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Stacy's a freak

wrangles snakes
Apr 15, 2003
I am not sure how to approach this without sounding totally negative and female-doggish. But I am unhappy with the changes in the DISUnplugged. I think the team is losing something and I cannot pinpoint it. And while I have nothing against any single team member on a personal level, I find the podcast to be more scripted and less off-the-cuff, particularly with the newer members. This makes the whole show feel much more formal and uncomfortable at times. And I hear quite a few “ummm”s and “aaaaah”s while certain members attempt to speak while clearly trying to multi-task in the background. Even as a listener and not a viewer, I have to guess that this person is trying to do too many things and is not getting the words out. Or maybe this team member feels like he/she has to sensor his/her speech to stay within the safety zone of a live show. Whatever the reason, as a listener, it’s maddening.

Maybe the team can help me understand the direction in which the show is going. Are you trying to be more universally accepted and, therefore, must be as caspar milquetoast as possible? Is that the reason for sounding so scripted and less spontaneous? Are you afraid that your team members will say something awful that cannot be unsaid? If so, I say stop the live show! Are there really that many people experiencing the show live to make it worth restraining your team members? Or is it simply more cost efficient to produce a live show to alleviate the need for editing time? In my opinion, the unscripted moments have always been the best part of the podcast and if you need to give the team some leeway to really open up, tape the darn thing and edit it before you release it. I'm not suggesting that people should strive to offend - I am just saying that maybe the team members are afraid of being themselves for fear of messing up.

With this said, I suppose my single opinion means little if the ratings are good. But this individual feels sad and misses the old Podcast and its energy, humor and relaxed feel. I will continue to listen to hear my old friends but the more time that goes by, the less eager I am for podcast day.
I'm sorry to hear that you feel this way. While I cannot respond to your questions, I do want to say that I only watch the video version which is 100 times different from what one would find just by listening to the audio. It really is a different experience; I like it. In fact, I was just thinking to myself this morning how impressed I've been with the new 7 in 7 segments.

Did you listen to the second segment today about unusual items to pack? I was hysterical with laughter and absolutely loved it. I think the "old time banter" that you're reminiscing of here was clearly evident in this episode. It's worth a listen.
I too have been disappointed in the podcast lately, I feel that the panelists are being censored and they are increasingly hesitant in expressing their views. I really like the panelists, but I don't like the way they are cut off when they are expressing their opinions.

After last week's show, I had decided to stop watching the podcast, because I am no longer enjoying it. I am really going to miss the dis Unplugged podcast, but I will not miss it's current iteration.
I have not noticed what you are saying but I watch not just listen so perhaps its a different expereince? What was last weeks topic? I cant even remember
I am not sure how to approach this without sounding totally negative and female-doggish. But I am unhappy with the changes in the DISUnplugged. I think the team is losing something and I cannot pinpoint it. And while I have nothing against any single team member on a personal level, I find the podcast to be more scripted and less off-the-cuff, particularly with the newer members. This makes the whole show feel much more formal and uncomfortable at times. And I hear quite a few “ummm”s and “aaaaah”s while certain members attempt to speak while clearly trying to multi-task in the background. Even as a listener and not a viewer, I have to guess that this person is trying to do too many things and is not getting the words out. Or maybe this team member feels like he/she has to sensor his/her speech to stay within the safety zone of a live show. Whatever the reason, as a listener, it’s maddening.

Maybe the team can help me understand the direction in which the show is going. Are you trying to be more universally accepted and, therefore, must be as caspar milquetoast as possible? Is that the reason for sounding so scripted and less spontaneous? Are you afraid that your team members will say something awful that cannot be unsaid? If so, I say stop the live show! Are there really that many people experiencing the show live to make it worth restraining your team members? Or is it simply more cost efficient to produce a live show to alleviate the need for editing time? In my opinion, the unscripted moments have always been the best part of the podcast and if you need to give the team some leeway to really open up, tape the darn thing and edit it before you release it. I'm not suggesting that people should strive to offend - I am just saying that maybe the team members are afraid of being themselves for fear of messing up.

With this said, I suppose my single opinion means little if the ratings are good. But this individual feels sad and misses the old Podcast and its energy, humor and relaxed feel. I will continue to listen to hear my old friends but the more time that goes by, the less eager I am for podcast day.

Interesting. I'm somewhat new to podcasts in general but the ones I love all have a lively group of people who are obviously having a good time and are a ball to listen to. (Example: Straight Talk with Ross Matthews.) Since I'm planning a WDW trip for the first time in a decade, I downloaded a few recent DIS Unplugged podcasts, but everyone on the show sounded so uptight and awkward, like a company meeting no one really wanted to be at, with coworkers they didn't particularly like, and it was difficult to listen to. Didn't seem to be a lot of consensus happening anyway, so the informational value wasn't there either. But I figured it must be something about Disney and having to keep everything straight-laced and G-rated.

Like you, just one opinion and I'm not a regular around here anyway.
Man I really can't disagree more. I think the show is fantastic. I mean yeah maybe the Bob years were the best, but the show has been consistently good for a long time. The current group is fantastic - although I wish we would get Julie or Cory more since it's always better with more voices, but I assume it's tough with the kids.

Now the show does lose something when Pete isn't there, but that's nothing new.

The only slight criticism I have is a lot of the segments this year have been kinda Disney trip 101 stuff. I hope they keep doing more varied, unique segments like this week and last.

But really, we get a show and a segment every week. Plus other shows like the Trip or the Universal show. And even bonus episodes like the amazing 7 in 7 this week. Very few podcasts give their listeners this much... And for FREE no less!

I have no plans to stop listening. I love these guys and am thankful for all the work they do putting out awesome podcasts week after week.
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The show has changed over the years for sure , but I still enjoy it very much. I need to go back and listen to some old ones. I found the podcast when my son was about 8 months old, he is now 8 years old!! Some segments I enjoy more than others but overall I think it's great!
I have not noticed what you are saying but I watch not just listen so perhaps its a different expereince? What was last weeks topic? I cant even remember
I watch it also, and I've been a listener since the show started. So I don't know if the format has any influence on our perceptions or not.
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This topic has been brought up before and I'll say my opinion again (and these are just MY opinions...not a refelction on the quality or content of the podcast or how anyone else should feel becuase I know some here feel that any opinion that is not supportive or the crew is a slight against them and it's really not): The podcast in its current form is definetly different then before it went video...not better or worse, just different...I feel that I can not listen to the podcast anymore because there are too many references to the visual elements of the show (videos, pictures, facial expressions) and that I am missing a large chunk of what is happening which takes me out of "experience"...before it felt like i was actually at the table, now I feel like it's just any other TV show I watch...if YOU feel like you can listen to the show that way then cool for YOU but for ME it loses something so I will only watch the show now (which means i usually don't see it until the weekend if I'm lucky, sometimes I'm two weeks behind...before i would dl and listen next day at work)...I also find myself skipping the 2nd segment more often then not, at least initially, because of my time restraints...again I'm not bashing the show itself...i still think it is great (and The Trip and The Universal Edition), just voicing my reasons why I have stopped listening to the show via audio only
Unfortunately, listening fits better into my schedule than watching - I listen to many podcasts and books on tape during my daily commutes. And I do continue to listen and still enjoy it overall. I just don't have the same level of enjoyment. Maybe this is akin to the 7 year itch, so to speak. I think the "fire" has gone for me.
I thought it was just me, but I felt the show lost a lot without Shaun being around. It lost a great part of the team, and also left a sour taste in my mouth of how it was handled (or not handled).

I have been a listener from the very early days, so perhaps my lack of interest is a cyclical thing. Not different than how some podcast team members take a break from the parks...
I am not sure how to approach this without sounding totally negative and female-doggish. But I am unhappy with the changes in the DISUnplugged. I think the team is losing something and I cannot pinpoint it. And while I have nothing against any single team member on a personal level, I find the podcast to be more scripted and less off-the-cuff, particularly with the newer members. This makes the whole show feel much more formal and uncomfortable at times. And I hear quite a few “ummm”s and “aaaaah”s while certain members attempt to speak while clearly trying to multi-task in the background. Even as a listener and not a viewer, I have to guess that this person is trying to do too many things and is not getting the words out. Or maybe this team member feels like he/she has to sensor his/her speech to stay within the safety zone of a live show. Whatever the reason, as a listener, it’s maddening.

Maybe the team can help me understand the direction in which the show is going. Are you trying to be more universally accepted and, therefore, must be as caspar milquetoast as possible? Is that the reason for sounding so scripted and less spontaneous? Are you afraid that your team members will say something awful that cannot be unsaid? If so, I say stop the live show! Are there really that many people experiencing the show live to make it worth restraining your team members? Or is it simply more cost efficient to produce a live show to alleviate the need for editing time? In my opinion, the unscripted moments have always been the best part of the podcast and if you need to give the team some leeway to really open up, tape the darn thing and edit it before you release it. I'm not suggesting that people should strive to offend - I am just saying that maybe the team members are afraid of being themselves for fear of messing up.

With this said, I suppose my single opinion means little if the ratings are good. But this individual feels sad and misses the old Podcast and its energy, humor and relaxed feel. I will continue to listen to hear my old friends but the more time that goes by, the less eager I am for podcast day.
This is really interesting, because my feelings about the podcast had been cooling off lately, but I couldn't really put a finger on why. I knew it was something about the dynamics of it, and I think you've caught a good part of it. I rarely have the time to watch the podcast; I always used to listen to it while power walking at work (getting odd looks when I'd "randomly" burst out into laughter), or while doing things around the house. I just don't get the same feeling listening to it now. I think it's a combo of the loss of the visuals, and the loss of spontenaiety you brought up. It's too bad, because the pre-video stuff was truly hilarious, and a lot of fun.

I've been listening since prior to Bawb, and while I notice a definite different feel, I don't see it as a negative. Sure, there are some awkward moments but a lot does seem to relate to the video edition. As far as chemistry goes, there are some new faces and they seem to be mixing it up a bit, either for convenience or maybe to see if something catches fire. What's funny is I was listening to last weeks episode at lunch today and thought to myself what a good job Dustin has done stepping up ...then I read this(not that it's directed at him). When they made the jump to video, that was a bold move ...and I have to say that the quality of the video, as well as the content, is excellent -possibly some of the best out there(I've only seen several other Disney/Travel podcasts). I may be wrong, but when the original team was put together there was already some "chemistry" -they were friends/co-workers. Putting together new people takes time -keep the faith!
I've been listening since prior to Bawb, and while I notice a definite different feel, I don't see it as a negative. Sure, there are some awkward moments but a lot does seem to relate to the video edition. As far as chemistry goes, there are some new faces and they seem to be mixing it up a bit, either for convenience or maybe to see if something catches fire. What's funny is I was listening to last weeks episode at lunch today and thought to myself what a good job Dustin has done stepping up ...then I read this(not that it's directed at him). When they made the jump to video, that was a bold move ...and I have to say that the quality of the video, as well as the content, is excellent -possibly some of the best out there(I've only seen several other Disney/Travel podcasts). I may be wrong, but when the original team was put together there was already some "chemistry" -they were friends/co-workers. Putting together new people takes time -keep the faith!

I agree with this. Some weeks the chemistry is better than others, but overall, still a great show with lots of good information!
Only been watching since approximately June '13 or so (so video version), and went back and tried to just listen to some audio ones, and can't say I like them as much, but that's just me. And while the "cast of characters" has been changing somewhat in the last few months, I have said - and will say it again - that watching the podcasts on my lunch hours at work has gotten me through some very tough days./weeks. It feels more to me like hanging out with friends who are talking about a subject near and dear to my heart (and that combination of friends and "talking Disney" always puts a smile on my face) more than it does watching a "podcast" of people I have not yet had the good fortune to meet. And some of the senses of humor have made me laugh out loud quite loudly more times than I can count. Of course I "like" some mixes of persons/personalities, subjects, etc., than others, but I ALWAYS look forward to watching, and ALWAYS appreciate all the work the team goes through for all of us, and the consistent high quality of it all. And I will continue to watch, be thankful to them all, and use them to get me through the work days. Thanx team, you are VERY much appreciated by me!!
I've only been a listener since about mid last year, after my one and only WDW trip, and I love the show.
I don't have internet at home (Australia sucks when it comes to internet data pricing and service, especially in new estates like mine) so I've always been a listener rather than a watcher, though I have watched a few videos at times.
I listen obsessively, even if I just head up the street for 10 minutes, I listen.
I've listened to most of the episodes back dating to about mid 2013 (excluding a few that aren't of interest to me: Aulani, photography, parade segments etc) and I love them.
Recently on the Podcast board someone mentioned ideas for the 800th show and had a heap of questions about the team they'd like answers to, and though I feel like I now understand how the team all connect to one another, it was mentioned that in 2010 there was a show about the team and get to know you type questions, so I listened and loved learning about it, but I felt that that sounded MORE scripted. the non-live episodes, though well edited, seemed to cut from them going off track and laughing hysterically back to seriousness and I felt like I wanted to listen on as they got side tracked or a bit silly.
at the end of the day, we are all adults and I think taking things a bit further, whether its funny, serious, ranting, innuendo, I appreciate that banter, And I would love to hear more of it, but for the love of God, don't cut it out.
The segment this week about clever ideas for your trip was great. I listened only this morning to it and wished it went for 3 hours, I'd happily listen to them be like that for that long. Dustin mentioned that they were tired and getting silly from all the 7in7 recordings, but it felt like I was actually chatting with friends, making funny jokes, getting off track, making jokes about Teresa and her binoculars and what not. HILARIOUS.

I think Jenilynn and Ryan are great additions, however, I do truly miss Shaun. Witty, friendly, smart and oh so funny, I loved listening to him and Craig (as Craig mentioned on the Universal show last wee, you either get his humour or you don't, I do an I love it)they were so well matched, however, I also love the new weekly universal show with JL and Ryan.

anyway, I've blabbed on long enough. I think there are always pro's and con's to these shows, I think its great, and would love to see them let their hair down more, but happy to listen and look forward to getting the podcasts each week.

ps. please do another freeform Friday!!! maybe a monthly segment?!
While I've noticed changes, I like the shows even better now.

random thoughts:
-In regards to multi tasking people on the show, well, it's really not a big deal. There's usually one or 2 people doing tech stuff, so if they are thrown off for a second, who cares? And usually technical flubs on these shows are funny (like how Dustin can't seem to get the music queues right on The Trip :D ). The "uuhh"s and "aahh"s aren't as frequent as you think.

-Of course it's a lot of visual stuff. They have a big following in the video format. It's not impossible to listen to audio only and still enjoy it, though. But because they have a lot of material to present, they are going to show it off.

-I love Craig and his humor/wit/etc. If people can't stand him for it, I'm sorry for their loss. womp womp.

-While I agree it seems more scripted, I like a formatted show. Everyone gets a chance to say what they want. It's not like being bound by a particular topic means it's less interesting. The only time it feels people can't just be off the cuff is when Dustin hosts a show (who is arguably more strict about keeping people in line than Pete is).

-I love that they added 2 shows that are weekly, not just occasionally.

-My only complaint lately is they did Shaun wrong by not really giving an explanation or a proper send off. It was like "Shaun's gone... Anyone else in housekeeping?" That exit was obviously not amicable. But whatever. His replacement, Ryno, is all sorts of awesome too and a nice addition to Universal/Dis shows.
I like Craig, I like his dry humor. The only thing I don't like about him is that he always seems to defend/support Universal over Disney.
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