I Don't Know, I Don't Speak Wind!!

I unburied myself from the snowbanks and made it back here just in time! ;)

Naw, we only got about 7 inches, no real snowbanks around here...but did you see CT's counts? 33 inches?! :faint:

I'm still playing catch-up on the DIS, hence my slow replies, but really making some progress finally. Of course that means everything else around the house is getting ignored. :rolleyes1

Where are those mosaic floors? I'm not sure I have ever seen those! And what shop is the palm tree in? I think I might have to try to bring that home.

I have your March schedule open in another window, I will add it to my planner so I know when we can meet up in case Epcot on the 23rd doesn't work out for some reason. Also, I will be at WDW starting on the 18th now, BUT, at a work conference - so not able to hang out on a whim-we only have a few evenings free (they keep us BUSY!). We will keep our plans for the 23rd, but the 22nd might work too since I'll be done with the conference and all my work buddies are leaving in the morning and the boys won't arrive until later that night. Of course Brook without Henry is kinda boring...:goodvibes I'll send you a text on that day and we can see if our plans overlap. Anita, I'd really like to see you too before you leave now that you are going a day earlier! Do you have a loose agenda?

Brook, we will keep it loose for you! Where is your conference and what time do the men arrive? I will be so dissapointed not to meet Henry and Joe this time. I'm still searching airfares to come home on Sunday. We do have the villa until then. Memom and Kay have graciously agreed to hold down the fort in the event that we must make that early retreat on Saturday! It is a good friend that will make such a sacrifice for you! :rolleyes:
Darn!! Just when I have a chance to get caught up is over!! I love reading your trip reports MeMom. We just came back from our NYE trip and it was incredible. I couldnt havedone it without your TR from your last NYE trip. We are trying to decide if we want a summer trip in June or another xmas/new years trip.Too hard to decide! Cant wait to read your next TR!

Well, we are glad we could give you some tips or whatever to make your trip better. That makes us feel good. :)

It is hard to decide when to go if you are making only one trip. I would probably pick spring, but not if I couldn't stay as long as we do in the summer. Summer is hot, of course, and it rains every afternoon, but we like being able to stay a long time in the summer. October is perfect, in my opinion, and Christmas is beautiful. Having to choose only one would be an unfun thing to do!

Okay, thanks to the magic of TR update links I made it through your TR. A lot of new things in there, and really enjoyed seeing Disney through a different set of eyes!

Sorry I joined in late and had to catch up quickly without the benefit of all the chatter. Looking forward to the October TR and hopefully joining in from the beginning so I can comment along the way!

Thanks Pat! Glad to be here. Better late than never, right???

I'll never be scared away by goofy comments!!!

And I agree.....it is great making new DIS friends!!!

We are glad you saw new things. We enjoy discovering new things and having happy memories about old things when we read other reports. One of the first things I plan to do on our March arrival day is check out the new bakery in France. I also want to eat at some new counter service places in Epcot.

Definitely make yourself at home and feel free to chat on the new report.

Whenever people are nervous about meeting DISers in person, as we were way back in the beginning, too, we tell them we have met nothing but the nicest people.

All is well just busy, catching up after a week at Disney. A trip to Nashville sounds great this summer, but I need to give DH a rest from the Disney trip before planning the next trip.

The Disney trip was a lot of fun. We went with DH's brother and sister along with their families. We made alot of family memories. As you have discovered I finally got around to putting up a few pictures on facebook.

I enjoyed seeing your pictures! :dance3: After your hubby gets a nice rest, you can start playing a little country music around the house to get him thinking Nashville thoughts. ;)

DH is watching the weather channel and they were just talking about Hamden. Cannot imagine that much snow!!!

We rode ME for the first time last year. I was excited to see the video for real after seeing so many pics of it.

The arrival video makes us very happy. We watch it like we're seeing it for the first time every time. :goodvibes The departure video gives us hope for the future. :earsgirl:

I cannot imagine 40 inches either and that's without the drifting !! I hope school is not cancelled Monday, we are getting dangerously close to the date we leave for vacation...

I hope your dates don't get messed up. If they do, can you just use personal days and go on anyway?

Sad to see your TR end, but I'm glad a new one is starting soon! That's why going frequently is so great! I just finished Aug and started Nov!
I HATE leaving Disney. It's so sad! Even Brooklynn's stuffed animals seem sad to be leaving.

You'll be able to go pretty much whenever you want when your college days get here! :cheer2:

Just thinking of the ride back to the airport for those families that are on their once in a lifetime trip makes me sad. At least we know that we will be back in a number of months!

This is true. Are there really people who go only once??? :eek: Unbelievable!

Over? NO, say it isn't so!! Leaving is so very unmagical.

But you have wonderful trips on the horizon and PTR's starting soon and hopefully I get to meet all of you in less than a year! Lovely plans for solo time with the big girls at the front of the trip.

Just trip reports for us. We weave pre-trips in with those. We had a pre-trip and a TR overlapping at once before, and it was too hard to keep up with.

I am looking forward to the Christmas trip time with the girls. We will take the 6 a.m. 12/26 flight out of Nashville, and Jill and the others will come either the evening of the 27th or the morning of the 28th.

Oh! and since we are going to be home for Christmas, and we bought Harper an annual pass. I'm thinking we will bring her along in Christmas too. I am so anxious to get that trip booked!

Makes the whole year more exciting, doesn't it??? :santa:

Thanks Memom

Have loved reading along with your adventures, thanks for letting me be part of it. Cant believe its been that long though, definitely makes time fly

The Sunday Family movie here tonight is Up. Its my favourite, I love Dug.

So I'll sign off and get the chippies out and watch now.

hope you've had a nice weekend. Looking forward to the next adventure.

Take care

Hope movie night was fun. I love watching movies with the girls when they come. I am really looking forward to Monsters University coming out on the big screen, too! :dance3:

Oh no! The bus of doom!
At least knowing there's another trip planned eases the pain somewhat. And I guess this time you and Brooklynn were starting to get excited about getting home to the rest of the family?

I've enjoyed this trip report and look forward to the next one - as your little Dis community over here continues to grow and take care of one another, good times or bad

Most definitely. We do not leave unless we know when we are coming back! ::yes:: And you are right, the leaving was made easier by knowing we'd be greeted by some of our favoritest people! :love:

DIStown is the best place to 'live', isn't it? :thumbsup2

I loved your TR! I loved it so much that I started reading your old TRs.
Can't wait for your next one to start.

You will be seeing about 25,000 Disney pictures then! :laughing:

Jill is working on the new one today, too. She said it should be up by tonight.

I unburied myself from the snowbanks and made it back here just in time!

Naw, we only got about 7 inches, no real snowbanks around here...but did you see CT's counts? 33 inches?!

I'm still playing catch-up on the DIS, hence my slow replies, but really making some progress finally. Of course that means everything else around the house is getting ignored.

Where are those mosaic floors? I'm not sure I have ever seen those! And what shop is the palm tree in? I think I might have to try to bring that home.

I have your March schedule open in another window, I will add it to my planner so I know when we can meet up in case Epcot on the 23rd doesn't work out for some reason. Also, I will be at WDW starting on the 18th now, BUT, at a work conference - so not able to hang out on a whim-we only have a few evenings free (they keep us BUSY!). We will keep our plans for the 23rd, but the 22nd might work too since I'll be done with the conference and all my work buddies are leaving in the morning and the boys won't arrive until later that night. Of course Brook without Henry is kinda boring... I'll send you a text on that day and we can see if our plans overlap. Anita, I'd really like to see you too before you leave now that you are going a day earlier! Do you have a loose agenda?

What time will Joe and Henry get there on the 22nd? Maybe we can all meet up that night. I won't be a bit exciting without my girls, but I do want you guys to meet Kay, since I have talked about her wacky conversations so much. :laughing: We will be texting, for sure.

We are glad you are ignoring your house and visiting us! :woohoo:

Those floors are at MCO, right after you get off the plane.

Brook, we will keep it loose for you! Where is your conference and what time do the men arrive? I will be so dissapointed not to meet Henry and Joe this time. I'm still searching airfares to come home on Sunday. We do have the villa until then. Memom and Kay have graciously agreed to hold down the fort in the event that we must make that early retreat on Saturday! It is a good friend that will make such a sacrifice for you!

Holding down the fort until Sunday at Beach Club is probably the best chore I have on my long-term To Do list right now. :cool2: We plan to take our stuff to luggage services bright and early (or dark and early) Sunday morning and then head over to Hollywood Studios. We'll go over to Pop at lunchtime and check in. We'll go back to Hollywood after a short rest, and we plan to end the day with Fantasmic.

Can you tell by my eagerness to talk about my detailed plans that I am super excited about this trip being so close??? :yay:
It's Justin's exam schedule. Right now the last day of school is the 19th, we are planning on leaving early afternoon on the 21st. If the 21st is the last day, then that would be exam make-up day. If we start taking days off of spring break that's when things can get dicey on the 21st! It was a mess 2 years ago when Brendan was a senior. Why is it so complicated in this town?!

On a lighter note, Jerry is out snowshoeing :)
Glad everyone is ok after all that snow! So sad that your TR is over. Can't wait till the next one! I will hopefully keep up with this one. I saw that you will be at DHS on 3/24. We are planning on being there that day. We may cross paths! I so want to see Fantasmic this trip.
Once again, I have disappeared so I thought I would re-announce my presence again. Will be going to catch up now! Hope everyone in the northeast (around my area) is doing well after the blizzard. Luckily didn't lose power here again, hope everyone else who lost it is getting theirs back! :)
Well, we are glad we could give you some tips or whatever to make your trip better. That makes us feel good. :)

It is hard to decide when to go if you are making only one trip. I would probably pick spring, but not if I couldn't stay as long as we do in the summer. Summer is hot, of course, and it rains every afternoon, but we like being able to stay a long time in the summer. October is perfect, in my opinion, and Christmas is beautiful. Having to choose only one would be an unfun thing to do!

I wish we could go in October!! I am a teacher too, and we don't get a fall break. :mad: As for the length of our stay, it would probably only for 5 or 6 days, but it would just be me and the DBF. He's so easy going on vacation, so a day resort hopping with no park visit would be fine with him.

I can't wait to start reading your October trip report. Who knows, maybe it will inspire me to take we week off of work...HA! :rotfl:
MeMom here are a few Snowmagedon photos from my town. We are able to get out now thanks to everyone coming together and helping each other out! My BIL next door to us has a farm tractor with a bucket so we were able to move the snow, otherwise we would still be digging out. We ventured out yesterday and all i can say is WOW! One lane roads around here and it is scary! The big plow trucks are even getting stuck they had to bring loaders in to move the snow. The FD and PD are so busy and can't get to emergency calls because they either can't get down the roads or they get stuck trying. We are off again today on another snow day. Between 5 days off for Sandy and now all this snow they are going to be going to school until June 24th! And guess what...it's sleeting/raining/snowing right now again!

You know snow is deep if you have to shovel for your Great Dane!

Our burried house

How ironic...last weeks sermon

The mighty cold water!

Our fence burried in the back yard!

Thank GOD we never lost power and everyone is safe!
Wow, it's done? I'm sad to see it end, but I know there's more in the future - your TRs are always so fun! What a special time you had with Miss Brooklynn! She's such a cutie - I do hope we get to meet up sometime.

So sorry for those of you who got slammed with the big snowfalls! I really can feel your pain, having been through some of those myself. This weekend we lucked out and only got a couple inches - ice/rain/sleet/snow and they still gave the storm a name - Orko or something dumb like that. It was tough driving yesterday, but it was pretty cleaned up today. We did have one event canceled yesterday, but that was perfect because I was supposed to be in two places at once! HA!
Luckily, our power lines are underground where I live, so we rarely lose power from storms unless something happens to a transformer or something.
It's Justin's exam schedule. Right now the last day of school is the 19th, we are planning on leaving early afternoon on the 21st. If the 21st is the last day, then that would be exam make-up day. If we start taking days off of spring break that's when things can get dicey on the 21st! It was a mess 2 years ago when Brendan was a senior. Why is it so complicated in this town?!

On a lighter note, Jerry is out snowshoeing :)

Well, I hope it works out for you - or I hope it works for him to take exams early or whatever so you can take your trip. ::yes::

Glad everyone is ok after all that snow! So sad that your TR is over. Can't wait till the next one! I will hopefully keep up with this one. I saw that you will be at DHS on 3/24. We are planning on being there that day. We may cross paths! I so want to see Fantasmic this trip.

That will likely be our only day in Hollywood, unless we run over there for a short time on the last day to do ToT again. Fantasmic is on the must do list, so I hope the weather cooperates with my plan.

Once again, I have disappeared so I thought I would re-announce my presence again. Will be going to catch up now! Hope everyone in the northeast (around my area) is doing well after the blizzard. Luckily didn't lose power here again, hope everyone else who lost it is getting theirs back! :)

So far, we have not heard that anyone in DIStown lost power. :thumbsup2

Good to have you back for a visit! :goodvibes

I wish we could go in October!! I am a teacher too, and we don't get a fall break. :mad: As for the length of our stay, it would probably only for 5 or 6 days, but it would just be me and the DBF. He's so easy going on vacation, so a day resort hopping with no park visit would be fine with him.

I can't wait to start reading your October trip report. Who knows, maybe it will inspire me to take we week off of work...HA! :rotfl:

We have only been getting fall breaks for the past 3-4 years. I love it!!! :banana:

This teacher has skipped school for Disney World before. I have a teacher friend who is skipping school for Mardi Gras this week. ;)

MeMom here are a few Snowmagedon photos from my town. We are able to get out now thanks to everyone coming together and helping each other out! My BIL next door to us has a farm tractor with a bucket so we were able to move the snow, otherwise we would still be digging out. We ventured out yesterday and all i can say is WOW! One lane roads around here and it is scary! The big plow trucks are even getting stuck they had to bring loaders in to move the snow. The FD and PD are so busy and can't get to emergency calls because they either can't get down the roads or they get stuck trying. We are off again today on another snow day. Between 5 days off for Sandy and now all this snow they are going to be going to school until June 24th! And guess what...it's sleeting/raining/snowing right now again!

You know snow is deep if you have to shovel for your Great Dane!

Our burried house

How ironic...last weeks sermon

The mighty cold water!

Our fence burried in the back yard!

Thank GOD we never lost power and everyone is safe!

Wowser! I have never been in anything like that!

I am sorry that it has started up again. Don't you want to move south? :)

Wow, it's done? I'm sad to see it end, but I know there's more in the future - your TRs are always so fun! What a special time you had with Miss Brooklynn! She's such a cutie - I do hope we get to meet up sometime.

So sorry for those of you who got slammed with the big snowfalls! I really can feel your pain, having been through some of those myself. This weekend we lucked out and only got a couple inches - ice/rain/sleet/snow and they still gave the storm a name - Orko or something dumb like that. It was tough driving yesterday, but it was pretty cleaned up today. We did have one event canceled yesterday, but that was perfect because I was supposed to be in two places at once! HA!
Luckily, our power lines are underground where I live, so we rarely lose power from storms unless something happens to a transformer or something.

The new one should start soon. Jill was working on finding the pictures this weekend, but she didn't finish and then was back at work today. She'll probably announce on FB or shoot out a DIS PM to some to spread the word. You have to come along, of course. We give new people a chance to quickly come and go, if they want, before they get too warped :rolleyes1, but old-timers have no choice - they have to go with us on every trip from now until...forever! :laughing:
Catching up again and a bit glad I was not in that snow but I could really use a foot of snow to keep me home so I can get caught up. :)

Allergy season here and starting to feel cruddy for a while. :sick:

On the lookout for the link or bat signal. :magnify:
Beautiful horse! Oops, I meant dog :)

Stephanie, have you ever seen snow like that 'in person'?

LOL thanks! She is my baby!

I was telling my students today about your picture. I wish the pictures would show up on my school computer so that I could let them see it instead of just imagine it.

Catching up again and a bit glad I was not in that snow but I could really use a foot of snow to keep me home so I can get caught up. :)

Allergy season here and starting to feel cruddy for a while. :sick:

On the lookout for the link or bat signal. :magnify:

I guess it will be whatever night she doesn't fall asleep as soon as she gets the girls to bed. (2/13 5:46 a.m. Added to say, she had to work late last night, and she is working on all of Brooklynn's and Bella's Valentine party doings until Thursday. She is working Parents' Night Out at school until 10 on Friday. I am guessing it will be Saturday before she gets around to it.)

I wouldn't have minded a few more snow days, but overall, it has not been a super cold winter here, so I will take the better heating bills and the ability to function as a trade-off. ::yes::
Stephanie, have you ever seen snow like that 'in person'?

Not even close :goodvibes We lived in Northern Alabama when my dad taught at Florence University, and I remember walking home from school in the snow. I remember a couple of snow days in Athens, GA while he was in Grad school, and it actually snowed here one Christmas believe it or not. I have a picture of Jamie in her little yellow duck rain coat out in the yard with a little dusting of snow on the ground - I would post it, but she'd probably kill me ::yes::

I don't think I'd ever want to live anywhere that got that much snow, unless I never had to go anywhere in it :eek:
We just got back from our extended Nemo vacation this afternoon. It was a truly amazing trip; we have not done ten days in many years (we typically do one week with an early arrival day) so it was a really nice treat! The best part of it was that I got to spend some of each of those three extra days with Katie. We had SO much fun together and I feel truly blessed to have made such an amazing real-life best friend through your and Jill's reports. :goodvibes

I work through the summer and am not sure about any summer plans, but I've pretty much decided I am saving all the vacation/personal time I can and taking a few days in October to stay with Katie and Patrick and do F&W and MNSSHP with them. I'm waiting for Disney to release the 2013 MNSSHP dates and work around that. MNSSHP is something I have really, really wanted to do, so I am keeping my fingers crossed for a short October trip!
Hi friends!

In Minneapolis tonight, getting ready to fly out tomorrow AM! We'll be in Orlando by Noon & the plan is to head to Magic Kingdom for the afternoon. :thumbsup2

I've got my winter coat put away, and my flip flops ready to go!! :banana:

I'll be sure to post pictures to Facebook :)
Hi friends!

In Minneapolis tonight, getting ready to fly out tomorrow AM! We'll be in Orlando by Noon & the plan is to head to Magic Kingdom for the afternoon. :thumbsup2

I've got my winter coat put away, and my flip flops ready to go!! :banana:

I'll be sure to post pictures to Facebook :)

Oh, I wish I was getting on the plane with you! Are you sure you don't have room in your suitcase for me? I can meet you at the airport!
Have a great trip!!
Not even close :goodvibes We lived in Northern Alabama when my dad taught at Florence University, and I remember walking home from school in the snow. I remember a couple of snow days in Athens, GA while he was in Grad school, and it actually snowed here one Christmas believe it or not. I have a picture of Jamie in her little yellow duck rain coat out in the yard with a little dusting of snow on the ground - I would post it, but she'd probably kill me

I don't think I'd ever want to live anywhere that got that much snow, unless I never had to go anywhere in it

Yeah, every so many years, we will have a decent snowfall here in Middle Tennessee, and it is a huge big deal. I remember a time when we were stationed at Robins AFB in GA, and there was a record snowfall there - about a foot and a half! :cold: Any of you GA people remember (or have heard stories of) that? Like you, I am fine with it, as long as I don't have to be out driving, but I normally don't have to worry about that. Any amount of snow and ice usually closes schools here.

We just got back from our extended Nemo vacation this afternoon. It was a truly amazing trip; we have not done ten days in many years (we typically do one week with an early arrival day) so it was a really nice treat! The best part of it was that I got to spend some of each of those three extra days with Katie. We had SO much fun together and I feel truly blessed to have made such an amazing real-life best friend through your and Jill's reports.

I work through the summer and am not sure about any summer plans, but I've pretty much decided I am saving all the vacation/personal time I can and taking a few days in October to stay with Katie and Patrick and do F&W and MNSSHP with them. I'm waiting for Disney to release the 2013 MNSSHP dates and work around that. MNSSHP is something I have really, really wanted to do, so I am keeping my fingers crossed for a short October trip!

Well, not only am I excited that you got to have a winter trip and that you got to see Katie, but that you got those unexpected bonus days, as well. :thumbsup2

I think everyone will agree that you will love MNSSHP, Food & Wine Festival, and Disney World in general in October.

Hi friends!

In Minneapolis tonight, getting ready to fly out tomorrow AM! We'll be in Orlando by Noon & the plan is to head to Magic Kingdom for the afternoon.

I've got my winter coat put away, and my flip flops ready to go!!

I'll be sure to post pictures to Facebook

Too bad you and Sheree didn't plan to meet in MN.

We will look forward to pictures. Have a blast!!!

Oh, I wish I was getting on the plane with you! Are you sure you don't have room in your suitcase for me? I can meet you at the airport!
Have a great trip!!

You guys should plan a meet up there sometime. Katie Schafer is up that way, too. You guys could have a great meet!

And by the way, the official countdown is FIVE weeks!

Jill's schedule is insane!!!!!

I do remember that kind of schedule when I realized I spend 3 hours after work in the car driving and picking kids up from various activities and was up before dawn and home well after dark during the summertime.

I hope Jill can catch her breath this weekend and well since I am still playing catch up, perpetually it seems, whenever she gets to it is fine for me. ;)
It was nice to have so many DIS friends in one place. We had another fun meet with lots of DISers in October at Pop Century. It was on the last day of the next report we're going to be starting soon, so you will probably see it around July or August. :laughing:

Yes, I recall... I was ALMOST there! :rolleyes1 That was the day the girls & I decided to conquer all four parks!

Before I start with pictures this morning, I do want to say again how much we appreciate your visits to our reports. So many of you we really do know in real life now, and you have become friends. There is something special about Disney families and friendships. If we have not crossed paths on a WDW trip yet, we hope we can do that in the future, and if not, maybe we'll meet you at a DIS meet in some other place at some point. Also, we love it when those of you who live close to each other get to meet in person and get to know each other, as well. We have several DIS friends who started talking on our reports, discovered that they lived close to each other and/or had the same interests, and have developed real life friendships. That really is cool to us. :) And, we love making new friends through every report. :dance3: We hope you won't be scared away by my goofy :goofy: comments sometimes. I am guilty as charged, but that's just me, so hopefully you can overlook that and enjoy the pictures of your favorite place :smickey: in spite of it.

Also, we are keeping in mind those of you who are snowbound this morning. We hope it is pretty to look at, but that it is not causing problems and power outages for you. Check in with your snow results, if you will. Leslie L. said they had about a foot, I think, at last report. Amy was supposed to get 2-3 feet, I believe! :scared1:

:hug: I love being a part of DIS town! :goodvibes

As far as the snow... Thanks for checking in on me on facebook! We ended up with about 2 feet of snow. Luckily we didn't have any power problems.

You can see the top of our soccer net:

There are normally about 2 feet of foundation exposed here:

We have about three or four steps down from that little porch in the background. They were all covered up:


You can see our neighbor's foundation because he had shoveled his yard for their dog. It was also very windy so the snow drifted quite a bit. There were parts of our roof and the tops of our cars that had almost no snow on them. Then there were areas that had 3+ feet of snow. It was pretty crazy!

Sledding didn't work out very well... the snow was too light & fluffy. The boys pretty much sunk down into it. They tried to get a path started but it was still very cold out so it didn't last long!

The front of my minivan is on the right:

Happy boy!

And yesterday it almost reached 50 degrees so we've already had some good melting. Luckily the next few days will get up into the 40s because some of these snow banks are dangerous. It's hard to pull out onto a road when you can't see if there is another car coming!

Enough of the snow... Memom & Jill - I've really enjoyed this report & can't wait for the next one!!


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