.*Even Miracles Take A Little Time.* A Beyond Birthdays PTR ~Complete~

Tink2Day said:
Yay for you Timmy!:cheer2:
So happy to hear your dream of going back to Disney will be coming true. Didn't realize you were going to NYC again, must have missed that. I haven't kept up too well on any of my favorites but may have more time now.
My situation ended sadly, as we knew it would but as said in Ecclesiastes 3:1-2
"1To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: 2 A time to be born, and a time to die;"

Anyway, I too am planning a trip, either during the F&W or close to Christmas. But your trip sounds like it will be great! So happy at least Jocelyn is going back with you too.

By the way your print color is brutal on old eyes.:rotfl:

Can't wait to read more on your PTR and on your next trip to NYC!

p.s. I saw your Tink pin and I have one too! Love some Tink!

Thanks Tink! So happy to see you back here! I very vaguely remember your situation but I am happy to here you have such an optimistic outlook on everything now. :welcome: BACK!

I am so excited that one way or another I am going back! This time I am working for my keep so... It will be intense! Hopefully I will have a job by this summer so I can start saving up *crossing fingers* And yes I am going to NYC with chorus, this is the trip they had this year. Really close to that now! Have to get room assignments together though... Really stressful. But I am very excited to be going back!

That's so exciting! I wish I was able to take Disney trips in the fall, I want to do F&W and MNSSHP SO BAD!

Awesome! And I will keep you posted on when things are happening.

P.S. Thanks! My pin lanyard is no longer Tink-less, it is great. Haha, totally saw that from your username lol
I've been reading some of my favorite writers (love the adventures of Jess in her College Program and always love any dining reports:rotfl2:), did you report on your NYC trip somewhere else on the board?
Was interested to hear how it went and if/what shows you were able to see. Also how's your trip planning going?

I'm close to my 180 and dining ressies, hoping for BOG!:thumbsup2
I've been reading some of my favorite writers (love the adventures of Jess in her College Program and always love any dining reports:rotfl2:), did you report on your NYC trip somewhere else on the board?
Was interested to hear how it went and if/what shows you were able to see. Also how's your trip planning going?

I'm close to my 180 and dining ressies, hoping for BOG!:thumbsup2

I'm glad you are enjoying other reports. I've had no time at all lately to check out any reports. Hopefully I won't have totally lost my touch with the DISWorld by this summer since I'm pretty sure that is when I'll finally have time to have any fun.

No, I have not reported yet about NYC trip. It just happened over a week ago so I'll be getting to that soon... just not this weekend. I will say it was a wonderful trip! Probably in the list of my favorite vacations of all-time (up there with the Disney trips). I was really busy throughout so I have tons to talk about from the vacation week itself. Then, I can get to my Disney trip planning again.

Oh that's so great! I hope you have an awesome time! Really hope you get to go to BOG, that's on the top of my list to check out when I go back. I may have to start a countdown soon... unless I'm forgetting a ton already and I have one lol
I know this is a really busy time for schoolkids, I used to teach. Especially busy time for High School kids( probably not politically correct but to me anyone under 30 is a kid). Good luck and enjoy it, not much time left in HS for you going by one of your sigs.

I'm trying to figure out how to do a countdown ticker right now:confused3....
Not that I'm doing a report (well not one for publication anyway, although I have trip reports and pre-trip report in my personal journal) but I have one on my phone and want to see it on here.

I really think BOG will be sensational, it looks so neat from the ads on TV and in all the pictures here.
Can't wait!:yay:

It's been forever since I've last updated much less when I've actually posted a comment of sorts on the boards so I thought I should post one before I put myself at that point of no return. Because I'm pretty darn close again and I'm already over this year so I might as well talk about the good so I can keep my mind off the bad. Since I just got off a huge HIGH point in my year and now I feel I went slamming back down to the bottom. Hopefully I'll have a nice summer after and then a good senior year (even if I'm taking FOUR AP classes next year...)

But anyways, so I recently took a trip back to NYC with Chorus. And while it wasn't a long trip or Austria, it definitely ranks as one of the best vacations I've ever had, up there with the Disney trips. Everything just worked out so well and I got so much done. I've officially decided since I will never get the chance to actually live my life out in Disney, I'll live my life out in NYC because it is just such a fun, culturally diverse (and unique) place. And I really got to experience IT ALL this time, but I'll go into that later. Aside from that, I finally got my license (ON THE FIRST TRY!), so yeah, I'm officially on the road... still need a job and a car, but I'm really working on those at the moment. I also went to our local (two hours away) Six Flags and got season passes! Those will definitely be useful. And I saw another musical (plus the one in NYC), which I will reveal later...

First, NYC... I got to do SOOOO MUCH NEW STUFF! Most know how on my first trip, we basically lived in Times Square and that was it (along with the 9/11 memorial and the two shows we saw). But this time, I literally only was in Times Square for an hour before our show that night and then there was everything else. Aside from Times Square, I got to check out Rockefeller Center, toured NBC Studios, went to the Top of the Rock, finally got to see Central Park, had dinner at Medieval Times, went on a boat tour around the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island (they are both closed to the public currently) and spent a day in Battery Park (no 9/11 memorial this time). Know what's crazy too? I did most of these endeavors with people I barely knew. It was very different, but I embraced it all and had a fantastic time.

Since I never really got to update on this, we never ended up seeing Mary Poppins because it closed on Broadway a month before we were scheduled to see it. It was a real shame especially since I was so pumped for it. Our choir director was frantic trying to find shows and we ended up going to see...



I'm sure people who were here for when I was deciding on what show to see during last year's trip no I was very opposed to Once at the time. It beat out Newsies for Best Musical and just about everything else for crying out loud! I was not pleased especially since this didn't even look remotely as entertaining or well put together. And a show with all Celtic music... how could that ever win best musical? That just doesn't seem like it would go over well with so many voters. That was me before I saw the show and let me tell you... I was proved wrong!

I really enjoyed Once! It's such a beautiful show. The music is fantastic, the story is very simple and really has great themes in it and one thing that took me aback was how surprisingly funny the show was. And I saw this from the back row in the middle. But also what is really cool is prior to the show, the actors (who also play instruments throughout the show (there is no orchestra)) have a jam session on the stage. They all are incredibly talented and it's such a welcoming sound when coming into this theater (the theater was really cramped... only complaint). Also, the set they have actually is very nice and has some cool effects that come with it (lemme just say the lighting design is SUPERB). I would highly recommend this show to any one that is interested in something different but I will warn you, it is a VERY emotional show and the set is pretty small so get orchestra seats, even if I saw it perfectly from above, I think it's much better seeing the whole thing straight on. Really great show, liked it a lot! (Side Note: For any Doctor Who fans, I ended up seeing Arthur Darvill in the lead role for the first night, he was really great, the whole cast was, probably the best cast I've seen yet in a Broadway/Professional Production.)

Before that, we got into NYC midday and were dropped off at Rockefeller Center. There, we got to look around but also got to go to the Top of the Rock and take the NBC Studio Tour. I will go into more specific details later, but the Top of the Rock was so cool, it was very windy and with my slight fear of heights, took a bit for me, but I loved the cool elevator they have and the view is awesome. I took a video of it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTox5XP8DZM. And I really liked the NBC Studio Tour even if my chorus teacher is considering cutting that so people have more time in Times Square. I hope there are no big SNL fans because getting to see that set was awesome! My group also got a special treat and went on the set of the Today Show. That was pretty cool and I got to talk with one of the Pages giving us the tour. They were so nice, we were so lucky! Times Square was fun as always. I actually bought a new pin set and got some things for my sister. I also got pictures with more M&Ms and helped a friend with personalizing M&Ms, fun even if the person helping us through was a bit disgruntled. :/

The following day, after our performance in the morning (went over okay, even if a group from California way before us was on a whole other level than us... whatever), we spent the day in Central Park. I was first pushing to rushing down towards the bottom of Central Park near Times Square so we could sneak off to there, but I was so glad we didn't. I had so much fun in there. It became probably the biggest highlight of the trip aside maybe from Once or the NBC Studio Tour. It was just the simple things of rolling down the hills, being in such a beautiful space, checking out the vendors, getting a picture with the Balto statue... oh and I got my caricature done! It's already nice and framed. I also got some original art while I was there, pretty cool if I do say so myself (though I'm not entirely sure if they were lying or not...). Then, we went to Medieval Times which I fully immersed myself in. The food I thought was great overall, sorta distracted from the actual show, but when it was happening, we got into it (I bought a flag and a jester hat). A great way to end our day (even if we only got a trophy for second place for our performance, we had fun).

On the last day, we had to get out pretty early, so kinda had to rush through breakfast and getting ready then bringing everything out front to get to our Boat Tour around the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island (both were closed) to get over to Battery Park. I basically took the last of my pictures on this boat ride. This was my first time ever seeing Lady Liberty and Ellis Island so... I went overboard lol (Pun intended.) But the pictures were great (I'll post them later). And I had another fun time in Battery Park, bought a lot of last minute things and got to enjoy more classic NYC cart food. Really food was something I almost forgot about throughout the trip. I had too much fun.

Then, we left. All worn out but pumped with City life, we had a very eventful bus ride back home (it was quite eventful). When I got home everyone was happy to see me and I got to give out all my gifts (which everyone LOVED), so it was a very satisfying start to my vacation week. After a day of rest, I went to get my license (which was a day in itself) and with some weird stroke of luck got it. Then, a few days later I got to go Six Flags and buy Season Passes. I also got to see another show in honor of my birthday (coming up in THREE DAYS!!!), can you guess what it was?

Well, I'll tell you anyway... THE BOOK OF MORMON!


Can you believe it?! I actually saw it! OMG! To think a year ago, I had no interest in the show whatsoever and thinking nobody else did. Now, I am obsessed and my dad really wanted to see it and loves it as well! Took RENT's place as my favorite show! It is so funny and so well-done. While it does have a very classic Broadway score, the show itself is very anti-musical and really pushed the boundaries of what a musical can do. I was stunned by what this musical did and I mean I've seen some pretty crazy shows, but this show was hilarious and so... INSANE! I'm actually not sure I would recommend this to everyone because the show is borderline offensive and can be taken offensively, but if you're interested I say go for it. It's a satire, so while it does make fun of what could be serious subjects, it's basically poking fun no harm intended. But I'll just say I RECOMMEND THIS QUITE HIGHLY! It is a great example of modern theater masterpiece, really exemplifies how today we can do what theater did so well years ago, just brought to the modern day.

There were a lot of things I did in between all of this and have done after (Prom was this weekend, will do a separate update on that). I will post some pictures of all these great days soon, just wanted to let you know how everything's going. And to add, I'm going to be starting to putting plans in for the Disney trip next year. All my friends and I are anxious already so... I may be in the planning stages earlier than I thought I was. Look for that PTR! And there is a chance I could be going back to NYC for another overnight stay and lots of Broadway! For now, I'll get some videos of the first NYC trip then the Quebec trip too, then the other NYC trip (pictures and video) and more photos (Prom, Six Flags, etc.). Will get over to everyone's TRs soon and leave some love!

Hope everyone's having a lovely Spring so far (for those, like me, where it has just begun)! And that their year has been better than mine.

And, of course, have a magical day!


P.S. Anyone get the non-Disney reference in the title of this update? ;)
I know this is a really busy time for schoolkids, I used to teach. Especially busy time for High School kids( probably not politically correct but to me anyone under 30 is a kid). Good luck and enjoy it, not much time left in HS for you going by one of your sigs.

I'm trying to figure out how to do a countdown ticker right now:confused3....
Not that I'm doing a report (well not one for publication anyway, although I have trip reports and pre-trip report in my personal journal) but I have one on my phone and want to see it on here.

I really think BOG will be sensational, it looks so neat from the ads on TV and in all the pictures here.
Can't wait!:yay:

Thanks! Here's a website you can use if you want to add a ticker, it's pretty straightforward: http://www.mickeypath.com/ You'll have to let me know what you think of BOG because I know I'm going to check out the QS there on my next trip :teeth:

I really am so out of my element. My creativity for titles has dropped significantly. But I just needed to get in an update since I've kinda prolonged it as I've gotten my sea legs again to tell you what's up with me.

As you can probably tell, it's about midway through the summer and I made it through junior year. I still didn't lose my strong GPA, it dropped a little but that's nothing I'm going to flip out over because it's still pretty steady. And my little downfalls near the end of the year didn't affect me too much. Needless to say, I was not upset for the year to be over for the first time in forever. Usually I'm a little bit sad the school year is over, even if I'm more excited for the summer, but this year I just wanted it over. I mean, the last week of school I was still staying up until ungodly hours even the last day. That never happens, I was just so all over the place and at war with myself while at war with people and... urrrggghhh, it was just such a relief to be over with it all. I think I probably slept when I got home which doesn't usually happen since I'm always in a very hyper move, but I passed out. I was done.

But, of course, there were some good things leading up to that final week that made everything a whole lot better. I think the big one was... well, I'll let the pictures explain it:



And then around two months later...


Yup, it's happened! I got my braces off! Those three and almost a half years really paid off. I'm actually going to be getting my Senior Pictures done so I'm so excited to do it without the train tracks. Unfortunately, since they do a before-and-after X-ray, they noticed how my wisdom teeth are coming in and not the way they should. My two bottom ones are actually coming in sideways directly at my 12 year old molars, which are covered by a ton of gum and have yet to make their way out. Then, the top two have barely any room so I'm going to have to get those out. I'll spare you the chipmunk impression photos from after.

Also, I had my party of one Tony Awards from home extravaganza again this year! I probably had about twenty bazillion freak outs. It was fantastic! It was a highlight for me after NYC. A shame I probably won't be going back to see any of the shows from this year. I can say I'm pretty well versed now in my Broadway knowledge and after some crummy years, the shows on Broadway currently really are all very good and probably the best line-up the Great White Way has had in years. So if you are thinking about doing a trip to NYC in the near future to see some shows, I would highly recommend now. There really is such a nice spread of fantastic long-running shows and fantastic new ones.

Coming back to now though, I have another big announcement...


Yup, after many many struggles, I finally was able to do the unthinkable. It kinda came late into the summer, but I'm perfectly fine with that. I actually start tomorrow afternoon. It's funny too, I actually ended up getting a job as a lifeguard but at a smaller lake then the pools and bigger lakes I applied to. I really am not going to be covering a ton, but I was already offered four shifts for tomorrow, Saturday, this coming Monday and the Wednesday after that, which was much more than I expected. So let's just say, I may have a more tightly scheduled summer than I originally anticipated, but I'm ready to start making some moolah.

Aside from that, it's been a pretty low key summer. I've been going on college visits and that's pretty much all. I have visited Tufts (which I visited during the school year), University of Vermont (my top choice at the moment), Ithaca and Cornell. I think I'm going to check out some schools in Pennsylvania then maybe some schools further away in like South Carolina and D.C. Might I add I'm doing this while trying to enjoy my summer, balance a job, three A.P. classes worth of summer work and whatever else may be in store for me. *sigh*

On the Disney side of things and TR stuff, I've only had the chance to finish one of the slideshow/movie/trailer thingamabobbers of my last three trips that I dragged out the TRs on. If you want to watch it, here is the slideshow of my NYC trip from last year when I saw Wicked and RENT. It's all pictures I will warn you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFiB_XgSE-A

I'm currently working on the other New York City one then I'll get to the Quebec one and we'll be set. Both of those have a lot more video than the one above, which is why they are taking longer and will be much more worth your viewing than that.

And on the PTR I'm planning to do for the upcoming trip to Disney with my Chorus & Band (part deux, you could say), I'm trying to wait it out. I usually get some mail and emails about the trip, which is how I would like to start it since I have no idea about the dates, if we are going to Universal, if the trip will be longer, when it will be etc. I mean... I do have ideas about what I want to do and those little extra things, but I really don't want to go into all of that until I know for sure that the trip is going to be the way I think it will be or something totally different. I'm also trying to catch up on TRs at the moment so it won't be too bad of a wait, but it will take awhile, hopefully I'll be getting something in the mail soon about the Disney trip *crossing my fingers*

Hope everyone is doing well! I kinda was on a lack of Disney trip for awhile and I really am just grasping for more Disney. I've been missing out on a lot of the new stuff like I just learned about DTD being COMPLETELY re-done as Disney Springs, then the princess makeovers and all this craziness... I feel like such a newbie having to be completely surprised by these not being "Knew that, here is my opinion". So anything people want to let me know about something that's happened with Disney over the past year, I'd love to hear! Thanks!

As always, have a magical day!


P.S. I'm also starting to begin work on my Senior project for next year. For those not familiar with this, what I have to do is complete this year long project (it's a graduation requirement) where I have an essential question and from that EQ (short for essential question), I create an applied piece, do research, find an outside expert to help and then present all my findings doing all of this with the help of a mentor as well. I've decided to do a combination of my two favorite things in the world, can you guess? Well I'm telling you anyway: Disney... and... Broadway! So you're wondering how am I doing that? Well, I've decided to do a purely for academic purposes (had to add this disclaimer) Broadway adaptation of a Disney film. And what Disney film is that? I'm glad you asked. I've chosen...


Like I would chose any other. I'm not actually going to put on this production or really do a great deal of work, but I am going to write some scenes, sketch out maybe a few set or costume design ideas, write a song or two and just show what goes into making a film-to-Broadway adaptation. I'll be keeping you updated about that since I'm starting it early.

Ummm... that's all...I'll save my reviews of Monsters University and Despicable Me 2 for another time since I think those need their own post lol
Just found time to respond to the Alert on your latest post. (I'm still not caught up with the other reports, maybe I have too many subscriptions?:rotfl2:)

Anyway, YAY for all your accomplishments and good luck with your summer projects and new job.:beach:

Love that you got your braces off, handsome lad that you are. My grandson still has a few more years to go, probably will be out of H.S. by then, poor boy he hates them.
Let us know how the job goes. I once was a lifeguard in the summer and a ski instructor in the winter during my college days. Those were my career goals but sadly reality intruded:rotfl:

Best of luck to you on all of your endeavors, sounds like you're staying very busy!
Just found time to respond to the Alert on your latest post. (I'm still not caught up with the other reports, maybe I have too many subscriptions?:rotfl2:)

Anyway, YAY for all your accomplishments and good luck with your summer projects and new job.:beach:

Love that you got your braces off, handsome lad that you are. My grandson still has a few more years to go, probably will be out of H.S. by then, poor boy he hates them.
Let us know how the job goes. I once was a lifeguard in the summer and a ski instructor in the winter during my college days. Those were my career goals but sadly reality intruded:rotfl:

Best of luck to you on all of your endeavors, sounds like you're staying very busy!

I'm so great you have. I'm sure I'm being extremely redundant, but it's good to know this thread is still getting some traffic in terms of comments.

Thank you! I hope I will manage to get through the summer with both now. :thumbsup2

Awww, you are too sweet Tink. I'm so glad they are off. But boy do they make a difference! I had almost totally forgotten what I looked like before them (though how could I forget completely) and when they showed the pictures from my first visit, it was mind-blowing. A shame that I'll be stuck with the nighttime retainers, but hopefully after that and the wisdom teeth, no more dental problems for me.

Haha, that's awesome! I'm anxiously awaiting the day I turn 18 now because that's the age when I can apply to the Disney store. I want to at least work there before I apply to the DCP some years later so I can maybe get discounts as a regional cast member :goodvibes

Thank you! And yes, yes I am. :)
Congrats on getting your braces off!
Ughh, don't you hate AP summer work? What APs are you taking senior year? I have Lit, Gov, and Human. Luckily, I only have summer work for Lit, but I have SO MUCH and I barely started. Ughh!!! Why can't we just have summer?
Also, congrats on finding a job! That's awesome that you get so many shifts. I started working at an ice cream shop a few months ago, but I get like no shifts.
Congrats on getting your braces off!
Ughh, don't you hate AP summer work? What APs are you taking senior year? I have Lit, Gov, and Human. Luckily, I only have summer work for Lit, but I have SO MUCH and I barely started. Ughh!!! Why can't we just have summer?
Also, congrats on finding a job! That's awesome that you get so many shifts. I started working at an ice cream shop a few months ago, but I get like no shifts.

Thank you! I'm so happy they're gone. Unfortunately, wisdom teeth removal now ugh

I just started it and have the first two projects due on Monday and I haven't even begun them (procrastinator... yeah). I'm taking Lit (like you), Calc AB, Physics C and Spanish. Physics was the only one that DIDN'T give me summer work. Of course. Just my luck.

I actually don't get a ton. Most of the kids I'm working with have 40 hours a week and I only get like... 24... but I'll take what I can get. And I'll probably look for another job. I want to work at ice cream shop so bad, so I'm wicked jealous right now even if you don't get enough shifts. Ice Cream <3
Thank you! I'm so happy they're gone. Unfortunately, wisdom teeth removal now ugh

I just started it and have the first two projects due on Monday and I haven't even begun them (procrastinator... yeah). I'm taking Lit (like you), Calc AB, Physics C and Spanish. Physics was the only one that DIDN'T give me summer work. Of course. Just my luck.

I actually don't get a ton. Most of the kids I'm working with have 40 hours a week and I only get like... 24... but I'll take what I can get. And I'll probably look for another job. I want to work at ice cream shop so bad, so I'm wicked jealous right now even if you don't get enough shifts. Ice Cream <3
I hade mine for 4 years, so I def know how you feel. Wisdoms aren't that bad, but I was knocked out. It was a great excuse to live on ice cream for days. :lmao:

I can't believe they make you turn it in before summer ends. When do you go back? Mine's due on the first day of class in August. Of Course, I've been procrastinating and I keep telling myself 'tomorrow' haha!
Wow, Physics C and Spanish. You must be smart lol. I didn't even bother with Physics, I took AP Enviro instead and Spanish, I quit after 4 years.

I'm still in the 'training' phase, so I'm only working like 2 hours a week and whenever I talk to my boss, he's like "Oh, I'll get in touch with you soon. I've been having problems." and nothing. It's been going on since May.
I noticed my ColdStone was hiring today, so I'm going to apply there.
I've always wanted to work with ice cream if I couldn't work for Disney.
I hade mine for 4 years, so I def know how you feel. Wisdoms aren't that bad, but I was knocked out. It was a great excuse to live on ice cream for days. :lmao:

I'm getting knocked out too. I'm really nervous because the second time I had laughing gas I couldn't stand how it felt and I'm getting that again to relax me so they can put in the IV to put me out. But yeah, it's going to be ice cream all the time for me! :thumbsup2

I can't believe they make you turn it in before summer ends. When do you go back? Mine's due on the first day of class in August. Of Course, I've been procrastinating and I keep telling myself 'tomorrow' haha!
Wow, Physics C and Spanish. You must be smart lol. I didn't even bother with Physics, I took AP Enviro instead and Spanish, I quit after 4 years.

Yeah, it's weird. I guess to get us into the motions of an AP class, but it's obnoxious like I'm not going to have much of a summer having to worry about this. All my other APs have it due first day of school or just before then.

Haha, not really. Spanish comes easy to me for some reason. I was going to do that after doing so well for so long but then I got inducted into the Spanish Honors Society and your required to take the class again your senior year so... I gave up a free period :/ But I heard it's easy at my school, but I know Physics is pretty hard, like they require you to be at least in Calculus to take it if nothing else, even for the kids who take Physics but aren't in Calc, can't take it. I'm crossing my fingers that it won't be too bad.

I'm still in the 'training' phase, so I'm only working like 2 hours a week and whenever I talk to my boss, he's like "Oh, I'll get in touch with you soon. I've been having problems." and nothing. It's been going on since May.
I noticed my ColdStone was hiring today, so I'm going to apply there.
I've always wanted to work with ice cream if I couldn't work for Disney.

2 hours a week? Really? That seems way too little. It's a good thing you're looking elsewhere. I mean, I know I'm getting little time but that's like 20 hours a week so I think if Cold Stone is hiring, jump right on it.

And yeah, same here. I have a friend who absolutely LOVES ice cream, it's pretty insane. I'm hoping when we go back to Disney, I can find time to take her over to Beaches and Cream to get a Kitchen Sink and see how she, my other friends and I handle that. ;)
I'm getting knocked out too. I'm really nervous because the second time I had laughing gas I couldn't stand how it felt and I'm getting that again to relax me so they can put in the IV to put me out. But yeah, it's going to be ice cream all the time for me! :thumbsup2

Yeah, it's weird. I guess to get us into the motions of an AP class, but it's obnoxious like I'm not going to have much of a summer having to worry about this. All my other APs have it due first day of school or just before then.

Haha, not really. Spanish comes easy to me for some reason. I was going to do that after doing so well for so long but then I got inducted into the Spanish Honors Society and your required to take the class again your senior year so... I gave up a free period :/ But I heard it's easy at my school, but I know Physics is pretty hard, like they require you to be at least in Calculus to take it if nothing else, even for the kids who take Physics but aren't in Calc, can't take it. I'm crossing my fingers that it won't be too bad.

2 hours a week? Really? That seems way too little. It's a good thing you're looking elsewhere. I mean, I know I'm getting little time but that's like 20 hours a week so I think if Cold Stone is hiring, jump right on it.

And yeah, same here. I have a friend who absolutely LOVES ice cream, it's pretty insane. I'm hoping when we go back to Disney, I can find time to take her over to Beaches and Cream to get a Kitchen Sink and see how she, my other friends and I handle that. ;)
I can't remember if I had laughing gas or not. I just remember that they had to dig around for like 40 minutes to find a vein for my IV because you can't see my veins through my skin like at all. Are you getting it done before summer ends? I have to get a dental procedure, but I just found out I can wait until I'm 18 vs now. Yay!

Yea, I agree it sucks. Last year, for Lang, I started the first week of summer and finished super early and now this year I feel like I'm going to be up all night the night before school starts. :sad1:

I'm in Spanish Honor Society, too! We don't have to take Spanish every year, you just have to be in a class the year you get inducted, but you have to take it every year if you want to be an officer.
I'm sure you'll do fine :). You must be smart to be in Calc. I'm only in Trig. Haha! Math isn't my best subject, but I make up for it in English and Social Studies.

Yea, it's weird. I'm currently searching elsewhere. Luckily, I've been babysitting. I just want to go to Disney for Spring Break so bad!!:sad:

Beaches and Creme with friends sounds like fun! I'm sure she'll love it.

I have a Thanksgiving TR going and I'd love for you to come check it out. Link is in my siggie.:goodvibes
I can't remember if I had laughing gas or not. I just remember that they had to dig around for like 40 minutes to find a vein for my IV because you can't see my veins through my skin like at all. Are you getting it done before summer ends? I have to get a dental procedure, but I just found out I can wait until I'm 18 vs now. Yay!

Yeah, that's why they are giving me laughing gas to relax me before putting in the IV. Not that I need it, needles don't bother me and every time I get blood drawn, they tell me how good my veins are so that will be quick. I hope that means, the procedure will go by quick after that. And yeah, I'm getting it done August 1st. In the morning too.

Yea, I agree it sucks. Last year, for Lang, I started the first week of summer and finished super early and now this year I feel like I'm going to be up all night the night before school starts. :sad1:

That's what happened with me last year. I took AP Biology (worst decision ever, did not learn anything) and basically did all my work the night before. Good thing there wasn't a ton of work and I really took the initiative to get some of that work done early.

I'm in Spanish Honor Society, too! We don't have to take Spanish every year, you just have to be in a class the year you get inducted, but you have to take it every year if you want to be an officer.
I'm sure you'll do fine :). You must be smart to be in Calc. I'm only in Trig. Haha! Math isn't my best subject, but I make up for it in English and Social Studies.

Lucky! Wish that had been how it worked. Then I would have had a free period to nap or do work (probably nap). Thanks :) Haha, I'm ahead in my math so you could say that. Also, our school does math a different way than most. Like we just have one integrated class no Algebra, Trig, Geometry, etc. separate. I went from Integrated Math 3 to Precalc this year for example. It's kind of my best subject now, though I used to be wicked good in English and Social Studies. I'm just starting to lose my knack for them sadly. :/

Yea, it's weird. I'm currently searching elsewhere. Luckily, I've been babysitting. I just want to go to Disney for Spring Break so bad!!:sad:

I wish guys were more well liked for the babysitting job because I totally would. The way my sister has been getting paid... that would be a dream. And I totally understand your pain. If I'm to go on any Disney trip (or any trip for that matter), my parents are making me pay as well. It makes sense, but really bites. :sad2:

Beaches and Creme with friends sounds like fun! I'm sure she'll love it.

I'm super excited for it all :goodvibes

I have a Thanksgiving TR going and I'd love for you to come check it out. Link is in my siggie.:goodvibes

Definitely! I love reading other teen's TRs! ::yes::
Yeah, that's why they are giving me laughing gas to relax me before putting in the IV. Not that I need it, needles don't bother me and every time I get blood drawn, they tell me how good my veins are so that will be quick. I hope that means, the procedure will go by quick after that. And yeah, I'm getting it done August 1st. In the morning too.

That's what happened with me last year. I took AP Biology (worst decision ever, did not learn anything) and basically did all my work the night before. Good thing there wasn't a ton of work and I really took the initiative to get some of that work done early.

Lucky! Wish that had been how it worked. Then I would have had a free period to nap or do work (probably nap). Thanks :) Haha, I'm ahead in my math so you could say that. Also, our school does math a different way than most. Like we just have one integrated class no Algebra, Trig, Geometry, etc. separate. I went from Integrated Math 3 to Precalc this year for example. It's kind of my best subject now, though I used to be wicked good in English and Social Studies. I'm just starting to lose my knack for them sadly. :/

I wish guys were more well liked for the babysitting job because I totally would. The way my sister has been getting paid... that would be a dream. And I totally understand your pain. If I'm to go on any Disney trip (or any trip for that matter), my parents are making me pay as well. It makes sense, but really bites. :sad2:

I'm super excited for it all :goodvibes

Definitely! I love reading other teen's TRs! ::yes::
Yes, it will go by fast. The only pain I felt during the procedure was the IV going in. You'll be out for the entire thing. Make sure to take off from work for a couple of days after. I got mine on a Thursday and wasn't ready to get back to life until Tuesday, but I had 6 wisdoms out. (2 extra! Yay for me! lol)

I finally read 50 pages of one of my books for Lit tonight. Biggest accomplishment this summer!!

Jealous that your school offers nap periods! Seniors can take a no-credit study hall, but you have to go in the cold cafeteria and have to stay there the whole hour. I opted to take a new class called "Teacher's Assistant Honors". Anxious to see what that's all about.
We have an Integrated 3 class, which I took this year. It's like an in between from Alg 2 to Trig. I probably should've taken Pre-Calc, but opted for Trig instead because, hey, it's senior year. :rotfl2: I hope I don't lose my knack for social studies since I'm taking two AP socials. :faint:
I'm not liking Lit AT ALL!! Lang was so much better.

I only have one family that I babysit and my mom makes my sister come, too, so I only make half, but the parents stay out until 3 AM, usually, and the kids go to sleep around 10, so it works out nicely. Having to pay stinks, but it means I get to call all the shots, like where to stay, eat, etc.

Are you going with your school or just with friends? My friend and I are discussing Spring Break and the idea of it is already making me lose sleep. I NEED it to happen.

Looking forward to seeing you over there. Don't forget to say hi. :goodvibes
Yes, it will go by fast. The only pain I felt during the procedure was the IV going in. You'll be out for the entire thing. Make sure to take off from work for a couple of days after. I got mine on a Thursday and wasn't ready to get back to life until Tuesday, but I had 6 wisdoms out. (2 extra! Yay for me! lol)

Yeah, I am only working one day that week, then I have the days I usually don't work and the days I do work off and I'll probably be set. Of course, this would happen three weeks into my work schedule :P

I finally read 50 pages of one of my books for Lit tonight. Biggest accomplishment this summer!!

Have already read two books and now I'm doing the two projects for them tonight, due tomorrow afternoon. Then I still have two more books to read and another project. They go crazy with Lit over here, my goodness.

Jealous that your school offers nap periods! Seniors can take a no-credit study hall, but you have to go in the cold cafeteria and have to stay there the whole hour. I opted to take a new class called "Teacher's Assistant Honors". Anxious to see what that's all about.
We have an Integrated 3 class, which I took this year. It's like an in between from Alg 2 to Trig. I probably should've taken Pre-Calc, but opted for Trig instead because, hey, it's senior year. :rotfl2: I hope I don't lose my knack for social studies since I'm taking two AP socials. :faint:
I'm not liking Lit AT ALL!! Lang was so much better.

They're not really nap periods unless it's the first period of the day then you sleep in. It will usually be an extra work period because we have senior project at our school so that's why they allow free periods. Usually you only take them senior year. Very few do their junior year (it's really not a good idea).

Ah, that makes sense. At our school we have Math 4 instead of Precalculus, but usually that is only for kids who really REALLY struggle with math. And I'm sure you won't lose your knack for social studies unless you get a crappy teacher.

Haha, it's funny most kids in my school hated Lang. & Comp but loved Lit. They both were tough, but they all thought Lang was misleading, more of a social studies course than an English course.

I only have one family that I babysit and my mom makes my sister come, too, so I only make half, but the parents stay out until 3 AM, usually, and the kids go to sleep around 10, so it works out nicely. Having to pay stinks, but it means I get to call all the shots, like where to stay, eat, etc.

Ooohhhh, well I'm sure that makes it easier for late nights, but you'll find another job soon. I have faith. :-)

So true! Like I'm not going to be able to call too many shots since its a school trip, but I get a lot more say in how much money I bring, how much I eat, where I eat, it does open up a lot of doors for myself.

Are you going with your school or just with friends? My friend and I are discussing Spring Break and the idea of it is already making me lose sleep. I NEED it to happen.

I'm going with school. And then I may end up staying longer with my family because my mom and little sister really want to... though I'm not sure how we'll convince my dad. I hope it happens because that would make it the best vacation ever. I've never stayed in Disney beyond a week and it's been years since I've been able to make ADRs or stay in a really nice resort (the school stays in the All Stars).

Looking forward to seeing you over there. Don't forget to say hi. :goodvibes

I commented two nights ago. I'll probably read later tonight or tomorrow when my AP Lit work is out of the way.
Yeah, I am only working one day that week, then I have the days I usually don't work and the days I do work off and I'll probably be set. Of course, this would happen three weeks into my work schedule :P

Have already read two books and now I'm doing the two projects for them tonight, due tomorrow afternoon. Then I still have two more books to read and another project. They go crazy with Lit over here, my goodness.

They're not really nap periods unless it's the first period of the day then you sleep in. It will usually be an extra work period because we have senior project at our school so that's why they allow free periods. Usually you only take them senior year. Very few do their junior year (it's really not a good idea).

Ah, that makes sense. At our school we have Math 4 instead of Precalculus, but usually that is only for kids who really REALLY struggle with math. And I'm sure you won't lose your knack for social studies unless you get a crappy teacher.

Haha, it's funny most kids in my school hated Lang. & Comp but loved Lit. They both were tough, but they all thought Lang was misleading, more of a social studies course than an English course.

Ooohhhh, well I'm sure that makes it easier for late nights, but you'll find another job soon. I have faith. :-)

So true! Like I'm not going to be able to call too many shots since its a school trip, but I get a lot more say in how much money I bring, how much I eat, where I eat, it does open up a lot of doors for myself.

I'm going with school. And then I may end up staying longer with my family because my mom and little sister really want to... though I'm not sure how we'll convince my dad. I hope it happens because that would make it the best vacation ever. I've never stayed in Disney beyond a week and it's been years since I've been able to make ADRs or stay in a really nice resort (the school stays in the All Stars).

I commented two nights ago. I'll probably read later tonight or tomorrow when my AP Lit work is out of the way.
Glad you got it situated at work! Luckily, I didn't have a job when I got mine out, but I did miss out on Spring Break.

We don't have senior project at our school.

Wow, that's a lot of work. We have two books and assignments to go with them. Lang is pretty intense, workload wise, but I hear Lit is a lot easier, but now there's all new Lit teachers, so who knows.

I think I like Lang better because I like writing way more than reading. Lang def was social studies, so APUSH def helped.

Thank! I got a group interview at Coldstone, but I'm going to be on vacation, so I don't know what to do. :(

Going with your school sounds like so much fun! My class trip is to the Bahamas! No thanks lol!
I know how you feel about wanting to stay in a Disney resort. I almost never do anymore because now we stay at the Swan and Dolphin with reward points. I love them, but they're not Disney. I really want to stay at AOA! I hope you get to stay longer. What month are you going? I'm hoping to go with friends at the end of March for Spring Break, but it's kind of pricy that week, so who knows.

Glad you got your Lit out of the way. I guess having a deadline must be nice because then you can't procrastinate the whole thing until the very end, like me.


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