Twins? who's got them?

Mom to 3.5 yr old twin boys! My twins didn't spend any time in NICU. In fact they had my c-section scheduled at 38 weeks (due to their size), but lo and behold the day before my scheduled section I went into labor! I didn't end up having a c-section for either, but they are almost 2 hours apart!! Guess one of them just wasn't ready to come out! LOL

Hang in there! When I found out I was pg with my twins in Jan '09, my biggest goal was to keep them in. They were induced at 37 weeks b/c they were so big and I had a ******l delivery! Just b/c they are twins doesn't mean they'll spend time in the NICU. We went home 48h later. Get tons of rest. If you have even a moment to lie down, do it. Avoid things that get your heart rate up. Drink lots and lots of water--dehydration leads to contractions. Eat lots of protein and eat healthfully. AGain, rest, rest, rest--that's the number one thing that keeps contractions at bay. Good luck. My boy girl twins will be three in September and they are in the 95%ile (have been since they were embryos!)
I respectfully disagree, though maybe we are at a slightly different age with our b/g twins.

The Disney "breaking point" for our twins was last year, at age 8. That was an easy trip compared to the other ones in the past, but each year it got a little better. Just even that big jump of not having to lug around car seats and strollers and diaper/bottle/whatever bags was a heavenly trip.

But as they hit that 7-8-9 year old mark, it does become easier in many ways. Although, just as some things become easier, I concede that other things become harder. But all in all, still easier than the toddler age IMO.

YES, Disney does get easier.. I was simply speaking in General terms..
I remember VIVIDLY the first disney trip without strollers.. :banana:

I also remember VIVIDLY the first trip when we didn't have to hold them while standing in LINE! :banana:
Oiy.... 10-12 more weeks of pregnancy left for me. Man, I don't know how people carry three, four & more babies because this is AWFUL!! I wouldn't wish a twin pregnancy on my worst enemy.

As terrified as I am of having 2 newborns, I find myself wishing that time would pass quickly & they'd get here soon just so that I don't have to be pregnant anymore. Never ever, ever, EVER doing this again!!

Good luck. Don't worry about handling two infants. You will do great. The pregnancy was much harder than caring for them! Trust me. I had 4 under 5. :scared1: And it was all fine. :) Mine did come early, which was the most difficult part. (I developed PE in my 35th week). They were good size though. DD was 5lbs 10 oz. DS was 7 lbs. DS had a delivery complication and actually the OB I had was terminated bc of it. That was rough bc he had to be flown to a hospital 4 hours away and I couldn't go. :( DH went with him in the helicopter and stayed by his side the whole time. DS had a chest tube and feeding tube for a while and was in the NICU. But he was tough as nails and everything after that was easy. (He is my little crazy guy. He can't keep still and is my only kid that has ever broken a bone!!! He is going to give me gray hair before I am due!!) My point is that I wouldn't worry too much. Things will work out. Good luck and try to enjoy the time. It is so hard when you are pregnant. I too was miserable. However, the next year will go by so fast. So take the time now to breath. You will do great. Twins are a LOT of fun. Mine are turning 5 in WDW in 2 weeks, 6 days, and 5 hours! Lol.
allow me to second that..the pregnancy and my fears about having 2 newborns were far worse than the reality!!

Besides looks like you have a bunch of twin parents here to answer questions and help along the way :)
33 weeks.... plugging away but OMG, I am soooo uncomfortable!! I'm totally over this pregnancy. :sick:

I have weekly appointments now, plus I've got my first NST tomorrow. It'll be interesting to see how that goes (and how long it takes). I know NOTHING about it other than it checks to see if the babies are under any kind of stress.
Another mom of twins here. Identical, soon to be 4year old boys! They went to WDW for the first time last summer and will go for the second time this winter. Their big 5yr sister is going for her 2nd time very soon, it'll be a mother/daughter/godmother trip- that sounds magical! :dance3:
We have two sets of twins! Our identical girls just turned seven and now we have a set of fraternal boy/girl that are three months. So far it's been a little bit easier the second time around!
We have two sets of twins! Our identical girls just turned seven and now we have a set of fraternal boy/girl that are three months. So far it's been a little bit easier the second time around!

had the twins been first, I doubt there would have been another pregnancy for me...the pregnancy was so miserable for me I couldnt bear the idea of doing it again.

had the twins been first, I doubt there would have been another pregnancy for me...the pregnancy was so miserable for me I couldnt bear the idea of doing it again.

I agree 100%. If my twins would have been first I would have only had them! IT was so miserable for me too. I was pregnant in the summer. :eek: awful!
My MZ boys are 2 1/2. Their older brother is 7. People always ask me if I want to try for a girl (as if 3 boys aren't enough?) and my response is always "heck no! Once you have twins, you are more likely to have more twins" (or so I have read) I do know a mother than has 3 sets of twins - the girls are 20, the boys are 19 and the b/g set are 17. Wowsers! All conceived "naturally".

We will be taking all 3 boys on their first (ours as well) visit to The World in 7 weeks! It's a surprise!
We have almost next weekend 3 year B/G twins. We have gone to Disney twice and going again in Sept. We were blessed to adopt our twins. We didn't get a lot of notice so things were crazy. Our kids are a complete oppisite as can be.
DW and I officially found out last week (heard both heartbeats) that we are about 7 1/2 weeks along with twins. Obviously, we don't know the gender(s?) yet. The doc gave us a due date of January 19, but if what I've read is accurate and applies to us, we may see them around Christmas. We're both pretty excited and nervous.
I have twin boys who will be 3 beginning of November. We are taking them to WDW for their birthday celebration the week before (while they are still free!) I have to say being in the thick of 2.5, I would take the tough 1st year over potty training ANY DAY. 2.5 is tough.

So excited and looking forward to our Disney b-day extravaganza. However, I don't know how every subsequent birthday will ever live up to the big 3.
I have identical twin girls (monoamniotic) who are 4. Our trip to Disney in September will be their second time.
DW and I officially found out last week (heard both heartbeats) that we are about 7 1/2 weeks along with twins. Obviously, we don't know the gender(s?) yet. The doc gave us a due date of January 19, but if what I've read is accurate and applies to us, we may see them around Christmas. We're both pretty excited and nervous.

congrats!! My twins were due Jan 21, they decided to arrive on Dec 22. Seems they do have a habit of coming a bit early, which if your wife is anything like me she will appreciate at that point :) It was the best Christmas present EVER!

I have twin boys who will be 3 beginning of November. We are taking them to WDW for their birthday celebration the week before (while they are still free!) I have to say being in the thick of 2.5, I would take the tough 1st year over potty training ANY DAY. 2.5 is tough.

So excited and looking forward to our Disney b-day extravaganza. However, I don't know how every subsequent birthday will ever live up to the big 3.

I hear you on the potty training...hard enough with one...with 2 its nearly insanity inducing :rotfl:
36 weeks and 3 days and nothing happening over here in my corner of the world. :)

NSTs have been going great, had our last growth ultrasounds last Friday and they're measuring great. A little hard to get measurements since they're both so squished but they're BOTH head down!! :cool1: Baby A is measuring 5lb 7oz and Baby B is measuring 6lb 3oz. They found some fluid in one of Baby A's kidneys but the measurement was only ever so slightly off so no one's terribly concerned about it. They'll give her antibiotics and do an u/s after she's born to check on it further.

I've been 3cm dilated the past 2 weeks but I've got my 36 week appt in about a half hour so we'll see if I've progressed at all in the past week. Not terribly concerned about it either way since dilation doesn't mean squat right now in terms of when they're going to arrive. No contractions yet, haven't lost my plug, everything (and everyone) seems settled in for the long haul.

I figured I'd be a lot more miserable at this point than I actually am, so that's good! Don't get me wrong, I'm MISERABLE!!! But it's no worse than it's been the past 4 weeks or so. So I'm happy to keep the babies baking and growing for a while longer.
36 weeks and 3 days and nothing happening over here in my corner of the world. :)

NSTs have been going great, had our last growth ultrasounds last Friday and they're measuring great. A little hard to get measurements since they're both so squished but they're BOTH head down!! :cool1: Baby A is measuring 5lb 7oz and Baby B is measuring 6lb 3oz. They found some fluid in one of Baby A's kidneys but the measurement was only ever so slightly off so no one's terribly concerned about it. They'll give her antibiotics and do an u/s after she's born to check on it further.

I've been 3cm dilated the past 2 weeks but I've got my 36 week appt in about a half hour so we'll see if I've progressed at all in the past week. Not terribly concerned about it either way since dilation doesn't mean squat right now in terms of when they're going to arrive. No contractions yet, haven't lost my plug, everything (and everyone) seems settled in for the long haul.

I figured I'd be a lot more miserable at this point than I actually am, so that's good! Don't get me wrong, I'm MISERABLE!!! But it's no worse than it's been the past 4 weeks or so. So I'm happy to keep the babies baking and growing for a while longer.
:love: Making it to 36 weeks with twins is indeed an accomplishment! Their weights look awesome too, and HOORAY for head down babies! Mine were footling and transverse and no room to turn them so I had to have a c-section.

Hope all goes well with your appointment! You will have to share pictures when they do arrive!! :love:
Dad of Twins here. My little bundles of energy are 3.5. We'll be taking our first trip to WDW next fall just before their 5th birthday.
I have "virtual" twins that are 5 years old. They are 10 weeks apart in age by birth but adopted together, so very like twins.

I also have what some call "Irish" twins, children born less than 16 months apart. My youngest daughter was born 3 days before my youngest son's 1st birthday (362 days apart).

For the short time I had only one baby (YDS), I envied people who had one baby at a time. It was so easy! ;)


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