Kids headed to College Fall 2012 Check-in

Count me another who had not been into this thread but now with one year countdown for oldest (DD) really having to start thinking about it! It has been great to read some of the stories ... thanks for sharing!

We are just at common application time and sending out SAT scores, etc. I know a long process ahead but just hoping for a great match and decent package ... ha-ha! I wanted her to try for Princeton as has SAT range for but she is not game. I know more important for a good match for "her" so I have to remember that. :)
Count me another who had not been into this thread but now with one year countdown for oldest (DD) really having to start thinking about it! It has been great to read some of the stories ... thanks for sharing!

We are just at common application time and sending out SAT scores, etc. I know a long process ahead but just hoping for a great match and decent package ... ha-ha! I wanted her to try for Princeton as has SAT range for but she is not game. I know more important for a good match for "her" so I have to remember that. :)

Good luck, SSB! Mike's last year was the hardest year of our lives but I'm sooooo glad he survived it! I learned a LOT from the people on this thread, so take notes! :thumbsup2
DD leaves in less than a week. She isn't working this week and supposed to be going through everything and double checking that she has what she needs. No tears shed here. I feel like a bad mom with everyone else crying. :( She will be 3 hours away and we'll see her in 2 weeks when we go down there for a vacation (we had already planned before she decided to go to this school).

SC Minnie, every time I talk to DD and ask about those girls who are crying, I ask, "What about you?" No tears. And I do not think they'll be any unless a failing grade happenes or when they MAKE HER LEAVE at the end of her four years! I told her admissions counselor upon accepting her, "No you've got her, good luck getting rid of her!" Have I mentioned how much DD LOVES her college? :rotfl:

But I've I a bad mom since she doesn't miss me? Or maybe I'm a good mom 'cause she is so ready and happy to be there? Mom guilt. You birth a baby and you birth guilt right along with'em!

Count me another who had not been into this thread but now with one year countdown for oldest (DD) really having to start thinking about it! It has been great to read some of the stories ... thanks for sharing!

We are just at common application time and sending out SAT scores, etc. I know a long process ahead but just hoping for a great match and decent package ... ha-ha! I wanted her to try for Princeton as has SAT range for but she is not game. I know more important for a good match for "her" so I have to remember that. :)

SSB, send her up to Maryville College in the Smokies. I'll take good care of her--pay backs, ya know. Lots of FL kids come to MC. I don't know why but FL, NJ, OH are so common. Another DISer's son is here--worth a look, maybe!
DH and DS are supposed to leave tomorrow to drive north. DS contacted roommate to see what gaming systems he might bring, as well as to see if he was bringing a tv. Found out that roommate is now not attending this year. :confused: No idea why...they hadn't been in touch that much.

But now we don't know who his roommate will be, or if he'll end up solo. Guess time will tell. popcorn::
We took our daughter to college yesterday and it was such an emotional day for all of us. :(

Her dorm room is tiny and looked like a gray prison cell when we first walked in. By the time we were finished with it, it looked really cute! Rugs, bright colors and nice bedding work wonders in those utilitarian spaces.

We took 3 huge rubbermaid bins with her stuff packed in them and took the bins into the room one at a time to be emptied. In a small space, that worked much better than taking everything at once into the room. She had a lot of stuff, probably too much, but we managed to find a place for everything. We did utilize the space under her bed with one of those flat rolling plastic bins and we stored her vacuum cleaner and extra bottles of water under there. We also had plastic drawers to put in the bottom of her closet and those were really handy. There is practically no drawer space otherwise and the closet is too small to hang everything.

We made a Walmart run to pick up bottled water, snacks and another one of the plastic drawer units for her closet. Even though my daughter moved in earlier than other freshmen because of cheerleading, the Walmart was still packed with older students, student athletes, band members, etc. with their parents. A lot of people recommend waiting until move in day to buy a lot of dorm room items but I think the Walmart will be a madhouse on freshmen move in day. My daughter's college town does not have a Target or other similar store so everyone goes to Walmart.

Good luck to those of you who are about to take their children to college! As I mentioned, it was a very emotional day and I did a lot of crying, especially when my daughter was saying goodbye to her 5 year old little sister and on the ride home. I know it's an exciting time but it's so bittersweet, realizing that nothing will be the same at our house ever again. Hugs to all!
I know it's an exciting time but it's so bittersweet, realizing that nothing will be the same at our house ever again. Hugs to all!

That is what is really hitting home with me. She will come back, yes, but the girl that I know is going to be GONE. :(
We took our daughter to college yesterday and it was such an emotional day for all of us. :(

Good luck to those of you who are about to take their children to college! As I mentioned, it was a very emotional day and I did a lot of crying, especially when my daughter was saying goodbye to her 5 year old little sister and on the ride home. I know it's an exciting time but it's so bittersweet, realizing that nothing will be the same at our house ever again. Hugs to all!

Hugs to you!! The sibling goodbye made me teary too and I totally agree about the bittersweet part! That what always makes me cry!

DH and DS are supposed to leave tomorrow to drive north. DS contacted roommate to see what gaming systems he might bring, as well as to see if he was bringing a tv. Found out that roommate is now not attending this year. :confused: No idea why...they hadn't been in touch that much.

But now we don't know who his roommate will be, or if he'll end up solo. Guess time will tell. popcorn::

That happened to DD"s friend too. She wants another roommmate but the school doesn't have anyone for her yet. DH didn't have one his freshman yr and says he loved it! Hope they have a good trip!

But I've I a bad mom since she doesn't miss me? Or maybe I'm a good mom 'cause she is so ready and happy to be there?

Mine didn't either and none of them cried at preschool. I take that as a positive sign that they are confident that I'll always be there and don't need to worry. ;) She must be having so much fun finally getting to be at her dream school!!

I got DD moved in yesterday and only teared up once on campus! DH & DD packed the car Sunday so I only had to unload. It was cool out & there were plenty of carts so we didn't have any trouble getting her stuff to her room. She was the last one there so we met all the parents & roommates. The room was actually a little bigger than we expected so I anticipate she will be making a list of things for us to bring her.

I was supposed to take her to lunch but her roommates invited her & off she went. She did whisper a sorry but I'm just glad they included her since they already knew other girls in the bldg. So I went out & found lunch and a store to pick up a few things then we just met in her parking lot and said goodbye! When I saw her, she said I really love it - so I am really glad about that.

I have not heard from her since and very curious how rush activities are going. I'm determined not to call or text and let her make the first contact. It's so hard to wait though!

It was not too sad on the way home and I actually felt a nice ahh, we did it feeling. She is well adjusted, has a good head on her shoulders and all of the planning, etc. for this moment is done.
This morning, oldest DS headed out on his 2300 mile solo trek to his first year of college. The family went to breakfast & I had a huge lump in my throat & tears in my eyes as we followed him out of the parking lot. Then 17 yr old DS asked to stop at the Walmart for a new backpack. I was ok because I needed to think about what we needed from Walmart. I would have been a mess if we had followed DS down the highway for 5 miles until he turned West and we turned East. He texted his brother earlier and is almost to his first night's stop.

I'm going to be a basket case. We have been so focused on getting him and the truck ready for the big move. Now he's gone. He has to check in a week early due to marching band. Good thing, because I walked into his room and found his graphing calculator on his desk. He's going to need that for his math class this semester. Guess I'll start building his first care package.

How is your son's trip going? That is a long way to go!!
Hugs to you!! The sibling goodbye made me teary too and I totally agree about the bittersweet part! That what always makes me cry!

My younger son is 14 (almost 15) and he's going to be so sad saying goodbye to his brother. Then he'll have to head to band camp, so hopefully that will distract him a bit.

That happened to DD"s friend too. She wants another roommmate but the school doesn't have anyone for her yet. DH didn't have one his freshman yr and says he loved it! Hope they have a good trip!

Thanks! It'll be interesting to see when they actually hit the road since things are mostly not packed still. :rotfl2: It'll be interesting to see how the roommate thing works out.
DD finally met with roommate and we have a dilemma...
dorm only allows a small refrigerator or a microwave, cannot have both due to intense electricity draw from both appliances. You can rent a microfridge, which is a combined unit, and when microwave is in use, it shuts off electricity to fridge and turns back on when microwave is off. We were hoping that the roommate is willing to go in half in the rent of the microfridge.
Roommate informed DD today that she doesn't need a microwave and plan to bring a small fridge. DD wants a microwave for oatmeal, mac & cheese, popcorn..etc. I don't mind paying for the rental ourselves but the dorm electricty will not be able to run the roommate's fridge and the should we handle this situation?
offer to pay for microfridge and let roommate use it?
talk to the parent?
buy a small microwave and remind the girls to turn off one appliance when the other is running (which i highly doubt they will remember).

DD finally met with roommate and we have a dilemma...
dorm only allows a small refrigerator or a microwave, cannot have both due to intense electricity draw from both appliances. You can rent a microfridge, which is a combined unit, and when microwave is in use, it shuts off electricity to fridge and turns back on when microwave is off. We were hoping that the roommate is willing to go in half in the rent of the microfridge.
Roommate informed DD today that she doesn't need a microwave and plan to bring a small fridge. DD wants a microwave for oatmeal, mac & cheese, popcorn..etc. I don't mind paying for the rental ourselves but the dorm electricty will not be able to run the roommate's fridge and the should we handle this situation?
offer to pay for microfridge and let roommate use it?
talk to the parent?
buy a small microwave and remind the girls to turn off one appliance when the other is running (which i highly doubt they will remember).


Some of the fridges are designed for this and have a plug in the back that the microwave goes into. Mine does, and I didn't even know it at the time. (Or maybe it is the reverse and the outlet is on the back of the microwave. Either way, I had not expected this when I got the pieces separately)

My thought would be to just buy the microfridge myself for both girls to use. They probably cost less to buy than to rent from the school. Then you have it all 4 years and she can probably sell it when she graduates for not much less than you pay for it now, because it will be less than the rental for the year.

There will be enough things to have to work out among themselves. If you can swing it alone, then I would, just to keep them from starting off the year in an argument. :hug:
Back from moving DS in today.

He has been with his dad this week (3 hours away) so last night, his dad brought him back here along with DS's girlfriend so she could go with us to move in. Everyone was outside playing soccer when DS shot a ball that his little sister tried to stop playing goalie and it broke her arm. Not a great send-off! DS came to the hospital last night to be there while they sedated her to set the bone and the doctors and nurses were giving him such a hard time about "leaving his sister something to remember him by.....a broken arm and a cast!!!". :rotfl:

She and I didn't get home until 3am. We all got up at 7:30, packed the cars and left. Ex and I drove separately since I would need to be back early to take poor DD off her grandparents hands. We unloaded the cars, ex parked them and then we took everything upstairs. He's on the second floor so that made it nice for move in. We got him all unpacked and settled in and made notes on what we forgot (his pillow!!!!) and what we needed (longer printer cable, more underwear) and ex, DS and the girlfriend all went to lunch and Target to shop while I skipped lunch with them and drove back home so I could be with DD.

He's in a single room, so that made it nice to move in and not be in anyone's way. It was pretty busy down there, but tomorrow is actually official freshman move in day. We paid an extra $35 to go a day early and it was well worth it.

I wasn't weepy or anything really, but I'm not really a crier anyhow. I spent most of my tears on DD too. I think I'm just so excited for him, especially after he took a year off and I was afraid he wouldn't go at all. He's only an hour away too, so that makes it much easier I think. He's already texted me twice since I left :)

I'm ready for a nap.
Well, the boys were fine saying goodbye to each other, but as soon as I drove away with younger son, I started crying...cried silently the 2 miles to the school and pretty much bawled the whole 2 miles back.

DH and older DS just headed out - right in time for L.A. rush hour traffic. :lmao: And even though I'm flying up in 2 days, yes, I still cried. But then, I always was a crier and I still am...guess some things will never change?
That is what is really hitting home with me. She will come back, yes, but the girl that I know is going to be GONE. :(

Unfortunately, I should have known this (somewhere deep inside I DID know it) but it caught me off-guard already. I've been SOMEWHAT comforted by people telling me, "she's just a few miles away, you'll see her all the time," etc., etc. But she's come home once, for just a few minutes, and she's already not the same little girl that was in my life just last week. She's already so.. different. She stayed so briefly that, in retrospect, it would have been better if she hadn't come by. The little dog had a hard time with her packing and leaving but he seemed ok after. Now my GSD is having a hard time. DD left so quickly on Sunday that she panicked, started getting sick and has been throwing up since. Ugh.

I haven't heard from her much, but it's mostly been "I'm great!" and "I love it" via text. Today I got the melt-down call (already). She started classes yesterday and with all the required activities (morning, afternoon and evening) and the amount of homework she has, she's already freaking out. I know that the school is doing this intentionally to get them ready for the fall semester (this is a freshman August term) and it's working. She'll survive and have better skills for it, but I didn't think she'd be overwhelmed so soon.

Ugh, I miss our life together. :sick:
DS said at dinner tonight that it's finally hitting him that he's leaving on Friday and has a lot to do the next 2 days.

He got a brand new laptop from Best Buy today. (see my earlier post last week about spilling water on his other brand new laptop) They had called him and said the repair of the other would be more than a new one. So thank goodness for the warranty! He paid for another warranty for the new new one today. I am really surprised at how easy that ordeal has been.

So tomorrow he'll make his final lists and hopefully wash his new bedding for college. Thursday we'll do the last bit of shopping and get him packed.

Thankfully, I've been busy with stuff for the other 3 kids the last few days and really am too tired to dwell on his leaving.

I too am not looking forward to the "change" in our relationship from kid to young adult. I'll miss the kid. But if the adult is anything like the kid, he'll do great!

Darn, as I'm writing the tears started again...
How is your son's trip going? That is a long way to go!!

He's loving life! He is camping along the way - at predetermined destinations. Last night he was able to get the mountain bike out and ride a bit. He didn't even call last night - we texted a bit but he was trying to sleep. Good think I spoke to him tongiht. His "planned" route from the east coast to his school out west was to follow interstate 70 the whole way. HELLO! 70 ends in Utah and you still have a ways to go after that.
I've been following this thread also. My DD (my youngest) heads out in 2 weeks, so both of us have been a little emotional the last week or so. Like Buckalew, she has been the sweetest, easiest DD and we really are close. We were walking down the street yesterday and she took my hand and said "I know it will never quite be the same once I leave, but this won't change" as she squeezed my hand. We both teared up.

But, I'm happy for her new adventure as college was such a great experience for me & my DH. She'll be a 2 hour train ride away and Parents/Family weekend is at the end of September.

One question - her school has a convocation for all freshman students & their parents late in the afternoon on the day they move in, followed by a reception at the President's house and lawn. Did others attend anything like this? (My college was way too big and parents simply drove away right after unpacking).
Aww...Suzannen, that made me tear up. So very, very sweet. A moment to put in your mind's treasure box.
Suzannen I think I'd see how my child felt. My son last year would have hated to have us hang around. My son this year would probably be ok with it if we wanted to. If they are inviting parents then my guess is quite a few will go.

My son is starting Fordham which is offering Mass in the afternoon; since we are not Catholic I'm figuring we aren't going to stay for that. Just drop him off and maybe lunch then good bye.
Suzannen I think I'd see how my child felt. My son last year would have hated to have us hang around. My son this year would probably be ok with it if we wanted to. If they are inviting parents then my guess is quite a few will go.

My son is starting Fordham which is offering Mass in the afternoon; since we are not Catholic I'm figuring we aren't going to stay for that. Just drop him off and maybe lunch then good bye.

That's probably a good idea. Her roommate will be moving in earlier and her parents will have already left, so they might prefer us to be gone. I'll have her think about it and ask some of the other students shes' been in touch with if their parents are planning to attend.


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