Class-Action Lawsuit against Disney Parks filed - CORRECTION: not class-action

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I saw the FB page. The advocate, when confronted with the fact that almost all major theme and amusement parks use accommodations similar to the DAS, said "Disney is different, it's a vacation destination where people spend a lot of money."

Tell that to Universal Studios, Busch Gardens, Cedar Point and Six Flags.

Which FB page was this on? I was unable to find it but I would love to see it.
no one NEEDS 'near immediate access" whatever the hell that is supposed to be.

NO ONE *wants* to wait in any line.., Fast pass, at a QS locale, to see Pooh. physical or mental issues do not make your desire to not wait in line more special than anyone else who would rather spend that time elsewhere.

want Immediate access? fork over the money for the VIP tour or pester Disney to come up with their version of the Universal FOTL pass( at a hefty premium and make it limited to a certain number per park per day)

people got spoiled and started taking unfair advantage of an inherent flaw in the GAC which routinely sent people immediately through the FP line where applicable or sent them to the exit regardless of their actual need.

If this is the attitude and reaction that caused Disney to move away from GAC, then it is sad indeed. So little understanding. So little compassion. :sad2:
Out of curiosity, what is the DLP system?
You have to show proof of disability. (Which I know you can't do in the US) Which stops people lying just to get a "fp".
People with cognitive disabilities get to queue in a separate queue and do get on the ride quicker but also everyone in that queue understands if a person/child has a meltdown or unwanted behaviour. People with other disabilities or pregnant women get other accommodations that are suited to their needs.
One provision will not help everyone with disabilities. Everyone is different.
Link to disneyland Paris if anyone is interested.
If this is the attitude and reaction that caused Disney to move away from GAC, then it is sad indeed. So little understanding. So little compassion. :sad2:

Much more likely that high levels of legitimate use (not abuse) coupled with the incoming FP+ system caused this change. Disney needed to gain more control on how many people go through the FP line.
GAC was so easily abused because people could claim they needed the pass and have very little wait for rides. With DAS, you can still abuse it, but you still have to wait to ride which curbs the abuse. No system will ever be perfect, and there is no way to please everyone. No matter what they do, there will always be complaints. It's unfortunate, but as with many program changes (resort mugs, for example), the bulk of the blame lies with the abusers.

My mom used the new system this past January. She had never used the GAC so we have nothing to compare it to. She has vision problems so she needs to be near the front for shows. Not 1 issue except a cm who was confused by the system.
My thoughts:

And to be clear, this is not a class action lawsuit.

I would very much like to hear about actual DAS experiences, good and not so good.
There are quite a few actual DAS experiences posted on this board.
Most people have been fairly successful with it, including Aladora, who posted a nice review of her family’s experience.

We have used it on 2 trips now - one was in October-November of 2013 and we are here now.
Which FB page was this on? I was unable to find it but I would love to see it.
I would rather not have Facebook or blog links here because some have been fairly inflammatory and have encouraged people to come over to this board and troll.
Please share Facebook or blog links on Private Messages.
I don't believe that rich-people-hiring-disabled-tour-guides was the thing that made them get rid of the GAC. I believe that the story was planted by Disney to justify getting rid of the GAC. I believe that the thing that made them get rid of the GAC was FP+. There was no way that GAC and FP+ could coexist. GAC abuse would have skyrocketed even higher than where it was making FP+ a failure before it even started.

Regardless, I'm sure Disney has done their legal homework and knows that the DAS satisfies any requirements.
If this is the attitude and reaction that caused Disney to move away from GAC, then it is sad indeed. So little understanding. So little compassion. :sad2:

Bull. I am uniquely qualified as some one who formerly qualified for a GAC but does not qualify for a DAS.

it is not necessary to get FOTL access under any circumstances save a MAW child.
I would rather not have Facebook or blog links here because some have been fairly inflammatory and have encouraged people to come over to this board and troll.
Please share Facebook or blog links on Private Messages.

If anyone wants the links, they can PM me and I will send them.
One of the links is used in the lawsuit paperwork, if you don't want to/can't PM me.

(I knew you wouldn't want the links, which is why I didn't put them in my original post.)
If anyone wants the links, they can PM me and I will send them.
One of the links is used in the lawsuit paperwork, if you don't want to/can't PM me.

(I knew you wouldn't want the links, which is why I didn't put them in my original post.)
Thank you:goodvibes
Regardless, I'm sure Disney has done their legal homework and knows that the DAS satisfies any requirements.

Yep. I'm sure Disney anticipated this backlash and had a team of lawyers review and re-review the program before it was implemented. And frankly, I have more confidence in the abilities of Disney lawyers than in one that files a lawsuit riddled with inaccuracies, out of date information, and contradictions.

I hope this swings the pendulum the other way. Everybody waits. Everyone gets their FP+ and nothing else. No more DAS, GAC, or whatever the whiners demand next. If you need to take your wheelchair or scooter up the exit to access I have no problems with that. Wait after you get there.

Everyone hates to wait in hot sweaty lines. I am a disabled military vet with prosthetics. I also get very nervous/anxious when I am a crowd or jostled due to some of the experiences I have had. Guess what, when the crowds become too much or my legs ache too much, I go back to the resort or somewhere cool and quiet to rest.

People who feel that they are more special than everyone else needs to suck it up. Things are tough all over and demanding preferential treatment is not the way to go. Teaching your children that they can whine their way to the front of a line is not setting them up for success.

Things in the filing that jumped out at me...

The DAS says that users may wait longer than posted standby time. Well, guess what? People not using the DAS may wait longer than posted standby time as well.

Plaintiffs are not seeking priority boarding, but they don't want to wait to board. Huh? If walking up and entering the ride without a wait isn't priority boarding, I don't know what is.

Accusing Disney of hiring people to write good things about the DAS in order to trick people into thinking it's good.

Accusing Disney of not wanting disabled people in the parks.

Blaming wheelchair users for loss of the GAC.

And I agree with those posters that say that Disney should ban the plaintiffs from entering the parks. If you've read the notorious "advocacy" page, it's easy to see, by the initials, who some of the plaintiffs are. In fact, one of them was at Disneyland just this past Monday.

I hope this swings the pendulum the other way. Everybody waits. Everyone gets their FP+ and nothing else. No more DAS, GAC, or whatever the whiners demand next. If you need to take your wheelchair or scooter up the exit to access I have no problems with that. Wait after you get there.

Everyone hates to wait in hot sweaty lines. I am a disabled military vet with prosthetics. I also get very nervous/anxious when I am a crowd or jostled due to some of the experiences I have had. Guess what, when the crowds become too much or my legs ache too much, I go back to the resort or somewhere cool and quiet to rest.

People who feel that they are more special than everyone else needs to suck it up. Things are tough all over and demanding preferential treatment is not the way to go. Teaching your children that they can whine their way to the front of a line is not setting them up for success.


Rant I hope this swings the pendulum the other way. Everybody waits. Everyone gets their FP+ and nothing else. No more DAS, GAC, or whatever the whiners demand next. If you need to take your wheelchair or scooter up the exit to access I have no problems with that. Wait after you get there. Everyone hates to wait in hot sweaty lines. I am a disabled military vet with prosthetics. I also get very nervous/anxious when I am a crowd or jostled due to some of the experiences I have had. Guess what, when the crowds become too much or my legs ache too much, I go back to the resort or somewhere cool and quiet to rest. People who feel that they are more special than everyone else needs to suck it up. Things are tough all over and demanding preferential treatment is not the way to go. Teaching your children that they can whine their way to the front of a line is not setting them up for success. /rant.

That might be the best post I have ever read on the Dis!! IMHO, teaching kid they can whine their way to the front/easy way out is one of the fundamental problems with our country right now!!
What the plaintiffs are saying is, basically they don't give a darn whether or not the system gets abused, they feel that they need the immediate access to provide equal enjoyment. Although the ADA is not about equal enjoyment. it is about equal access. That is going to be the stumbling block to the lawsuit. Because it can be argued that the DAS does provide equal access - users wait for it outside the confines of the regular line, but they have the same access those waiting in line have.

Because as soon as they get immediate access, there's going to be people hiring them as a tour guide again. Or faking it. Because in the US you cannot ask for proof of disability. It is just something Disney will have to swallow, if this group prevails in their suit.

What really interests me is the allegation that Disney "jacked up" the publicity about the GAC abuse, because they wanted to get rid of it all along.
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