We completed the Princess Meet n' Greet Collection! - An Early Feb Trip Report

I love your daily news sheets and cheat sheets!
The girls both wanted to go on Big Thunder Mountain first. I tried to explain that we had fast passes for later in the day. But they REALLY wanted to go on it first. So, off we went. It felt like the longest walk and like we were wasting precious empty park time, but I was going with the flow.
Whenever we go to MK for RD we almost always end up at BTMRR first thing, and we ALWAYS have it as one of our FP's. It's a favorite of all of ours so we like to ride it as many times as we can every day we're there, so I don't think of it as a waste of empty park time :) Occasionally we'll go to PP first, but you managed to do that also with hardly any wait! I love the new queue too, isn't it neat?

First we took a photo with King Triton. He wasn't here the last time we were here
OMG I wonder when he moved here?? I know he wasn't here on our Nov. trip, but DH and I didn't ride in January....must've been between Thanksgiving and early Feb. :scratchin Have to check him out this Nov. Cool!
Every time we go on this ride I think that this area is a bit revealing for Disney.

:rotfl2:I've been waiting for someone else to say something like this! My DS13 commented (when he was 10) that he could almost "see through the swirls" and Ariel was naked :blush:

I've been wanting my boys to try SOTMK since it came out and they just don't have any interest. I'm going to keep trying though..........
Following along! What were the dates you were there? I skimmed back through a 2nd time to find them but I must be over looking because I read where someone else was there the same week. We went for our first trip 1/3-1/9 and I'd like to return next year later in January/early February.

Welcome!!! We went the first week in February. We left on Friday, January 29th late. So we were in the parks Saturday, January 30th - Saturday Feb 6th. This first days at Magic Kingdom was perfect. There were lots of folks but it wan't too bad. Totally manageable. And what I would expect from a crowd level this time of year.
I love your daily news sheets and cheat sheets!
Thanks, That is my husbands doing for the most part.

:rotfl2:I've been waiting for someone else to say something like this! My DS13 commented (when he was 10) that he could almost "see through the swirls" and Ariel was naked :blush:
I mean seriously! What were they thinking! I think it EVERY time.

I've been wanting my boys to try SOTMK since it came out and they just don't have any interest. I'm going to keep trying though..........

I am surprised your boys don't want to try it. It seems to be geared towards boys. My girls loved it. Our biggest problem was carving time out to really dedicate it walking around.
Ok, I am going to try and get the ball rolling on this again! I have started this post a handful of times and just never make it far enought to finish it.

Day Two: Epcot

We left off with Day Two. Originally we thought we were going to have a late night the night before. So, the plan was to chill out in the morning, relax and head over to Epcot eventually. But since we didn't have a late night. I suggested that we head over to Magic Kingdom first and do a little SOTMK. No rides, just Sorcesrs of Mickey. The girls were game. So that is what we did.

But first, Tinkerbell left something for the girls again.
I try to balance out the items from small things to shirts and fun things. Today, was a more useful item.

Here is the cheatsheet for the day as well.
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I think I moved some of our fastpasses around. Pushed Turtle Talk with Crush back. (Not that we needed it)

We got ready, ate some breakfast in the room and headed to the boats for the Magic Kingdom.
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We got over to the Magic Kingdom without much issue / problems and headed in shortly after the park opened for the day. We left off at the window on Main Street. So, we started there.
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The girls (and me) were amazed with how the screen just shows up out of no where. There was lots of argueing over who got to hold up the card and all. We tried to alternate but somehow that didn't seem to work.
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Into the Art Store for a magic painting!Art Store_SOTMK.jpg

This one had a curtain that pulled back that was a bit old and didn't work so well, but still cool.
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Apparently, this takes lots of consentration.


After we had done a handful of stations, I thought of taking the pictures of the stations before the item started. But it was kind of a little too late.

Here is one of the stations before:


We stopped in Liberty Square to pick up new packs of cards and guess who we saw with NO line!!!!

And then once Morgan activated the station:


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This lovely Lady! Tianna.jpg

It was still fairly early, so I guess folks just hadn't made it all the way back that way. She is kind of tucked in a corner. We have met a lot of the Princesses but were missing 3 Princesses so far. And Tianna was one and there was NO ONE IN LINE!!! It was fantastic.

So, we got out new cards and went directly over to meet Tianna. As you can see from the picture, Gwen is still SUPER excitied to meet Princesses. Morgan is still excitied.... just not as much. <<Sigh>> She is getting big.

You can see in the picture below that Morgan is 'nervous' to meet Tianna. As she fiddles with her hair.

I can never hear what the characters talk about with the girls. I tried video taping the interaction this time. I mentioned to Tianna that the girls like to help me cook and that got Tianna all excitied. IMG_0791.jpg

So, after we finished chatting with Tianna. We finished up our Sorcer Mickey challange and go ready to head out to Epcot.

But not without a "Breakfast" Dole Whip!!!!

I really wanted one, and we are on vacation, right? So, I grabbed one. Morgan tried a bit and liked it, so she asked for her own Dole Whip.

So, with treats in had, off we went to Epcot.
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I'm in love with you report. We are surprising our girls (who will be 7 and "just turned" 6) with their first trip in February. I love reading reports where I have so much in common with the writer. I'm very excited about reading more of your report. I love Whispering Canyon Cafe! I ate there so much when I've gone in the past and I can't wait to take my girls.:cool1:

On another note, I'm so happy to see that you have a stroller for your kids. Can I ask what kind did you rent? I am contemplating renting one for our trip in February and I got so much of a "disgust" when I asked on here for stroller suggestions that would accommodate my tallest child. :sad1:

Anyway! I can't wait to read more. Definitely keep it coming.
I'm in love with you report.
On another note, I'm so happy to see that you have a stroller for your kids. Can I ask what kind did you rent? I am contemplating renting one for our trip in February and I got so much of a "disgust" when I asked on here for stroller suggestions that would accommodate my tallest child. :sad1:

I am hoping to post some more tomorrow. As you probably know, life with two girls gets crazy and in the way of trip reports. ;)

You have to do what you think is right for your kids. I haven't experienced too much "disgust" on the boards yet but just ignore them. My husband didn't want to do a double stroller this trip. (He hates folding it up and lugging it on the buses) But I insisted. Both girls are so slow. Walking from the parking lot into Target sometimes feels like an etinity! They walk like molasses! So sloooooowww!!! And Disney is big, so big. I still think at 7 it is a lot of ground to cover. Next time we go, we will probably downgrade to a single stroller and make them alternate a bit. My oldest did walk a decent amount this trip but she def needed some down time. We also centrally parked the stroller a lot and tried to hit rides around that area more than in the past. If you think it will benefit your girls, get a stroller. It's also a great place to put stuff.

We rented our stroller all three times from Orlando Stroller. They have been great. We have used them 3 times now and every time, the strollers have been clean, sturdy, and delivered on time. The first trip, we had 3 girls in the stroller one day.Stroller.jpg My girls were littler then, by my friends girl was bigger. They say that each kids shouldn't be more than 50 or 75 pounds, but if your oldest (or both of them) are bigger than that, you should be ok. It IS a workout pushing that many pounds
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Hello Everyone! I am hoping to get a post or two in before I have to jump back to reality and errands.

I left off with us heading over to Epcot. We headed out of the Magic Kingdom and headed to the monorail. First off, this early in the morning, the regular entrance to the monorail out of the park, is closed. So we had to go on the resorts only side and around to the TTC. I forgot that the TTC transfer was as long as it is! But there was no problems getting over to Epcot.

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Our goal was to be there by the time we had our Test Track Fastpasses. So, we took a quick potty break and headed over to Test Track! This was going to be a new ride for us. The girls were too short last time and we really have spent the least amount of time in Epcot of all the parks up to this trip.

First up was making our cars. Gwen's car is sparkly, of course...
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Gwen and Andy were a "team" for this ride.

Features of there car:
  • Purple and Sparkly
  • Extra High Turbo
  • Not efficient at all

And then Morgan went more practical...
Morgan's Car.jpg
Then myself and Morgan were the other "team:

Our Car Features:
  • Also purple (but not sparkly)
  • A more ergonomic design
  • Little less Power but super efficient.
So the setting was set for a car face-off. Who would "win"? Off we went to load into a car. Gwen and Andy sat in front of us with a single riders. And Morgan and I were behind them with another single rider.

Gwen and Andy Selfie.

We had a older man sit with us. He was very nice and tried to engage with Morgan who was shy as usual. He said he rides single rider all the time and that Morgan shouldn't be scared of the ride.

So, who "won"? Andy and Gwen won by like 2 points! I tried to get a shot of the results but it came and went to fast. The girls liked the ride a lot. It was fun but not sure we would wait long for this ride.

After Test Track, we talked about what to do next. Morgan and Gwen wanted to get a "big" pressed penny and I knew there was one in Mouse Gears. So, we popped in there. While looking for the pressed quarter machine, the girls discovered pins. We received Wilderness Lodge pins in our room since they are doing construction on the hotel. They are cute mickey and goofy pins with construction hats on and say Wilderness Lodge on them. I told them that they are non-tradeable pins. But this of course peak'd there curiosity in pin trading. So, we let them pick out a lanyard and one "special" pin. And then we agreed upon a set of pins that would be the trading pins. (Now, I know I should have gotten this stuff ahead of time for cheaper but I wasn't anticipating them doing it. Oh well).

After we were done in Mouse Gears we headed over to Character Spot. I had fast passes for the characters. I know BayMax was now over there. But we found out that the fast passes were for Mickey and friends only NOT Baymax. Bummer. Baymax is across the way from Mickey. And I assume Joy and Sadness will be/are over there now with him. Maybe they will have another fastness option for them at some point. Anyway, the line wasn't long for Baymax and we wanted to meet him, so we got in line. This was a bit touchy, as we were getting hungry but we wanted to each in the world showcase and I didn't want to back track too much after yesterdays walking palloza.

We wait maybe 20 minutes. The line moved fairly fast as Baymax doesn't sign autographs.
M&G Baymax.jpg

I like all of the pictures of Baymax's friends on the wall. BayMax Wall.jpg
Baymax was fun to meet, but it was a bit awkward. He can't move too much and he doesn't talk. You don't realize how much Mickey and gang can "communicate" with you with their movements! But it was cool, non the less!

So, it was time for some lunch!!! We talked briefly about where to eat and we decided on Mexico for quick service. Girls loaded into the stroller and off we went! We pit stopped at the Phineas and Ferb Adventure stand to see if we could sign up to be secret agents. They told us that you needed to start your mission right away and that it takes about 20-30 minutes to complete a mission. Since we needed to eat first, they told us we could get a phone in China from one of the secret agents posted in China.

We got to La Cantina de San Angel, parked the stroller and decided on what we wanted. At this point, Gwen was super hungry and SUPER crabby. She said she wanted nothing. (this is typical of her when her blood sugar drops to low)

Morgan: choose the kids empanadas. I explained what they were to her and she said she wanted to try something new. She loooooved them. They were a good size and came with chips.
Gwen and I: choose the nachos and decided to split them with Gwen since she was being crabby and I had a feeling the chicken meal would go uneaten. Gwen started off mooping but finally started eating. Her mood improved quickly once she had some food in her belly. Oh and I got a Mango margarita. Margarita was very good, but I don't like what is really a margarita on the rocks. So, it was perfect for me. The nachos was huge, I think we all picked at them and we didn't finish them.
Andy: choose Tacos de Barocco. He said they were good.
Dessert: We are on the meal plan, so we got dessert with both of the adult meals. So we got a coconut pop (Morgan and Gwen said they wanted to try it) and a order of the churros. Churros were a big hit! They were served warm which always makes them extra yummy. The coconut pop was REALLY cocnutty, which was not a hit with us. But if you like coconut, it would be delicious.

Once we were done eating, I wanted to explore the Mexico pavilion. We had never been inside! So, we took our leftover chips and the last of our drinks and headed out.


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So, into the Mexico pavilion we went. We walked inside and my husband couldn't believe how big it was inside AND that we had been to EPCOT twice already and had never been inside. We had some fun looking at all of the merchandise inside while I finished by drink.

And of course took a potty break. Seems that the only one inside is at the restaurant..
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After all of that, we headed over to ride on the Grand Festa Tour. Gwen had asked if it would be like it's a small world with dollies. But we said that we didn't think so....

Were we wrong, or what?

It was basically It's a small World of Mexico. We loved it. And there was not line so it was perfect.

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I had heard about the switch for these two guys. I hadn't seen what was here before but it seemed a perfect fit for them to be there. IMG_4506.jpg

The girls liked it so much we went on it a second time!

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After our second tour of the duck, we headed out of Mexico.

But first we needed to get our first Hat Pic! I was trying to get pictures of the girls with hats on in each country. Well, you will see how well, that worked out...

Gwen in her GIANT hat.

And Morgan in the same hat.

After that, the girls wanted to give Agent P a try. So, we collected our stroller and headed towards China.


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I am hoping to post some more tomorrow. As you probably know, life with two girls gets crazy and in the way of trip reports. ;)

You have to do what you think is right for your kids. I haven't experienced too much "disgust" on the boards yet but just ignore them. My husband didn't want to do a double stroller this trip. (He hates folding it up and lugging it on the buses) But I insisted. Both girls are so slow. Walking from the parking lot into Target sometimes feels like an etinity! They walk like molasses! So sloooooowww!!! And Disney is big, so big. I still think at 7 it is a lot of ground to cover. Next time we go, we will probably downgrade to a single stroller and make them alternate a bit. My oldest did walk a decent amount this trip but she def needed some down time. We also centrally parked the stroller a lot and tried to hit rides around that area more than in the past. If you think it will benefit your girls, get a stroller. It's also a great place to put stuff.

We rented our stroller all three times from Orlando Stroller. They have been great. We have used them 3 times now and every time, the strollers have been clean, sturdy, and delivered on time. The first trip, we had 3 girls in the stroller one day.View attachment 161164 My girls were littler then, by my friends girl was bigger. They say that each kids shouldn't be more than 50 or 75 pounds, but if your oldest (or both of them) are bigger than that, you should be ok. It IS a workout pushing that many pounds

Oh yes my girls walk slow also! Especially my youngest one. My oldest actually likes to run (she is in the process of training with me for my half marathon :rotfl: but she does get tired after about mile 2 :rotfl2:. I will definitely keep Orlando Stroller in mind. Both of my girls are tiny! They don't look their age at all (my 5 yr old could pass for 2/3 :eek:) I appreciate your feedback on this.
We walked over to China to the kioks with the "secret Agent" waiting for us. We got a Samsung phone and instructions on how to use it and where to return the phone.

So, we started our mission. (while still snacking on leftover chips...)

We all really liked this, the hardest part was the girls fighting over who got to hold the phone. Sigh.

The clue led us to a couple places, one was the kid cot station inside. The girls had to give the code message to the kidcot cast member. Morgan was too shy to do so, So I helped Gwen tell the line.


And in return the cast member gave Gwen a fortune cookie.
Which they thought was hilarious. I am not sure why but they did. We cracked open the cookie and found a code that we needed. So clever...


Which led us to a couple other places to see some hidden things. Ferb_05.jpg

I won't give it all away but something show up in the cage.


And then off to finally crack the case.. A green budda pops out of the water!!! Pretty cool!


The girls really liked doing this, but it took awhile to complete the mission. And I wanted to do and see more things in Epcot. So, we returned the phone and moved on.

Before we left China, I wanted to get bubble tea for the girls, they really liked it last time we were here. So, we stopped at the Joy of Tea. But the only kind they had was milked based. I got it anyway. (not a good idea) I also grabbed Kung Po Egg Rolls as well. Those were a good idea for sure! And since I was there I got a Canta Loopy Drink, cantaloupe slushy with Vodka. The man making mine put ALOT of Vodka in mine and it apparently sat at the top of the drink. So, the bottom was a nice Cantalope drink and then practically straight vodka. I sadly didn't finish it.

While I got our snacks, Andy and the girls waited over by the water and discussed our next venture. They decided that they 'reeeeaaaaalllllyyyy' wanted to go ride Spaceship Earth. So, we took the ferry boat back to the front of the world showcase. it took awhile, and I am not sure it saved us any time. Maybe just some milage.

The girls love Spaceship Earth, as strange as it sounds. I think they just like the 'story' on the way down.
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Who knows... I swore a couple of the animatronics looked like Parks & Recs folks. Next time I want to take pics of them... I swear the one guys looked like Ron Swanson!

I think we played a couple of the games after the ride and then headed over to Figment. (Another of the girls favs) Rode Figment, with no line! Oh Figment! It is one of the few rides I remember from when I was a kid. I remember it being so cool. Sadly, I don't feel the same about it now. It could be such a cool ride, if they really re-imagined it. But the girls like it all the same.

After Figment, we headed over to the Nemo ride. This one I just love. I think it is so cool the way they use real fish and the animation. Afterwards, we waited for Turtle talk with Crush. Always amazing... No pics of any of these. As they are all repeat rides for us. I think I part forgot to take pictures and part just didn't think we needed more of the exact same photo.

We did take a pic with the Manatee after Turtle Talk with Crush.

After all of our fun back in Future World, it was time to start heading back to World Showcase for dinner. We had reservations for Via Napoli! I was excited to eat there. I have heard and read so many yummy things. So, we headed back that way, walking through Mexico and again. We worried about missing our time slot, so we hustled.
Great trip report. This is actually the first trip report I've read and we leave for our first trip to WDW in less than two weeks. I started planning this two months ago and I learn something new everyday. My two girls are very close to yours in age; 8 and 4. My 8 year old is also int he 2nd grade. I read your post earlier about the double stroller. How did the size of the double work out for your older daughter? My daughters are 61 and 48 pounds. Is that too big?

Also, on another note....Have you ever done the trading pins? Are they a big deal for kids? I don't want to get there and my girls are complaining that everyone has them but they don't. I'm sure you know how that goes. And how did you surprise the girls with their Tinker Bell gifts? Did you lay them out while they were sleeping?
Great trip report. This is actually the first trip report I've read and we leave for our first trip to WDW in less than two weeks.
Have a great trip! Two weeks will go by fast, for sure!

How did the size of the double work out for your older daughter? My daughters are 61 and 48 pounds. Is that too big?

My oldest daughter is probably about the same size as yours but my younger daughter is a peanut and probably not quite as big as your youngest. I still think you will be fine. The strollers are very sturdy and we never felt like it couldn't handle both girls in them. You biggest issue will probably be that sometimes pushing both of them will be a workout. Especially going up inclines like to the monorails. Making a tight turn with both of them in the stroller can be hard to do too, like in the shops. After the first day, we just made both of them get out of the stroller when we shopped. Just made it easier. The double stroller worked out well for our oldest. She didn't need it all the time but it was nice to have the option for her to rest. Especially, in the bigger parks, EPCOT & Animal Kingdom or when we wanted to trek across the park to get to our fastness window or our dinner reservations. My oldest walked a decent amount, even my younger one walked more than past trips. But I personally still felt it was worth having.

Have you ever done the trading pins? Are they a big deal for kids? I don't want to get there and my girls are complaining that everyone has them but they don't

So, our first 2 trips, my girls didn't even notice the pin trading. There is so much to see and do, they didn't even notice it. It is a big thing, but it isn't in your face at the park. So, I think you can 'avoid' it if you want. This trip, I think they were made aware of it, since we got the pins in the hotel room. I think the age that they are made it a little more appealing. I had thought about getting lanyards and some cheap pins off of amazon before we went this trip but didn't want to open that can of worms, so decided against it. Well, instead we ended up getting all of the needed items at Disney and it def cost more... Oh well. My girl liked doing it. We traded mostly with just cast members. I think they felt more comfortable with the cast members. Plus the case members have to trade with the kids. If you think they will want to do the pin trading I def recommend at least buying a pack or two of pins ahead of time for trading.

And how did you surprise the girls with their Tinker Bell gifts? Did you lay them out while they were sleeping?

For the Tinkerbell gifts, I laid them out each night after they went to sleep. Sometimes it was hard, because I would be laying in bed waiting for them to be fully asleep and I would fall asleep too! Oops. I laid them on the ground in the hallway this trip. Kind of out of site if they woke up in the middle of the night. My girls really love the Tinkerbell Gifts. Not sure what my oldest will think once the gig is up on the whole Santa thing. But it has become a intergal part of our trips. Totally worth it! The first time day, I leave a note with rules for the trip and that the gifts are from Tinkerbell. The first day is there trickiest depending on when you arrive. I usually do pjs the first day, that they will wear all vacation. So, this last trip, I had to sent the girls out before me to see the hotel, and I laid out the pjs quickly and caught up to them.
So, I left off with us heading to dinner.

We were worried how long it was going to take to make it back around to Italy. So, we loaded the girls in the stroller and we started our trek back to Italy. We decided to go via the Mexico side, why I don't know probably because it was slightly shorter that way. We got stuck at the draw bridge waiting for the Illuminations floats to go by. But thankfully, we still made it to Italy with time to spare. So, we took some photos before we went into the restaurant.

The girls weren't too excited about taking yet another photo so, we let them take 'Funny' faces first.

And then "regular" faces

And then we had Morgan take a photo of just us. Not to bad!


Then it was off to dinner. We got to the lobby area and there were a TON of people waiting. We checked in and I tried not to panic. It was a late time for us to start and I was figuring with all of these people we were going to be waiting awhile. But we waited maybe 5 minutes before they called our name!

I have seen this pic so many times before we went but it is still cool to see.
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Gwen needed to visit the restroom, I think 3 times during the course of dinner. So, it gave me an excuse to walk by the ovens many times. What I really liked about this place was that they offer an appetizer with the kids meal as part of the meal! The choices were fresh fruit cup or a green salad, both girls went for the fruit cup. And it was a really nice fruit cup!!!
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Fresh fruit and not just grapes and cantaloup. Both Girls gobbled up there fruit, no problem. Andy and I were starving, so we ordered the
Calamari Fritti. It was delish! The marinara sauce that it came with, I could have drank. (I am not a take a picture of all my food, sorry. I just forget...)

Andy ordered an Italian Wine that they had and I choose a Italian "Craft Beer" Birra - Beer Flight. Both we good, nothing worth raving over but good, none-the-less.

Between the apps and the main course, it seemed to take awhile. The girls were getting restless. They colored and played with there new stuffed toys and we talked about what our favorite thing was of the day to pass the time. (And apparently go to the bathroom a million times)

Finally our meals came and this girl was happy!
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I ordered a personal Pepperoni Pizza. It was good. I really liked it, I might have been expecting like "THE BEST PIZZA EER" And I wouldn't say that. But it was def good and worth coming back for again. Andy ordered the Piatti Alla Parmigiana - Vitelli (otherwise known as Veal Parmigian) He said it was excellent! Morgan went with the Spaghetti and meatballs. She usually only eat jarred vodka sauce (basically a pink sauce) so I wasn't sure we was going to eat it. But she said it was delicious. :)

We ate and were all pretty full. But dessert is "free" when you are on the dinning plan. So, we waited to get desert. And we again waited what seemed a really long time. The girls chooses for dessert was Coppetta di Gelato (Gelato Sundae) or Ruota di Carretto (basically a Gelato Cookie sandwich) We ended up choose the sandwiches for the girls. They didn't want them, because they wanted the adult desserts.....

I wanted the Gelato Frizzante, (Italian soda with Vanilla Gelato), so we ordered one of that and an order of the Zeppole di Caterina. I have had a few Zeppoles over the years. These were not good. They were on the dry side for my taste. But they came with a chocolate dipping sauce and the girls really liked them.
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A lot...
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My Italian soda was really good! I liked it, light but still satisfying. Andy ended up with one of the girls sandwiches and those were actually really good as well. So, dessert was worth the weight but I think we were all ready to explode after all of that food!

So, we headed out and out of the park, dinner took way longer than I had expected and it was getting late. If I remember correctly we took the bus back to the Wilderness Lodge. I don't remember any issues. Just being stuffed and tired. :) We headed to our rooms and pretty much straight to bed. Tomorrow was another fun day! It was back to the Magic Kingdom tomorrow.
Day Three: Magic Kingdom (Part One)

We had an early day today! And I was nervous about getting out of the hotel room in time since we had been out late the night before. I tried prepping the girls for this as best as possible. We had breakfast reservations at Be Our Guest! I had gotten a 8:15 reservation and it was going to be our first time in the Magic Kingdom before official park opening. I was hoping to do the whole eat and hit Seven Dwarfs Mine Train thing.

First, off our Tinkerbell Gift for the day.... Tinker Bell Gifts.jpg

Today we were going to Hoop Dee Doo Review for dinner. So, the plan was to hit the park early, come back to the hotel to rest and swim before we headed over to dinner. So, some "water" toys were the gift for the day.

And then our cheat sheet for the day.
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We managed to get out of the hotel in a decent time, not as early as a had wanted but I was just glad we were going to be there in time. We hopped on a bus since the boats were not running yet. We didn't wait long for a bus and were the only ones on it. We got to the front of the park and there were cast members directing folks with dinner reservations into one line to the far left. It was kind of long but moved pretty quickly. They were scanning peoples bands in line to verify the reservations before you got to the front where they were verifying your tickets into the park only. We were in fairly shortly.

I reeeeaaalllly wanted to get that castle shot with not people around but we were also running late. We found a photo pass guy with no one waiting so we thought we would get in line. Well, little did we know, that he was the SLOWEST photographer ever. But we had committed to waiting, so we waited. The guy was very nice and took a ton of photos with us as well, taking forever with us as well. And after the fact, none of them were that good. boo. :(

These are the best shots we got.
Castle Shot.jpg

After we finished with the photographer, we headed straight to Be Our Guest.

I was looking forward to going inside again. We went on our first trip for dinner and it was amazing inside. We waited for just a bit on the bridge. Just long enough for a few pics....
We saw this particular garole and thought he looked particularly sad.

So, Gwen tried to look like him.

And then or course so did Morgan...

Shortly, we went inside. I had pre-ordered our food, so we were given a Yellow Rose beeper. Red Roses were for other guests I guess? We went inside and it was ...... anarchy! You server yourself drinks at a side bar area with fountain drinks and coffee. You would think they were giving the drinks away. Ugh. We hasn't even sat down and I could tell that was going to be a pain. We headed for the Rose room, but there were no empty tables. So we went back into the main dinning room and snagged a big round table. We weren't the right size for the table but it was the only table empty in the room.

Belle & Beast_02.jpg The third room, was not "cool" and none of us wanted to sit in it. This was the most exciting thing in the room. So, we just grabbed that table.

Andy sat at the table with the girls while I went up and got our drinks. I needed coffee badly!!! I managed to get the drinks with out too too much of a hassle. But there was just so many people trying to get stuff all at once and then there was a cast member trying to refill stuff. It was just not a magical experience. I came back tot he table hoping our food would be there already.... Nope. then Gwen decided she had to go to the bathroom. So I took her to the bathroom, thinking after that the food would be here.... nope. We waited and waited and waited. Morgan had her head on the table saying how huuuuunnnnrrryyy she was.

Our view while we waited.

And then finally our food showed up. Andy and I got the Open Faced Egg Sandwiches. They were very good, maybe a little too much brie for my taste but that was easily fixed. The eggs were perfectly cooked. Just enough for breakfast. the side of fruit was pretty terrible. It was like 3 pieces... Morgan and Gwen both got the scrambled eggs kids meals. They were exactly what is described in the meal. Eggs, bread and fruit. Again, the fruit was pathetic amount and quality. Maybe we noticed this since we had just been at Via Napoli last night with such a nice fruit cup. But we ate and were satisfied. The girls were eating sooooo slow. I was watching our window close for riding Seven Dwarfs Mine Train.
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I just discovered your report! Loving it so far! Perfect balance of photos and commentary. Your girls are adorable, and I love all your little daily magic that you are giving them :)

I just got a res for BOG breakfast for our trip in May but I'm thinking of canceling...it doesn't seem like it will be all that magical
(We've eaten lunch/dinner in the castle before so it wouldn't be entirely new)
I just got a res for BOG breakfast for our trip in May but I'm thinking of canceling...it doesn't seem like it will be all that magical

Following along!! Enjoying your report!

Welcome!!! I can't tell you all how happy I am to have some people following along. I really thought that no one would care. ;)

I just got a res for BOG breakfast for our trip in May but I'm thinking of canceling...it doesn't seem like it will be all that magical
(We've eaten lunch/dinner in the castle before so it wouldn't be entirely new)

I have to say, that personally, I don't think we will do breakfast again. I assume lunch is a similar experience... We have done dinner before and I much prefer that. I personally feel like that experience matches the feel of the rooms. Our breakfast was good and it is a cheaper way to get into see the spaces than dinner. It was just a little too crazy for my liking. I suppose it isn't any different than other counter services, I guess I just associate it with a sit-down restaurant.


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