October is here!!! A Semi-live TR!!! Our Oct 7-14 trip to the world!

I was very excited for you... right up until you mentioned it was for your DD. :laughing:

You are too funny. I may wear one too...a PJ princess dress that is....or maybe just some other costume...got some time to think about it. But my main concern when theme parking is comfort...so it's gonna take some research to find something a) appropriate for whatever the temperature may be, and b) comfortable to wear while walking around for hours....but luckily I'm sure the folks around here and on the myriad of other Disney related sites know ALL about dressing up!!

October is a great time to go to WDW! We went in October a few years ago and really loved it - decent crowds, nice weather, and Food & Wine! Looks like you've got some great plans so far! I've wanted to try Sci Fi, but haven't had the chance. And MNSSHP should be awesome - I've heard so many great things about it!

I'm so so glad that you, and a few people now, have said that October is a good time to go. Although someone did point out that it's some American holiday on that weekend? (October 10, 11?) But oh well. It's booked. I was SO excited to get an ADR for Sci Fi and at an actual lunchtime to boot!! And the MNSSHP tickets too...jumped on those.
Now that our trip has been booked for a few days...I have fully jumped into the planning. Sadly, even the day I booked our stay at POFQ, we were already within the 180 days for ADR's...so some of the ones I wanted were already not available. I wonder if people who are truly serious planners just randomly book ADR's IN CASE they might be at Disney in 180 days so they'll have them and then cancel? I should have thought of that because I did waiver on booking our trip for about 2 weeks...I may have been able to snag some coveted ADR's...oh well.

ANYWAY....in case anyone's interested in what I've planned so far...here we go.

Day 1 - arrival day - Thursday October 8th.

Our flight leaves Toronto at 8am...so we will have to be up and at 'em pretty early...but that's ok..who can sleep in on Disney arrival day anyway? If all goes as planned we will land at MCO at 11:05. I'm not sure if when flying from Canada you are able to use the bag check thing where your bags magically appear in your room, so we will most likely have to wait for them at baggage claim. Hopefully that won't take too long. Is it unrealistic to think that we'll get to POFQ between 12-1pm? Likely we'll probably be hungry and maybe grab a quick bite at the MCO before leaving...I actually haven't flown to MCO for ages...for the past few trips I've driven up from South Florida or flown to another Florida airport...so I'm not sure what the food options are there...another thing to research to see if it's worth grabbing something before heading to the ME. I've also never ridden the ME so that's new to us as well.

With some luck, hopefully when we arrive at POFQ our room will be ready and we'll be able to dump our stuff and get a bit organized before heading out. My hope it that by about 3:00pm we can be on a bus to MK for a couple of hours that night. Ideally I'd want to book our FP+ for that night and have some QS dinner at the park before heading back. I'm not really sure what time to start booking FP+ times though...just in case we are delayed or don't feel like heading right out as soon as we arrive from the airport. Also, I don't want to make it a super late night because I don't want to completely tire us out for the rest of the trip. But it would be fun to just get a taste of MK with just our FP+ rides and whatever else has a short wait. Ideally I'd like to be on a bus back to POFQ by around 8pm so we can get unpacked and to bed at a decent hour since we are likely to be pretty wiped.

Since I have never flown to MCO to immediately check in to a Disney hotel....I am finding it hard to gauge whether my arrival day plans will be too exhausting or if I should plan to do more...it's a tough call...I may have to "gasp" play it by ear when we arrive and see how tired we feel.
Although someone did point out that it's some American holiday on that weekend? (October 10, 11?)

Columbus Day is that weekend. It'll increase crowds a little bit, but it shouldn't be too terrible.

Day 1 plans sound good. We usually wait 3-4 hours after the flight lands to make FP+. I think you should be able to head out of POFQ around (or maybe even before) 3 without having to rush too much. I usually give myself up to 2 hours after arrival to get to the hotel, and it usually takes me less than 2 hours.

Just remember to be flexible - there's always the possibility of delays, so while it's good to make plans for arrival day, don't be too surprised if they end up having to change a bit. Playing it by ear is definitely a good plan.
Columbus Day is that weekend. It'll increase crowds a little bit, but it shouldn't be too terrible.

Day 1 plans sound good. We usually wait 3-4 hours after the flight lands to make FP+. I think you should be able to head out of POFQ around (or maybe even before) 3 without having to rush too much. I usually give myself up to 2 hours after arrival to get to the hotel, and it usually takes me less than 2 hours.

Just remember to be flexible - there's always the possibility of delays, so while it's good to make plans for arrival day, don't be too surprised if they end up having to change a bit. Playing it by ear is definitely a good plan.

Thanks for the input!! I'm glad Columbus day shouldn't be too bad...the EasyWDW.com did recommend MK for that day too so hopefully will be ok. I think I will probably book our first FP+ for maybe 3:30pm? (flight lands at 11:05...but we will likely have to wait for bags) But that will give us until 4:30 to get to the ride? Or maybe 4-5pm for first FP+ would be safter. You said 3-4 hours after landing - but you probably are able to not wait for bags...so I'm thinking maybe we will need a bit longer...tough to know. Maybe I will pick something that we won't be as upset to miss for the first FP+ just in case.

That is the thing with all this planning though - it is SO hard to be flexible. I know you have to be though...because **** happens...but...when you have been planning your trip for 6 months...it's kinda hard to roll with the punches when things don't go as planned...I have to keep telling myself to stop obsessing....and it will be fun no matter what...but it's hard when you are spending so much money and putting in so much effort...
Thanks for the input!! I'm glad Columbus day shouldn't be too bad...the EasyWDW.com did recommend MK for that day too so hopefully will be ok. I think I will probably book our first FP+ for maybe 3:30pm? (flight lands at 11:05...but we will likely have to wait for bags) But that will give us until 4:30 to get to the ride? Or maybe 4-5pm for first FP+ would be safter. You said 3-4 hours after landing - but you probably are able to not wait for bags...so I'm thinking maybe we will need a bit longer...tough to know. Maybe I will pick something that we won't be as upset to miss for the first FP+ just in case.

That is the thing with all this planning though - it is SO hard to be flexible. I know you have to be though...because **** happens...but...when you have been planning your trip for 6 months...it's kinda hard to roll with the punches when things don't go as planned...I have to keep telling myself to stop obsessing....and it will be fun no matter what...but it's hard when you are spending so much money and putting in so much effort...

I definitely get how difficult it is when you plan and things go wrong ... it's frustrating, but it's something you have to learn to deal with. I've found that the more I go, the easier it gets to deal with changes to the plan.
We don't usually wait for our bags, but we also usually get to the park an least 30-40 minutes before our FP+. But a lot of it depends on how long you have to wait for a bus and how long it takes you to get organized and get ready to go to the park. I think 3:30 - 4:30 should be okay, but 4-5 is safer. Definitely make it something you don't mind missing, and remember that you'll be back at MK later in the trip, so you really don't have to get everything done in that first night.
Also, I don't remember if you go through customs in Canada or in the US, but if you have to go through customs in Florida, allow some extra time for that.
Congrats on your trip! :cheer2:

As Sarah said October is a great time to go. Sci-Fi and Raglan Road are both on my list to try so I look forward to hearing about it.
it's gonna take some research to find something a) appropriate for whatever the temperature may be,

"Appropriate" there's a word.
You will most likely see young "ladies" wearing wholly inappropriate (for Disney) costumes.

I wonder if people who are truly serious planners just randomly book ADR's IN CASE they might be at Disney in 180 days so they'll have them and then cancel?

Hadn't thought of that.

I assume you mean people with APs?
Do they book and when they get a good one, go then?

who can sleep in on Disney arrival day anyway?

Ain't that the truth!

I'm not sure if when flying from Canada you are able to use the bag check thing where your bags magically appear in your room,

Yes you can.
While I only had a carry-on, I did get my DME baggage tags.
I definitely get how difficult it is when you plan and things go wrong ... it's frustrating, but it's something you have to learn to deal with. I've found that the more I go, the easier it gets to deal with changes to the plan.
We don't usually wait for our bags, but we also usually get to the park an least 30-40 minutes before our FP+. But a lot of it depends on how long you have to wait for a bus and how long it takes you to get organized and get ready to go to the park. I think 3:30 - 4:30 should be okay, but 4-5 is safer. Definitely make it something you don't mind missing, and remember that you'll be back at MK later in the trip, so you really don't have to get everything done in that first night.
Also, I don't remember if you go through customs in Canada or in the US, but if you have to go through customs in Florida, allow some extra time for that.

That's an idea I hadn't thought of - ie: making the first FP+ something I wouldn't be too sad to miss. Good plan. Now just have to figure out what that is lol

Congrats on your trip! :cheer2: As Sarah said October is a great time to go. Sci-Fi and Raglan Road are both on my list to try so I look forward to hearing about it.

Thanks!! Raglan Road I have been to before but only at lunch. The food was pretty good but this time I'm looking forward to the dancing etc. and the different atmosphere at dinner time. And Sci Fi I'm really excited about...from everyone's pictures it looks pretty cool. To be honest, before my last trip in March, I never even considered booking a TS meal for lunch. I always thought it would be too hard to plan when you would want to eat and where you'd be etc...but now that we are planning everything with FP+ anyway...it makes a lot more sense.

"Appropriate" there's a word. You will most likely see young "ladies" wearing wholly inappropriate (for Disney) costumes.

I can just imagine. But I will be doing my best to make sure my 9 year old DD's costume is indeed appropriate and more than just for the temperature lol. That may be a challenge because I have already had to say to her on more than one morning, "uh, no way you are wearing THAT to school..."

Hadn't thought of that. I assume you mean people with APs? Do they book and when they get a good one, go then?

Yeah people with AP's or even people without AP's who think they might be going in the next year...I guess to book "in park" ADR's you'd need AP's...but for things like California Grill during Fireworks and that sort of thing...you could book without even park tickets...as long as you think there's a good chance you will be going? I don't know. I just sometimes wonder how so many people know exactly what restaurant they will want to eat at 6 months out...it's so hard to figure it all out these days. I am trying my best now at just over 5 months out...and already so much is booked...sigh.

Yes you can. While I only had a carry-on, I did get my DME baggage tags.

Oh that's good to know! I wasn't sure if they'd let you because of all that dang customs and security business...but I guess it makes sense since we can go through customs in Toronto....but then I have to make sure to bring everything we would need for the evening at the park in our carry ons...which isn't an issue really but will just take (more) planning... because you know, we don't already have to do enough of that for a Disney trip lol.
I wonder if people who are truly serious planners just randomly book ADR's IN CASE they might be at Disney in 180 days so they'll have them and then cancel?
::yes:: I have definitely heard of people who do this. Especially before Free dining is announced.

Is it unrealistic to think that we'll get to POFQ between 12-1pm?
I want to say that when DH and I flew in last trip we arrived at MCO about that time and ended up at the resort around that time frame. I might give yourself a bit more of a buffer in your plans and say arrive by 1:30 but should be reasonable.

As far as scheduling FPs go I personally would probably hold them off till late like 5pm or so but I like a big buffer. I also don't hit up parks on arrival days. I find DTD and then dinner on the resort loop around mk to be the perfect taste to start a trip without pushing too hard in a park.
Subbing in! :)

Hey Welcome!! Thanks for joining!!! :welcome:

::yes:: I have definitely heard of people who do this. Especially before Free dining is announced.

Wow, that's kinda crazy!! I mean, considering the lengths people go to around here to plan the perfect Disney trip, I guess I shouldn't be surprised...huh? :earboy2:

I want to say that when DH and I flew in last trip we arrived at MCO about that time and ended up at the resort around that time frame. I might give yourself a bit more of a buffer in your plans and say arrive by 1:30 but should be reasonable. As far as scheduling FPs go I personally would probably hold them off till late like 5pm or so but I like a big buffer. I also don't hit up parks on arrival days. I find DTD and then dinner on the resort loop around mk to be the perfect taste to start a trip without pushing too hard in a park.

Good to know. I will probably put our first FP around 4:45 and make it something that we won't be devastated to miss. I don't want to spend that long in the park that night anyway...just enough to get a taste. It's funny that you said you don't usually hit up parks on arrival days. On our last quick trip in March, I didn't do a park on our arrival day - but that was because the difference between a one day park ticket and a 2 day ticket is huge so it didn't seem worth it. But now, when we are talking about only a $20 difference between a 5 day ticket and a 6 day ticket for the two of us...all of a sudden it makes sense to hit a park for even a couple of hours. I love DTD though too and if I didn't have those park tickets I would definitely do that. And I DO plan to visit DTD at least once (if not more) somewhere in this trip...definitely want to see it when hopefully more (or all) of the construction is finished.
Actually, you don't need tickets to book ADRs. You do need them for FP, however. I did our ADRs before buying our tickets, but after reserving our condo. Just so you know.

And we found another way our dds are different. Mine is a total goody two shoes, and hates anything too revealing. She will only wear bermuda shorts, for instance. I thinkshe listened to my rants about short sshorts a little too well!
Actually, you don't need tickets to book ADRs. You do need them for FP, however. I did our ADRs before buying our tickets, but after reserving our condo. Just so you know.

Hey that is good to know...so I suppose in theory anyone could book ADR's 180 days out even on the off chance that they "may" be at WDW on a particular day...next time I'm even considering a trip I will think about that...I don't think I will ever get my O'hana or BOG dinner otherwise lol.

And we found another way our dds are different. Mine is a total goody two shoes, and hates anything too revealing. She will only wear bermuda shorts, for instance. I thinkshe listened to my rants about short sshorts a little too well!

You are lucky that way...let's hope she stays that way as a teenager!! I'm in big trouble if mine keeps wanting to wear barely there shorts and tank tops!!
Woohoo, Kathy is going to Disney. Love another mother daughter trip.

I think Port orleans is a great choice. Never stayed there myself, but already have it pegged as my preferred moderate should the need arise.

On your arrival day I wouldn't book a fast pass until 5 or so just to be on the safe side. Especially if it is something you really want to do, you don't want to risk missing it.

And don't sweat the ADRs too much, take the opportunity to enjoy some new places.

Unrelated, let me know if you need any DC info. I've lived here my whole life and would be happy to answer any questions.
Found ya! :) Be back to read shortly....

I have to keep telling myself to stop obsessing....and it will be fun no matter what...but it's hard when you are spending so much money and putting in so much effort...

Sage advice for all of us. :) Sounds like you have a lot of ideas and a solid start on your planning for sure! :)
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Woohoo, Kathy is going to Disney. Love another mother daughter trip. I think Port orleans is a great choice. Never stayed there myself, but already have it pegged as my preferred moderate should the need arise. On your arrival day I wouldn't book a fast pass until 5 or so just to be on the safe side. Especially if it is something you really want to do, you don't want to risk missing it. And don't sweat the ADRs too much, take the opportunity to enjoy some new places.
Unrelated, let me know if you need any DC info. I've lived here my whole life and would be happy to answer any questions.

Thanks!! Yes I'm very excited to be going on another mother daughter trip. I just hope DS doesn't get upset...but I think maybe in late January he will have a few days off when DD is in school so maybe I can take him somewhere then. Yeah POFQ was recommended by a lot of people as far as moderates. While I "could" have stretched and done WL again...it was a huge difference $1200) in cost and I just couldn't stomach that for only a few minutes difference in travel times to the parks (at least according to EasyWDW anyway) so there it is. I just hope it won't be a big letdown to DD after having the luxury and convenience of the WL last time we were there. But she's 9...so probably won't even notice as long as the room is clean. She didn't actually like the boat much anyway lol.

Good advice on the FP+ for 5pm...I think that's a good plan...if we get there earlier we can always grab some food or something. As for ADR's...I've got a couple good ones...and now I'm going to do my best to sort of leave my spreadsheet alone for a while...at least until July 9th when I can try for a breakfast at BOG lol...but I need to stop looking at it and second guessing everything already...what days to go where...where to eat and so on...I need a break from it...as fun as it is planning it all lol.

I would LOVE any tips you have about going to DC with my uber picky 12 year old DS lol....about food and a couple other things...I have found some great info online about things to do and have a plan going for that trip as well lol. But there's nothing like tips from a local!! Also I want to go to that air/space museum that's out near the airport? I believe it's part of the Smithsonian but not at the same location? But the thing is we won't have a car there...so wondering how we'd get out there? ie: if there are any options other than a really expensive cab ride? Anyway..would love to pick your brain on that and other stuff :)) Maybe I'll PM you so my other (5) readers won't have to hear all about that too....lol

Found ya! :) Be back to read shortly....Sage advice for all of us. :) Sounds like you have a lot of ideas and a solid start on your planning for sure! :)

Hey thanks for coming by!!! Take your time...I'll be here lol. Yeah..it is really hard sometimes to just let it go for a bit and not think about all the plans. Although sometimes when I take too long a break from thinking about it I come back and look at my trip spreadsheet and am all "*** was I thinking"....and start second guessing it all over again...Sigh. It's a fun kind of stress....but it does sometimes stress me out a bit....because you know...if you're gonna go to the magical place.....you want to hit everything you can, right?
Hi Kathy! I read your TR from your March trip and I'm SO happy you get to go back to WDW again soon!! :woohoo: I remember you saying a few times in that TR, "I don't know when we'll be back........." ;) Excited to plan along with you! I LOVE WDW in Oct. We haven't gone in Oct. since 2011 but it's definitely my favorite month to go :goodvibes
Just caught up! So happy that you have a trip planned!!

I have always wanted to try POFQ! Can't wait to hear about it, I would think 12-1 arrival is a little ambitious but possible. The food at MCO is good, chick fil a (my fav) Quiznos, moes southwest, Panda Express. I was there today can you tell??

I think doing FP+ for that night anytime after 5 should be good give yourself a little time to to get to the park.

October is a great time to go! Can't wait to hear all about your planning!
So yes...I'm SO excited!! All I have booked so far is our hotel - POFQ...wahoooo! I'm so excited! I've never stayed at any of the moderates before and this one had so many great reviews, both here and from friends I have talked to. We are going from October 8-14 and again it will be just DD (age 9) and myself. I'm taking just my DS (age 12) to Washington DC in June, so it's kinda fair lol. But honestly he doesn't do well with theme parks and the kids fight constantly...so some one on one time is great for both of them. DS will stay here with his dad and it's Canadian Thanksgiving so they'll probably go to MIL's for some turkey. Maybe I will have my turkey at WDW lol!!

I'm here! So excited for you! POFQ is amazing! We stayed there for our honeymoon and I LOVED how quiet and small it was compared to the other resorts. Lots to do and you can use the amenities at POR. If we had stayed on site I was torn between POFQ and CBR (zero entry pool) but with mom joining us we are staying offsite. You are so ahead of me! Flights and MNSSHP tickets booked... I better get moving! Lol


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