool1::banana:
That is so awesome! You must be feeling fantastic today. Yeah! :cheer2:

I woke up to another beautiful day here in NoVa and decided to stop procrastinating. You may all remember that I said, right here, earlier this year, that I was going to try running when the weather got nice. Well, the weather must want me to do this - it's been 70+ all week! So today I suited up and took off with my C25K app. The first three workouts are the same - 5 minutes of brisk walking to warm up, then alternating 1 minute jogging and 1 1/2 minutes brisk walking for 20 minutes, then a 5-minute brisk walk cooldown.

I did the whole thing, and I actually felt really good! I clearly need to make some playlists, as shuffle gave me some great stuff and some of the kids' stuff (Ralph's World isn't exactly running music), but I jogged when I was supposed to, and the world didn't end! Tomorrow is supposed to be rainy, so I'm going to see if it's clear enough to go early in the morning. Brave new world...

Healthy Habits Week 12: We're Going Deluxe![/COLOR]

This we are going resort hopping at the Deluxe Resorts.

For all 7 days:

1. The Contemporary: It is a monarail resort and home to Chef Mickey, The Wave, Contempo Cafe, and California Grill. Best of all? After you indulge in the wonderful food offered here, there is a walking path back to the Magic Kingdom. Exercise each day. The length of time is your decision.

2. The Polynesian: I don't drink alcohol, but I'm guessing you should follow a Lapu Lapu with at least as much water! Drink 64 oz. or more of water each day. In the spirit of Kona coffee, you can count up to 16 oz. of coffee or tea toward your water total this week.

3. The Beach Club and the Yacht Club: I would absolutely love to live in one of these resorts! Why? Stormalong Bay! I could spend hours just looking at it. I can only imgine the calorie burn I'd get from swimming in it. Well, since I don't have a water park in my back yard, I better stick to counting calories. Each day, journal/record what you ate and its portion size as well as one nutriona aspect of it.

4. The Grand Floridian: Wouldn't it be wonderful to dine at Victoria & Albert's or to have High Tea? I would love to meet the Mad Hatter and the Wicked Stepsisters! Why? It's fun! Each day, do something for you. It can be fun, relaxing, short, long, etc., but it has to be something you chose to do.


1. Wilderness Lodge and Animal Kingdom Lodge: Can you say theming? If it wasn't 90+ degrees and so humid, I could have fallen asleep under the beautiful trees at the Wilderness Lodge and been in vacation heaven. Experience your surroundings. It does not have to be with nature, but you have to be present. Yoga and medititation are great choices.

2. The Boardwalk: I don't know much about this resort, other than that it is on Disney's Boardwalk. However, I do know that as with most general boardwalks, there are shopping opportunities. But, we are going Deluxe and have already spent our budget on our resort room. Alas! There is a solution! The PIN! Use at least 1 coupon this week when you do your grocery shopping.

When you submit your points for the week, include how much you saved using coupons on groceries only. This week, there will be 2 prize winners: 1 from the team with the most participants and 1 from the team who saves the most money!

Please feel free to ask any questions! Have a great week!
Hello all,

Well, today started off pretty good. I got in a workout after taking Ash to school. Got Izzie off to school and then headed off to work. Ash called around 11 to report that she got a speaking part in the play and HIGH HONORS on her report card again! She is off for an afternoon shopping and movies with her dad. He hadn't told her yet about getting her ipod touch. She definitely earned it! About 11:15 I got a call from Izzie's school that she wasn't feeling very good so I went and picked her up and we are now both in our pjs under a blanket on the couch watching Disney Junior. Here temp was 99.3 which is high for her. She had a cramp and a sore throat and she is quite pale. She is acting really tired too. Hoping she will take a nap later. I would like to take one as well.

Not sure what we will do for lunch. Not sure she is that hungry or at least hasn't asked for anything yet. I was just planning on a protein bar so we'll have to wait and see.

Planning on at least 40 more minutes on the elliptical later today and an ab and arm workout.

TTFN :tigger:
Congrats, Lisa! I forgot to post that earlier!

Ashleigh got her ipod touch! She was totally in shock when Brian handed her the wallet. She is so excited! Brian is putting updates on it and charging it now. She has had a great day with getting her report card and getting a speaking role in the play. She's finishing up her homework.

We had nachos for dinner. Brian and Ash had eaten out so they weren't super hungry. Hoping I can go to work tomorrow. Izzie seems fine. Watching Harry Potter right now on ABC Family. I don't have anybody tomorrow that I know of but have a client on Saturday. Ash has dancing tomorrow night so I will then go and get the carrots, potatoes, onions and corned beef! I should've had Brian pick it up today but forgot!

Ash just headed down to do the elliptical so I will head down when she is done. Hope to get in 40 more minutes. I need to drink some more water before I go down.

TTFN :tigger:
OMG, did I kill the thread?

Just finished another 35 minutes on the elliptical. I got a phone call interruption that I had to take.

Working in the morning, picking up Ash, going to the grocery store, picking up Izzie, coming home and then heading out to do an Usborne event at a school about 15 minutes from here. My supervisor will be there at the beginning of the event. I'll have to go over to return the books first thing on Saturday morning. i then have to work at 11 and Izzie is going to a 100th b'day celebration for the girl scouts from 3-6.

Getting up at 5 or otherwise I won't get in my workout tomorrow. I will probably eat my main meal at lunch. I think I'll treat myself to something from the Italian place next door to work and then I'll have a protein bar for dinner. I'll probably have my favorite roll up with a salad for lunch.

Izzie will be able to go to school tomorrow as far as I can tell. Fever never went over 99.3. She was definitely tired! She may have been fighting something but also may have just wanted some Mommy time!

Heading to bed soon!

TTFN :tigger:
Good morning TEAM MICKEY! ::MickeyMo

Today is an exciting day! :cool1:

For the first time in over 20 years, I am happy to report I am now officially in

Buffy, hope the kiddos are feeling better and they did not share their bug with you! :flower3:

LTS, hope that you are over your thing yesterday, too. :flower3: That's one of the hazards of your occupation -- those people share their germs alot! :sick: Happy birthday to your DD! :bday: Is this another surprise party? party:

CC, glad that you are able to work out your meds so you can feel better! :goodvibes You might try faxing your doctor's office.

I'm calling myself caught up from this point but wanted to be sure and share my exciting news! :goodvibes

Have a great day Mickeys! :smickey:


QUOTD: If you had a friend who wanted to join the weight loss wagon that we are on, what would be your one piece of advice? Something you learned, a mistake you made, anything like that.

If you’re over 40 it’s going to be harder….

What would be your one don't miss attraction or restaurant if you were helping a newbie plan a trip?


I think I'm supposed to coach starting tomorrow...
Loving my new scale but not losing any weight lol. Haven't been able to work out much because I'm filling in for my boss who's Dad died. He was-- in his 90's I think. Having a good week really. Worked out today-- 10 minutes on a machine that's tougher than the elliptical,
---That was my big fat cat again...---
did 1/2 hour on the elliptical, weights, then swam for a 1/2 hour. Hopefully I'll at least maintain this week.

Gonna go ahead and post tomorrow's quotd because I probably won't have time to get on in the morning before work.

Quotd: Friday March 16th:

What is the worst “healthy” substitute you’ve encountered?

I was watching a morning show the other day and some skinny lady was going on about how you can embellish your turkey burger with spinach and carrots or something bizarre and all I could think was-- this woman just doesn’t like food. If I want a cheeseburger –that atrocious frankenstein turkey thing will simply not suffice.
The trick is not eating much before and maybe no added bacon---(or add really lean bacon lol) guacamole is a great addition. Maybe a thin bun. Also if I have to eat less-- I'm going to make sure I enjoy what I get....


What's your favorite snack food to take into the park?

I really liked taking jerky last time and loved feeding it to the cats.
I was wondering about them yesterday myself! They were sabatoging me as well. :headache:
Someone must have fed them after midnight. :sad2:

Good morning TEAM MICKEY! ::MickeyMo

Today is an exciting day! :cool1:

For the first time in over 20 years, I am happy to report I am now officially in
:cool1::cheer2: :dance3::woohoo::dancer:party::jumping1:


SO EXCITED FOR YOU! I still clearly remember the day I arrived last year. It is such an amazing milestone and you have no where to go but DOWN! :rotfl:

Not a surprise party this time, but the same theme as her sister-- decorating their own cakes. Which is GREAT because very little prep for me-- especially since I don't have to decorate her cake!

I am feeling fine today. I really think I was just overtired, overheated and probably dehydrated yesterday. One of the other secretaries came into the office to help me with something this morning and said "Man, it is HOT in here! I am turning on your air conditioner." :worship: Much better day. I had no idea we could control the a/c. They are all being so nice and helpful with me, and I really appreciate it. I really love this school and all the people there.

Tracey, I hope Izzy is feeling back to normal tomorrow and congratulations to Ash!

DD16 came home Tuesday and said "Guess what we have at lunch now? A Design your Own Salad option!" :woohoo: The high school and the middle school are connected so I went to check it out today. Very impressive for a school lunch, and for this company which really has pretty crappy food. They were using some nice fresh mixed greens (not just iceberg) and you could tell them what you wanted on it. They had a choice of grilled chicken, turkey lunchmeat or turkey ham lunchmeat. I had the chicken and it wasn't too bad. While I will continue to take my own salads it is really nice to have another option when needed and for the kids to have a good healthy option. They must be keeping it on the down low because the others in the office were really surprised when I told them where I got it.

I saw Santa today. Really! Sitting at my desk and hear some shouts in the hall. I look out the window to the hall and there is. . .SANTA! A jolly round man, white beard and hair wearing red velvet pants, white shirt, red suspenders and black boots. It actually was Santa! I have no idea why he was there and never did figure that out. Then a few minutes after he left a man came in to pick up a student-- rather jolly and round but with shorter white hair and beard wearing a bright tropical print shirt, shorts and sandals -- Santa in the summertime? It was very strange. We have a counseling intern working in the office and when she came back I told her I had seen Santa-- twice! I am pretty sure she was thinking she could probably write her doctorate dissertation on the poor secretary sub that snapped :crazy: but the others vouched for me. :rotfl2:

The weather here has been beautiful, kind of sorry I am stuck inside all day. Eating has been very OP. Tried a Pumpkin Pie Smoothie this morning. It was good but not sure I would make it again for breakfast. Just not quite the right combinations of flavor for that early in the morning! I think I need to stick with my Chocolate and Banana. I need to try to find a good Coffee/Mocha one-- haven't found a recipe I like yet.

Does anyone here have a Magic Bullet? I got one for Christmas to make my smoothie/protein shakes in but I haven't been all that impressed. Based on all that I had read about it maybe I just expected too much. It works but not sure it was worth the money when I already have a great blender.

Time to pack my lunch for tomorrow and get ready for bed. Not sure if I am supposed to wear green at school tomorrow so I may have to find something just to be safe! Don't have a lot of green, especially in short sleeves.

Everyone have a great Weigh In and an On Plan day!:cheer2:
Today is an exciting day! :cool1:

For the first time in over 20 years, I am happy to report I am now officially in

WOO HOO!!!! Way to go, wow!!! Congratulations to you!!!!!!:goodvibes

I woke up to another beautiful day here in NoVa and decided to stop procrastinating. You may all remember that I said, right here, earlier this year, that I was going to try running when the weather got nice. Well, the weather must want me to do this - it's been 70+ all week! So today I suited up and took off with my C25K app. The first three workouts are the same - 5 minutes of brisk walking to warm up, then alternating 1 minute jogging and 1 1/2 minutes brisk walking for 20 minutes, then a 5-minute brisk walk cooldown.

I did the whole thing, and I actually felt really good! I clearly need to make some playlists, as shuffle gave me some great stuff and some of the kids' stuff (Ralph's World isn't exactly running music), but I jogged when I was supposed to, and the world didn't end! Tomorrow is supposed to be rainy, so I'm going to see if it's clear enough to go early in the morning. Brave new world...

And WAY TO GO to you, Liz, for starting C25K! It is awesome, it's hard some days, but it works!!!

I think I'm supposed to coach starting tomorrow...
Loving my new scale but not losing any weight lol. Haven't been able to work out much because I'm filling in for my boss who's Dad died. He was-- in his 90's I think. Having a good week really. Worked out today-- 10 minutes on a machine that's tougher than the elliptical,
Quotd: Friday March 16th:

What is the worst “healthy” substitute you’ve encountered?

I don't know, yeah, the turkey burger, I guess!


What's your favorite snack food to take into the park?

Disney got me liking rice krispy treats--so now I bring a few for the kiddos to eat while we're on line. Or ziplock bags of Kix or Cheerios for them. For me, banana, or some sinful pastry from the grab & go, lol.

Good luck coaching, Jayne. Happy weigh-ins, everyone!:goodvibes
Good morning TEAM MICKEY! ::MickeyMo

Thanks for all of the congratulations on the ONE-derland thing yesterday! :thanks::thanks:

I know I did the work but I would never have made here after 20 years without all the friendship and support I received from my WISH friends! :goodvibes

Buffy, thanks for coaching last week -- sorry your little ones got sick! :flower3:

And a big, BL welcome to our new coach this week, Susan! :cat:

Liz, congratulations on starting the C25K! :yay: The thing I remember most about it is the feelings at first like I was going to die and never be able to do it. :rotfl: Then the feelings of accomplishment when I actually found that I could do it! :cool2: I eventually switched to Marathoning for Mortals and then to Jeff Galloway, where I have been most successful and comfortable in my running. So don't be afraid to give a few things a try as you learn what works for you. Can't wait to hear all about it! :flower3:

CC, thanks for the HH this week! :thumbsup2

Tracey, hope the folks in your house are feeling better soon. :flower3:

QUOTD: If you had a friend who wanted to join the weight loss wagon that we are on, what would be your one piece of advice? Something you learned, a mistake you made, anything like that.

Never give up! You will reach your goal one day if you keep trying! :goodvibes It's a process and you need to figure out what works for you. What worked for you before may not work for you today. The only time that you will fail is if you give up. :flower3: Oh, and a little pixiedust: doesn't hurt either!

What would be your one don't miss attraction or restaurant if you were helping a newbie plan a trip?

Yo Ho, Yo Ho A Pirate's Life for Me . . . pirate: The DL, of course.

Quotd: Friday March 16th:

What is the worst “healthy” substitute you’ve encountered?

Things that are "low fat" but have as much fat as they are replacing.

Some time this fall I realized that all these "reduced fat" foods hadn't helped me lose weight all these years and now I am really enjoying my full fat food and simply counting calories. Whole eggs? No problem, 70 calories, and you feel full all morning. Real salad dressing? No problem, 1 T on the side goes a long, long way. And if it doesn't taste good, I'm not eating it. :snooty:

What's your favorite snack food to take into the park?

I really liked taking jerky last time and loved feeding it to the cats.

:lmao: Of course, you bring food for the sweet little kitties! Bless your heart! :hug:

LTS, funny story about the Santas! :santa: We have a Magic Bullet but it is primarily used by my DS to make malts and shakes. I prefer my old Oster blender from the 80's. :hippie:

Don't forget to PM those weigh-ins to dvccruiser76! This is our last week together as a team -- let's make it great one! :smickey:
Hey all!
Sorry I flaked on you, after DD got sick, it was my turn. This thing is fast and furious. All the kids ended up staying home yesterday because I couldn't even lift my head off the pillow, let alone drive them to school.
I still feel like crud but I'm slowly getting back to normal. Today we are lysoling the whole house and washing everything in sight.

Don't forget your weigh ins today!
Good Morning Mickeys!!! Happy Friday to you all!

You know, the weekend is the hardest time for me to stay OP. I do get my workouts in on Saturday morning, but then it is downhill from there.
Tomorrow I have my cousin's 1 year old baby birthday party to go to and it cuts into my gym time. So, instead, I am going to get up a tad earlier and do some time with Wii Fit, Just Dance and maybe some treadmill time if I have the time...

Good luck this weekend!! :thumbsup2
I'm a little behind this morning, but I wanted to share some good news.

My doctor's secretary called this morning. She actually woke me up, but that was after a great night's sleep, so no harm done. He is fine with the med changes that I discovered as helpful and I couldn't be happier about it. My mom called this morning and when she asked, as usual, if anyone had called, I told her and she was very happy. My other doctor (I have 2 doctors and 1 APRN prescribing meds) called on Wednesday and said I could taper one of my meds. I had called to ask if I should refill it at the suggestion of my APRN and he was gungho about me going of it, just slowly. My nutritionist teaches my stress reduction class and she was very excited. I should probably e-mail her today's news now that I think about it.

Today is a Friday during Lent, which is always an OP day. I need to go eat breakfast and then I'm probably going to Target. I never made it there yesterday.

Have a great day Mickeys!


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