Dining with DISers


DIS Veteran
Jun 8, 2006
Welcome to my trip report! This will be my recap of a great trip that we took to WDW in August. Much of this trip will have already been reported on by others, so you may feel like you’ve heard some of my stories before, but I figure we all like to obsess over all things Disney, so I’ll give you the stories again from my point of view.

While I’ve chosen “Dining with DISers” as the title of my trip report, I could have also selected “We Left the Teen at Home” or “It Is Seriously Hot Out” or “Janet Hears Ninja Mom calling”

I’ll throw in as many pictures as I can but for some reason my camera and I didn’t get along all that well on this trip, so I didn’t take as many pictures as I usually do. (I only took 525 pictures, which isn’t near the amount I usually have to choose from.)

This is me.


This picture was taken at the airport waiting for our 2010 trip to begin. While it isn’t a current picture, it is the one that best captures my excitement anticipating Disney. (If you want to imagine what I looked like for this trip, just change the wardrobe to summer clothes, and streak a bit (or rather a lot) more grey through my hair.)

Let’s start with some background (because it is fun for me to reminisce, and this is the only group of readers I know that would be interested in reading details of my past trips to WDW.)

We are a Canadian family of three – Mom, Dad and Teenager Rapidly Becoming an Adult. My husband and I both visited WDW once as children, and I had the good fortune to go to a conference at CSR in 2010. As a family, we’ve been to WDW four times, and this is our first trip with adults only.

You can read all about my last few trips by following the trip report links in my signature, but here’s the background on our past family trips:

  • 2004 was spent at WL. It was our rookie trip. We thought we could afford to stay at POFQ, but when I called in the reservation the skilled CM pointed out that due to a special offer we could afford to upgrade to WL. The result was that we fell in love with WL. For the record, this was to be our one and only trip to WDW, ever.
  • In 2007 we started to crave Disney, and I just landed a new job so we decided to celebrate by returning to WDW and we upgraded to CL. This was to be our last trip to WDW, ever.
  • In 2010 we got the Disney itch again and booked another trip to WL, but thanks to a special offer we upgraded to CR CL which would be $1000 cheaper than WL CL, and we booked the trip to celebrate a recent promotion at work. While we didn’t fall in love with the CR, we did have an amazing view of the MK that will be remembered forever. This was to be our third and last trip to WDW, ever.
  • In 2012 we got the itch again, one year sooner that our previous cycle of every three years, and this time we booked the YC CL, because on our previous trip we stopped by the boardwalk area and fell in love. Once again, we booked the trip to celebrate my landing a new job. (See a trend here?) And it was on this trip that we stopped pretending it would be our last trip.
  • Now along comes 2014, and the series of events that lead to our booking this trip. On our last trip we knew that our teen had reached his limit and our next trip would likely be adults only. We also knew that we would have to stay at the YC or BC again. We didn’t expect to be back this year though, but here’s what happened… We always vacation in the second last week of August. We usually head up to a lovely place in Ontario called Fern Resort. When I asked my husband if I should book Fern, he said “I’d rather go to Disney.” I was surprised, but as you know all it takes is one little mention for trip planning to begin. The challenge was that we really couldn’t afford the trip. I mentioned this to a certain Ninja Mom and the nagging began. Not only is she a ninja, but she is also relentless. She let me know about a certain Magical way to take Vacations and Travel to WDW. But we still couldn’t afford the trip, until… I got a promotion at work (Yay!) and once that happened, the trip was on!

So let’s start talking about what happened on this trip… We flew out on a Sunday morning. The airport was ridiculously crowded. Who knew so many people travel on a Sunday morning? We made it to MCO in a timely manner and landed with a bump and a thump. Seriously, it was the roughest landing ever with the plane actually bumping up and down before we stayed in contact with the runway. We didn’t feel in danger, but we did give a sigh of relief once things calmed down and we were sure that we had landed safely.

Once we got out of the plane we rode the faux monorail and happily made our way down to the Magic Express. We are Canadian so we didn’t have our magic bands, but our old fashioned paper passes were scanned and we were directed to row 4. As we were entering row 4, we saw this…


And so the laughter began. I immediately recognized the smiling face in the photo and knew the ninja that would be responsible for putting the photo on display in such a public place! As we backtracked to get a better look at (and photo of) the sign, I laughed even more when I saw that I had been given some credit for the sign without even knowing about it. Clearly we were in for an amusing week.

After a bit of a wait we boarded our bus and it was full. So full that we didn’t even see the WDW welcome sign, as all we could really see were the rest of the passengers on the bus. We stopped at Pop Century, Port Orleans and then it was on to the BC. When we got to the BC, as he was driving up to the front of the hotel, the driver said “mumble, mumble, mumble, Beach Club, mumble. No? Okay then.” And he drove right past the Beach Club porte-cochère without stopping!!! He barely even slowed down!

My husband and I, along with two others immediately jumped up and said “Hey, aren’t you going to stop?” To which the driver responded by saying “I asked if anyone was getting off at the Beach Club and you didn’t say anything. Too late to stop now.” And so, our trip start was slightly delayed so we could go to the YC and let those passengers off before circling back to the BC.

Once we actually stopped at the BC, all was perfect again as we stepped off the bus and the lovely CM Amber stepped up to address us by name and escort us into the beautiful BC lobby.

Well that’s enough for today… next up greeting friends and a tour of our room. (And don’t worry, I’ll use more photos and fewer words in my future posts.)
I'm in on this report! I can't wait to hear about all the shenanigans especially since I spent most of my time during this trip locked in a suitcase.I guess that's what I get for having way too many Sunken Treasures during this trip. Oh well, just like Janet's many trips, there's always the next time...

Signed, Buzzy the fly, your Beach Club Resort guy
I'm in. It is almost like I was there!

Great start! I loved reading about your past trips and how they came to be. I understand how that Disney bug gets under your skin (and sometimes in your drink...). People ask me "Do you go to Disney every year?" and my answer is "We don't mean to, but...

After my husband uttered the fateful words "We are never going to Disney in the summer again!" in 2008, we spent a week for the next 4/5 years.

Can't wait to hear more from your viewpoint.

Good start. Do love your trip history. Fun to read. Also what a great sign posted by a friend for a friend. I simply love this!

As we were entering row 4, we saw this…


And so the laughter began. I immediately recognized the smiling face in the photo and knew the ninja that would be responsible for putting the photo on display in such a public place! As we backtracked to get a better look at (and photo of) the sign, I laughed even more when I saw that I had been given some credit for the sign without even knowing about it. Clearly we were in for an amusing week.
That was one of the funniest practical jokes ever. And the sign stayed up for a long time, which really amazed me. :rotfl:

When we got to the BC, as he was driving up to the front of the hotel, the driver said “mumble, mumble, mumble, Beach Club, mumble. No? Okay then.” And he drove right past the Beach Club porte-cochère without stopping!!! He barely even slowed down!

My husband and I, along with two others immediately jumped up and said “Hey, aren’t you going to stop?” To which the driver responded by saying “I asked if anyone was getting off at the Beach Club and you didn’t say anything. Too late to stop now.” And so, our trip start was slightly delayed so we could go to the YC and let those passengers off before circling back to the BC.

You would have thought that the driver would know ahead of time if he had any passengers for the BC. That was crazy. :sad2:
I'm in :)
Brilliant start to your TR. Love how so many of us keep taking those "once in a lifetime" trips repeatedly :lmao:
We started in 1993 with one child and are still going because we have had another child each decade since and well it wouldn,t be fair if they all didn't get to go (that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it);)
Glad you got to1) see the sign and 2)finally stop at the BC
Looking forward to hearing more :goodvibes
Love the start of your report! I stayed at BWV this May but loved the look of BC. Hope to get some pointers from your report.
Thanks everyone for following along, and to those I don't know... welcome, it's nice to meet you!

I'm in on this report! I can't wait to hear about all the shenanigans especially since I spent most of my time during this trip locked in a suitcase.I guess that's what I get for having way too many Sunken Treasures during this trip. Oh well, just like Janet's many trips, there's always the next time...

Signed, Buzzy the fly, your Beach Club Resort guy

Of course you are in for this. It is hard to be rid of you, which I can attest to as you wouldn't leave me alone during one of our meets.

I'm in. It is almost like I was there!

Great start! I loved reading about your past trips and how they came to be. I understand how that Disney bug gets under your skin (and sometimes in your drink...). People ask me "Do you go to Disney every year?" and my answer is "We don't mean to, but...

After my husband uttered the fateful words "We are never going to Disney in the summer again!" in 2008, we spent a week for the next 4/5 years.

Can't wait to hear more from your viewpoint.


You were there right from the start of my trip!

So far we are sticking to our plan of not returning again during the August heat, but those Magical deals for taking Vacations to Travel to WDW do make it tempting. I compared our costs for this trip versus past trips and the deal we used was a decent saving.

Hooray! Here and ready to read!


Very happy to have you reading along!

That was one of the funniest practical jokes ever. And the sign stayed up for a long time, which really amazed me. :rotfl:

You would have thought that the driver would know ahead of time if he had any passengers for the BC. That was crazy. :sad2:

It was crazy that he forgot about us. He was distinctly told Beach Club as we boarded the bus, and he noted right from the start that he would be stopping at the BC. We were stunned that he barely slowed down as he went through the BC driveway. If he would have stopped and no one stood up it would make sense, but he didn't even come close to stopping.

I'm in :)
Brilliant start to your TR. Love how so many of us keep taking those "once in a lifetime" trips repeatedly :lmao:
We started in 1993 with one child and are still going because we have had another child each decade since and well it wouldn,t be fair if they all didn't get to go (that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it);)
Glad you got to1) see the sign and 2)finally stop at the BC
Looking forward to hearing more :goodvibes

I know we will be back again. We need at least one more (or several more) adult only trips and then hopefully life will come round that our teen will be back in the mood to vacation with us again.

Love the start of your report! I stayed at BWV this May but loved the look of BC. Hope to get some pointers from your report.

Hopefully I'll give you some useful info. I know we've learned a ton from other trip reports over the years.
I'm here Janet.

Love the start and of course that picture!

My memorable ME experience happened when our bus driver couldn't find the BC. He actually pulled into the main EPCOT parking lot (guess he figured if it's an EPCOT resort then.......).
I'm here Janet.

Love the start and of course that picture!

My memorable ME experience happened when our bus driver couldn't find the BC. He actually pulled into the main EPCOT parking lot (guess he figured if it's an EPCOT resort then.......).

:rotfl: Your ME story definitely beats mine! At least we knew that he could find the BC, and if we didn't believe he could get us back there we would have jumped out at the YC.
Just found your TR and I'll be following along! We did our first Aug. trip this year and DH and I booked our first adults only trip for next March:cheer2: Looking forward to reading more:thumbsup2
So we left off with Amber guiding us into the beautiful BC lobby. It was a wonderful beginning to the trip. The doors opened and right in front of us stood Teena, with a big welcoming hug! What a way to make us feel like we were coming home. Teena recognized us instantly which was so great. Teena – you are the world’s best greeter!

Amber patiently waited during my catch up with Teena and then walked us over to the check-in desk. We were given a King Bed room as requested which made us happy, and then for a bonus the person checking us in said we had a full balcony. That was great, since it was a bonus we hadn’t requested. It would have been better if she hadn’t mentioned the balcony, since the room didn’t have a full balcony, just two little standing ones. She got our hopes up for nothing.

Midway through check-in, I suddenly heard a voice bellowing at my side “IS THIS LADY BOTHERING YOU?” Immediately, I knew that I must be meeting Ninja Mom. It was a great surprise for our first meeting. We exchanged a quick nice to meet you hug, and then it was back to the business of checking in. We received our magic bands and were happily off to find our room. We were given room 3726. We found the room by getting off the elevator at the third floor and turning the corner and walking and turning another corner and walking and turning another corner and walking and turning another corner and walking and turning another corner and walking and turning another corner and walking and turning another corner and walking and turning another corner and walking and turning another corner and walking and turning another corner and walking and turning another corner and walking and turning another corner, and walking, and eventually we made our way to the furthest corner we could find and we located our room. Fortunately, we like to walk so we weren’t put off by the distance to the room. I had hoped this meant we were winding our way to the secret entrance corner, but sadly it meant we were winding our way to the furthest point from the secret entrance corner.

When we got to our room, the woman from housekeeping was just entering the room to clean. We came up, mentioned it was our room and asked how much time she needed. She only needed 15 minutes which wasn’t a big deal to us. As we were walking away, she was just shaking her head and saying “they are CRAZY at the front desk.” It gave us a laugh and then we wandered around for a bit before finding our way back to a freshly cleaned room.

I tried my magic band first and it magically opened the room. We set down our bags and took a look around and liked what we saw (inside the room!) My husband then went back out to the hall to check if his magic band worked. It didn’t. And what does a good DISer do when their husband is locked out of the room? Take pictures, before he comes back in and messes things up! Of course! While I left him out in the hall, I quickly snapped the following pictures.

Here’s the view from partway into the room. It was so spacious. You could easily fit a few roll away beds into this room.


The comfy king bed



Looking back towards the door, with the chest of drawers


Looking into the bathroom vanity area, with the double closet on the right.


A standard bath area


And in case you didn’t see enough storage under the TV, or in the chest of drawers, I took a picture of the space available in the nightstands.


And then I went and let my husband back into the room.

I’ll save the view outside of the room for a future update, but for now I’ll say we loved this room. It was spacious, comfortable and as far as we could see at first glance it was in perfect order with no obvious need for refurbishment.

Well that’s enough for today… here’s a hint at where we head off to next. Anyone know where this is?

Midway through check-in, I suddenly heard a voice bellowing at my side “IS THIS LADY BOTHERING YOU?” Immediately, I knew that I must be meeting Ninja Mom.
Well that’s enough for today… here’s a hint at where we head off to next. Anyone know where this is?


Why Yes, yes indeed I did BELLOW that!

... and that picture is of my private 'swimmin hole'. I have a sign plastered by the pool stating that I am raising $$$ for an Olympic Synchronized Pool Tube Team and those are all the donations that you see on the bottom. Mostly they come from people anxious for me to leave them alone and stop begging for donations. There are a couple of restraining orders floating on the top of the pool but they aren't in the picture.

Why Yes, yes indeed I did BELLOW that!

... and that picture is of my private 'swimmin hole'. I have a sign plastered by the pool stating that I am raising $$$ for an Olympic Synchronized Pool Tube Team and those are all the donations that you see on the bottom. Mostly they come from people anxious for me to leave them alone and stop begging for donations. There are a couple of restraining orders floating on the top of the pool but they aren't in the picture.


Why Yes, yes indeed those are donations on the bottom, but where is this "swimmin hole" located. (And I oh so hope you aren't swimming where these coins are located.)
I am still laughing about you leaving your husband in the hallway to take pictures when his Magic Band didn't work. What any respectable
Disser would do!

I do like your room. Shame on the walk and lack of balcony and I will confirm....front desk was crazy that day!
The doors opened and right in front of us stood Teena, with a big welcoming hug! What a way to make us feel like we were coming home. Teena recognized us instantly which was so great. Teena – you are the world’s best greeter!


Midway through check-in, I suddenly heard a voice bellowing at my side “IS THIS LADY BOTHERING YOU?” Immediately, I knew that I must be meeting Ninja Mom. It was a great surprise for our first meeting. We exchanged a quick nice to meet you hug, and then it was back to the business of checking in.

Did anyone NOT have a memorable first meeting with Ninja Mom?


I believe there was another encounter in the bar with Ninja and another DISer on her way out.


I tried my magic band first and it magically opened the room. We set down our bags and took a look around and liked what we saw (inside the room!) My husband then went back out to the hall to check if his magic band worked. It didn’t. And what does a good DISer do when their husband is locked out of the room? Take pictures, before he comes back in and messes things up! Of course! While I left him out in the hall, I quickly snapped the following pictures.

Well played. BWAHAHAHA! :rotfl2:

Well that’s enough for today… here’s a hint at where we head off to next. Anyone know where this is?


No idea! I'm stumped!

And in case you didn’t see enough storage under the TV, or in the chest of drawers, I took a picture of the space available in the nightstands.


Glad to see all of that space in the nightstand.

Things like that are very important!



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