Jodi Arias Trial Part 6, starting with JM Rebuttal April 16

By any chance, has anyway heard any critique/assessment/interpretation/opinion of yesterday's testimony by any of the legal eagles on tv this morning? ... Just curious what's being said :confused3 ... Maybe they are all still in bed due to the late night last night ;) ...
I agree the State needs to focus on the premeditation, but the autopsy report is being used to back this up:

That's why the State keeps saying Travis was shot last despite the fact that Travis actually could have been shot first and still been alive and this would still apply under the second bolding above.

At least that's my interpretation of it.

ETA: Course, that's when the State was claiming Travis was shot first.

Thanks for the information. This is how I look at it:

If Travis was shot first, based upon the direction of the bullet, he would have been rapidly incapacitated. He wouldn't have been able to defend himself, so there would be no defensive wounds. If we ignore the defensive wounds, Arias basically stabbed an unconscious dying man 29 times and sliced his throat ear-to-ear. That is brutal and cruel.

If Travis was stabbed first, while the stab to the chest/heart would have been fatal, it wasn't rapid. So he's able to stumble to the sink, and try and block the further stab wounds by Arias, thus creating the defensive wounds. She continues to stab a dying man 29 times, slices his throat ear-to-ear (he completely bleeds out), then caps him in the head. Brutal and cruel.

Either way, her defense doesn't hold water. She was told so many lies in and out of court, that she is not believable. Her experts testimony was based upon lies.

I believe Martinez will drive home how brutal and cruel this murder was, and then he will show the premeditation aspects. It's going to be step-by-step for the jury to see clearly what happened the night Arias murder Travis.

All the smoke and mirrors about their sex life and their dysfunctional relationship was just that, smoke and mirrors. Really doesn't make a difference. She's not some abused woman, she's a predator.
Thanks for the information. This is how I look at it:

If Travis was shot first, based upon the direction of the bullet, he would have been rapidly incapacitated. He wouldn't have been able to defend himself, so there would be no defensive wounds. If we ignore the defensive wounds, Arias basically stabbed an unconscious dying man 29 times and sliced his throat ear-to-ear. That is brutal and cruel.

If Travis was stabbed first, while the stab to the chest/heart would have been fatal, it wasn't rapid. So he's able to stumble to the sink, and try and block the further stab wounds by Arias, thus creating the defensive wounds. She continues to stab a dying man 29 times, slices his throat ear-to-ear (he completely bleeds out), then caps him in the head. Brutal and cruel.

Either way, her defense doesn't hold water. She was told so many lies in and out of court, that she is not believable. Her experts testimony was based upon lies.

I believe Martinez will drive home how brutal and cruel this murder was, and then he will show the premeditation aspects. It's going to be step-by-step for the jury to see clearly what happened the night Arias murder Travis.

All the smoke and mirrors about their sex life and their dysfunctional relationship was just that, smoke and mirrors. Really doesn't make a difference. She's not some abused woman, she's a predator.

I hope the jury sees it this way too :) ...
Thanks for the information. This is how I look at it:

If Travis was shot first, based upon the direction of the bullet, he would have been rapidly incapacitated. He wouldn't have been able to defend himself, so there would be no defensive wounds. If we ignore the defensive wounds, Arias basically stabbed an unconscious dying man 29 times and sliced his throat ear-to-ear. That is brutal and cruel.

If Travis was stabbed first, while the stab to the chest/heart would have been fatal, it wasn't rapid. So he's able to stumble to the sink, and try and block the further stab wounds by Arias, thus creating the defensive wounds. She continues to stab a dying man 29 times, slices his throat ear-to-ear (he completely bleeds out), then caps him in the head. Brutal and cruel.

Either way, her defense doesn't hold water. She was told so many lies in and out of court, that she is not believable. Her experts testimony was based upon lies.

I believe Martinez will drive home how brutal and cruel this murder was, and then he will show the premeditation aspects. It's going to be step-by-step for the jury to see clearly what happened the night Arias murder Travis.

All the smoke and mirrors about their sex life and their dysfunctional relationship was just that, smoke and mirrors. Really doesn't make a difference. She's not some abused woman, she's a predator.

Absolutely and I hope the State mentions when she was arrested police discovered she'd bought a 9 millimeter.
Absolutely and I hope the State mentions when she was arrested police discovered she'd bought a 9 millimeter.
Ah, but St Jodes aways wanted to be a responsible gun owner, you know.

:confused3 Did the DT run that testimony with Jodi beforehand?? Does that sound like a valid reason to have bought the gun? Why didn't they just say she wanted to kill herself, period? :confused3

Ack...I need to go dye my hair. My hairdresser has been on maternity leave for two months, and is coming back May 4. I'm afraid to make an appt not knowing what's coming up.

PS I'm recording InSession. They're replaying Dr Geffies (can't remember his name) testimony...I hope they replay the part about the autopsy. Now he's just rambling on and on about testing and PTSD and yada yada yada shut-the-heck-up.
Hopefully Juan has his close ready to go , so he can go home and sleep.

I hope Jill helped rebut Goofy Geffner, but I'm so tired I just don't know.

Do you guys think these 2 last witnesses were worth the entire day of testimony.

I'm going with NO.....

I vote "no" as well. Unless you wanted a cure for insomnia (Mom's words last night-don't know when she went to bed. She was watching HLN).
Long time lurker, first time poster on this thread. I am sure you all know my DH Thumper_Man...the very one who said this...

And then came to bed, set up his iPod on the dock and proceeded to listen to the rest of the nights testimony. Hard core I say ;)


Hey, Thumper! You lie like Jodi! :rotfl:
It's a little blurry to me because it was such a long day yesterday, but here's how I remember it ... During Dr. Geffner's direct testimony, when Willie was aking him about the frontal lobe and brain, etc. he or she brought up that the membrane was not punctured (which was stated in the ME report that Dr. G kept saying he was basing his entire opinion on because he assumed it was accurate, valid, blah blah blah :rolleyes:) ... Then it wasn't until the last juror question :sad2: that asked about the membrane being damaged that it was brought up again ... At that point, Dr. Horn looked at his autopsy report and said that it had to have been punctured/damaged and it was just a typo in his report that said otherwise ... Of course, Willie pounced on the typo on re-cross and started saying things like "you do know this is a capital case" blah blah ... And then tried to discredit him and the accuracy of the report, etc. ... Dr. Horn stuck to his guns and kept saying it was a typo and that there was no way the membrane wasn't punctured/damaged ...

I don't remember if this membrane was ever brought up in Dr. Horn's previous testimony or this was the first time we heard about it though :scratchin ... I think Willie and Dr G purposely set it all up yesterday and I'm kinda thinking that Dr. Horn was ready for it and was prepared to say it was just a typo ... I don't know how this will affect how the jury feels about the autopsy report and Dr. Horn, however :scared: ... I'm hoping it's no big deal to them ... But I guess it all depends on how much they weigh in the TA being shot first or last theory into their deliberations and ultimate verdict though ... Ugh ... It's so important that JM really focuses and brings home all the evidence pointing to premeditation in his closing today, otherwise, I don't know what's going to happen :scared: ...

This pretty much sums it up. Before the surrebuttal, Dr. Horn was called to the stand again by Juan. The bullet wound was first discussed, but not the particular membrane. Dr. Horn testified that he would've been immediately incapacitated and wouldn't have been able to defend himself. Plus given the lack of blood and hemorrhaging around the wound, meant he was more than likely dead when he was shot.

It was Dr. G that brought up the membrane and that this membrane controls motor functions. He pointed out that Dr. Horn's report stated it wasn't damaged and added that Travis could've been capable of still defending himself, and/or possibly attacking Jodi.

The fact still remains is that the bullet shot came last. Juan got Dr. G to admit that the lack of blood from the wound meant he was probably already dead. Juan needs to make sure and focus on the fact that even if this membrane was or was not intact at the time the autopsy was performed; the shot to the head was the final nail in the coffin. It did not come first like Jodi states it did. Hopefully the jury takes the report for mostly what it is and oversees this typo. If anyone of them is believing Travis was shot first, then this could be a problem. :scared: I certainly hope they all believe he was stabbed first, then his throat slit and the shot came last.

Personally, from the moment I learned how he died, I really didn't believe it was self defense. Especially given there was no calls for help, tried to clean up the crime scene, disposed of evidence. A real self defense victim would've been in fight and flight mode. Fight just enough to escape from the scene and call for help.

Of course you all know that. I'm just rambling on now.

Hey, Thumper! You lie like Jodi! :rotfl:

It could be just an exaggeration as the good Dr. tried fruitlessly to prove yesterday on the stand. :confused3 Totally different from a lie...remember that. ;)

And thank you all for the warm welcome! I hope to be able to keep up. Let's hope work doesn't get in the way too much today.
Awake again... too hot to lay in bed. Going to watch some HLN gossip...

And Kar, I believe its our Juan Martinez is up first. Then Willie/Nurmi.... and Juan to finish out.

I thought I would share Charlotte's going home outfit. Well now I am between two different sleepers. DH likes the first, but I LOVE purple, so #2 is what I like.



Here is her nursery bedding that was delivered the other day.

Just thought I would share! I may take nursery photos once the crib is here and assembled. It's back ordered but should be here TOMORROW!

Both outfits are cute! It would be hard to pick!

And now we know what hubby will be doing either tomorrow or the weekend.... :rolleyes1 :rotfl2:

Hey, Thumper! You lie like Jodi! :rotfl:

I beg your pardon, but I didn't lie. I said,

I wish I could say the same. I think it's time for me to call it a night to. I get up at 5 every morning. I don't think I can hold out much longer.

Talk to you all tomorrow.

I merely stretched out the night for another 1/2 hour or so, but I did eventually call it a night. And I will add, I never mentioned anything about going to sleep as provided by the evidence above.
Can't sleep either......someone may need to text me to wake my butt up tomorrow.....:rotfl:

I pick #2. Adorable!!!!

I love the bedding!!

I've been spring cleaning and found a box that had all my kids pregnancy and 1st and second year calendars. Their each own little infant diaries where I taped pictures in, cards, and for some reason I would type their top twenty lists ...1. fav food, 2. fav song...etc. I'm so glad I did that. Sons are 23 & 20 and DD is 14.

I'm so excited for you!!!!!

Oh, and apparently I learned tonight that my wedding anniversary is not May 3 but May 13. My adorable hubby looked so hurt :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: :teacher: I was asking him where he wanted to go to dinner this friday for our anniversary. :idea: Ummm I guess you had to be here when he just stared at me...then it hit me. :headache:

Well, let's see what other message boards I can go torment...

See ya all tomorrow!!!! I set my cell phone alarm :woohoo:

Isn't it usually the hubby who forgets the anniversary, not the wife? But then I could never remember dating anniversaries either. :rolleyes1
Love the bedding! Purple is my new "it" color. My DGD has a lot of purple in her room. Of the two outfits you posted, I love the 2nd one!

A friend of mine had Pooh for her daughter's nursery. Couldn't tell ya what my niece had for her daughter's. :rolleyes1

So, HLN finished up airing testimony at 3 AM EST. Don't ask me how I know that. :rolleyes:

Pulled a redeye, didn't we? :rolleyes1

I crashed about midnight. Not listening to the trial. No idea when Mom went to bed...
Ah, but St Jodes aways wanted to be a responsible gun owner, you know.

:confused3 Did the DT run that testimony with Jodi beforehand?? Does that sound like a valid reason to have bought the gun? Why didn't they just say she wanted to kill herself, period? :confused3

Ack...I need to go dye my hair. My hairdresser has been on maternity leave for two months, and is coming back May 4. I'm afraid to make an appt not knowing what's coming up.

PS I'm recording InSession. They're replaying Dr Geffies (can't remember his name) testimony...I hope they replay the part about the autopsy. Now he's just rambling on and on about testing and PTSD and yada yada yada shut-the-heck-up.

I'm really hoping for a verdict on Monday, I've got 10 acres to mow and during this season it keeps growing so I no sooner finish than I have to start again.

And speaking of hair, at least I won't need a haircut for months and months. My hairdresser had a stroke late last year, she then somewhat recovered and cut my hair perfectly back in Feb and I mean perfectly. Last week I came outta there looking like this: :headache: Really, that's the length of my hair.

Maybe you can get an early morning appointment next week, surely the court won't reconvene for the reading of the verdict before noon your time.
Is it real????
Are they teasing us???

I won't believe they are starting closing arguments until I see Juan walk up there with my own eyes.:upsidedow

I really thought they might sequester them for this part, but I guess they figure why do it now.

I cannot wait to here JM put it all together. Its gonna be good. So good.

Now, lets see how many times Willie objects to what he is saying and asks to approach.
I have a niece named Heather, married to a Mike. :)I don't remember what they said...major fog going on in my scrambled brain...but no, no jury questions. I think there'd be a mutiny from the other jurors if there were.

Aunt Mary, is that you? :rotfl:

Wait a minute. :scratchin I don't have an aunt Mary.

What an amazing coincidence though.
Awake again... too hot to lay in bed. Going to watch some HLN gossip...

And Kar, I believe its our Juan Martinez is up first. Then Willie/Nurmi.... and Juan to finish out.

I thought I would share Charlotte's going home outfit. Well now I am between two different sleepers. DH likes the first, but I LOVE purple, so #2 is what I like.



Here is her nursery bedding that was delivered the other day.

Just thought I would share! I may take nursery photos once the crib is here and assembled. It's back ordered but should be here TOMORROW!

My vote is for the purple one.
Oh you have got to be kidding me, you actually went to bed and listened to the trial??? :lmao:

I actually went to bed to watch and listen to the trial. I was streaming it on my ipod.

I tried to stream it through our Wii, but it wasn't working. I'll have to play with that some more. I'll have to see if I can get it through the Blu Ray as a back up plan.
My dad ending up passing away just before midnight last night. I spent the day at the Church and Funeral home making plans. Tonight we were at a mass for my daughter's friend who is still in critical condition.

Would someone mind giving me a very brief summary of what went on today? Maybe some great jaunism to make me smile. :)

So sorry to hear about your dad. Thoughts and prayers for you and your family during this difficult time. :hug:


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