Biggest Loser Fall Challenge!

Pamela, congratulations on the job! :yay: And a big woo hoo for no swimming driving this week-end. :faint: Hope that you got to do something fun for you!

I went shopping for new work clothes after my interview! Didn't find much, but had fun looking!

Finished my last long run before the Wine and Dine Half on Saturday. 15 miles on the indoor track. :rolleyes: After that you have confidence that you can meet the challenge. I leave 2 weeks from Thursday so it is coming up quickly. Going to be very, very good about staying OP this week.

Have a great week all!:goodvibes

I am SO impressed with 15 miles, I can't even SAY ! :cheer2: You are going to ROCK that Half!!! Have a SUPER OP week!!! It will fill you with the "CAN DO" spirit!..................P
QOTD for Saturday, 10/20 and Sunday, 10/21: There are so many foods that we love, but don't love their calorie counts, fat content, sodium content, etc. What is one (or more) food you would like a recipe for that is healthier than its original version? I will post the lighter versions throughout the weekend.
Definitely cookies. Nom.

Hungry Girl also has egg recipes that you cook in a mug in the microwave. Enjoy!
Pamela's response is great! I was just reading that you can use almond butter, light bread, and real fruit for a good alternative.
Egg in a microwave! I do that in our room at Disney - quick, cheap and healthy! (Very hard to clean the mug/bowl though!)
I do love a good PB&J. A great alternative is almond butter and thinly sliced apples. Yum.

QOTD for Monday, October 22: What grains do you like other than wheat? What do you like to make with it/them?
We buy other grains like rice and quinoa, but we don't really make anything with them - just use as a side dish. Corn meal and oats are also favorites in our house. We make oatmeal and what DD calls corn muffin pancakes (aka johnny cakes).

Pamela - congrats on the job! I didn't realize you were applying.

Lisa - 15 miles - woohoo! I'm hoping to complete the same amount tomorrow. And I am taking your (and Galloway's) advice to heart - "you can't do the long run too slowly". :thumbsup2

I have not gotten nearly enough sleep the past week! I had a few tossing and turning nights in the middle of last week. Then Friday and Saturday night I only eked out 6 hours sleep (stayed up late reading books then couldn't fall asleep), and last night DH came home at midnight after being gone a week, so I waited up to see him, then couldn't fall asleep with a nagging cough. Uhh - that alarm came early this morning and it was pitch black outside. Here's hoping for an early bedtime tonight! Need to rest up for my 15 miles!
QOTD for Saturday, 10/20 and Sunday, 10/21: There are so many foods that we love, but don't love their calorie counts, fat content, sodium content, etc. What is one (or more) food you would like a recipe for that is healthier than its original version? I will post the lighter versions throughout the weekend.
Definitely cookies. Nom.

I have a breakfast cookie recipe over on the BL recipe thread. Not exactly tollhouse, but still pretty good.

Egg in a microwave! I do that in our room at Disney - quick, cheap and healthy! (Very hard to clean the mug/bowl though!)
I do love a good PB&J. A great alternative is almond butter and thinly sliced apples. Yum.

Double yum!

QOTD for Monday, October 22: What grains do you like other than wheat? What do you like to make with it/them?
We buy other grains like rice and quinoa, but we don't really make anything with them - just use as a side dish. Corn meal and oats are also favorites in our house. We make oatmeal and what DD calls corn muffin pancakes (aka johnny cakes).

Pamela - congrats on the job! I didn't realize you were applying.


Lisa - 15 miles - woohoo! I'm hoping to complete the same amount tomorrow. And I am taking your (and Galloway's) advice to heart - "you can't do the long run too slowly". :thumbsup2

I have not gotten nearly enough sleep the past week! I had a few tossing and turning nights in the middle of last week. Then Friday and Saturday night I only eked out 6 hours sleep (stayed up late reading books then couldn't fall asleep), and last night DH came home at midnight after being gone a week, so I waited up to see him, then couldn't fall asleep with a nagging cough. Uhh - that alarm came early this morning and it was pitch black outside. Here's hoping for an early bedtime tonight! Need to rest up for my 15 miles!

Hope you can get some rest for your big run this week!


Good afternoon friends! Laundry load number 5 is on the line!!:laundy: CRAZY! But of course, it is clouding over now and I will probably end up with a bunch of half-dried clothes when I have to leave at 2:40. Then I will need to decide if I should leave them until I return tonight (at which point in time the dew will have settled on them and they will be damp) or pull them in and hope they are dry enough. We'll see.

All three beds ended up stripped. Mine and DD are remade.... just waiting for DS's sheets to dry. Two toilets cleaned, downstairs picked up, dining room dusted... haven't stopped moving!!

I'm scarfing down a salad now while soup warms and then I will head up stairs to start folding the dried stuff.

I think I will make pasta for the kids for dinner. I have some leftover sauce from last week that was homemade and yummy and don't want to waste it. The kids LOVE pasta and I don't serve it very often because DH can't eat it and I can't eat much of it. Just praying that I can find a thermos large enough to use. I have a few.... I will have to look around.

Ooohhh... the sun is trying to peek through again!:thumbsup2

Hopefully my soup is warm and I can finish my lunch and move along with my day! Working tomorrow, so if I don't get on tonight, I'm not sure when I will be here again. Anyhow.... ttyl....................P
Hello Friends.. Busy weekend for me too.. I got to work on Friday only to get a call from DS (even though he was at his dad's) that he wasn't feeling good could I come get him and his fever was 99 so off I went ..
then Friday night I left for my weekend scrapbooking crop.. YAY.. I didn't stay overnight like lots did as I only live 30 mins away. so I stayed from 5:30-10:30 while Hubs visited his parents in the next town.. then on Sat I got there around 8:30 and stayed till 11 ! I did take a break to meet Hubs at 3 for Lunch/Dinner.. On Sunday I wanted to get there about 7:30-8 but didn't get out of bed till 7:10 !!!! so I was there from 8 - 1 and I won 2 of the 3 door prizes for the day and I finished 31 pages!!! I was soo happy .. when I got home on sun we left for Grocery shopping and DS came home then we had dinner and off to Hockey Prac..
so just before bed Sun night DS comes out without his shirt on (he is 16) and says " Hey Ma look at this funky rash on my stomach" so I come round the corner and HOLY MOLY the kid was covered neck to waist front and back with this hive looking like rash but it was not itchy. so I say ok well when did you get it and he says a few days ago and i ask did you show dad and he says um no.. UGH.. so I tell him ok go to bed and tomorrow at school go see the nurse .. so at 7:45 this morning I get a call from the EX saying he needs to go get DS because the nurse said he can't stay at school until he sees the Dr for the rash and the cough he has (he's had it for a few weeks) so he asks if i can call the Dr at 8 when they open and get him in. I call it's 10am and EX says ok I'll meet you half way and you can take it from there as I only 1/2 tank of gas.. UM ok didn't I do you a favor on Friday but you are having me miss work again and drive back and forth back and forth .. **&%$#% .. ok whatever dirt bag.. so we get into the Dr and he has bronchitis and pityriasis rosea (which is a harmless rash that comes from unknow causes according to my phamplet) but he is NON contagious so we get a note for the school and I bring him back to the school and come back to work.. I'll stop at the pharm to get the z-pack after work.. PHEW so i'm here late today .. Waa.. Oh well
Hello Friends.. Busy weekend for me too.. I got to work on Friday only to get a call from DS (even though he was at his dad's) that he wasn't feeling good could I come get him and his fever was 99 so off I went ..
then Friday night I left for my weekend scrapbooking crop.. YAY.. I didn't stay overnight like lots did as I only live 30 mins away. so I stayed from 5:30-10:30 while Hubs visited his parents in the next town.. then on Sat I got there around 8:30 and stayed till 11 ! I did take a break to meet Hubs at 3 for Lunch/Dinner.. On Sunday I wanted to get there about 7:30-8 but didn't get out of bed till 7:10 !!!! so I was there from 8 - 1 and I won 2 of the 3 door prizes for the day and I finished 31 pages!!! I was soo happy .. when I got home on sun we left for Grocery shopping and DS came home then we had dinner and off to Hockey Prac..
so just before bed Sun night DS comes out without his shirt on (he is 16) and says " Hey Ma look at this funky rash on my stomach" so I come round the corner and HOLY MOLY the kid was covered neck to waist front and back with this hive looking like rash but it was not itchy. so I say ok well when did you get it and he says a few days ago and i ask did you show dad and he says um no.. UGH.. so I tell him ok go to bed and tomorrow at school go see the nurse .. so at 7:45 this morning I get a call from the EX saying he needs to go get DS because the nurse said he can't stay at school until he sees the Dr for the rash and the cough he has (he's had it for a few weeks) so he asks if i can call the Dr at 8 when they open and get him in. I call it's 10am and EX says ok I'll meet you half way and you can take it from there as I only 1/2 tank of gas.. UM ok didn't I do you a favor on Friday but you are having me miss work again and drive back and forth back and forth .. **&%$#% .. ok whatever dirt bag.. so we get into the Dr and he has bronchitis and pityriasis rosea (which is a harmless rash that comes from unknow causes according to my phamplet) but he is NON contagious so we get a note for the school and I bring him back to the school and come back to work.. I'll stop at the pharm to get the z-pack after work.. PHEW so i'm here late today .. Waa.. Oh well

Ah the joys of being a parent.
Busy day today. Lots to do before hitting the hay too. I found out my parents are having someone do some window repairs tomorrow in my bedroom. I need to rearrange some stuff tonight.

Mary•Poppins;46510248 said:
Tracking my food and drinking my water. I had a better week this week when I did this.


How about a chocolate chip cookie (if you are still posting recipes CC).

I'm pretty sure I made these, but I honestly don't remember how they turned out. I also added chocolate chips to the oatmeal raisin recipe and made the cookie size smaller. I thought that worked really well.

I am having my mom up for her birthday tomorrow. She is turning 79. :goodvibes If anyone remembers me writing about her buying the grocery store cake and freezing it for my husband's birthday .... I thought you would get another giggle. I called her tonight to confirm the time for dinner. She said, "DON'T make me a cake .... I have one!" UGH!!! Yes, it is a frozen grocery store cake. I think I am going to make an apple crisp also for anyone who won't like her cake. My husband couldn't stop laughing when I told him.


Thanks for sharing about your niece. It's hard because I can't wear makeup so sometimes I really feel unprofessional. Your sharing really gave me a lot of optimism. I was smiling from ear to ear! :)

What a weekend! Well, mainly Saturday...

And I'm doing the single-digits dance for Disney! WOO!

I think you did very well this past weekend!

:yay: for Disney!

Happy Monday all,

Sorry I wasn't around this weekend.

Hope Ash is feeling better!

CC, thanks so much for coaching this week! :thanks:

Thanks so much for posting so many great recipes for us to try too. :cool2: And I am in total awe of how great your prep work came out. I am so going to have to do this!

Thanks! The look on my mother's face was priceless when she saw my containers! :rotfl2:

I love cornbread. ::yes:: I use the good old Jiffy corn muffin mix and add a 4 oz can of green chiles to give it a little more zip and taste. I love quinoa when someone else fixes it -- my technique needs some work. ;) And I do enjoy a hot bowl of oatmeal.

I haven't even attempted to make quinoa. :thumbsup2 to you!

Finished my last long run before the Wine and Dine Half on Saturday. 15 miles on the indoor track. :rolleyes: After that you have confidence that you can meet the challenge. I leave 2 weeks from Thursday so it is coming up quickly. Going to be very, very good about staying OP this week.


Sounds like you have been productive!

WOW! Super organized! I am impressed. I will probably be doing some of that for myself for this week, as I am working a great deal after today. Thanks for the inspiration!


I did some experimental baking years ago with other grains when DS had a wheat allergy. I didn't have much success. Lately our "alternative" grains have been quinoa, almond flour, and coconut flour (the latter two because they are low carb for DH). I've made a quinoa stew (recipe available over on the BL recipe thread! :thumbsup2 ) and just served it plain as a side dish. I do have a quinoa mac and cheese recipe that DD is DYING for me to try out. And I have a Dr. Oz breakfast pancake recipe using almond flour that I had intended to make for DH today, but when I came in from the laundry line he had already started his breakfast, so maybe another day. The biggest problem with the almond and coconut flours is that DS can't eat them, so I cannot make anything for the entire family with them.

What does almond flour taste like? I can eat almonds, but don't really like things that taste really nutty. :confused3

I managed to stay OP all weekend as well, but allowed myself a late night mini-splurge last night.


Your schedule never fails to amaze me!

QOTD for Saturday, 10/20 and Sunday, 10/21: There are so many foods that we love, but don't love their calorie counts, fat content, sodium content, etc. What is one (or more) food you would like a recipe for that is healthier than its original version? I will post the lighter versions throughout the weekend.

Definitely cookies. Nom.


Egg in a microwave! I do that in our room at Disney - quick, cheap and healthy! (Very hard to clean the mug/bowl though!)
I do love a good PB&J. A great alternative is almond butter and thinly sliced apples. Yum.

Found this:
QOTD for Monday, October 22: What grains do you like other than wheat? What do you like to make with it/them?
We buy other grains like rice and quinoa, but we don't really make anything with them - just use as a side dish. Corn meal and oats are also favorites in our house. We make oatmeal and what DD calls corn muffin pancakes (aka johnny cakes).

Corn muffin pancakes sound great! Hope you get some sleep! :goodvibes

PHEW so i'm here late today .. Waa.. Oh well

Way to go (mom)!
QOTD for Tuesday, Oct. 23rd: Here's a fun one. You have 1 hour entirely on your own with no responsibilities. What are you going to do?

Probably nap. Or a massage.
Hello Friends.. Busy weekend for me too.. I got to work on Friday only to get a call from DS (even though he was at his dad's) that he wasn't feeling good could I come get him and his fever was 99 so off I went ..
then Friday night I left for my weekend scrapbooking crop.. YAY.. I didn't stay overnight like lots did as I only live 30 mins away. so I stayed from 5:30-10:30 while Hubs visited his parents in the next town.. then on Sat I got there around 8:30 and stayed till 11 ! I did take a break to meet Hubs at 3 for Lunch/Dinner.. On Sunday I wanted to get there about 7:30-8 but didn't get out of bed till 7:10 !!!! so I was there from 8 - 1 and I won 2 of the 3 door prizes for the day and I finished 31 pages!!! I was soo happy .. when I got home on sun we left for Grocery shopping and DS came home then we had dinner and off to Hockey Prac..
so just before bed Sun night DS comes out without his shirt on (he is 16) and says " Hey Ma look at this funky rash on my stomach" so I come round the corner and HOLY MOLY the kid was covered neck to waist front and back with this hive looking like rash but it was not itchy. so I say ok well when did you get it and he says a few days ago and i ask did you show dad and he says um no.. UGH.. so I tell him ok go to bed and tomorrow at school go see the nurse .. so at 7:45 this morning I get a call from the EX saying he needs to go get DS because the nurse said he can't stay at school until he sees the Dr for the rash and the cough he has (he's had it for a few weeks) so he asks if i can call the Dr at 8 when they open and get him in. I call it's 10am and EX says ok I'll meet you half way and you can take it from there as I only 1/2 tank of gas.. UM ok didn't I do you a favor on Friday but you are having me miss work again and drive back and forth back and forth .. **&%$#% .. ok whatever dirt bag.. so we get into the Dr and he has bronchitis and pityriasis rosea (which is a harmless rash that comes from unknow causes according to my phamplet) but he is NON contagious so we get a note for the school and I bring him back to the school and come back to work.. I'll stop at the pharm to get the z-pack after work.. PHEW so i'm here late today .. Waa.. Oh well

Oh my goodness! Glad it was nothing serious! Sorry it ended up such a hassle. And WTG on getting so much scrapping done this weekend! I'm so jealous!

Busy day today. Lots to do before hitting the hay too. I found out my parents are having someone do some window repairs tomorrow in my bedroom. I need to rearrange some stuff tonight.

Just shove everything to the other side of the room and call it good! :thumbsup2

Your schedule never fails to amaze me!

It amazes me sometimes too!

QOTD for Tuesday, Oct. 23rd: Here's a fun one. You have 1 hour entirely on your own with no responsibilities. What are you going to do?

Probably nap. Or a massage.

Immediate thought was scrapping! Sadly, my second thought was laundry!:rotfl: Oooppss... this is tomorrow's question. Oh well.... I probably won't get on in the morning anyhow.


Evening friends! Managed to get nearly all of the laundry off the lines before I dashed to get the kids. ::yes::

Picked them up at 3:05 pm and DD made it to swim by 4:01pm. I ran an errand and then went for a run/walk. Then grabbed her, fed the kids their car dinner (pasta in thermos, lemonade, fruit) and then drove DD to Rainbow Girls for 6:20. Thankfully, she will get a ride home from there. DS also needed to go to play rehearsal at the high school (unbeknownst to me until 3:05), so I dropped him there about 6:45. I will have to go back to get him for 9:30, since DH is out of town. Hopefully we can set up a carpool for this in the near future.

I got home about 7:10, pulled in the dish towels and cloth napkins from the clothes line, washed the dinner thermoses, etc and made myself a huge serving of broccoli to take the edge off my hunger while I figured out what to feed myself tonight and started packing up tomorrow's lunches (chicken salad and whole wheat crackers for DD, all-natural ham sandwich for DS, and lowfat cottage cheese and fresh peaches for me).

Settled on low carb pita bread with sunflower butter and a cup of green tea for myself for dinner.... boring, I know. oh well. Trying to decide if I have the energy to fold any of that laundry!

Hopefully I'll find some time to check in here tomorrow! TTYL.....................P
Good Tuesday morning everyone.

Still crazy at my school. We put all our grades on a program so that the parents could see them. On Friday I was prepared to stay and put in some grades and the program was down. It was down all weekend and it was still down all day yesterday. It was finally up last night so I am going in to get my grades in. I am finally all caught up with my grading so I am pretty happy. I only have 6 more letters of recommendations left so by the end of the week I am really good shape.

I just started a new project last night. The local high school that I work with for costumes is doing a fall show called Nuncracker. It is written like the show Nunsence. There are nuns and friars doing the nutcracker story. It sounds like a lot of fun. When that finished in Dec we then go straight into Grease.

Off to get breakfast and to get ready for work.

Have a happy and healthy day.
Thanks Dona and P.. thing is he is great kid, easy going, doesn't hassle us about much of anything and he really doesn't complain so I felt bad that it was rather serious.. but he is on the meds now and should be good as new very soon!

QotD -- 1 hour all to myself, well I'd scrapbook - now that i've been doing it again I have the fever LOL.... but if we could be anywhere and do anything I'd like be in Epcot wandering the WS for a bit then hit the AK for some Pangani Trail - love to watch the gorillas..
Has anyone here tried the Peanut Butter powder? PB2 I think it's called? from what I can tell by the reviews I saw it's quite lower fat then reg PB and taste pretty close.. Just wondering.. Thanks Michelle
Good morning all! :goodvibes

bigsis1970 glad that your DS is feeling better and congrats on your big scrapping week-end! All you creative types always inspire me! :goodvibes

dona, glad that things are settling down a bit at school. I hope they get the bugs ironed out of the computer system. As a parent, I really like being able to look at grades online. Sometimes DS isn't so happy about it. ;)

QOTD for Tuesday, Oct. 23rd: Here's a fun one. You have 1 hour entirely on your own with no responsibilities. What are you going to do?

Read or take a nap! :cool2:

CC, hope that they didn't take too long to do your window repairs. I'm sure soon you will be glad it is taken care of. ::yes::

, I am always in awe of how much you get accomplished each and every day. :flower3:

Not much exciting going on here. Just trying to get things checked off my list and stay OP. :teeth:

Have a great day all! I am as the prodigal daughter again :headache: I fell way off the bandwagon and gained back most everything of what I'd lost. And then our internet went out and I had no way to check in and stay on track! So here I am, getting back on track for the nth time this challenge. Here we go!

QOTD for Tuesday, Oct. 23rd: Here's a fun one. You have 1 hour entirely on your own with no responsibilities. What are you going to do?

Hmm, I would say transport myself to MK and ride PoTC (which now has MERMAIDS!!), the Carousel, Dumbo, Space Mountain, Splash Mountain, and everything else...because no responsibilities means I don't have to pay attention to lines!
Has anyone here tried the Peanut Butter powder? PB2 I think it's called? from what I can tell by the reviews I saw it's quite lower fat then reg PB and taste pretty close.. Just wondering.. Thanks Michelle

It's pretty good stuff! The one with chocolate and peanut butter is really good too. Whenever I have it in place of regular peanut butter, I can't tell the difference :)
Evening Everyone!

Not very busy on the thread today. Hope everyone is doing well! :goodvibes

I had an okay day today. Work was busy. I was hungry this afternoon too. I've been eating every few hours so that doesn't usually happen. I'll mention it to my nutritionist when I see her again. I should probably make an appt with my other one for sometime soon. I'm feeling better about food, but I know there's room for improvement. :)

Immediate thought was scrapping! Sadly, my second thought was laundry!:rotfl: Oooppss... this is tomorrow's question. Oh well.... I probably won't get on in the morning anyhow.

Does the coach get veto privileges? ;) I vote for scrapping! :yay:

Computers are my friend and foe Dona. Good luck! I'm sure the students and parents appreciate all your hard work! Enjoy your new show! :cool1:

QotD -- 1 hour all to myself, well I'd scrapbook - now that i've been doing it again I have the fever LOL.... but if we could be anywhere and do anything I'd like be in Epcot wandering the WS for a bit then hit the AK for some Pangani Trail - love to watch the gorillas..

I would love to walk the Pangani Trail! No one is ever interested in seeing the animals after we take the Safari. That sounds so relaxing! :thumbsup2

Read or take a nap! :cool2:

CC, hope that they didn't take too long to do your window repairs. I'm sure soon you will be glad it is taken care of. ::yes::

A nap! :thumbsup2

My window was actually replaced. :confused3 Of course, I now need new blinds. Instead, my parents put up a towel. :rolleyes1 I am as the prodigal daughter again :headache: I fell way off the bandwagon and gained back most everything of what I'd lost. And then our internet went out and I had no way to check in and stay on track! So here I am, getting back on track for the nth time this challenge. Here we go!

Great to see you! Jump back on the wagon! I had a few rough weeks myself and then bounced back. I know you will! :cool1:
QOTD for Wednesday, Oct. 24th: For those who celebrate, it is 2 months until Christmas Eve. What is one thing you can do this week to help reduce the common stress of this time of the year?

I just found out the hypoallergenic hand lotion I use (need to use) is sold at CVS. I am going to buy a bottle of it so that I can keep one at work. (The bottle I have now is a sample from a doctor.) This sounds really pathetic, but not having dry, itchy, red, sometimes bleeding (gross, I know) hands will be a huge stress reducer. :thumbsup2
Good Tuesday morning everyone.

Still crazy at my school. We put all our grades on a program so that the parents could see them. On Friday I was prepared to stay and put in some grades and the program was down. It was down all weekend and it was still down all day yesterday. It was finally up last night so I am going in to get my grades in. I am finally all caught up with my grading so I am pretty happy. I only have 6 more letters of recommendations left so by the end of the week I am really good shape.

I just started a new project last night. The local high school that I work with for costumes is doing a fall show called Nuncracker. It is written like the show Nunsence. There are nuns and friars doing the nutcracker story. It sounds like a lot of fun. When that finished in Dec we then go straight into Grease.

Off to get breakfast and to get ready for work.

Have a happy and healthy day.

Sorry that the system went down on you. What a pain!

The new project sounds like it is right up your alley...and funny! And Grease? Love it!

Thanks Dona and P.. thing is he is great kid, easy going, doesn't hassle us about much of anything and he really doesn't complain so I felt bad that it was rather serious.. but he is on the meds now and should be good as new very soon!

QotD -- 1 hour all to myself, well I'd scrapbook - now that i've been doing it again I have the fever LOL.... but if we could be anywhere and do anything I'd like be in Epcot wandering the WS for a bit then hit the AK for some Pangani Trail - love to watch the gorillas..

Glad DS is in the mend.:thumbsup2

I've always got the scrapping fever...but not the time.:sad2:

Has anyone here tried the Peanut Butter powder? PB2 I think it's called? from what I can tell by the reviews I saw it's quite lower fat then reg PB and taste pretty close.. Just wondering.. Thanks Michelle

Everything I've ever heard about it was positive, but I've never tried it. Do you buy it through mail order?

Pamela[/B], I am always in awe of how much you get accomplished each and every day. :flower3:

Not much exciting going on here. Just trying to get things checked off my list and stay OP. :teeth:

Have a great day all!

Don't be in awe too much. I don't do enough and most of it isn't done real well. My house is only 60% clean 50% of the time. Some days I feel like I barely keep my head above water. But I try!;) The list of things I don't do (or don't do well or often enough) is huge.

Hope your "to-do"list became a "ta-done list" today! I am as the prodigal daughter again :headache: I fell way off the bandwagon and gained back most everything of what I'd lost. And then our internet went out and I had no way to check in and stay on track! So here I am, getting back on track for the nth time this challenge. Here we go!

Hmm, I would say transport myself to MK and ride PoTC (which now has MERMAIDS!!), the Carousel, Dumbo, Space Mountain, Splash Mountain, and everything else...because no responsibilities means I don't have to pay attention to lines!

We are happy to see you back, no matter what. You hacen't given up and that is the most important thing!

Evening Everyone!

Not very busy on the thread today. Hope everyone is doing well! :goodvibes

I had an okay day today. Work was busy. I was hungry this afternoon too. I've been eating every few hours so that doesn't usually happen. I'll mention it to my nutritionist when I see her again. I should probably make an appt with my other one for sometime soon. I'm feeling better about food, but I know there's room for improvement. :)

Does the coach get veto privileges? ;) I vote for scrapping! :yay:

Computers are my friend and foe Dona. Good luck! I'm sure the students and parents appreciate all your hard work! Enjoy your new show! :cool1:

I would love to walk the Pangani Trail! No one is ever interested in seeing the animals after we take the Safari. That sounds so relaxing! :thumbsup2

A nap! :thumbsup2

My window was actually replaced. :confused3 Of course, I now need new blinds. Instead, my parents put up a towel. :rolleyes1

Great to see you! Jump back on the wagon! I had a few rough weeks myself and then bounced back. I know you will! :cool1:

Hopefully you will figure out your hungries!

If you don't get a new blind, check out Lowe's or Home Depot for a roller shade. Remarkably effective and inexpensive...and you can decorate them with fabric and ribbon.

Btw, what do you use on your hands?

QOTD for Wednesday, Oct. 24th: For those who celebrate, it is 2 months until Christmas Eve. What is one thing you can do this week to help reduce the common stress of this time of the year?

I've been slowly starting to buy gifts as I have coupons and see sales. I also need to get in gear finishing a cross stitch for my cousin. I should be even smarter and start wrapping as I buy!

Great question!


Evening all! Busy day, of course, and working again tomorrow. Waiting here at the Y for DD. I've got my exercise gear on, but a bad headache kept me resting in the car for the past hour. Three Advil and some caffeine finally has me feeling okay, but I don't have it in me to hit the track or treadmill. :rolleyes:

Trying a new healthy lower carb pancake recipe for dinner tomorrow night (for DH and will get regular multigrain organic pancakes). It is a Dr. oz recipe. I'll share if they turn out well. Bought some low sugar fruit spread to have on them...wish I thought to look for some apple butter. Tomorrow's swim practice is earlier and a bit closer to home, so I needed something really quick. Pancakes and fruit seemed like an easy choice. It will make DS happy!

Had to skip Bible study today for work. Hope they didn't miss me too much.:rotfl:

TTYL. Sleep well my friends!...........P
Good Sunday morning.

I know I have been MIA because it has been a challenging beginning of the school year. I can't believe how hard it has been changing teaching styles. The teaching has been fairly easier than I thought (We went from 48 minute periods to 80 minute periods) but it is the incompetence of the adminstration has been kicking my butt. There has been no communication between the administration and the faculty except at the last minute and then it takes 3 emails to get everything right. It is almost not worth opening your email because there is usually a correction within the first day.

Example Our back to school night was on a Thursday. We finally got the schedule for it with timetable on Tuesday. 11 am Thursday we got another email saying they wanted us to show a 10 minute video so the time table was all wrong. At 2:30 my friend sees a VP and tells him that the word principal was spelled wrong though out the entire video so then he is sent scrambling to have someone fix it. We start our first period, show our video and get cut 2 minutes short from our period:confused3. And this is just one example.

I haven't been on a lot lately since I am trying not to be sitting at the computer for a long period of time. I have been spending my time quilting and I sit for that so I don't want to be always sitting but I do need to check in more often.

If you need a coach let me know and I can take it over for a few days or even a week.

Have a happy and healthy day.

Oh yuck! I hope this mess gets straightened out soon! Good luck :)

Hope your errands went well and that DS is feeling much better. Enjoy your Sunday school party!

Thanks. We had a great time. And, I am using ww points plus so I don't know how it compares to the other system. I love that (most) fruits and veggies are 0 points. It's making me chose them more.


Morning friends! Running late, of course, so I'll be brief.

The interview yesterday went well and they are hiring me! That said, I do have to go through some training and evaluations before they will hopefully offer me the position I really want, so I am trying not to get TOO excited yet. There are other positions available, but I so want this particular one. Hopefully I will rock the training and the evaluation process and grab that position! I will get my packet from HR this week and the process will begin!

Not saying any more about it for now.... but will hint that the job is in the "health and weight loss" field! :thumbsup2

Church this morning, followed by a trip to MA for an early birthday visit to my Dad. I'm already running behind, so I'll dash for now. TTYL...........P

:yay: for the new job. I can't wait to hear more. Congrats!

This weight loss thing has been much slower than expected lol. I was finding it really hard to get motivated and keep on tuesday i joined slimming world.

Being weighed in front of other people (although they don't announce your weight) is enough to keep me going :)

So i started the slimming world diet on wednesday and when i weighed myself this morning (sunday) i had lost 3 and a half pounds. Whoopee!

Basically i've been drinking at least 2 litres of water per day and sticking to diet drinks. All meals you need to have 1/3 of your plate filled with fruit or veg. 1/3 meat with visible fat cut off. 1/3 potatoes, rice, pulses. You get a small portion of dairy and 2 slices wholemeal bread per day. Snack on fruit, veg and sandwich slices of meat. Everything else comes out of your're allowed 10 syn points per day.

If anyone else is struggling and maybe not posting, hopefully they'll read this and it might give them a bit of a push too xx

How inspiring you are! I hope you continue to do well. Keep up the good work :thumbsup2

Hungry Girl also has egg recipes that you cook in a mug in the microwave. Enjoy!

I can handle that! Thanks for the head up.

I think I have stunned myself! I did lots of prepping for the week. It's a good thing I bought another package of those containers. They are they perfect size for so much. I focused on breakfasts and lunches for the week. Dinners tend to be the least OP, though they have the fewest temptations. Lunch is the worst because my co-workers love to eat the cafeteria's special of the day. It usually involves breading and/or frying or cheese. And, sometimes all three.

So, I:
- washed grapes and put 15 each in 5 containers
- put 8 olives each in 5 containers
- measured 1/4 cup granola for 5 containers
- added measured 2 tbsp. raisins for 5 containers of granola
- made veggie soup and separated it into 1 cup containers (made 8 servings)
- baked 12 eggs

I'll just have to make my wrap and fill my lunch box in the morning. For breakfast, it is just measuring milk and warming up my eggs. I'm hoping doing all of this will save me some time.

Have a great week everyone!

Great job CC! I hope you week is easy peasy with all that prepping!

QOTD for Monday, October 22: What grains do you like other than wheat? What do you like to make with it/them?

Being GF, I use rice flour a lot. I also use potato starch and tapioca flour. We do a lot with corn too. I bake with the first 3 a lot. Cornbread is a staple in my house.

I know there are so many more grains out there so I thought I'd ask.

Honestly, I don't eat too many grains other than wheat. I guess I better expand my horizons.

Mary•Poppins;46510248 said:
Extra weight can affect the things you would like to participate in life. We have an amusement park near us and my one friend who was overweight couldn't ride a lot of the rides with her children. It broke my heart. Now, she is a healthier weight and enjoys many more activities with her daughters.

Sometimes you don't think of those little things. Are you talking about Kennywood? Love Kennywood!


Sorry I have been missing everyone. My husband and I went up to Penn State to see my oldest son this weekend. He was in the ensemble of the musical, The Producers. It was great seeing him. He is doing well, making friends, getting good grades (that we know of :rotfl:) and becoming active in some clubs. glad DS is doing well. And, I'm glad you had a good time!

I am having my mom up for her birthday tomorrow. She is turning 79. :goodvibes If anyone remembers me writing about her buying the grocery store cake and freezing it for my husband's birthday .... I thought you would get another giggle. I called her tonight to confirm the time for dinner. She said, "DON'T make me a cake .... I have one!" UGH!!! Yes, it is a frozen grocery store cake. I think I am going to make an apple crisp also for anyone who won't like her cake. My husband couldn't stop laughing when I told him.

:rotfl2: I love hearing about your mom's cakes :rotfl2: How was it??

What a weekend! Well, mainly Saturday...

Tagged along with some of my friends to a local annual fair that we have and the amount of people there was INSANE!! Didn't end up riding any rides; not really my thing. So I ended watching them ride while I played some of the games. Ended up winning a large stuffed sheep, but once I realized that I had spent $25 to get it :scared1: one of my friends said she buy it for $10 bucks which I ended up agreeing to. Gotta have money for Disney! So it was a hard $15 dollar lesson learned; don't play carnival games. ;)

Did pretty good with avoiding the carnival food, although my friend and I did end up splitting a funnel cake. (Totally worth it!!) I really wanted some deep-fried Oreos, (so not good for me...) but with them being $6 dollars an order, that was enough to keep me from indulging. Thank you over-priced carnival food for keeping me from going over calories! :woohoo:

They had Irma Thomas doing the concert at the fair which we stayed for and I didn't end up getting home until almost midnight so there was a good bit a relaxing going on today. So I'm more than ready for a good night's sleep tonight.

Hope everyone has a good week!

And I'm doing the single-digits dance for Disney! WOO!

Sounds like a fun time at the fair! And, :cool1: for double digits! I'm getting excited for you!

Happy Monday all,

Sorry I wasn't around this weekend. We had two soccer games on Saturday and one yesterday and I was trying to get some stuff done around here. Didn't get as much done as I had hoped so today will be a day of catching up. Planning on getting the storage room and laundry room done. Then I have to take Ash for some blood tests and then back to school for play practice. She got dizzy during her soccer game yesterday. I already had set up the blood work on Friday so really glad we're going today. Also need to run to the library to get a book that Izzie wants to read. Brian's going to work in Framingham today and stop at Target to get the girls the new Taylor Swift album on his way home.

I think something's wrong with my elliptical. I believe the tension is stuck on 4 or 5. It was very difficult to do. I did 1/2 mile though it took me 18 minutes. Gotta try and fix it so I can do more later also might do some Wii Fit or XBox!

Gotta go fix Ash's lunch!

TTFN :tigger:

Hope Ash is feeling better and it's nothing serious. My exercise bike got stuck on a really high resistance once & I couldn't even pedal :lmao: Hope you get it all straightened out.

Isn't that wonderful! :flower3: Hope you had fun at the pumpkin patch. This is the time of year that I always think we need a jack o'lantern emoticon.

Thanks. We had a fun time!

Finished my last long run before the Wine and Dine Half on Saturday. 15 miles on the indoor track. :rolleyes: After that you have confidence that you can meet the challenge. I leave 2 weeks from Thursday so it is coming up quickly. Going to be very, very good about staying OP this week.

Have a great week all!:goodvibes

Wow. 15 miles!?!? Congrats!


8 med. apples, peeled, cored and sliced
Generous 1/2 cup PurVia (baking sweetener that measures like sugar and is made from Stevia, available at Shaw's)
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
Dash of salt

Mix sweetener, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt in a large bowl. Mix in apples (with your hands) so that apples are well coated.
Place in 8" pie plate.

1 cup quick oats
2 Tbsp butter, melted
1/2 tsp PurVia
1/2 tsp or less cinnamon
1/2 cup chopped walnuts if calories are not a concern.

Mix topping ingredients together and spread over apples.

Bake about 1/2 hour at 350 or until apples are tender.

When made without the nuts, 1/8 of pie equals 150 calories.


I know it is tempting to eliminate the butter in the topping if you are watching calories, but this breaks down to less than 1 tsp. per serving and it makes a tremendous difference in the taste and texture of the topping. You could do this with part apples and part pears also. I could also foresee doing this with peaches in the summer!

ENJOY!! I will post this on the BL recipe thread as well...............P

Oh YUM! Thanks for the recipe!

I have not gotten nearly enough sleep the past week! I had a few tossing and turning nights in the middle of last week. Then Friday and Saturday night I only eked out 6 hours sleep (stayed up late reading books then couldn't fall asleep), and last night DH came home at midnight after being gone a week, so I waited up to see him, then couldn't fall asleep with a nagging cough. Uhh - that alarm came early this morning and it was pitch black outside. Here's hoping for an early bedtime tonight! Need to rest up for my 15 miles!

I had the same sleeping problems last week. I hope you get some good shut eye.

Hello Friends.. Busy weekend for me too.. I got to work on Friday only to get a call from DS (even though he was at his dad's) that he wasn't feeling good could I come get him and his fever was 99 so off I went ..
then Friday night I left for my weekend scrapbooking crop.. YAY.. I didn't stay overnight like lots did as I only live 30 mins away. so I stayed from 5:30-10:30 while Hubs visited his parents in the next town.. then on Sat I got there around 8:30 and stayed till 11 ! I did take a break to meet Hubs at 3 for Lunch/Dinner.. On Sunday I wanted to get there about 7:30-8 but didn't get out of bed till 7:10 !!!! so I was there from 8 - 1 and I won 2 of the 3 door prizes for the day and I finished 31 pages!!! I was soo happy .. when I got home on sun we left for Grocery shopping and DS came home then we had dinner and off to Hockey Prac..
so just before bed Sun night DS comes out without his shirt on (he is 16) and says " Hey Ma look at this funky rash on my stomach" so I come round the corner and HOLY MOLY the kid was covered neck to waist front and back with this hive looking like rash but it was not itchy. so I say ok well when did you get it and he says a few days ago and i ask did you show dad and he says um no.. UGH.. so I tell him ok go to bed and tomorrow at school go see the nurse .. so at 7:45 this morning I get a call from the EX saying he needs to go get DS because the nurse said he can't stay at school until he sees the Dr for the rash and the cough he has (he's had it for a few weeks) so he asks if i can call the Dr at 8 when they open and get him in. I call it's 10am and EX says ok I'll meet you half way and you can take it from there as I only 1/2 tank of gas.. UM ok didn't I do you a favor on Friday but you are having me miss work again and drive back and forth back and forth .. **&%$#% .. ok whatever dirt bag.. so we get into the Dr and he has bronchitis and pityriasis rosea (which is a harmless rash that comes from unknow causes according to my phamplet) but he is NON contagious so we get a note for the school and I bring him back to the school and come back to work.. I'll stop at the pharm to get the z-pack after work.. PHEW so i'm here late today .. Waa.. Oh well

How frustrating! I'm glad it was nothing serious with DS. I'm sure he'll be feeling better soon. And, I hope you get to relax a bit :)


Now that I've done all my replies, I'm running out of time to post. I just wanted to mention that I read along daily even if I don't post. Sometimes I only have a few minutes here & there. And, a friend and I decided to take a few online classes. Nothing major, just hours toward our teaching certificates. The classes are free, but we have a 2 hour video to watch in each class (6 classes total) and a few small assignments for each. We have until Dec 7 to finish, but I'm trying to get it done sooner than later. So, I'll be spending a lot of time trying to complete these classes. I may not posting as much as I would like, but I'm still following along :)

So, I'm off to try to watch about 30 more minutes of the video for class #1. I'll check back tomorrow.

QOTD for Tuesday, Oct. 23rd: Here's a fun one. You have 1 hour entirely on your own with no responsibilities. What are you going to do?

Probably sleep. I do love sleeping, except I usually pay for it later when I toss and turn all night. :rolleyes: Other than that, I'd probably surf Youtube or write if I'm feeling inspired.

QOTD for Wednesday, Oct. 24th: For those who celebrate, it is 2 months until Christmas Eve. What is one thing you can do this week to help reduce the common stress of this time of the year?

I personally don't celebrate Christmas, but working at a grocery store, things get pretty chaotic for us this time of year. That being said, I plan on taking a few minutes each day to clear my head; no tv, no phone, no computer, just to enjoy the silence.


Not too much to report for today. Ran some errands, went to the gym, started packing clothes and worked on figuring out what's left to pack.

Tomorrow: Baking for DGrandpa!

Happy Hump Day everyone!!


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