Rejected Cast Member (racism)

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Ignore everyone else. They don't know what you've been through. They don't know what it's like to have teachers give you C's on tests simply because you're black. They don't know what it's like to have the popular boy never ask you out simply because you're black. They've never been in your shoes.

YOU know what it's like to be you. YOU know what it's like to have to go out your door every day knowing the world is FULL of racists. The racists are around every street corner just trying to keep you down.

And all these people saying Disney isn't racist? Have they ever watched Peter Pan? Have they seen Song of the South? How many white princesses are there (many)? How many black (1), how many asian (0 because Mulan was not a princess). The people who make the decisions at Disney didn't make these choices on accident.

If you KNOW you were discriminated against you should sue. Seriously. Sue them. What will end up happening is Disney will settle with you out of court. Disney doesn't want your story to end up in the newspaper.

If more victims of racism stood up and had the courage to sue companies there'd be a lot less racism in this country. Obama's election doesn't prove the country is no longer racist. Racism still exists and we must all fight against it.

If you do nothing then the next time another young black woman applies to this position she will get denied by the same interviewer. You have the chance to stop this circle of racism. You must speak up.

First of all, the original poster already said she had been denied from 3 CP's, which are all phone interviews. There's no way to tell race over a phone, so there's clearly something she's doing wrong in her interviews, and it isn't her race.
Nobody gets a lower grade on a test because of their race. They get low grades because they don't know the material as well as they should. Nobody has any obligation to ask anyone out just because of their race... Not sure what you're getting at there. You've clearly spent too much time around Disney because you're living in some fantasy conspiracy world.
Also, if you're going to say Disney is a racist company today and then go on to reference Peter Pan and SotS, which were both released over SIXTY years ago, your argument is ridiculous. Wake the hell up, half of Animal Kingdom is themed to look like Africa, and is staffed by Africans. Look at the people working in all the parks.. A significant percentage are black. Half of Epcot is dedicated to worldwide culture. No lawyer in a million years would accept a case to convince a jury that the Disney company is racist.
First of all, the original poster already said she had been denied from 3 CP's, which are all phone interviews. There's no way to tell race over a phone, so there's clearly something she's doing wrong in her interviews, and it isn't her race.
Nobody gets a lower grade on a test because of their race. They get low grades because they don't know the material as well as they should. Nobody has any obligation to ask anyone out just because of their race... Not sure what you're getting at there. You've clearly spent too much time around Disney because you're living in some fantasy conspiracy world.
Also, if you're going to say Disney is a racist company today and then go on to reference Peter Pan and SotS, which were both released over SIXTY years ago, your argument is ridiculous. Wake the hell up, half of Animal Kingdom is themed to look like Africa, and is staffed by Africans. Look at the people working in all the parks.. A significant percentage are black. Half of Epcot is dedicated to worldwide culture. No lawyer in a million years would accept a case to convince a jury that the Disney company is racist.

i like your username. :goodvibes
First of all, the original poster already said she had been denied from 3 CP's, which are all phone interviews. There's no way to tell race over a phone, so there's clearly something she's doing wrong in her interviews, and it isn't her race.
Nobody gets a lower grade on a test because of their race. They get low grades because they don't know the material as well as they should. Nobody has any obligation to ask anyone out just because of their race... Not sure what you're getting at there. You've clearly spent too much time around Disney because you're living in some fantasy conspiracy world.
Also, if you're going to say Disney is a racist company today and then go on to reference Peter Pan and SotS, which were both released over SIXTY years ago, your argument is ridiculous. Wake the hell up, half of Animal Kingdom is themed to look like Africa, and is staffed by Africans. Look at the people working in all the parks.. A significant percentage are black. Half of Epcot is dedicated to worldwide culture. No lawyer in a million years would accept a case to convince a jury that the Disney company is racist.

I think the most important part of the OP is the young lady mocking her interviewer's physical appearance. To me, that just shows that she isn't really Disney material in the first place.

Teachers giving C's because of color...this is ludicrous.
STOP using the color of your skin ...take the constructive criticism and apply it to your next interview in 6 months.

Good Luck!
Yeah I really wanted to ask if that poster had ever been to AK or AKL. There's not much Disney racism there.
I got knocked back as an African tribal dancer at ak. they said it was because I didn't dance very well.

I reckon it was because I was white.

I'm going to sue disney
I don't think this is racism at all. If they offered you a job that day then she obviously wasn't feeling racist towards you.

What most likely happened is she ran your name through her system and your name is flagged for some reason - whether it's your old CP interviews or a quick credit check. Something came up on her internal, quick background check. It's pretty standard procedure nowadays.
I think some of you people are giving this girl far too much benefit of the doubt. we seem to be forgetting that in her original post, shes calling people "ugly *****" and throwing around accusations of racism like its no big deal.

me thinks someone didn't like what they heard anyway as they never came back ;)
Working in the retail industry we offer jobs pending background checks. State law is very picky. Something could have come up or like others said, attitidue probably got in the way. I would definately get your picture off as someone else said employers check the internet for postings and if you are threatening potential lawsuit they are not going to take a chance with you since you might accuse them of something. l would try Knotts if you want to work in the industry.
I don't think this is racism at all. If they offered you a job that day then she obviously wasn't feeling racist towards you.

What most likely happened is she ran your name through her system and your name is flagged for some reason - whether it's your old CP interviews or a quick credit check. Something came up on her internal, quick background check. It's pretty standard procedure nowadays.

Perhaps. "I don't smile enough", is a polite way of saying there was something undercover she didn't like.

I used to work at Target and the manager accused me of fraud and stealing money from the register which I didn't do so I ended up quitting and I guess they have me as terminated in my employment background check.

I don't have any criminal history. Not all black people are crooks. lol

I want to thank you all for your replies. I still think my race had lots to do with it. There were moments were I assumed she was threatened by me for some reason.

that's neither here nor there. I'm not gonna work at disney and to be quite frank, I happy. They brainwash their employees.

But it's all good. Things happen for a reason.

I just got hired as a concessions cashier at Knotts. :cool1:
I think the OP just does not have CM material. I was a CP and there was not much that can be said during that phone interview that will have casting flag you. Now when the OP posted their follow up of being accused of fraud by her last employer that will defiantly cause Disney to say thanks but no thanks.
I'm a troll because I didn't get a job at Disneyland?

This is the college program board and I want to get into dcp and will until I have no more interest in doing so.
I'm sorry, but I don't think it had to do with your race. Of course we weren't there, so maybe there are some things that just didn't come across in your OP.

I've seen black people (and other minorities) working at Disneyland and in the college program and Disney does make a point to have diversity. I've seen them give a disabled person a job another company wouldn't IMO.

The comment she made about you not smiling enough, I think that was kinda lame. I mean, working at Disney isn't all about having a big cheesy smile all the time, it's about attitude and the way you treat guests. I've interacted with cast members who don't necessarily smile at me, but they are nice and hospitable still.

It sounds like a miscommunication all around, I don't think it's right that they would tell you they're "going to hire you" in addition to telling you to call them and making a point about having lots of people to consider. What usually happens is they are considering you and just tell you to call to follow up, especially if there was a big pool of people they were considering. Maybe she made you feel like you were definitely getting hired. I've felt that way in job interviews that have gone great, but turns out I wasn't a fit for that job.

Anyway it's probably best for you to look at other reasons you may not have been hired and see if you can improve for future applications if you really want to work with Disney. When you focus on an uncontrollable factor like race it doesn't help you at all.

Again I'm sorry you felt it was racism, but I think it's best to look at other avenues rather than focusing on that. Especially because there's no solid evidence that racism is what happened here. I think it'd be really hard to do anything about it even if it was.

If you truly don't think you see many blacks working at Disneyland maybe you can write a friendly letter about your observation. That may put adding more diversity to that particular park on their radar. I would leave this experience out of it though.
I'm a troll because I didn't get a job at Disneyland?

This is the college program board and I want to get into dcp and will until I have no more interest in doing so.

People are assuming you are a troll for you assuming that just because you didn't get a job it was racism. I mean I'm usually a really mellow and chill guy, but you honestly need to grow up. Just because you didn't get a job doesn't mean it was due to racism. Disney hires COUNTLESS minorities for their parks. And pulling the race card just makes you look ignorant.
I don't mean Disneyworld. They hire lots of Creole/Black people being that's it's in Florida and close to the south where many black people are.

I mean here in Los Angeles/Orange County area, Disneyland.

I have not seen any black HR workers, parking lot attendants, admissions attendants. Nothing.

I seen maybe one light skinned black lady working at Space Mountain and that was pretty much it.
Oath said:
I don't mean Disneyworld. They hire lots of Creole/Black people being that's it's in Florida and close to the south where many black people are.

I mean here in Los Angeles/Orange County area, Disneyland.

I have not seen any black HR workers, parking lot attendants, admissions attendants. Nothing.

I seen maybe one light skinned black lady working at Space Mountain and that was pretty much it.

If that's true then your best bet is to write a friendly letter or email to someone who can address it. Again leave your particular experience out of it because it may sound bitter.

Sometimes there is racism and I don't think it's impossible for it to happen at Disney. Walt Disney as a company is all over diversity, but that doesn't mean a particular hiring manager isn't racist or that a certain race isn't under represented at a park. Bringing your concern to their attention in a polite manner is the best way to have that issue addressed.

I'll honestly have to see if I feel blacks are underrepresented at DLR next time I'm there. I'm inclined to say that's not the case, I'm an APer and have never noticed a lack of diversity at DLR. But then again I wasn't particularly looking for it either. I do recall a really helpful concierge being a young black woman.

I'm black by the way and I don't like to chock things up to racism although I do acknowledge it exists.
If that's true then your best bet is to write a friendly letter or email to someone who can address it. Again leave your particular experience out of it because it may sound bitter.

Sometimes there is racism and I don't think it's impossible for it to happen at Disney. Walt Disney as a company is all over diversity, but that doesn't mean a particular hiring manager isn't racist or that a certain race isn't under represented at a park. Bringing your concern to their attention in a polite manner is the best way to have that issue addressed.

I'll honestly have to see if I feel blacks are underrepresented at DLR next time I'm there. I'm inclined to say that's not the case, I'm an APer and have never noticed a lack of diversity at DLR. But then again I wasn't particularly looking for it either. I do recall a really helpful concierge being a young black woman.

I'm black by the way and I don't like to chock things up to racism although I do acknowledge it exists.

At the same time, i would hope that Disney doesn't hire to fit diversity quotas, and focus on the quality of the applicant first and foremost.

As Oath said, there are more black CMs at WDW because there are more black communities in the south. I don't think its unreasonable to assume that DL has less black applicants, and in turn, a smaller pool to pick quality CMs from. Its just simply a matter of numbers after a certain point if you decide to look at it that way.
dairylives said:
At the same time, i would hope that Disney doesn't hire to fit diversity quotas, and focus on the quality of the applicant first and foremost.

As Oath said, there are more black CMs at WDW because there are more black communities in the south. I don't think its unreasonable to assume that DL has less black applicants, and in turn, a smaller pool to pick quality CMs from. Its just simply a matter of numbers after a certain point if you decide to look at it that way.

I get that. Like I said I've never even noticed any lack of diversity at DLR. But if someone truly *wink* felt there were a diversity issue at any given place the proper way to go about things would be a lot different than op.

If OP is serious I think she should remove her posts. Although Oath you say you've got a job at Knotts now, so maybe you don't care.
I may understand your dissapointment about being denied the opportunity to live out your intentions of working for Disney, but accusing them of racism is not the best approach to have another chance (with the picture included in your profile). Disney is indeed a well diverse workplace, and it indeed may be other reasons for not being hired, that time. It is really dissapointing to see you reacting so foolishly to the situation...please find time to rethink your frustration.
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