Biggest Loser "No Excuses" 2012 Team Challenge for Losers and Maintainers!!!

Our traditional last day of the challenge QOTD is to say something nice about the person last person who posted before you. It can be anything about them.

Buffy is so fun! I remember a few challenges ago when she had the Organizational Challege, and that really helped me get my stuff together :thumbsup2 And she never gives up- she always has a positive additude about her week, and I know one day (soon!) she will reach her goal :cheer2:
Having a much better day today!! Feeling spunky and feisty which is helping me with my overall attitude.

I need to plan for dinner though, any ideas. I'm in a food funk dinner wise.

WOOHOO! Great job giving yourself an attitude adjustment! Keep it up with feeling spunky! I need to get that feeling back myself.

Woohoo, HH winner! :goodvibes

Thanks for the well wishes for my interview, I leave pretty soon for it. I'm not nervous, I'm pretty good at interviews, I just really want ths job! :thumbsup2

Tomorrow I have to go pick up my half-marathon packet. Only one more day. :scared: I am beyond terrified, but doesn't that mean you're living? I mean, what's the point of living if you don't do amazing things? Hehe. I'm trying to be all philosophical here to mask my terror! I just really want a finishers medal to say I did it, and you don't get it if you don't....finish. :p

Hope you are all having a wonderful day, I'll have to come read all the posts tomorrow.

You are SO BRAVE to be doing the half! I have never, not once, ever, done a real race. Even a few summers ago when I was really "into" the running and could have easily done a 5K or 10K. I'm just a big chicken. GO YOU!!

Thanks for the support Lisa! I finally figured out what is making me so stressed. I'm frustrated that this thing that happened years ago around this time still upsets me, but glad that I figured out what was causing the stress. I know some strategies to combat this and will put them to work. I just finished some yoga/stretching, which I do count as exercise. I am building my endurance so I feel it counts. The guided CD (it's audio) is over 40 min. long and I today I made it to 18 minutes. I feel it in child's pose if that says anything about my physical health. I really want to restart C25K, but I can't even last 5 minutes on the treadmill or on pavement. I don't know how I walk so much in WDW. Maybe some Disney music will help.

Today was more OP than the last few days, but still terrible. I ate 3 single serve bags of potato chips, a lemon bar, some type of GF/oat-free crumble bar, and a GF brownie. Breakfast and lunch were OP, although lunch was pretty gross. I had tuna fish and I didn't add anything to it, like mayo or relish. I didn't feel satisfied and I think it was because it tasted so bad. It wasn't bland, it was truly bad. :sick:

In all my eating, everything was GF. It wasn't all lactose-free. I spend so much time worrying about gluten that I forget about lactose. I've been reading labels for milk for years and I've suddenly forgotten. :headache: It isn't that difficult. I'm already reading the label. It shouldn't be that difficult to look for sources of gluten and sources of lactose. The chef who made my lunches when I was at training last week suggested I write up an index card listing everything I can't eat. I should probably do that for myself.

This is a bit of a vent, but it's also related to what I can't eat. There is something about taking the pill I take for hypothyroidism and eating too much soy. No one can tell me what is too much. I've also heard that only soy formula matters. I'm beginning to think any soy is too much for me. I suppose it doesn't help that when I originally got the results of my allergy testing, I was told I'm allergic to soy. They then changed their mind. :confused: So, anyway, today I told my father not to use vegetable oil anymore because of the soy and he is 100% on board with that. Not 30 seconds later, he asks if he can add GF soy sauce to this really strange meal he cooked tonight. :headache: I don't get it. I really don't understand it. :confused3

I'm going to be honest, I really can't remember everything I'm not supposed to eat. I better do some research because I'm pretty sure I keep forgetting a source of gluten.

I hope everyone has a great, OP day tomorrow! :goodvibes for your final weigh-in!


First of all.... :hug: for all you are going through. I do know that the food issues can be SO challenging! Have you talked to Rose lately? I know that she continues to have good days and bad days with the meat-free and wheat-free diet. I'm sure she could sympathize.

Perhaps keeping a list on the fridge and in your purse of good foods and bad foods... perhaps even by brand name and type. That might help Dad when he is cooking and you would have something hand to refer to for yourself. Make yourself a cookbook full of meal ideas and recipes that are good for you. Things that are "no-brainers".... things you can make and eat without worrying too much.

I know that I have a lot of food issues in my house..... DS's food allergies, DD's foods she won't eat for moral reasons, DH's ongoing low carb eating, and of course my constant concern about calories/fat/carbs, etc. It can make for some creative meals! But despite trying to have a really varied diet, I find that it is easiest to fall back on a handful of meals that work for everyone.

Have you ever tried creating any of your own recipes? I don't like cooking and I don't consider myself a very good cook, but I have created a handful of recipes (or modified an existing recipe to suit us all) and it really isn't terribly hard. Baked goods are the hardest to create. But sometimes I can find a "base" recipe to start working from.

Lastly.......hang in there. It is about our health for ALL of us, but most especially for you. Thanks for all you do for us here.

Happy last day of the challenge, everyone! I can't wait for the next one. :)

I'm still maintaining, having made my goal during this challenge. I never could have done it without the support here, especially as I hit points when I normally would have gotten discouraged and given up (hello, broken toe). I love my WW meeting, but there's nothing like a shared love of Disney to kick things up a notch! :rotfl:

Speaking of which, we leave five weeks from today! Aaahhhh! It's not crazy that I might have already started packing a bit, right? :rotfl2: This is our first-ever two-week vacation, and I have so much to get done at work between now and then that I will definitely leave feeling like I've earned this one!

Happy Friday, and happy last spring challenge day! You are all an inspiration to me.


I've been known to start packing 6+ weeks in advance, so no crazy talk from me! :thumbsup2 Two weeks? I'm SO jealous!!

Woo hoo! We made to the last day of the Biggest Loser Spring Challenge! :cool1:

didn't do as well this challenge as I'd hoped but it was still a great success for me. I lost 16.5 pounds, made it into ONE-derland and finished the Tinker Bell Half! :tink: Thanks to all of you who helped me along on this journey! :flower3:

YOu totally rocked this challenge! THat is a great weight loss. And the HALF?? All I can say is.....:worship:

YES!!! I got Pam!!

I love Pam. She is an awesome mom, and awesome wife and an awesome DIS'er. She really is the team cheerleader and one of the ones who has made it to the other side. We can see her as our success story and we know with her support, some day we will all stand together on the other side.

awwww.... thanks so much!:flower3:

Our traditional last day of the challenge QOTD is to say something nice about the person last person who posted before you. It can be anything about them.[/SIZE]

JacksLilWench......You are a super busy motivated young lady! And you are going to ROCK the TOT race this September and make us SO proud! Can't wait to get to know more about you and hear all about your training during our summer challenge!

Okay.... kids are off to Library (it wasn't art today....oops). I'll be back in a minute...............P
Thanks, Kayla, for your kind words! :flower3:

We missed a couple of folks so I am going to catch us up here.

Kayla, never gives up and stays on plan even when she is crazy busy with school and everything else she has on her plate. She is going to rock her first half marathon this week-end! :rockband:

luvpoohandcompany, has stuck with this challenge the whole way even though she is far away "across the pond." :shamrock:

VirataMama, juggles four kids and a husband who is gone part of the time. :boat: Thanks to your DH and your family for serving! :goodvibes

Pamela, is a great success and has truly made healthy living a way of life. :cool2: If you need some tough love or some scrapbooking advice Pamela is your go-to gal!

Next poster don't say anything about me because Kayla already did that but rather please say something nice about the folks who ran the challenge. :teeth:
I am never on here. I have another thread and I felt I couldn't be much of a support so I gave up doing both. But I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU :flower3: to all the leaders and everyone who volunteered each and every week. I'm down 15 for this challenge - happy with that. I've read regularly and am amazed by so many of you. All the best to all of you.

Signed the virtual stranger!!!! :rotfl2: ;) (and the person who posts below well there's nothing to say about someone you don't know - but I'm pretty darn fabulous. ;) LAUGHING! )

Forget it Lisah :wave2: - more lovely things on your way. It's obvious what a wonderul support you've been to everyone here - day in and day out. And nothing is more helpful on this journey than simple - lovely - giving - generous support. Nothing. Thank you for being that person. :flower3:
Buffy is so fun! I remember a few challenges ago when she had the Organizational Challege, and that really helped me get my stuff together :thumbsup2 And she never gives up- she always has a positive additude about her week, and I know one day (soon!) she will reach her goal :cheer2:

LOL until I bailed on the organization because I'm so disorganized!!! :rotfl2:
Please send in your final WIN!! Numbers!!! Even if you haven't sent them in a while - send in your final measurement.

Since we just measured 2 weeks ago - this will be the overall change in measurements from the beginning of the challenge.

Happy Thursday everyone! Today is my 20th wedding anniversary. And today dawned bright and warm and sunny and breezy, just like my wedding day.

I can hear that laundry calling my name, so I will be off for now. TTYL...............P

Congrats on 20 years!!!! 20 years with the one you love is just awesome. Hope you had a great day!

Big BL thanks to Janis for hostessing, Sue for being our weightkeeper and CC for being our HH coach! :goodvibes

I didn't do as well this challenge as I'd hoped but it was still a great success for me. I lost 16.5 pounds, made it into ONE-derland and finished the Tinker Bell Half! :tink: Thanks to all of you who helped me along on this journey! :flower3:

I too want to say THANK YOU to Sue, CC and Janis. I lost 10 pounds this challenge .... this probably doesn't seem like a lot .... but I have never lost this much weight and KEPT it off!!! Thank you Ladies for making this happen for me.

Good morning.

I gained a bit this week, but still at my goal for the challenge. I guess that's why you don't go out to eat the night before a weigh-in and get ice cream for dessert. ;)

Thanks for all the PD and prayers for the job. I got a call an hour after my interview that I got the job!! :banana: Nothing major or anything but it's a great part-time job perfect for my position as a student right now. It's very quiet and slow-paced so I am excited. They also said it would be no problem that I will be on vacation for the next couple weeks. :goodvibes

Well, I must start getting ready for the half and preparing for Disney!! Hope you all have a great day!

QOTD: Oh, I get to talk about Lisa! Lisa, you are so incredibly kind and you always have positive things to say to everyone here on the BL thread. I wish we were on the same team from the beginning, so I could read your encouraging posts everyday! You have been so successful in this challenge. 16+lbs, Onderland, AND a half?! Way to go girl! I can't wait to chat more with you and everyone here on the BL thread this summer! :goodvibes

Congrats on you job!!! :cheer2: That is wonderful!

Please send in your final WIN!! Numbers!!! Even if you haven't sent them in a while - send in your final measurement.

Since we just measured 2 weeks ago - this will be the overall change in measurements from the beginning of the challenge.


QOTD: Whooo Hoo ... I got Janis! :wave2: Janis gives you lots of support. I love the way she is so encouraging! At times, she tells you to pick up your "boot straps" and jump in! And she is always positive in telling you how your choices will change your life. THANK YOU Janis for all you do on this thread! :flower3:
Thanks Lisa and Pamela! :) I will catch up more tomorrow. You two have given me a lot to think about and reflect on and will have more to say after I get some much needed sleep. Today was much more OP, although not GF. I need to remember that I have to put myself first and that people will understand and respect me for doing so.

I actually made an appointment with my nutritionist on Wednesday for a few weeks from now. She wants me to keep a food log for at least a few days before my appt. My goal is everyday starting tomorrow. I am also trying to drink more water. I was doing well, but not so much today.

Need to remember to weigh-in tomorrow morning. I'm pretty sure I finished the challenge with a gain, but will know in the morning.

Have a great, OP weekend everyone!
QOTD: Mary Poppins is very dedicated to the thread and a determined WISHer. She actively participates in Healthy Habits and always has kind words for us. She makes time to reply to us and that is very much appreciated. Thank you for all you have done to help with this challenge!
Good evening everyone. I'm a little too frazzled to do too much reading right now. I'll probably get up at 4AM to get ready and head out! I just wanted to stop in and thank you all for your support through this challenge. I wouldn't have been nearly as successful and I know I would've never signed up for a half. Ready or not, it is here and I'm determined! I may pop in in the morning before I head out, if not you'll hear from me as soon as I get done!

So scared and so excited at the same time! I remember in gradeschool I couldn't run .3 miles without killing myself, and now a half-marathon? :goodvibes

I hope you all have a wonderful evening, I think it's time for me to try and get to sleep!
Good Luck Snow White

YOu are determined so you will finish and that is the start.
Morning all,

Ashleigh and I just got home from the Relay for Life. It was a fun but very COLD night. I was glad I had my sleeping bag at the end of the night. I did get a few hours of sleep as well. Only walked about 8 miles last night. Sat and talked the rest of the time.

My parents and my family led the Survivors lap carrying the banner. My parents were thrilled to do that. They stayed until 9 when they lit the luminarias. Mom wants to do it again next year too.

Decided not to go back to sleep as I would have to get up in about an hour to get Izzie ready for soccer so I just decided to not bother now. I'll sleep later and go to bed early.

TTFN :tigger:
:cheer2: Go Kayla Go!!!! :cheer2:

Hey CC!! I'm been thinking of seeing a nutritionist too, how do you like it? does it help? Does insurance pay for it?
I have a friend who's one and she said to call my insurance company to see if they will pay for it.


Here is a recap of the race for a first-timer:
Woke up at 4 and my bff and I rolled out around 5:15. The race started at 6:30, I pretty much nervously talked my bff to death, we fist bumped across the barriers as soon as the race started and I was off. First 4 miles flew by, I'm pretty sure I ran nearly all the time. By mile 6 I started to get a little tired, the pain was slowly rising. I was going strong past the 7 and 8th mile, taking more walk breaks. By the time I got to 11, I was walking most of the way. Made it to mile 12 and about 12.5 miles someone taps my shoulder. It's a girl about my age and said I was doing a great job for my first half. (Our bibs had that info on it) I asked her about her races as we jogged a bit and then we parted. We kept passing each other as we'd run and walk. Around 13 miles she came up beside me again and said "It's all adrenaline, it's only .3 more miles!! Come on!" We ended up running with each other to the finish line and high-fived at the end. :thumbsup2 I finished in about 2:40 or so and got my medal!! My bff was there cheering me on. I originally told my family to be there about 3 hours in because I figured I'd finish a little after, but I called my mom to tell her I already done and my family stopped by to take photos.

Honestly, it was NOT as bad as I was anticipating. Around mile 8 the pain was fairly bad, but it was also a bit numbing in my legs so it was pretty easy to take a light jog without walking. I got some nice size blisters on the side of my feet and my calves were really cramping near the end. I was very very thankful to the nice young woman who talked to me that I finished with. I have to say I thought I was going to be sick right after I crossed the finish line, just because I was so tired. It happened at my last 5k too. Got some animal crackers and water and I was ready to sit down. :rotfl:

I am SO proud of myself and really shocked at how well I did. I didn't really sweat very much, my side never hurt, the only cramping was in my calves and I didn't really have to talk myself into running. The route was great and beautiful. It took us through some wooded areas and kept us out of most traffic and the weather was absolutely PERFECT! It was probably 60-70 degrees the entire time, very enjoyable. It is mindblowing to me that my first 5k was actually much worse than this race. I think I knew to take it slow and just do my best so I didn't overexert myself quickly.

Well, I think that about sums it up. I am incredibly sore and I can barely stand, so I think I will definitely be resting up before WDW! They decided to train me for my job on Monday so I could work a bit Tuesday. They're probably going to be looking strangely while I limp all day. :lmao:

Thank you for all your encouraging words!!


Here is a recap of the race for a first-timer:
Woke up at 4 and my bff and I rolled out around 5:15. The race started at 6:30, I pretty much nervously talked my bff to death, we fist bumped across the barriers as soon as the race started and I was off. First 4 miles flew by, I'm pretty sure I ran nearly all the time. By mile 6 I started to get a little tired, the pain was slowly rising. I was going strong past the 7 and 8th mile, taking more walk breaks. By the time I got to 11, I was walking most of the way. Made it to mile 12 and about 12.5 miles someone taps my shoulder. It's a girl about my age and said I was doing a great job for my first half. (Our bibs had that info on it) I asked her about her races as we jogged a bit and then we parted. We kept passing each other as we'd run and walk. Around 13 miles she came up beside me again and said "It's all adrenaline, it's only .3 more miles!! Come on!" We ended up running with each other to the finish line and high-fived at the end. :thumbsup2 I finished in about 2:40 or so and got my medal!! My bff was there cheering me on. I originally told my family to be there about 3 hours in because I figured I'd finish a little after, but I called my mom to tell her I already done and my family stopped by to take photos.

Honestly, it was NOT as bad as I was anticipating. Around mile 8 the pain was fairly bad, but it was also a bit numbing in my legs so it was pretty easy to take a light jog without walking. I got some nice size blisters on the side of my feet and my calves were really cramping near the end. I was very very thankful to the nice young woman who talked to me that I finished with. I have to say I thought I was going to be sick right after I crossed the finish line, just because I was so tired. It happened at my last 5k too. Got some animal crackers and water and I was ready to sit down. :rotfl:

I am SO proud of myself and really shocked at how well I did. I didn't really sweat very much, my side never hurt, the only cramping was in my calves and I didn't really have to talk myself into running. The route was great and beautiful. It took us through some wooded areas and kept us out of most traffic and the weather was absolutely PERFECT! It was probably 60-70 degrees the entire time, very enjoyable. It is mindblowing to me that my first 5k was actually much worse than this race. I think I knew to take it slow and just do my best so I didn't overexert myself quickly.

Well, I think that about sums it up. I am incredibly sore and I can barely stand, so I think I will definitely be resting up before WDW! They decided to train me for my job on Monday so I could work a bit Tuesday. They're probably going to be looking strangely while I limp all day. :lmao:

Thank you for all your encouraging words!!

That sounds wonderful! HUGE, HUGE congratulations on your big race and for finishing and surviving! I'm super impressed and proud!


Happy Saturday all! Not a terribly busy day here, but already had DD's swim practice, a quick stop by the garden club sale, and then DS's baseball game and made lunch for the family. Not sure what the rest of the day will hold other than making the banner for next weekend's swim team good-bye party (for the coach who was let go). We would like to go to a movie together, but there is NOTHING out there that we all want to see. I'm sure the guys would love to see Avengers, but DD has no interest and I would be going purely for the popcorn if I went.

I'm gonna fly by the new thread to say hi. TTYL.......................P


Here is a recap of the race for a first-timer:
Woke up at 4 and my bff and I rolled out around 5:15. The race started at 6:30, I pretty much nervously talked my bff to death, we fist bumped across the barriers as soon as the race started and I was off. First 4 miles flew by, I'm pretty sure I ran nearly all the time. By mile 6 I started to get a little tired, the pain was slowly rising. I was going strong past the 7 and 8th mile, taking more walk breaks. By the time I got to 11, I was walking most of the way. Made it to mile 12 and about 12.5 miles someone taps my shoulder. It's a girl about my age and said I was doing a great job for my first half. (Our bibs had that info on it) I asked her about her races as we jogged a bit and then we parted. We kept passing each other as we'd run and walk. Around 13 miles she came up beside me again and said "It's all adrenaline, it's only .3 more miles!! Come on!" We ended up running with each other to the finish line and high-fived at the end. :thumbsup2 I finished in about 2:40 or so and got my medal!! My bff was there cheering me on. I originally told my family to be there about 3 hours in because I figured I'd finish a little after, but I called my mom to tell her I already done and my family stopped by to take photos.

Honestly, it was NOT as bad as I was anticipating. Around mile 8 the pain was fairly bad, but it was also a bit numbing in my legs so it was pretty easy to take a light jog without walking. I got some nice size blisters on the side of my feet and my calves were really cramping near the end. I was very very thankful to the nice young woman who talked to me that I finished with. I have to say I thought I was going to be sick right after I crossed the finish line, just because I was so tired. It happened at my last 5k too. Got some animal crackers and water and I was ready to sit down. :rotfl:

I am SO proud of myself and really shocked at how well I did. I didn't really sweat very much, my side never hurt, the only cramping was in my calves and I didn't really have to talk myself into running. The route was great and beautiful. It took us through some wooded areas and kept us out of most traffic and the weather was absolutely PERFECT! It was probably 60-70 degrees the entire time, very enjoyable. It is mindblowing to me that my first 5k was actually much worse than this race. I think I knew to take it slow and just do my best so I didn't overexert myself quickly.

Well, I think that about sums it up. I am incredibly sore and I can barely stand, so I think I will definitely be resting up before WDW! They decided to train me for my job on Monday so I could work a bit Tuesday. They're probably going to be looking strangely while I limp all day. :lmao:

Thank you for all your encouraging words!!

Congrats on finishing. You have a lot to be proud of.

Pretty quiet here. Went to a lovely quilt show this morning. It is spread out to 4 different buildings at a local park so I got my walking in. The barn and hill are down a hill from the other two buildings so it was a good work out. Saw some lovely quilts. Saw some people that I haven't seen for a while and they all asked me when I was coming back to the quilt guild. I told them I don't know I am enjoying working by myself for a while.

Have a happy and healthy day.
Kayla--awesome job! :) Congratulations

Finished the challenge with a loss, but this month hasn't been great. At least my full time sub job is over so I can get back in a better routine. And most of the kids' craziness is over. DS2 finished baseball and final band and final choir concert. DS1 is in baseball playoffs so that could end any day. DS2 decided not to apply for Europe in his junior year (whew!). Tuesday we will find out more about the summer music ambassador program in Europe. BUT last week we learned that the band he will probably be in next year is going to Hawaii for spring break. $250 due every month starting in June. ugh DS1 just signed up for his room at college. Haven't received any paperwork on college costs next year, but I called and they said expect it next week. double ugh He seems to be taking the fact of debt for life much too casually!!

Gotta go get the clothes on the line. See ya'll on the summer challenge!
For the last week of the challenge I'm down 1.2 pounds!! Over the course of the challenge I lost 8.2 pounds! No where near my goal but I'll take what I can get. I've decided I'm not setting a goal weight next challenge. I know some people it helps to keep the motivated. Well, with me it does the complete opposite. I get so down in the dumps if I don't hit my goal weight. So I'm just going to take it a day at a time next challenge.

We went to Publix to grab a few things and had Subway for lunch. I'm doing a Sparkpeople BLC challenge. We do weekend challenges and this weekend involved trying new fruits and veggies. I had a six inch ham and turkey on wheat with american cheese, lettuce, green peppers, black olives, spinach, and yellow mustard. The spinach made it crunchy and didn't really have much flavor to it. The green peppers gave it a little kick. The first bite of black olives wasn't that bad. The 2nd bite I didn't much care for. I think overall I'll make another sandwich like that but no black olives.

Our new couch and loveseat came this morning and they are really comfy. Now comes the fun part of trying to keep the animals off of them.

Here's to starting the next challenge and being successful. I'm a little over 6 pounds from ONEDERLAND! I know I said I wouldn't set a goal (LOL). But dang it I better be there by the end of the next challenge or I'm gong to pull my own hair out, :).
CC, I'm glad that you figured out what was going on. :flower3: Didn't you meet with a nutritionist to help you at one time? It might be time to do refresher meeting and get some help with some planning. You have a lot to remember food wise. ::yes::

I am seeing her on June 5th. Buffy: Insurance may cover it. It depends on your plan and whether or not he/she takes insurance. Mine is affiliated with a hospital so she might. I haven't asked her because my insurance does not cover nutritional counseling. My new insurance plan through my new job does cover it, so I will be asking her about this once I have more information.

As far as what I'm planning to cover, she wants me to bring a list of questions/concerns plus a food log from the last few days. I tracked everything I ate today in MFP and intend to do that everyday until my appt. I will bring that in with information including daily weigh-ins (which is not my favorite thing to do) and tracked exercise. Some of my questions include:
- If a product does not contain wheat, barley, etc., can I believe that it is GF? I.e. should I only eat foods labeled GF plus meats, fruits, veggies, and dairy?
- How many calories should I be eating at minimum? Should I eat back my exercise calories? (Something tells me I am not eating enough. :confused3)
- Should I count the yoga/stretching DVD I've been doing as exercise? What about all the walking I do around the office; does that count as exercise?
- How do I know how much lactose there is in a product? (There is supposedly a way to figure this out so you know how much lactase enzyme you need to take. My college nutritionist and I talked about this, but I didn't understand it very well.)

Big BL thanks to Janis for hostessing, Sue for being our weightkeeper and CC for being our HH coach! :goodvibes


Congrats to you: 16+ pounds is amazing! :worship:

First of all.... :hug: for all you are going through. I do know that the food issues can be SO challenging! Have you talked to Rose lately? I know that she continues to have good days and bad days with the meat-free and wheat-free diet. I'm sure she could sympathize.

Perhaps keeping a list on the fridge and in your purse of good foods and bad foods... perhaps even by brand name and type. That might help Dad when he is cooking and you would have something hand to refer to for yourself. Make yourself a cookbook full of meal ideas and recipes that are good for you. Things that are "no-brainers".... things you can make and eat without worrying too much.

I know that I have a lot of food issues in my house..... DS's food allergies, DD's foods she won't eat for moral reasons, DH's ongoing low carb eating, and of course my constant concern about calories/fat/carbs, etc. It can make for some creative meals! But despite trying to have a really varied diet, I find that it is easiest to fall back on a handful of meals that work for everyone.

Have you ever tried creating any of your own recipes? I don't like cooking and I don't consider myself a very good cook, but I have created a handful of recipes (or modified an existing recipe to suit us all) and it really isn't terribly hard. Baked goods are the hardest to create. But sometimes I can find a "base" recipe to start working from.

Lastly.......hang in there. It is about our health for ALL of us, but most especially for you. Thanks for all you do for us here.

Thanks Pamela! :) These are all great suggestions. I had been working on some of them actually and definitely need to go back to finish them. I started a book of recipes, including some quick and easy ones, but it's sitting on my bedroom floor in a pile of stuff that I haven't touched in weeks (or months :rolleyes2). In the same binder are lists of foods by manufacturer and provided by the manufacturer of GF foods. LTS suggested I do that. I actually have a cookbook of GF/dairy free recipes that I got for Christmas. I've tried a few of the recipes, but need to dig it out and try more of them. The chocolate chip cookie recipe is delicious and it only makes 2 dozen (or 18 total) so it is great for us. I will also make a list of what is/isn't safe for me to eat. I did some research and need to do more. I also plan to talk about the restrictions my hypothryoidism medication is placing on me.

I know I can't have gluten, oats (at all), walnuts, peanuts (don't know why though), soymilk, lactose, and oysters. I try to avoid all tree nuts though because my allergy test showed allergies to cashews and hazelnuts. I've had 1 of each since the test and did not react, but that doesn't mean I want to chance things. I think I need to write out sources of gluten (i.e. barley and rye) because I'm sick too often to have perfected eating GF.

LOL until I bailed on the organization because I'm so disorganized!!! :rotfl2:

Are you interested in me incorporating this into Healthy Habits? I am taking a different/new approach with HH for the summer and this would be perfect. However, I will only do it with your permission. :)

Congrats Kayla on your 1/2 and your new job!


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