Unfair :(

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Excuse me but this is totally BS. Those that have no money? Come on. You are only talking about a few people and the rest of the world has saved more than enough money to pay for Disney without going into debt.

If you really read my statement you would understand that I was talking about the few people and not the masses. Calm your nerves. Those with the "money" who dont have to save like myself and obviously you most times have a self righteous attitude. But if the shoe fits on you then wear it.
I have been hearing that some of the younger off-site guests are now faking a disability in order to counter mymagic+ double dipping. So they use fast passes and then a disability pass in order to avoid huge wait times.
Are people just assuming FP+ won't be offered to all guests once the test is done?

No, because Disney has already officially said that FP+ WILL be available to offsite guests. MBs will also be available for offsite guests to purchase. It's just that no one knows when that will be, as we have no idea how long this "testing" will go on.
If you really read my statement you would understand that I was talking about the few people and not the masses. Calm your nerves. Those with the "money" who dont have to save like myself and obviously you most times have a self righteous attitude. But if the shoe fits on you then wear it.

Thank you. :lovestruc
No, because Disney has already officially said that FP+ WILL be available to offsite guests. MBs will also be available for offsite guests to purchase. It's just that no one knows when that will be, as we have no idea how long this "testing" will go on.

Actually, I've seen many people still insist that Disney ISN'T going to give off-site guests FP+ regardless of what Disney has already stated.

Meaning, they know Disney has stated this but still don't believe it.
No, because Disney has already officially said that FP+ WILL be available to offsite guests. MBs will also be available for offsite guests to purchase. It's just that no one knows when that will be, as we have no idea how long this "testing" will go on.
But you understand why they are testing with on-site guests right? And that it is a logical reason that has no element of "unfair". On-site guests are the perfect test participants. They can test all facets of the mymagic+ and MB program. Off-site guests will never have full access to all MB features.

It's a test, it will end. Disney wants the revenue that will follow after the test is complete.
But it's up to the vendor to determine what those loyalty entitlements are, not the customer.

Exactly correct. Disney absolutely knows that old KTTW's work in the FP machines. They frown upon this action to save face in front of the masses, but behind the scenes, they have no problem with a loyal customer getting a few extra perks. If they really were against this, they would have done away with it. you could easily close that glitch for a few hundred thousand in development money or much less is they already created a switch for this perk that they have just not chose to flip yet.
I have been hearing that some of the younger off-site guests are now faking a disability in order to counter mymagic+ double dipping. So they use fast passes and then a disability pass in order to avoid huge wait times.

The way the new DAS is set up, they will still have to wait. They just don't have to stand in line. But I don't see this happening too much.
Exactly correct. Disney absolutely knows that old KTTW's work in the FP machines. They frown upon this action to save face in front of the masses, but behind the scenes, they have no problem with a loyal customer getting a few extra perks. If they really were against this, they would have done away with it. you could easily close that glitch for a few hundred thousand in development money or much less is they already created a switch for this perk that they have just not chose to flip yet.

But you're making an assumption. "They are supporting this because they haven't stopped it".

Like I said in a previous post, if you're going to do it, FINE. But don't try to validate it.
I have been hearing that some of the younger off-site guests are now faking a disability in order to counter mymagic+ double dipping. So they use fast passes and then a disability pass in order to avoid huge wait times.

Again. Go over to the DISabled board ant tell them.For over a decade they told us peasant that they had no advantage from the GAC although I fought this for many years.
Even Big HEAD Chief over there stated there was no advantage to a GAC. They tried to hide their dirty little secret. They ALL got UNLIMITED FP entrance.
And of course this got out and now everyone is taking advantage of the system.
Again. Go over to the DISabled board ant tell them.For over a decade they told us peasant that they had no advantage from the GAC although I fought this for many years.
Even Big HEAD Chief over there stated there was no advantage to a GAC. They tried to hide their dirty little secret. They ALL got UNLIMITED FP entrance.
And of course this got out and now everyone is taking advantage of the system.

there is an enormous advantage. Now you have a bunch of pissed off off-site guests that are going to exploit the GAC in order to level the playing field (double dipping). This is a fun mess...

Imagine being an off-site honest guest and reading what awaits your next trip.
mgrayar said:
But you understand why they are testing with on-site guests right? And that it is a logical reason that has no element of "unfair".

Yes I do understand why they started with onsite guests. I never said otherwise. :confused3

That said, I do think it is a bit ridiculous the Disney hasn't released more information about their timeline, or given more information as to what fastpass plus will look like for off site guests, like whether or not they will get pre booking ability etc. They have more details than they're giving to the public and that's frustrating for people planning trips right now, and I understand that.
Again. Go over to the DISabled board ant tell them.For over a decade they told us peasant that they had no advantage from the GAC although I fought this for many years.
Even Big HEAD Chief over there stated there was no advantage to a GAC. They tried to hide their dirty little secret. They ALL got UNLIMITED FP entrance.
And of course this got out and now everyone is taking advantage of the system.

Did a guy in a wheelchair run over your puppy or something?
I find it tiresome to hear people that don 't want to be "suckered" by Disney so they stay offsite. Yet, they still want the benefits of an onsite guest.

This makes no sense. Disney is a business. They owe you nothing.

Personally, I would like FP to be for onsite guests exclusively. But, I don't get to make that decision- Disney does. I'm not going to stamp my feet and expect them to do what I want.
No they just tell the CM they lost their DAS card an so get five or more cards.

It doesn't matter how many cards they have. They are not instant FPs. You show your card, you are given a time to come back. They still have to wait a pre-determined amount of time.
there is an enormous advantage. Now you have a bunch of pissed off off-site guests that are going to exploit the GAC in order to level the playing field (double dipping). This is a fun mess...

Imagine being an off-site honest guest and reading what awaits your next trip.

I and we are on site guests. fighting cancer,bold and looking at my grandchildren I will get any advantage I get.
My children and grandchildren will have to work their whole life for those that are "on the spectrum". Yes my "behind".
I know all the lies of those that have rotten spoiled "snowflakes".
They will always leech like a vampire on other people taxes.
It doesn't matter how many cards they have. They are not instant FPs. You show your card, you are given a time to come back. They still have to wait a pre-determined amount of time.

They were in the past and go over to the DISabled board and see them moan. They lost their advantage and now they just get more DAS cards so even more advantage.
Money does not make one entitled, loyalty does. Look at the rise in loyalty programs around the country. I spent a few years working for a loyalty marketing company and presented mounds of data on the results. The easiest way to increase revenues is to increase your share of wallet of your current customers. The old strategy of trying to mine new customers for increased sales is more costly and less effective across the board. A barand like Disney does not need to overspend to get new people in, everyone knows Disney and what they are, so this is not like selling some new invention. Disney needs to segment there current customer base by share of wallet and size of wallet. Then they need to determine a way to increase there share of wallet by focusing on the customers that have the either the largest wallets or the customers that have the greatest opportunity to increase share of wallet.

The 2 categories come down to your
1. high paying guests onsite that you need to give them more reasons to come back and thus spend more by increasing the utility the receive by visiting your property. (i.e Show them the benefits of FP+)
2. identifying current guest that are willing to shift spending from outside your property to inside your property (i.e. off-siters who are willing to move on-site to get FP+)

Again, not saying this is fair, but Disney has a great plan here, and if I was consulting for them, I would be giving them the thumbs up, because this is the current trend in all consumer goods & services sectors, incentivize loyal behaviors in your customers, preferably without having to spend any additional money to do so.

FP+ as a perk to onsite, I have no problem with this. While I don't like it I can live with it as a benefit to paying extra to stay onsite. Its the abuse of the FP- system that we (offsite) are depending on that I have issues with.
They were in the past and go over to the DISabled board and see them moan. They lost their advantage and now they just get more DAS cards so even more advantage.

I know they were in the past. What does more cards do for you though? You still have to come back yes?
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