Team Mickey - Biggest Loser "No Excuses" 2012 Challenge

We have completed our 2nd “measure-in” for the WIN! Challenge.

I know that some people were feeling a little discouraged at their numbers, but really, any progress is GREAT! Feel free to join at any time, whether it is a WIN week or not. Our next WIN! measure-in will be April 1.

Please remember to send in the TOTAL of your measurements rather than the five individual measurements. Thank you!

Our Top Four for Team Mickey -

#4 - glss1/2fll 1.8%
#3 - Sunshineminnie 3.8%
#2 - myweegirls 5%

and the winner for Team Mickey is.............................

KDIPIAZZ with 6% lost!!!!! :banana:


Our Top five for Team Donald

#5 - luvpoohandcompany 1.5%
#4 - GoofyPredsFan 4.0%
#3 - virataMama4 4.0%
#2 - ougrad86 4.7%

and the winner for Team Donald is.............................

klmrph with 7.8% lost!!!!!!! :banana:
__________________________________________ __
Now that daylight savings is here, how are you adjusting your schedule? Is dinner still at the same time or does it seem to come a little later?

Disney QOTD:
Do you have any type of routine at Disney? Or is every trip the same?

DST: We seem to be holding to our usual schedule, with school/pickups/bedtimes providing the limits! The nicest thing about the later light (and the beautiful temps this week!) is that the girls can get outside after dinner, something we just can't do before DST kicks in. I will lend out that hour happily for all this light! :)

Disney Routines: We have our traditions - our first night has been Chef Mickey, and our first full-day morning is breakfast with the princesses in Norway. We also try to stop by MK on the day we arrive to get that magical Main Street walk done and soak in the fact that we're there. Outside of that, we have things we feel are must-dos, and things that we try that are new, but they don't necessarily happen in a certain order or on a certain day of our trip. We did Hoop-Dee-Do for the first time last year, and that appears to be a new tradition now - we all loved it!

Off to Zumba tonight - bringing a friend, too, which is awesome. I love my Monday night Zumba class. The instructor is high energy but not impossible to follow, and she does her evening classes in blacklight, so we're all much less self-conscious!

Here we celebrate our progress and recognize our superstars.

-after 3 weeks of no reporting, you are dropped from the challenge & can re-start at any time, though
-if anybody knows they will miss weighing in, just PM and let me know and you'll be marked excused

First some stats

(staying within 2 lbs of their maintain weight is successfully maintaining!)
# of Maintainers Reporting In & Successfully Maintaining: 0

Current Participants-------------40!
not reporting in for 1 week-----5
not reporting in for 2 weeks----1
not reporting in for 3 weeks----5
weigh ins-------------------------28
new or returning members ----1

Biggest Loser Fall Challenge Week 10!
This week’s group loss = 28.2 pounds!
Average percentage of weight lost 0.56 %
Total group weight loss so far 393.4 pounds!


Retention Rate (compared to the 72 participants we had sign up for our start week on January 1st)
40% (this includes the Losers, Maintainers and Excused people!). Let's keep sending those weights people!

Before the weekly superstar list comes the disclaimer. I am human and I make mistakes. If you have any questions please contact me. For your reference this is the magic percentage of weight lost formula - weight loss for the week divided by weight for last week times 100, that gives us the percentage. Now let me test that with my numbers for week 1, click, click, click goes the calculator. Yes, that agrees with the percentage on the magic spreadsheet. (btw if its been more than 1 week between weigh-ins, then the % loss is divided by the number of weeks, to keep everybody on the same basis)

Now let's get to the good stuff. Who were our superstars of week 10?

The WISH Biggest Loser Spring Challenge Team Mickey Week 10 Superstars!!
#10 - 0.73% - OctoberBride03
#9 - 1.14% - myweegirls
#8 - 1.20% - pjstevens
#7 - 1.23% - lisah0711
#6 - 1.33% - dumbo_buddy
#5 - 1.52% - MelindaRuns
#4 - 1.61% - goldcupmom
#3 - 1.75% - KDIPIAZZ
#2 - 2.02% - tiki23

and now
The WISH Biggest Loser Team Mickey Spring Challenge Week 10 Biggest Loser is:
#1 - 2.34% - aamomma

Quote from Dare2Dream: How is your week going? Are you OP (on program)? Are you exercising? Drinking that water? You know what to do to make the magic happen. Get on the wagon. We are all here to help you on the journey. We can do this one day at a time. One bite at a time.
Have a healthy day!
Congratulations aamomma!!!

What a great week you had. Keep up the good work. We have a very special clippie reserved for our weekly Biggest Loser. Wear it with pride this week! :

This is our weekly reigning Biggest Loser clippie. We have the large version


or use this
followed by

or we have a medium version


or use this
followed by

and we have a small version


or use
followed by

Thanks to ohMom-Molli for these clippies. They were used for a previous BL but we can recycle. Don't they look great!

NOTE: This list includes participants who have reported in within the last 3 weeks, once someone misses 3 weigh-ins they are dropped from this report.

How this works: You set your goal for what you want to lose in the challenge. Then I calculate your weight loss in the challenge divided by your goal to get a % to goal.

Anybody can change their goal at anytime (or add a goal) – all you have to do is send me a PM.

Since the goals are an individual thing, the list is just in alphabetical order to make it easier for everybody to find their own name. If there are any questions or suggestions please let me know.

We have done 10 out of 21 weeks, so the challenge is 48% complete.

aamomma - 57.14
ABDonovan - 4.44
BernardandMissBianca - 0.00
BMC423 - 18.00
Buckeye Fan - 36.67
Disneywedding2010 - 35.00
goldcupmom - 86.00
jmb02 - 43.00
KristicMc - 35.00
lisaviolet - 42.50
lovetoscrap - 30.00
Mrmrezg - 10.17
myweegirls - 105.71
pjstevens - 16.67
RutgersAlum - 23.00
sue and co - 23.40
sunshineminnie - 35.07
The Mystery Machine - 21.88
thunderbird1 - 9.71
tigger813 - 0.00
tiki23 - 36.80
yanni2 - 38.40

I find everybody on the list an inspiration and everybody who participates in this challenge is an inspiration in and of themselves. Whether you post, lurk or just pm your weight and check results on Tuesdays, you have made a commitment to yourself. And that is the biggest inspiration of all!BY Octoberbride03
This week's winning team with 17.34% is Team Donald!!

Team Mickey weighed-in losing 14.79% for the week!

Additional stats for the week!!!!

aamomma won for Team Mickey with 2.34% this week and was the overall Biggest Loser!!

Congrats to DisNorth who was Donald's Team winner with 1.52%!

Team Donald lost 11.6 pounds this week
Team Mickey lost 28.2 pounds this week

Team Donald leads the Total Weight Loss with 467.1 pounds and Team Mickey's total weight loss to date is 393.4!!!
Both teams together have lost 860.5 pounds!!!! Amazing!

Keep reading, keep posting and most of all keep losing and continue learning!!!!

Have an OP week :goodvibes
The WISH Biggest Loser Spring Challenge Team Mickey Week 10 Superstars!!
#10 - 0.73% - OctoberBride03
#9 - 1.14% - myweegirls
#8 - 1.20% - pjstevens
#7 - 1.23% - lisah0711
#6 - 1.33% - dumbo_buddy
#5 - 1.52% - MelindaRuns
#4 - 1.61% - goldcupmom
#3 - 1.75% - KDIPIAZZ
#2 - 2.02% - tiki23

:woohoo: Woohoo! Congrats to all of us! :woohoo:

And now a super BIG congrats to The Team Mickey Biggest Loser........
:cheer2: #1 - 2.34% - aamomma!!!! :cheer2:

Wow, I am really tired. DST really hit hard at 6:30 this morning. I ended up on my feet quite a bit and my feet hurt. But I am still really enjoying the job. It is great being busy because the day goes quick.

I had made a big batch of a recipe that I tried last week-- turkey sausage, black beans and carrots and added mushrooms and zucchini to make a sort of a casserole that reheats great. It made enough for 5 lunches for this week. I ended up forgetting my breakfast/snack:headache: I have a Protein Shake before I leave but then have some Go Lean oatmeal or an Oat muffin with coffee midmorning as the rest of my breakfast and/or snack. :idea:So I went to the school cafeteria to see what they had for breakfast. :eek: I ended up with a sausage biscuit and threw away the biscuit (DD wouldn't take it!). Not totally sure that it was actually sausage inside though! I also got a ff yogurt and an apple. Ended up having such a crazy day that I didn't get time for the yogurt or apple, so I have them for tomorrow. Tomorrow is DD11's birthday so I will take an early lunch to visit her at her lunch table and DH will bring her lunch. Usually I bring my girls lunch on their birthday's but since I can't get away he gets to pick it up and join us. I have cupcakes for her to share with friends.

Need to put some packs of oatmeal in my car so I don't get stuck eating school breakfast again! Early bedtime for me. I haven't been this tired in a long time!
Melinda congrats to your DD!! That is a huge accomplishment!

Quick QOTD, running late for roller skating.
What do you like to do for fun?

Disney QOTD
When was your first trip to Disney?

Honestly, eat and chase boys and kittens. And tv-- I have stuff I like. Movies, reading, music. Bargain hunting--goodwill junkie.

I was 4 or 5. I've seen pictures-- don't remember it. I looked pretty cute though.

Daylight savings--
Woke up an hour late because my husband for the first time in his life forgot to set the alarm-- it's ok I had breakfast and coffee ready to go, drank the coffee in the tub lol. Then I had time to skateboard after work and stopping by goodwill too--was still light, nice. Today I had everything ready I could have and was a minute late-- tragedy, almost missed my 'boy'. the getting out of bed part was difficult.

Only real disney tradition we have is driving 14 hours straight at night and going right in the gates upon arrival. Every time.:confused3
Good morning, everyone!

For fun, I love to read, sing

I skipped workouts this weekend - we were so busy, and then I felt under the weather yesterday and took a 2 1/2 hour nap instead of anything active. There's been a lot going around, and the latest just dusted us a little bit - thankfully, nothing major (knock wood)!

Hope everyone has a great Monday!

Sometimes a nap is just what we need to tackle a hard workout later! We have to charge those batteries!

Barbara was very nice and even offered to order bras in my size. I got one from Enell (I think) but I ordered my size and its too small. Right now I am good with the one from - too bad it creates the "Uni****" though.
I am looking forward to running the Everest with a bunch of Disney fans. I never have a problem talking to people, so it shouldn't be an issue. Would just be nice to have a partner to help with those Scavenger Hunt things! ;)
I am still thinking about that shake and not liking the green color - but once I get my new blender, I will try it!

Good luck at the race! Tell us how it goes! I'll bet everyone will be helping everyone else out, finding all the scavenger hunt items. The comeraderie at a Disney race is like no other!

Hi Everyone! Thought I would check in with my health conscious Disney peeps and ask a question. I am trying very hard to give up my Diet Pepsi habit. I only drink 2 cans a day, but still I read how bad diet pop is. I did give it up while I was pregnant, but went right back to it the moment I delivered (DD was bottle fed). I HATE plain water. I've tried the whole add lemon to it thing, and still...YUCK! I really like Propel, but it has sucralose. Do you guys think that Propel is any better than Diet Pepsi? If I hear a bunch of "NOs" than I'm going to the vending machine and getting a can! LOL Thanks for any input!

My trainer says diet soda is just as bad as regular. I still love my Diet Mt. Dew, but I have started drinking a lot more water. I am not sure about the Propel.

QOTD: We ALWAYS go to Crystal Palace, usually on our last day.
QOTD: For fun? Come on, I'm a mom. I don't have a life. :lmao: Nah, once a month I have a girls' night out with a bunch of my other mom friends. super fun Otherwise I'm reading or walking. I don't remember when my first trip to Disney was, but I know we went when I was a teenager. I remember being hot and surly, as only a teen can be!

Spent the weekend frantically trying to finish a book that I thought was due yesterday. It's due Wednesday! I did finish it tonight so now I can do all the things I neglected: meal planning, shopping, cleaning, laundry... The list is quite long!

Stormy weather today. The power went out at the school where I was subbing (tree fell over on several cars in the parking lot, taking a power pole with it). That made for some excitement. We learned that the emergency generator really only keeps those hall lights on for 3 hours! Kids were very good.

Eating has been all right, if you exclude the peanut M&M binge Saturday! Been trying to make sure I drink my water. Without HH I'm finding I don't fill my big container. Since I worked today I had my 24 oz water bottle and drank that twice so know I'm good. Got a walk in this morning before the rains came. So a pretty OP day. :thumbsup2

Hoping I don't get called to sub tomorrow so I can get some things done around the house!

Have an OP day, Mickeys!
QOTD What do you like to do for fun

I like to cook, read and use the computer.

When was your first trip to Disney

February 2001. DH and I had wanted to take the children but just couldn;t work out a way to afford it. Then DFIL died suddenly and we realiesd that sometimes you just have to make these things happen or it's just too late. We had the most fantastic time despite not knowing a lot of things we know now and have been hooked ever since.
Now that daylight savings is here, how are you adjusting your schedule? Is dinner still at the same time or does it seem to come a little later?

Disney QOTD:
Do you have any type of routine at Disney? Or is every trip the same?

Nothing really changes with us. We pretty much let the clock tell us what to do!:laughing:

No Disney routines. We just try to ride our favorites as many times as we can!
Good morning everyone!! It is a rainy dreary day out, I want to take a nap but I won't. DH just left for DC so I am seizing the opportunity to get some housework done without interruptions.
So I've been talking to my BFF who is going to WDW for her first trip with us in Dec. She wants to lose 30 pounds before we leave. She's the same age as me and weighs about the same.

If you had a friend who wanted to join the weight loss wagon that we are on, what would be your one piece of advice? Something you learned, a mistake you made, anything like that.

What would be your one don't miss attraction or restaurant if you were helping a newbie plan a trip?
If you had a friend who wanted to join the weight loss wagon that we are on, what would be your one piece of advice? Something you learned, a mistake you made, anything like that.

My one piece of advice would be even if you slip up get right back on track, none of this "I slipped up, I'll start fresh tomorrow". Start from the moment you slipped up. Disclaimer: It's my best piece of advice however I don't always follow it myself!:o

Here comes my true Disney dorkness...the one attraction I can't miss...It's A Small World.
QOTD: My biggest piece of advice would be: DON'T GIVE UP!

Disney QOTD: I have several rides I never miss: Expedition Everest, Tower of Terror, RockNRoller Coaster, Soarin', Space Mountain and Pirates of the Caribbean!

Had a night of interrupted sleep thanks to a thunderstorm at 1 am! Got awakened by about a minute of HAIL! It was so loud and scared the crap out of Brian, Ash and me! Of course, Izzie slept through the entire thing! It was unbelievable! We both woke up saying OMG what is happening? Fortunately it didn't last long but it took me a while to get back to sleep. This has been one crazy winter her in New England! Luckily the thunder and lightning wasn't too bad.

Need to go frost a cake for "Pi" day at Ash's school. Guess we have dessert for tonight!

Ash and I are spending the afternoon together as she has a half day. Izzie is going to a playdate for the afternoon so I pretty much don't have to leave the house after 11 today! Ash and I may take a walk later. I need to work on the storage room more as well.

TTFN :tigger:
Tracey: I thought I saw lightning last night! I didn't think it was possible, so I forgot about it and continued trying to fall asleep. No hail though. :scared1:

Sorry to hear that you didn't sleep well.

I am excited to say that I am doing much better. After the weather surprise last night, I did fall asleep and slept through the night. I woke up after an appropriate amount of sleep. This was the first night in too long that I didn't need 10+ hours of sleep!

Congratulations to our Top 10 and especially to aamomma!

There will be Healthy Habits this week and I have a surprise planned. Here's a hint: If you get any sales ads in print, don't recycle them yet.
Team Mickey Members:

BernardandMissBianca texted me and want me to post there will be no QOTD today as she is home with two sick little ones.

Hope all of you have a great day!!
Oh, I hope the little ones get better soon!!
Since I didn't have a chance to get online yesterday, I will just answer those questions today:

If you had a friend who wanted to join the weight loss wagon that we are on, what would be your one piece of advice? Something you learned, a mistake you made, anything like that.
I would tell her that she is the only one that can determine what she is going to do. She has to be ready for it, for the changes and some hard work and don't let those plateaus get you down!!

What would be your one don't miss attraction or restaurant if you were helping a newbie plan a trip?

Make sure to grab a Dole Whip Float in Adventure Land and eat it while you walk to Fantasyland to go see Mickey's Philharmagic!!
QOTD: I would tell her to not give up, especially during those stupid plateaus. And don't go crazy when you've gained 4 pounds and been good all week. Bodies are weird and eventually those pounds go away, usually taking some friends! Not really a Disney attraction, but my biggest piece of advice is always rope drop! You can get so much done first thing in the morning! Love it!

Blocked myself out for subbing today. Just too much to do for the trip to Seattle tomorrow. Can't wait to hear DS2 and all the kids from the NW sing! I'm not going to send my weight in Friday, since I won't be home to weigh and forgot to take my "peek" today. Better go get busy, I hear the dryer buzzing!

Hopefully I can get back on tonight after baseball games. :)
Forgot to send in weigh in last week. Hoping to not forget this week. Still trying to get rid of last weekend's excessive eating. I have vowed to not drink alcohol for two weeks and stay focused all weekend.

Did my 20 minutes after taking Ash to school today. Had a good meeting about a fundraiser I am doing with the health club at the middle school. Came home and did a few things and then went back to pick Ash up and we went to the grocery store and then back to the school to discuss something with the guidance counselor that happened today. She agreed that Ash had the right to be upset about this and hopes to help out with it tomorrow or Friday. The teacher went away with the 8th grade to DC so he couldn't help. Not happy that the parents weren't notified that he would be gone with the 8th grade seeing as he's a 6th grade teacher. I think he went because he is an EMT.

Ash is working on her homework and watching Mulan. She's been wiating to watch this for a few days. I just finished my lunch of eggplant with some mozzarella cheese on top. I defrosted the freezer and cleaned it out. Now I need to clean out the fridge and then clean the kitchen. Might as well get that done. I'll just put Downton Abbey in the mini DVD player and watch that while I work. So much for a day out!

CC- The hail was unbelievable. Some of the people in town posted photos of it on FB. I was too tired to get out of bed to look. Some were about an inch wide. I didn't notice any damage. I think it only lasted about 1 minute but man it was loud hitting the roof!

Time to get off my tush and get back to work!

TTFN :tigger:


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