The Official 2013 Wine and Dine Half Marathon Thread

Today was supposed be my last run before Saturday. I'm thinking about skipping it... A little head cold, sore throat and upset stomach. It will only be the 3rd run I've missed. What do you think?

On a side note, THANKS for all your help and advice Coach! We will miss you Saturday :(

If you only missed 3 runs, then you are good to go and can skip this run.
Today was supposed be my last run before Saturday. I'm thinking about skipping it... A little head cold, sore throat and upset stomach. It will only be the 3rd run I've missed. What do you think?

On a side note, THANKS for all your help and advice Coach! We will miss you Saturday :(


Airborne! Fizzy supplements now! Send the hubby to wally world, CVS or WAG.
I decided to not run this weekend - at least the half. My weekend run went well. It was slow and felt longer than the 7 miles I ran; however, I do not have to run this race for anything other than the bling…

The Goofy weekend is so much more important to me than this race and I would be taking a large leap in miles to complete the W&D. Those who know me also know that if I toe the line, I am not stopping until I either; cross the finish, am pulled from the course or fall over. In real simple terms, I need to spend more time building up miles again and if I were to further injure the knee or add injury to another joint I would fail in the longer mission. I have no doubt that I can run the W&D and make the end with little problem.

I may run 13 this weekend, but it will be in a venue and at a pace that I control. It will be in a location where I am looping and can pull out if I feel like I am pushing too far too fast too soon.

Good call. Why is it so hard to be patient and put the long term first? You can come cheer for the rest of us and :wave2:
Well I bit the bullet and called Methodist and made an appointment for tomorrow morning. I'm really hoping its nothing serious.

Punch my frequent visitor card for me...

Actually, a PA for Sitter used to ride in my cycle classes. Good Luck in the morning. Hopefully you have a slight sprain and can work around this thing.
I had this exact same pain, kind of on both sides. I tried to ran through it and it got worse...I was limping around for weeks! Not what you want to hear I'm sure but rest is really the only thing that made it better. I tried ice, heat, heat patches, shoe inserts, etc. KT tape did help a lot - I used the application for bursitis. Hope you heal quickly! Once I stopped trying to force it, I felt 100% better in about 2 weeks and it hasn't bothered me a bit since then

Hmmm..bursitis...I didn't think of that...maybe I'll try that one next!! I know it's not smart thinking, but I took so much time off in Sept and Oct for my knee, that I'm afraid of more now. I'm hitting mileage that I've never done before.

I think it more related to the knee issue than shoes. But then, buying new gear always seems to help a little :)

Rest is the best thing I can offer. Roll the area to loosen up the knots will help speed up recovery. Do not run until the W&D to allow time for healing. You could try taping, but I find that Achilles insertion area issues are hard to solve with tape.

Good luck

I got some Brooks Adrenaline's today from the new Fit2Run at Downtown Disney (you can use your club discount AND cast member discount!!) I was going to run tomorrow to try out the new shoes but decided not to. I have the runDisney meet up Thursday night but I'm running with my friend and we're doing the run/walk version so I think it'll be quite slower...and only 2ish miles. I'm reaaaally hoping the new shoes help, even if only mentally!
I decided to not run this weekend - at least the half. My weekend run went well. It was slow and felt longer than the 7 miles I ran; however, I do not have to run this race for anything other than the bling…

The Goofy weekend is so much more important to me than this race and I would be taking a large leap in miles to complete the W&D. Those who know me also know that if I toe the line, I am not stopping until I either; cross the finish, am pulled from the course or fall over. In real simple terms, I need to spend more time building up miles again and if I were to further injure the knee or add injury to another joint I would fail in the longer mission. I have no doubt that I can run the W&D and make the end with little problem.

I may run 13 this weekend, but it will be in a venue and at a pace that I control. It will be in a location where I am looping and can pull out if I feel like I am pushing too far too fast too soon.

Coach--I so admire you! We'll miss you at the race but you're good at making smart decisions! (unlike me!)

Where are you running lately? Last weekend I ran from my place all the way to my school (Whispering Oak Elem by the Village) and back--I found it humorous to realize my halfway point was my work!
Coach--I so admire you! We'll miss you at the race but you're good at making smart decisions! (unlike me!)

Where are you running lately? Last weekend I ran from my place all the way to my school (Whispering Oak Elem by the Village) and back--I found it humorous to realize my halfway point was my work!

I ran B Stone to the Village (Target Corner) then down to the Centra Care and came straight back. I want to get back to the W Orange Trail but find it tough to hop in a car then run. Maybe as miles jump up, I will get back to the trail.. Otherwise, wave at the chunky guy with a white visor on the opposite side of the road on your long runs. I will more than likely head south from 429 before long; looping around Crescent Lake and then Lake Butler.
So what are the meet-ups the DISers have planned? I haven't seen anything in this thread about meetups!
My DH asked me to ask if there are any pace groups for this 1/2 - he found one listed last time he ran a Disney race, but is not seeing them for this one. TIA for any info.
Good luck, everyone - you are an inspiring bunch!
Nope, but we are eating there on Sunday night! lol

I just checked out the weather thanks to cimrk01's post above. what?!?!? :eek: When did that happen? 92% humidity and 30% chance of the R word????

Guess I better start thinking about more than just a hat - like something for before the start, and maybe an extra pair of socks.... hope it blows over and goes far far away quickly.

I feel like this happened last year too and it just ended up being very humid. I had to take extra salt in order to not feel nauseous at the end. Thirty percent chance is still very low.

Actually I just checked and I saw 10% so that is good. :)
Shame the race was not last weekend... Lows in the 50's and low humidity.

Looks like the weather gods are giving us a weekend with temps about 10F warmer than normal along with a great dose of humidity. Expect race start temps in the low 70’s and dew points in the 65-70F range for race time.

Start working on hydration TODAY. Try to add a couple glasses of water to your normal daily intake. If flying in, stop and purchase a bottle of water past security for the plane. Planes are very dehydrating. You may want to spend time outdoors so you can acclimate to the humidity a little better before race time. If you head to the parks, take it easy and seek out benches every so often.

Note that if there is any rain, it will be rather light. I would not obsess too much on the chance – even 30% is low.
Rose&Mike said:
I feel like this happened last year too and it just ended up being very humid. I had to take extra salt in order to not feel nauseous at the end. Thirty percent chance is still very low.

Actually I just checked and I saw 10% so that is good. :)

Rose! Good to see you! Will you be at the race this weekend?

Coach- thanks for the hydration reminder!

I can live with light rain and 70 temps (as ling as it doesnt rain the entire time) Ill be extra careful w the humidity and maybe drink more powerade than normal during the race. I do not want a repeat of last years post-finish line nausea. That was AWFUL! Any tips for us extra salty sweaters other than pre hydration? So far on my long runs I've avoided feeling really sick after by being good w my hydration. The one time I did not succeed was during my 10k race where it was HOT, I ran FAST, and they only had water. I felt fine once I finally found the Gatorade at the finish line but man- those minutes between finishing and waiting in the Gatorade line were really really rough! Hope the powerade is easily available at the finish line at wine and dine. I had never seen something so disorganized as at my 10k here. I waited at least 15 min in a mob after traversing all the way to the other side of a park. I'm starting to wish I had a hydration belt w water bottles.

Mike & sully- yep! We will be on the 2:15! Can't come soon enough but I'm starting to get weepy about missing my son.
I just checked out the weather thanks to cimrk01's post above. what?!?!? :eek: When did that happen? 92% humidity and 30% chance of the R word????

Guess I better start thinking about more than just a hat - like something for before the start, and maybe an extra pair of socks.... hope it blows over and goes far far away quickly.

Don't sweat the 'R' word! This is Florida after all, where it rains almost every day...for about 10 minutes. Right Coach? :rotfl: I'm going to make sure and bring a cheapy throwaway poncho to the start. Hopefully, all I'll need it for is to sit on it while we wait to start! :thumbsup2

Update: chance of rain is down to 10%!! 78 day/66 at night! Whoop!Whoop!

Well I bit the bullet and called Methodist and made an appointment for tomorrow morning. I'm really hoping its nothing serious.

:thumbsup2 and :grouphug: to you Peach! :goodvibes

So what are the meet-ups the DISers have planned? I haven't seen anything in this thread about meetups!

WISH meetup is Saturday night at the WWoS globe at 8pm. Team runDisney will be meeting behind the info booth on the runner's side of the field at 9pm. I'll be at both, so just look for the short, dumpy blonde carrying rolled up banners. :rotfl: :rotfl2:
Rose! Good to see you! Will you be at the race this weekend?

Coach- thanks for the hydration reminder!

I can live with light rain and 70 temps (as ling as it doesnt rain the entire time) Ill be extra careful w the humidity and maybe drink more powerade than normal during the race. I do not want a repeat of last years post-finish line nausea. That was AWFUL! Any tips for us extra salty sweaters other than pre hydration? So far on my long runs I've avoided feeling really sick after by being good w my hydration. The one time I did not succeed was during my 10k race where it was HOT, I ran FAST, and they only had water. I felt fine once I finally found the Gatorade at the finish line but man- those minutes between finishing and waiting in the Gatorade line were really really rough! Hope the powerade is easily available at the finish line at wine and dine. I had never seen something so disorganized as at my 10k here. I waited at least 15 min in a mob after traversing all the way to the other side of a park. I'm starting to wish I had a hydration belt w water bottles.

Mike & sully- yep! We will be on the 2:15! Can't come soon enough but I'm starting to get weepy about missing my son.

That would be TOUGH to leave your little one at home!
Our trip started as a vacation with a 1/2 marathon added in on the side. In fact, Meg is going to run the 200m dash in the Kids Race on Saturday! princess: The race is just the beginning of our fun-filled trip. We'll be in FL for a whole week afterwards.

If you see me at the airport, I'll be the crazy-mama with the blondie from my avatar (yes, that is her, she won't have the rapunzel braid, though!). I'll also have a sto-away elf-on-a-shelf hanging out of my Canon backpack. You should be able to notice me from a mile away! :thumbsup2

I just have to get through today. I'm so busy at work. I want to get a run in. I came to work on the 5:45 bus, but I just don't know if I can squeeze one in. :sad: I'm honked. Tomorrow morning is our parent-teacher conference at 8:10am. Then, hopefully a light house cleaning and then off to the airport. We live super-close to Pitts-air, so this should all go smoothly. I'm hoping my parents pick up our dog tonight, otherwise, I'll have a little side-trip to take her to their house. I hope that they're nice to her. She's accustomed to bed-sleeping. Their dog is accustomed to kennel-sleeping. This should be an interesting 10-days for Sprinkes! :joker:

Almost there, everyone.

COACH - I sure am sad that you won't be running with us. But I do understand that you've got your eyes on the best race. That would be such a tough decision. Wish it would have worked out.

Everyone else - take it easy/no injuries/be hydrated/fly-drive-travel safe.
See you at mile 13.1!
(or at the airport as the case-may-be!)
Rose! Good to see you! Will you be at the race this weekend?

Coach- thanks for the hydration reminder!

I can live with light rain and 70 temps (as ling as it doesnt rain the entire time) Ill be extra careful w the humidity and maybe drink more powerade than normal during the race. I do not want a repeat of last years post-finish line nausea. That was AWFUL! Any tips for us extra salty sweaters other than pre hydration? So far on my long runs I've avoided feeling really sick after by being good w my hydration. The one time I did not succeed was during my 10k race where it was HOT, I ran FAST, and they only had water. I felt fine once I finally found the Gatorade at the finish line but man- those minutes between finishing and waiting in the Gatorade line were really really rough! Hope the powerade is easily available at the finish line at wine and dine. I had never seen something so disorganized as at my 10k here. I waited at least 15 min in a mob after traversing all the way to the other side of a park. I'm starting to wish I had a hydration belt w water bottles.

Mike & sully- yep! We will be on the 2:15! Can't come soon enough but I'm starting to get weepy about missing my son.
Yep, we will be there! And our DS (he's 22) too!

About the salt--I am a horrible salt sweater and I have tried endurolytes, sports drinks, etc and finally just resorted to dumping a couple of salt packets in a plastic baggie and every 30 minutes or so I eat a little bit with some water when on a run over an hour. At the end of the race I will eat salty gf pretzels with pb and a banana. Works like a charm as long as I am consistent. I did not have any nausea after the marathon in January--just got a bad time because my back gave out. I know there are a lot of differing theories but I read a lot about this before trying it and it seems to work for me. I don't eat a lot of processed foods, so I am not consuming a lot of salt in my diet which might add to my nausea. Hope this helps!
I saw the doctor this morning and all in all it is all good news. Good news #1 my ankle was feeling much better when I woke up this morning. Its not 100% but it is feeling better. Good News #2 I can run this weekend as long as it feels okay to run on Saturday.

So the diagnosis. I have a slight case of tendonitis in the tendon on the outside of my ankle. This is caused because I have extreme high arches and my feet roll outward. This is not a normal foot rotation. Running on the cambered road with the road sloping to that side exaberated the issue Sunday. I am supposed to rest and ice this week and take it easy. He wrote me a prescription for custom orthotics I can look into (after the race) to force my food to get back to a normal position as it has overcompensated at this point. I'll make that call after the race.

So I might change my race expectations and slow down on Saturday but for now it looks like I should get to run on Saturday.
I saw the doctor this morning and all in all it is all good news. Good news #1 my ankle was feeling much better when I woke up this morning. Its not 100% but it is feeling better. Good News #2 I can run this weekend as long as it feels okay to run on Saturday.

So the diagnosis. I have a slight case of tendonitis in the tendon on the outside of my ankle. This is caused because I have extreme high arches and my feet roll outward. This is not a normal foot rotation. Running on the cambered road with the road sloping to that side exaberated the issue Sunday. I am supposed to rest and ice this week and take it easy. He wrote me a prescription for custom orthotics I can look into (after the race) to force my food to get back to a normal position as it has overcompensated at this point. I'll make that call after the race.

So I might change my race expectations and slow down on Saturday but for now it looks like I should get to run on Saturday.

Awesome news!!!!!:cool1::thumbsup2:flower3:
Best of luck to everyone this weekend! I leave for Florida tomorrow evening! Had a great training run on Sunday, really pushed myself more than I have since my back went out last month. Getting very excited as a month ago I didn't think I would be able to run at all, now I am on track to beat my DLH time! Coast to Coast medal I can see you now! Although I did have a dream last night I forgot to get my C2C medal at the finish line! I am however a little nervous about the humidity. Rain I can handle no sweat. In fact I almost prefer it. Keeps me cool when running.

Coach, sorry to hear you won't be running. I have really appreciated all the advice and support you have provided. But everything happens for a reason. Keep your eye on the prize!

That's great news Peachy! I'm in Tampa today for business, driving to Orlando tonight with some business appointments most of the day, then the runDisney Meet-Up will kick off my racecation! Weather right now is gorgeous - so much nicer than our traditional mid-August trips to WDW.

I stopped at Fit2Run at the International Mall in Tampa today to pick up some Gu for this race and next week's 20 miler. It's conveniently located right by Earl of Sandwich...


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