A Girly-Girl's Guide to Planning for WDW. June 2012 PTR! 6/24-DISNEYBOUND/Last Post


Is this real life? I feel funny...
Nov 23, 2008

Welcome to For the Ladies: A Girly-Girl's Guide to Planning for WDW. A June 2012 PTR!!

TABLE OF CONTENTS in Post #2 (below!)

The title says it all, but let me break it down!

The Who:
My name is Shannon. I'm 27 years old from central Ohio. This year I am graduating from graduate school with my Masters of Education!! I am a teacher, so this means a raise in pay AND a trip to Disney World (paid mostly by the parents! sweeeeet!)!

Here's me!

The What:
I am going to Disney World Monday, June 25-Sunday July 1 2012. Staying at POFQ (my favorite moderate!). Going with my best friend Melissa (also 27). We have never been to Disney together, but both love Disney. I love going to Disney with my best friends!

Why the PTR?
I am a girly girl. I love make-up, clothes, shopping, shoes, and DISNEY PRINCESSES! I figured there are lots of other women on the boards here that want to know what to pack, plan, and do JUST FOR THEM. So a lot of this report will include all the stuff I bring to keep it FABULOUS in WDW!

Even though I like to keep it cute and classy in WDW, sometimes I get a little Disney Crazy.

Behold, the DISNEY CRAZY face!


And fore the record, my favorite princess is Ariel.

Let the pre-trip planning begin!


Table of Contents (Links added as posts are completed!)

A Girly-Girl's Packing List (with pics and tips!)
-The Disney Packing Drawer (4/29)
-BodyGLIDE (4/29)
-My Baggallini (4/30)
-Keeping Cool: Water Misters, Fans, Evian Spray (5/1)
-Medication/Pill Containers (5/3)
-Butt Wipes (Can I Say That?!) (5/3)
-Carry-On (5/6)
-Custom Tip Envelopes (5/6)
-Liquid/Gel Containers (5/7)
-Drink Lid or Popsicle Melt Guard?? (5/7)
-BYOP: Bring Your Own Ponchos! (5/12)
-Turbie Twist (5/12)
-Sun Care (5/15)
-Tooth Care: Banish Bad Breath! (5/15)
-My WDW Shoes (Crocs) and Foot Care (5/16)
-Goodies for the Shower (5/16)
-The Bumped Ponytail (My Disney Hairstyle!) (5/16)
-De-Fuzzers (Razors & Tweezers) (5/20)
-Deodorant & Body Moisturizer (5/20)
-Facial Cleansers (5/21)
-Make-Up & Toiletries Cases (5/23)
-Ecotools Make-Up Brushes (5/27)
-Loreal Waterproof Mascara (5/27)
-Liquid Liner (Loreal and Tokidoki) (5/30)
-Olay Pro X Face Brush (5/30)
-BB Creams & Tinted Moisturizer (6/2)
-Stila Eye Primer & Face Moisturizer (6/6)
-Urban Decay Naked & Naked2 Palettes (6/6)
-Old Navy & Eddie Bauer Clothing Haul (6/7)
-Mally Beauty Cream Eye Shadow Stick (6/7)
-Rimmel Bronzer & MAC Bronzer (6/7)
-Loreal, Fresh, & Maybelline Lip Products (6/8)
-Vapur "Anti" Water Bottle (6/12)
-Airplane Prep (6/18)

My Fabulous Trip!
-Mickey Mail has Arrived! (5/24)
-My New Mouse Ears! (6/2)
-WDW Touring Plans (6/19)
-DxDP? Yes, please! ADR List (6/21)

-Thanks for reading! Last post! Disneybound! (6/24)

This is a work in progress, but this list gives you an idea of what I will be posting.

Let's plan together, ladies!


Does anyone else have one these?


A Disney Packing Drawer full of all the goodies you are going to use JUST for travel (to Disney or elsewhere!)?

Here is the current state of my Disney Packing Drawer. It's a collection of all the random travel-sized products, Disney touring must-haves, and all the other random stuff you need to get a Disney trip done RIGHT!

You may be curious about some of the stuff in here. Well, the whole point of the PTR is to unpack this goodie drawer and lay it all out.

Even if you aren't a "girly girl" yourself, I think everyone can benefit from a few tips!

Up next... BODY GLIDE!

Let's talk: How do you organize your Disney travel "stuff" before trip? Is it in a drawer or is it scattered about? Bought the night before you leave?


My luggage isn't complete without one of these stashed in!


This was purchased at Dick's Sporting Goods. The packaging here says $9.99, and I'm pretty sure that's what I bought.

One thing must be said: It's worth every penny!

Anywhere you have the potential to chafe (skin-to-skin, skin-to-fabric), just roll this on like deodorant. It will prevent the kind of rashes, blisters, and hot spots that can RUIN a trip.

I am unfortunately not blessed with the kind of thighs that have a space between them. As a result, they tend to rub together in certain clothing. If this happens, it can literally make it impossible to tour Disney (pain with every step).

I also know that a lot of women find that chafing can occur under the bust line. You can also use this to keep any rubbing in the bust area.

Body glide is a miracle. It goes on clear and has no pilling, odor, or transfer. WONDERFUL stuff.

How great is that?

Talk to me: Do you use/love/swear by BodyGlide?


I have been to Disney several times over the last 5 years or so. And each time, I've never gotten the in-park bag/backpack situation quite right.

Here's a run-down of my follies and foibles:

-March 2008: Backpack. Never again! Hated that it seemed to keep getting heavier. Hated that I had to swing it on and off for each ride. Just not for me!

-Feb. 2009: Day 1: Fanny pack. Couldn't do it. After one day, I realized it wasn't large enough to hold everyone I wanted for park touring. Furthermore, I felt very insecure wearing it (it's just too hideous! :rotfl:) After day 1, I switched to a hobo-style bag that was basically my purse. Better than the fanny pack. Definitely better than the backpack. But still not quite right.

BEHOLD! The Baggallini!



I think the specs are here: http://www.baggallini.com/the-collections/classic/bon-voyage-bagg/

I acquired this from The Container Store near my house. They sell a few Baggallini styles, and I was so excited to find this PERFECT one.

Here's what I love (and what I am looking forward to):
-Different pockets: ones that are handy for frequent get-to items like KTTW, fast passes, etc. (I don't do lanyards).
-Roomy enough to hold other necessities but not large enough to get too heavy
-Longer than it is wide - as a result, it can easily lay flat against my body. I don't have to take it off on rides.
-Cross body. I think it's good to distribute the weight of a bag evenly.

The only thing I don't like is the dull color (black). I am planning to add a few pins to spice it up. I am so excited to tour Disney with my new bag!

Your turn: What bag do you use in Disney? What do you like/dislike in a Disney touring bag?


Your turn: What bag do you use in Disney? What do you like/dislike in a Disney touring bag?

I am taking the exact same bag!! Same color and everything! I bought it last October on sale for like $20 at the outlet malls in OKC. Also, love the tip for Bodyglide. The last two times I've gone it has been in the winter and I've been perfectly fine. But being a larger woman who will be travelling with another larger woman at the beginning of Sept. this time, I'm definitely going to give this a try. Can't wait to see what else you've got goin on!
I haven't been to Disney World since I was 13, so I started out utterly unprepared. We just decided to go on the spur of the moment (1 month in advance), so I've been researching/planning like crazy.

Found this thread while searching the forums for recommendations on shoes to wear in the park. Guess I'm going to have to go shopping for some new ones, because I only have one pair of sneakers, and my Merrell walking sandals are worn out. Also, the Unofficial Guide said under no circumstances should you not wear socks to Disney - but I CAN'T wear sandals with socks. Thinking about Keen sandals, though - could they be worn with socks and not look quite as silly as a more open sandal?

What shoes are you taking?

I just bought a smallish backpack to carry in the park - we'll see how that works. Like you, I just can't bear the thought of a fanny pack, and I know it wouldn't hold all the stuff I'll need for my 2-year-old anyway.
I just take my one pair of sneakers and then a pair of crocs for the water rides. The last two times though, I carried a huge backpack and this time I'm not. So I guess I, too, need to consider what I'm going to wear for shoes on water rides. I may just take a pair of flip flops. I'm sure my husband will still be carrying the great big ol backpack!
I already love this PTR!! I did NOT know about this body glide. My husband gets chaffed all the time!! I'm going and buying this today!! This would be wonderful for both of us for Disney!! Thanks! :thumbsup2

The last two times I went to Disney, I went in late winter/early spring. Well, now I'm a teacher, so the only time I could feasibly go was summer. This means I need to spend some time thinking about beating the heat!

I've obtained some supplies for keeping cool this June during my trip. My first way to deal is taking a mid-day break from the heat.

Water Mister and personal size fan

I've obtained these from my local Walmart. The Water Mister is super huge, and I don't know if I am actually going to carry this around the park. However, I want to have the option if the heat is sweltering. The personal fan I like because of the D-ring that will attach easily to my Baggallini.

Evian Spray Bottles (TSA Approved!)

I bought these from Sephora. You can buy them here: http://www.sephora.com/mineral-water-spray-duo-to-go-P230538?skuId=1154897

These are a little bit of luxury ($14 for 2-1.7oz cans), but I like their size. They are small and easily fit into a Baggallini. A very refreshing spray and seems a little more practical than the huge mister I bought from Walmart. I am going to try them both!

Talk to me: What are your tips for keeping cool in the summer Disney heat?

Found this thread while searching the forums for recommendations on shoes to wear in the park. Guess I'm going to have to go shopping for some new ones, because I only have one pair of sneakers, and my Merrell walking sandals are worn out. Also, the Unofficial Guide said under no circumstances should you not wear socks to Disney - but I CAN'T wear sandals with socks. Thinking about Keen sandals, though - could they be worn with socks and not look quite as silly as a more open sandal?

What shoes are you taking?

I am not going to be wearing socks to Disney. However, I am glad that you (like myself) find socks with sandals to be quite the eyesore! However, I took a look at those Keen sandals, and I think you could pull off socks with those (especially the sporty kind that stop around the ankle). Crocs with socks though is just a cryin' shame! ::yes::

I am going to be wearing a pair of Crocs that I bought and have been breaking in for a few months now. I also have a back up pair. I will do a post about my shoes soon! (I don't have the pictures ready yet!)
Joining in! I'm a Shannon, too! And I went on a trip last Aug/Sept with my BFF... in fact, it was a "girls only" trip, and also along were my mom, my sister, and 2 other friends. We had a blast!

Love the idea of your PTR, posting your packing list with pics and tips. :thumbsup2

Hello my lovely ladies!

So today was one of those tough days to get through. Why? I got a migraine mid-day. Migraines are something I've lived with my whole life. In the spectrum of medical conditions people live with day-to-day, I can't complain too much about my migraines.

But here's the deal.... migraines can RUIN a day at Disney. Trust me, it's happened to me before!

As a result, it's very important to me that I carry around my prescription migraine medications (and other medications) while I'm in the park. I also carry around things like Gas-X and Immodium in case I get any tummy trouble occurs. Furthermore, I always carry some tylenol and ibuprofen, just in case I get any aches and pains.

With my new Baggallini bag, I needed some new pill containers. I headed over to my local Container Store to pick up some new ones.

Large Pill container to hold my entire week's supply (closed)

Large Pill container (open view)

You can buy this here: http://www.containerstore.com/shop?productId=10029772&N=&Ntt=pill

It's really cool, because it has one large section on one side, and five smaller sections on the other side. Then it all closes together to keep anything from falling out during your travels!

However, this is far too big to take around the park. Here are my smaller containers for day-to-day carrying:

Small Pill Containers to take to the parks

The pink one will hold most of the pills. The small circular one is a good size for larger pills.

I know a lot of people just carry pills in ziplocks, etc. But to me, having all my medications ready to go and organized (and no chance of getting crushed!) is very important. Mainly because a bad tummy issue or a migraine can make me bedridden!

Better safe than sorry!

Talk to me: How do you manage your medications for yourself or your family at Disney?


Since I mentioned running into tummy issues that require medication like Immodium, it made me think of another item I WILL NOT TRAVEL WITHOUT...

BUTT WIPES! (aka: Baby wipes, wet wipes) Behold!


Here I just picked up the generic CVS brand travel size.

Tip: It's important to get 2, because there is a chance that when you open it and don't close it properly, they can dry out as quickly as overnight! And I find rewetting these to not work as well as you think it would.

Make sure you always get the flushable kind! And if it does not say flushable on the packaging, they are not flushable!

When you are at Disney in the summer and battling the elements of heat, you want to feel fresh and clean everywhere! Bringing some butt wipes with you on your trip can really make the different between feeling fresh and clean and well, not! ::yes::

I know this may be TMI for some, but hey, someone's gotta say it!

p.s. There are products that keep "manly" parts fresh as well. Click here if you are interested. Just know that the title of the site may not be safe for work! (I swear it's a legit product!)


What I busy weekend I had! I love busy weekends, but sometimes it can feel like they go by too quickly!

Sometimes last week, I got a brand new carry-on! I don't own my own luggage (I just use my parents! They have multiple sets and they are high quality). However, all of their luggage only comes with the dufflebag style carry-ons.

For a short girl like me, lugging around a carry-on is a nightmare! So while perusing QVC one day, I ended up buying this bad boy:

Travelon 14" Wheeled Carry-On with View-Thru Panel

Here is it open:

This thing is awesome! First of all, it has TONS of storage. It's small enough to be a carry-on but large enough to really feel like you're expanding your luggage potential.

Here's the sizes:
Mono-pole handle extends to 40"L
Measures 14" x 12" x 8-1/2"

One of the great things about this is that the main front pocket opens up and you can see pretty much everything inside with that c-thru panel. This way, you can easily show off your items to TSA.

Why am I the most excited about this? I don't have to carry it! I am so exited to use this!

You can buy one here too: http://www.qvc.com/qic/qvcapp.aspx/view.2/app.detail/params.item.F188246.desc.Travelon-14-Wheeled-CarryOn-With-ViewThru-Panel


The last time I went on a Disney trip with my whole family (when I was in high school), my dad had printed off custom tip envelopes for Mousekeeping. I haven't done this since then, so I thought it would be fun to do this for my upcoming trip!

Since I'm staying 6 nights, I have 5 envelopes for Mousekeeping. That way, I can give one for each night, except for the one we leave (since they are essentially making up the room for the next guest). I also have envelopes for DME driver (I know most don't tip, but how cute are those envelopes!)

Here are how my envelopes came out

I didn't customize these at all. I just printed them as they were straight on to the envelope.

If you would like some places to get tip envelopes, here are the pictures I used for mine:





Happy envelope making!


Oh, boy! The school year is winding down. I'm excited for this summer, mainly because I'm going to Disney World!

This post will feature some really fun squeezable gel or liquid containers for travel. I have plenty of those travel containers that come with travel kits, etc.

But then I came across these at my local CVS:


These also include the ability to label what's inside!

Usually, you can buy miniature versions of perfectly decent travel sizes of the basics. However, sometimes they don't offer travel sizes that are up to par with my needs. Furthermore, sometimes they don't even make travel sizes in some of the essentials!

These will be filled with the following:

  • Aloe Vera (in case the terrible occurs: sun burn!)
  • Body Wash

I like these containers, because these are made of a thick plastic that is flexible enough but I'm not worried that they will crack or burst.

They also sell a version of these (more expensive) at your local The Container Store that have a little suction on the back to hang up in your shower. How cute it that? I wasn't willing to put down the $20 for a 3 pack of those though!

48 days until my Disney trip! How many until yours??


When you go see The Avengers, grab yourself a couple extra drink lids. I can't wait to use these as my official "Popsicle Melt Guards!"


I got this tip from one of these very help board posts. In the past, I have wrapped tons of napkins around my popsicles. No more!! :yay:

Have you ever done this before?


With 44 days until my Disney trip, the packing fun continues! I have been planning some new outfits I am going to be buying. When I get those (and if I have time!) I will take a few shopping haul pictures and show you what I'm wearing to Disney!

But first, PONCHOS!

We will be going on June 25 through July 1, which pretty much means there is a chance for rain. While the rain doesn't bother me, it's important to make sure that everyone in your party is comfortable.

And spending the outrageous price for the Disney poncho is just crazy! :scared1:

I got the FABULOUS tip to head over my local Wal mart and procure these .88 cent (yes, you read that right!) adult size, hooded ponchos!

$0.88 ponchos from Walmart

As you can see, I've bought many. Mainly because I don't plan on trying to reuse these if I need to bust one out. One will fit nicely into my Baggallini. If I use it, it's there. And if I do use it, I won't feel bad about pitching it because did I mention it only cost 88 cents!!!!

You can find these in the CAMPING section at Walmart.

In fact, my bestie who is coming with me to the World found out about my poncho find and got herself some cheapie ponchos as well! I was willing to share the poncho love (I think I have more than enough, unless it rains everyday), but she wanted to be extra prepared!

Not that I know anything about being extra prepared... :rolleyes1


I love the Turbie Twist!

The Turbie Twist is a small towel that is shapes like a banana that is meant to wrap your hair up tightly after a shower. I am one of those people that HATE the huge, heavy, lop-sided situation that occurs when you wrap your hair in an normal towel.

I have long hair, and as a result, it takes a long time to dry. Being able to to wrap it in a Turbie Twist, it can absorb the water and keep the wet hair off my back as I change, get ready, etc. It's a WONDERFUL invention, especially for us long-haired girls!

Here's what a Turbie Twist looks like on a fancy model:


This is FANTASTIC for travel because:
1. It's very small.
2. It keeps you from wasting a towel just to wrap your hair!
3. No neck injuries from that heavy towel piled on your head!
4. You can do other things while keeping your wet hair wrapped up nicely (like running to the food court to refill your mug!)

I have a black one I use for travel.


And look here, my cat Cash Money decided to get in on the action. She tried to lay on my BLACK Turbie Twist! :rotfl2:


She's cute though. As I was taking the pictures for this PTR, she kept trying to get into all the shots. Eventually she gave up and looked out the window for awhile.


Until next time!



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