My Experience at the Polynesian

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First I'm sure that was truly upsetting for you and your family. Totally understand that and would have felt upset in your shoes as well.

That said, it may be that Disney didn't really respond much once you got home because what you're asking for (changing policies with housekeeping) is something They're probably never really going to give you. When I get complaints about employees or our processes, I cannot share feedback on specific policy changes we make as a result of discilplinary action in reference to employees. So that may be where you're hitting the wall. I take whatever action I need to take based on the information provided, but I can not ever share specifics with anyone outside of my HR partner or my management. All I can do is let the complainant know the issue was noted and that I'll take it from there. There may also be a reluctance to take full responsibility on their part because the housekeeper who came to your room to vacuum seemed to be speculating about how the glass got there. Absent proof or an admittance from the employee, they can't be 100% sure it was a housekeeper either. It may be the most likely (and I am NOT questioning your facts just providing a managers perspective), but it might not be concrete.

It is very important that you spoke up, and I'm not saying they handled it well, but since you're looking for them to change an internal policy you're not going to be privy to their internal response most likely.

I do understand this, and I am sure it plays a part. However, Disney asked her to fill out an accident report. She did. And has heard nothing since, despite repeated follow up attempts at the contact information *they* gave her. They could at least send a "thank you, we received the accident report from you that we requested. We cannot discuss our internal procedures, but please know that your report has been received and forwarded on to the appropriate parties."

Yes, I'm aware they sent an "appropriate parties e-mail" - but that was before they requested she send in an accident report. Once they requested that report, they should have at least had the courtesy to respond with confirmation that the report was received. Not responding at all after requesting more information from the guest is lacking in customer service, IMO.
Not responding at all after requesting more information from the guest is lacking in customer service, IMO.
You are right, but they probably see the OP as a threat to sue by now and are not likely to want to help her build a case. Just go dark.
When a glass breaks it shatters in a million pieces and it's usually really hard to see all of the pieces, especially if the floor is white or the lighting isn't great. If housekeeping broke the glass (which seems to be the case) then it was there responsibility to get it right the first time. She has two small children and that piece of glass was big enough to hurt her husband, it would have been much worst if it happened to the children, not to mention risk of infection. When you paid all of that money for a vacation and not only inconvenienced a family, but endangered them, I think at the very least you offer to give them a new room so that the room can be properly cleaned. We're not talking about some dirt or dust here, we're talking about broken glass.
You are right, but they probably see the OP as a threat to sue by now and are not likely to want to help her build a case. Just go dark.

Then why did they ask her for an accident report in the first place? They pushed the issue by asking her to fill it out. There's no excuse for not - at the very least - confirming receipt of what they asked for.
Then why did they ask her for an accident report in the first place? They pushed the issue by asking her to fill it out. There's no excuse for not - at the very least - confirming receipt of what they asked for.
Due diligence has to be demonstrated once you see a threat, but you don't have to do anything else. I am sure that my companies lawyers would have demanded that all future communication come through them by this point, and they would not likely send a note saying that they received a response. In this technological age, it really isn't necessary. You send an email - they get an email.
Due diligence has to be demonstrated once you see a threat, but you don't have to do anything else. I am sure that my companies lawyers would have demanded that all future communication come through them by this point, and they would not likely send a note saying that they received a response. In this technological age, it really isn't necessary. You send an email - they get an email.
Things get lost in cyberspace all the time.
We apparently just have to agree to disagree. This whole event was poor customer service, start to finish. I would expect better from any hotel chain.
To the OP, I am sorry this happened to you and your family. Especially your husband. No excuse how they treated you. Thank you for bringing this to our attention to be careful when you first go into your room. And even each time you come back each day.

We always try to get the same housekeeper when we stay at the BWI and we notmally do ( if you stayed before you can request same mousrkeeper) we been lucky that we have gotten the same person. She is wonderful with our needs. We like our room clean by a certain time and she does the room as soon as we leave. We don't make a big mess and if my husband doesn't come with me. I just ask for extra towels and maybe every other day she can take them etc.

No one should be subject to what you were subject to. My views only.
I feel so bad for you OP! I think the reason, which other posters have mentioned, that you aren't hearing back is concern for litigiousness and that they KNOW they did not handle this well. It is too bad that the desk staff did not immediately move you. It sucks, but I have worked customer service enough to know that if you want something you need to speak up, ask nicely, and clearly and firmly for EXACTLY what you want. You were probably too upset at the time to think about what you really wanted. THEY should have offered you: a new room (probably an upgrade?) for your last night, a discount off of the last night (or free?), and immediately requested you fill out an accident report. Now, it's too late to offer some of that. At this point, I would ask for some kind of refund for your troubles and for their negligence. Any kind of policy change (like you are asking for) isn't really going to make you happy and they are obviously not going to apologize in a sincere way (which is probably what you really want). At least getting some money back may help you feel a little bit better.
I must have really low expectations in life. Got to work on that.

You went to the front desk and they sent someone up to clean it and you received several apologies. I don't think I would have gone through the trouble of sending numerous emails after I got home UNLESS I was hoping for some sort of compensation (which you claim you weren't.) Short of my husband's leg being chopped off I would have patched him up, herded everyone to the park and let them clean it up while I was out enjoying my last night (but that's just me.)

Hopefully you get whatever resolution you're looking for!
I'm not sure why it is so hard to believe that the OP was concerned about this happening to other guests and was hoping she could do something to help make sure no one else had to deal with something similar?

IMO (and it's only my opinion) it was an accident. Human error in dropping it and then in not cleaning it up well. Even if you were going to say not cleaning it up well was due to laziness instead of oversight, there will still be no way to prevent it from happening to another guest in the future. Mistakes happen sometimes. Is that what someone wants to hear when they are on the short side of the mistake? Probably not. But I certainly don't think that there's going to be a policy change put into place because of a broken glass that wasn't cleaned up well. Nor do I think a broken glass requires a room change, monetary compensation or anything else. All I think it requires is cleaning up the mess and an apology (which she admittedly got.) That's just my opinion. Others' opinions may be different and that's fine. I wouldn't come home though and devote almost three months of my life to this if all I wanted was to make sure it didn't happen to anyone else in the future because I don't believe something like this is preventable.
I'm not sure why it is so hard to believe that the OP was concerned about this happening to other guests and was hoping she could do something to help make sure no one else had to deal with something similar?

Totally agree with this.

To the OP, I'm so sorry this happened to you. What happened is NOT ok, no matter what people say. This isn't a case of "I found an old pretzel on the carpet;" this is a case of them leaving something dangerous in your room. I would expect Disney to do more than just ignore your emails now and send you some towels that evening. I assume breaking the glass was accidental, but not properly cleaning it up was not. Everywhere else we stay, housekeeping vacuums the room at least once per day... why is this at issue at very expensive Disney hotels?
I'm not sure why it is so hard to believe that the OP was concerned about this happening to other guests and was hoping she could do something to help make sure no one else had to deal with something similar?
I believe her, but I also know that once she has said her piece, her role in this is over. Disney will do what they do after that, and she has no right to know what, if anything, they do.
Generally speaking when statements like "which you claim you weren't" - the use of "claim" indicates some level of not fully believing the OP.

If that's not the case, then perhaps different wording would make that more clear.
I believe her, but I also know that once she has said her piece, her role in this is over. Disney will do what they do after that, and she has no right to know what, if anything, they do.
I never said she should expect to know what the end result is. :confused3: i don't think expecting an acknowledgment of receipt of information that Disney requested is thr same thing as expecting to know what, if anything, they do.
Generally speaking when statements like "which you claim you weren't" - the use of "claim" indicates some level of not fully believing the OP.

If that's not the case, then perhaps different wording would make that more clear.

I think I'm pretty clear with exactly what I'm saying and you can choose to infer whatever you like from my post. She stated she didn't want compensation. That's her claim. FOR ME PERSONALLY I'm not going to spend three months trying to contact someone for nothing. If OP has good for her.
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