Oh Florida! An East Meets West Girl's TR: 8/9 p56 & 8/17 p57

Those pictures are from mid April? :eek: But it looks so cold still! I have become WAY too accustomed to Florida weather. :rotfl2:

Love your pictures from IllumiNations. Even with an obstructed view, Japan looks like a nice spot to watch the show from.

JellyRolls sounds like it was a lot of fun! I remember reading Danielle's summary of the night; seemed like it was unanimous that everyone had a wonderful time together.

Ugh, cabbies at Disney sound like the worst. Ripping off guests everyday. They probably assumed you and Cynthia had no idea how to get back to the resort and were clueless to his tricks...
Great updates. Love the flower pictures from your trip.

Fun pictures at Jellyrolls.

I hear you on the cab, although our cab driver two weeks ago couldn't be blamed...you could blame ALL of the construction at DTD and the one-lane traffic.
Beautiful flower pictures!

Jellyrolls looks like so much fun. It's definitely on my list of places to try in a future trip.
love the pictures of home. Tulips look lovely.

What a great night at Epcot and then Jellyrolls. I keep wanting to go to Jellyrolls but we never seem to find time for it!
Great update MEK! Those pics of Illuminations are really, really, REALLY fantastic! Grace and I keep saying we are going to Jelly Rolls (especially since we normally stay at BWV or BCV so it's a short walk) but somehow we never have. Of course we also say we are going to La Cava del Tequila and haven't made it there yet either! I know, I know...shame, shame :sad2:
So pretty!

Thanks. It was a beautiful time to visit. Looking forward to going back this fall.

I was thinking, "Ah, such nice pictures!" then i see this!:faint: Can't do spiderwebs!

:rotfl2: I think spiderwebs can be so cool to photograph - minus the spider, of course!

Are you sure you don't work as a nature photographer?

I wish! You have no idea how much I would like a new camera with a new telephoto lens.

Lovely ladies.

Thanks! :goodvibes

This is gorgeous! Love how it's a dark orange!

I like how that turned out too! It must have just been the perfect time of day.

This one may have been my screensaver.

Or this one.

I did use the first one as my screen saver for awhile. I do really like those pics. It was a great time of night to take pics!

Nope going back, definitely this one for a screensaver!


:thumbsup2 Screensaver away!!!!


Speaking of lip gloss, have you ever tried Maybelline's Baby Lips? LOVE IT!!!

Good to know. I have been using the neutrogena products because Denny gets them discounted since they are J&J products.

I feel DHS will always look like this. I've never visited when it's 'dead'.

In a weird way I miss the hat. It reminds me of my original trips there when my kids were young. I have been there a few times when it wasn't mopped and that was nice.

If I didn't have DH or DS, I would totally wait in line for these guys! So cute!


I love that they add all this to the screen. How fun!

It's the little touches that really work so well.

Is that a Honeydew Yoda Head?!:thumbsup2

We were heading to Jelly Rolls, a new Disney first for me.

And who were we hanging out with? Well Dale, Dawn, Caitlin, Popadon, Jackie, and Danielle, of course!
Cool! I'm glad you got to hang out with your DIS friends again. Jelly Rolls looks like a fun place, although I've still never been there.

As far as the building itself - it really had that 80’s feel to it. It seemed to be in need of a major rehab, but maybe its kept that way intentionally. I’m not sure.
Well, it wasn't built until after the 80s so either they must be going for an 80's feel or the interior decorator was an out of touch has been when they designed it.

Hard to believe it was here already. Last mornings are always bittersweet. You feel happy and content that you’ve had such a great trip with wonderful memories, but sad that its time to get back to your real life. Fortunately, both of us had evening flights so we still had park time in front of us.
Last days are always bittersweet. I'm glad you are at least getting a little bit of park time in.
Last weekend I finished a youtube video for a friend and former co-worker whose partner recently passed away from cancer.


we are planning a two week California trip next May with another couple. I have a feeling I’ll be the master planner for that trip and it feels a little daunting right now.

Remember you have some Cali friends you can always turn to for help! :goodvibes

Here are a few from Longwood Gardens.

You go all the time, how lucky you are! Do they change their exhibits frequently or just with the seasons?

When I leaned in to my right to snag a picture her mom informed that I was blocking the toddler’s view. I felt like saying, “View of what? The railing”, but I just moved off to the side

:headache::headache: Oh geez.


So much fun! I've always wanted to visit Jellyrolls, but thought it may be more fun to go with more people than just the two of us?:confused3

We got to the gate and we were DENIED!


I've always wondered if they'd let you though just to get to the front of the park!

I knew darn well what was happening and it just didn’t sit well with me. But what are you going to do except sit there and get ripped off. *sigh*

Ugh, awful cabbie. I'm not paying you to drive in circles, i'm paying you to get me home!:mad:

Several months later the entire family relocated to Florida. Can you say LUCKY!

Uh, yeah, super lucky! It would be so easy to convince DH to move. Golf and Disney?! Heck yes!
Love your shots at Bombay and the race.

Bombay Hook is a really lovely wildlife refuge. I look forward to going back in the fall.

SW Breakfast was cute. It WAS all about the character interaction and even though I am not a huge SW fan I thought it was a great experience.

I agree. I'm not a huge SW's fan either, but I agree that the breakfast was a lot of fun. I'm glad we went.

This is an amazing picture! Loved all the updates and cool shots you got (and always get!) :worship:

Thanks! I was able to get some good pictures of the globe when I was up high. I guess it must be closer when I zoomed in.

I have a few of those............well, of Pat anyway! :laughing:


Stalking the.............shopper! :rolleyes:

A stalker always need some subject matter.

So many changes going on at DHS. Not that it can't use some upgrades........just hoping they WOW when they're done! :rolleyes1

Me too! It would be cool to see that park with a major wow factor!

They were definitely a lot cuter than they tasted............but still pretty cool.

I agree. ::yes::

Enjoyed this too.............and the Yoda was pretty cool too! :thumbsup2

The Yoda was a great touch!

Under the spell of the dark side??? :darth:

As were many, many people that day! :laughing:

:rotfl2:Just keeping up !!! I am amazed that I have not had any infractions , but maybe they don't mind me picking on Marv :rotfl2:

:rotfl2: It's all in good fun - picking on Marv that is! Sorry Marv! :scared:

I was included in on a thread being canceled many years ago, seems we were a little riskay on a certain thread Team FOCKER WATCH!!!! But I have been a GOOD girl since , okay Marv a god innocent ol lady!!!:rotfl2:

I sort of remember that thread. My infraction was for calling people names - I called the anti DIS people trolls for posting crap on another DISers TR. I think I would have to do the same thing in the future given the same circumstances. But maybe I'll pm them next time.
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Playing catch up! Love the SWW photos...very appropriate to read this as I was ordering my new Star Wars Vans. ;)

Jill in CO

Nice! I wish I could wear those Vans. They have some really super cute ones, but plantar fasciitis needs a shoe with an arch. I guess I could always try an insert!

"Fun" folks from another board were saying "not fun" stuff about you after you would post. I simply referred a post for them to read, but it was taken down - all for the best!

I don't go over to that board. I know it exists but I would even know where to find their trash talk. I have absolutely no interest in what they say over there, but when they come over here and mess with trip reports - well, then its on. They haven't messed with this TR yet, but I'm watching....always watching...... :magnify: :sail:

I have to say, there was a free meal deal the last week of August this year and the price was terrific for AOA if you booked before expiration. Some of these Disney Deals are pretty darn good. It has since expired, but I am watching. Also, I got your link - I need some quality alone time to delve into and understand all the ramifications - whoa, that's a lot of stuff!

That's a yearly thing. It's been going on for awhile and it is a good deal. The end of the summer is definitely more discount friendly then June and July.

Mary Ellen- Thanks for sharing all your DE photos. They're beautiful. And I gotta say, with Alex's job, there's a 90% possibility of us moving to DE at some point, and seeing your pictures makes me not so apprehensive about living in a cold weather state.

Really? REALLY? OMG! That would be crazy. And, yes, its definitely a cold weather state and our last two winters have been horribly cold. It's hard to believe that 6 months ago it was 6 degrees in the morning and now its 96 degrees in the middle of the day. Crazy!

Your photos of the park make Epcot look like it was a perfect summer evening. One of my favorite times to be in Disney. And is there anything prettier than those flowers in the water during F & G? Probably, but at the moment I don't think so.

It really WAS the most perfect night! Just gorgeous! And I LOVE those floating flowers at F&G. They are just gorgeous and one of my favorite things to look at.

Cynthia- Losing something while at Disney is inevitable. At least you got an excuse to shop and buy some new lip gloss, right?

Cynthia is a lip gloss addict! She loves that stuff!

I can't believe they were giving you a hard time about taking multiple pictures at breakfast. I mean, I get that Darth was probably a very popular photo opportunity, but it's not like you all didn't pay for that experience. Getting those shots kind of came with the breakfast reservation. At least that my opinion, for what its worth.

I totally agree. I just can't believe I didn't have a functioning camera at the time or I would have been getting a hard time too![/QUOTE]

Staying caught up here and trying to NOT get any infractions !!! LOL I have had several********!!!! :rotfl2: When I talked about Cornish Pasties , Glenn thought I should have been sanctioned :rotfl2:
:lmao: Rosie - you crack me UP!!!!!!!
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Great updates , I will show Kyle your Garden pix , Miss Professional !!!!

Thanks Rosie! I totally appreciate that compliment! You know I do!

Great pictures! We've never made it to Jellyrolls, but it really sounds like fun. We walked by a lot of evenings on our last trip, since we were staying at Boardwalk, and it always sounded like everyone was having a blast in there.

I just saw a similar act at the Delaware State fair and it reminded me of how truly amazing those guys are as musicians. They have everything memorized and they just don't skip a beat. Total talent. I loved it!

Last day already??? Bummer that you couldn't walk through Epcot and that you had another bad cab experience.

I really thought we would be able to walk through. I actually wonder what time they cut people off. We definitely would have been through in no time, but it was fine. I am sort of turned off by cabbies at this point.

Jelly Rolls looked fun :)

It really was. Those guys are SO talented! It was a good time.

Beautiful Longwood pictures!

Thank you!

Definitely offsite for that first night, how about at that timeshare place you guys stayed at before? I'm sure you've already looked at it. Unless the values aren't too expensive. Are all the DVC's booked? so many options. I understand why you've cancelled and booked so many times.

I almost booked that place. They just released a great, non-refundable rate. But I remembered that we had to take our stuff up an outside set of stairs and I really don't want to deal with that for one night. The only reason I didn't book DVC for the first night if because we are really, really low on points for this year. I'm trying really hard not to use any until my next use year. Two values would be Over $300 for the night. That's just crazy. I finally found a Springhill suites thats a 2 BR with 2 baths with a great rate and it got great reviews.
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Made it through the last couple of updates, and as always I love your photos. EPCOT in the evening as shadows lengthen make for some really pictures! The launch was interesting; cool that you got one that had a bit of the park in it.

I guess I am one that won't miss the hat, but then again, I don't love that park in the first place, so don't spend a lot of time there on trips. The whole thing needs to be re-vamped and updated and expanded. Just kinda blah as it is. Anyway, just checking in and reading as I can these days.
I've never been to Jelly Rolls but it does look fun! Too funny about your shorts on backwards...I've done that with shirts many times.

Jill in CO

Shirts, underwear....but that's the first time I ever did that with running shorts. :faint: And once I realized it - well, everything seemed totally wrong and I HAD to change it! :rotfl2:

Jelly Rolls was super fun! Those guys are SO talented!!!!!

I bet that Jelly Rolls is best when there are a group of people enjoying it together.

Definitely, although Denny and I saw a similar duo just last week at the State Fair. They were equally fabulous and included as part of the state fair admission. There was a fairly small audience, but everyone was loving it!

That was pretty good guesswork about Caitlin and her family moving to Florida. That is a big commitment to make.

It's funny how it all worked out from them. Dale had been downsized and was looking for a new job. He interviewed both at home and for a job in Orlando. The Orlando pay came in too low so he turned it down. Then the gave him a counter-off which was just too good to turn down....and the rest is history. They LOVE it there! So happy to see good things happen to good people.

Another fantastic update with a nice welcome back to your readers and "followers"!

Everyone is welcome here! That's what a public forum is all about! :goodvibes

Yeah on your upcoming plans. I am so excited for your family trip (while slightly bummed that we are missing each other. AGAIN!). Can't wait to hear more about your California trip as your planning progresses.

I know, RIGHT????? We are missing each other by the travel day again. Why does that keep happening???? :confused3:confused3:confused3

Seriously, Longwood Gardens should make you an official ambassadress and pay you for showing off all those gorgeous pictures! I know if I am ever in that neck of the woods, I'll be visiting.

I really feel like they continue to step up their game. They keep adding new touches and doing refurbishments. Its a further drive from my house than I like, but its still close enough that I can multiple times a year. LOVE IT THERE!

Your pictures of Illuminations are absolutely spectacular. I love all of the close-up pictures starring "The Globe". So fun to see the details.

Being on the "patio" of Japan must have given me a closer vantage point because the globe really does look closer than I remember. It was a fun spot for viewing. Not the greatest spot for photographing because of the trees and people, but still pretty cool nonetheless.

Looked like a fabulous time at Jellyrolls with a GREAT cast of characters. I can't even imagine how much fun that night was...


I know by then I was feeling pretty tired and laid back and it was a little difficult to talk because of the volume of the sound, but it was still a fun time. Those guys are so darn talented. I just don't know how they memorized all their music. They must practice and play constantly.

RIP Disney towel creations.


Are they REALLY gone? I thought I saw something about that, but I am so far behind on current events, Disney style. Boo! Another cost saving measure, I am sure. That stinks. They were fun and creative and especially great for people on their first trip.
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Just checking in while I have some down time !! Even did an update on my Rosie Roams 2015 . Have been busy checking out things for my Universal trip in October !!!
I do the same thing. I think because it sets the tone for the trip and you want it to be right. Plus...you have a GF along for the trip and that's a new dynamic!

It is a new dynamic and I really don't want everyone feeling like they're in everyone else's face, even if its just for a night. I finally found a Staybridge suites that is a two BR, two bath, serves breakfast, and was rated 30 out of 350 Orlando hotels. It got excellent reviews and its less than half the price I would pay for 1 night in 2 value rooms. :thumbsup2

That will be lovely and a ton of fun!

I can't wait!!!!! I loved watching it from your balcony. It looked fun. Believe me - if I had known one other person registering for the half that I could commiserate with, I would have gone that route. But the whole solo planning, pre and post race thing. Well, that's just too much for me. If everything works out I am going to try to run a half in Virginia Beach in March.

Oh how FUN! The good news is you'll have all of Sept for long runs :)

We have a pretty busy September with a wedding, a long weekend at the beach, and bike to the bay. I haven't been getting my mid week day off recently and that was helping with my long runs, but I'll manage. I've been doing mostly biking and we've started riding our mountain bikes during the weekday. I will have to concentrate on the long runs in September, even with BTTB.

that shot is fabulous!


Oh brother!

I know, right? I wasn't about to argue with her. I just said I was sorry and moved over a few inches.

It was a first for me as well. And we were LATE (relatively speaking). They had arrived much earlier but we'd wanted to do fireworks with Kat.

I'm glad we did. I feel like we needed the park time at the end of the trip!

So much fun!!!!!!!!!!!! I was next to Popadon most of the night and well, I'm a little bit in love.

He is a hoot, isn't he? Yup, I know the feeling! :rotfl:

Everyone else beat us home. Everyone! You were not happy. As I don't drive I wasn't clear on how much of a "ride" he was taking us on. It didn't help that we'd been denied and we didn't get the cab right away either.

Ugh! That irritated me to no end. The second he turned the opposite direction I thought he knew a short cut. When I realized he was actually taking us on a joy ride around the block, I was NOT happy!!! :worried:

She was just starting the program but we didn't see her leaving FL and didn't see Dale and Dawn staying in MI too long without her :)

It was pretty neat to see it all come together so well for Dale on the work front.

Really wonderful for them. And when they decided to make the move they didn't miss any time at all. I never could have gotten my act together that fast to move.

LOL I forgot about that.

You were good that day. I was a bum!

As I've sad before - you could NEVER be a bum. I just remember how low the humidity was. A perfect running day.
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Weird seeing photos of snow while it's well over 90 degrees today!

I know, right? I remember when my car thermometer read 6 degrees and the other day it read 98 degrees. :faint:

That's the spot where I proposed to Julie! And where she was dumb enough to say yes!:woohoo:

:love: An absolute perfect spot! pixiedust:

:sad2: I remember having to lift my kids up for them to actually see anything.

I think that's the way it's normally done, isn't it??? :idea:

Sounds like a fun evening!

It really was. We had a great time!

insert *head smack* here!

I never understand it when people say they're happy to be back in the routine. I'm always like, really? I'd rather be at Disney!

I can't remember EVER saying I was happy to get back into the routine. NEVER!

Those flower pictures are just gorgeous!!

Thank you! :goodvibes

I am totally laughing at the fact that you put your shorts on backwards. My whole family has an issue with putting clothes on backwards...and then you ducked and changed them...even funnier!

Well, I wasn't going back to the room and when I saw that shed or whatever it was I had a light bulb moment. I figured if anyone saw me I would just have some "splaining" to do. :laughing:
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Those pictures are from mid April? :eek: But it looks so cold still! I have become WAY too accustomed to Florida weather. :rotfl2:

Yes - April. That's how our winter was this year. It stayed cold FOREVER!!!!! It still looks like winter in those pics. Crazy!

Love your pictures from IllumiNations. Even with an obstructed view, Japan looks like a nice spot to watch the show from.

It was. I honestly never thought of watching from there. It was nice for a change. If I ever do it again I need to get there earlier.

JellyRolls sounds like it was a lot of fun! I remember reading Danielle's summary of the night; seemed like it was unanimous that everyone had a wonderful time together.

That was so much fun. It was hard to get to talk because of the music, but the music was great. Those guys were so talented. Just amazing.

Ugh, cabbies at Disney sound like the worst. Ripping off guests everyday. They probably assumed you and Cynthia had no idea how to get back to the resort and were clueless to his tricks...

I know. I hate that. I have driven that route SOOOOOOOO many times and I really had to bite my tongue to not get smart with him. I figured that wouldn't be in my best interest.

Great updates. Love the flower pictures from your trip.

Thank you! :goodvibes

Fun pictures at Jellyrolls.

That was really fun! I highly recommend it - at least once. :thumbsup2

I hear you on the cab, although our cab driver two weeks ago couldn't be blamed...you could blame ALL of the construction at DTD and the one-lane traffic.

Ugh - that sounds terrible. Is the traffic there really still that bad? I was hoping it would might be a little better these days.
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I can’t believe we blew off Animal Kingdom

I know I have a couple more replies to do, but I am going to push on for now in the interest of getting this post up tonight.

Hi guys. I really don’t feel much like doing an update. I had to take my cat, Kismet, to the vet today. She was straining to urinate and I thought she just had a simple UTI, but she has an abnormality on her Xray that the vet thinks might be a tumor in her abdomen She is having further testing and spending the night there. I am really worried about her and me, because it may be time to make hard decisions again. Kismet is 14, so she’s an old lady, but I was hoping she would have a couple years left.

So my heart is just not in this, but I’d like to get a little bit more done and finally wrap this TR up.

Today was our last Disney Day. We both had evening flights and our original plans called for an AK day. We hadn’t been there yet this trip.

We packed up and went to Bell Services to check our bags.

Next up - breakfast.

But first some views of OKW

Gorgeous day

Check out that gorgeous sky!

We skipped out on breakfast here the other day, but NOT today!

A nearly empty breakfast hour as we arrived near the tail end.

At some point that morning we reconsidered our plans for AK and both decided we were going to skip it this trip. I know *GASP* No AK.

But we both wanted to close out our trip in Epcot. It didn’t matter that we had been there almost every day of this trip. It just felt like the right thing to do.

More breakfast pictures

Hey - maybe it wasn’t so empty after all.

My plate

Honestly - I don’t feel like investigating what I had to eat. I think it was some kind of french toast, but it also looks like there is a muffin and maybe eggs on that plate. It’s sort of hard to tell. But I do remember this - it was seriously yummy! And I was thrilled that we finally made it there for breakfast. I’m sure Cynthia was as well.

Next stop


The gorgeousness of the day just continued

We decided to check out the art store. There were two special guest appearances scheduled for the day.

Wow - I obviously totally broke THAT rule. Sorry! I guess I saw it too late.

Ummmmm - yeah - maybe I didn’t see that sign at all. :faint:

Cynthia and I both found small prints that we bought and Larry Dobson signed them I do not have a picture of mine. I know I should go take one to show you, but I am far too lazy.

Ok wait - here is a copy from the internet. I got the Hilton Head Print in the upper right.

I don’t remember what Cynthia got, but I think it was a resort.

While Cynthia was still shopping, I went outside to wait. And who should make an appearance but the Jesus skywriter.

I wanted to get the entire name. Really, I did.

But I could tell that J was not long for this world.

Yup - that was as far as I got. Boo!

I was trying to stay in the shade, but it was getting hot.

Oh wait - I did get all of Jesus, although I had to go for the sideways angle.

Then I got bored and starting taking pictures of random people

and random pictures of shorts on people that may be misconstrued as too small.

A much safer subject matter

There was someone new in that net every time I walked by.

We stopped in a store at world showcase and I thought this was cute

The same theme

My favorite disney mug set. I have two of each, except the yellow. Why you ask? Because when you and everyone else in your household uses a mug everyday its bound to get chipped or broken.

And with that…and I know its a weird place to take a break…..but I am going to take a break now.

Up next - our final DIS meet of the trip and going home!

Beautiful flower pictures!

Jellyrolls looks like so much fun. It's definitely on my list of places to try in a future trip.

Thank you!

And Jellyrolls was a blast. I definitely recommend trying it once, or any dueling piano bar for that matter. Those guys are super talented.

love the pictures of home. Tulips look lovely.

Thanks! Longwood is a beautiful place 0- very conducive to picture taking.

What a great night at Epcot and then Jellyrolls. I keep wanting to go to Jellyrolls but we never seem to find time for it!

That's how I normally am, so it worked out perfectly that we decided to meet there. It was a lot of fun and I definitely recommend it...or any dueling piano bar for that matter. Those guys are so talented.

Great update MEK! Those pics of Illuminations are really, really, REALLY fantastic!

Thank you! It was a interesting (although obstructed) view. I'm glad we tried it. I would do it again, but need to get there much earlier.

Grace and I keep saying we are going to Jelly Rolls (especially since we normally stay at BWV or BCV so it's a short walk) but somehow we never have.

Funny how that works. It just looks like an empty building and you can't help but wondering what is REALLY going on inside. Definitely worth the price of admission. I really enjoyed it.

Of course we also say we are going to La Cava del Tequila and haven't made it there yet either! I know, I know...shame, shame :sad2:

:faint: There are no words for that - really. :faint:
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