There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow!~ a Magical May trip report! *Updated 7/11 X2 Pg 9*


Sep 13, 2015
Ma cherie Mademoiselle,
It is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure
That we welcome you tonight.
And now, we invite you to relax,
Let us pull up a chair
As the dining room proudly presents -
Your dinner!


Oh wait...I’m getting ahead of myself!
First off, I’d like to say...

Bonjour! Hola! Ciao! Namaste! Guten Tag! Jambo!

Or perhaps a simple Hello will do?

Hi all, my name is Sarah! I’m 22 and like all of you I have the Disney bug BAD!
I’ve been to Disney World 4 times.


Rafiki and I getting our smooch on!

Now meet my wonderful boyfriend James:


James is 21, and this was his first ever Disney trip!

Will he fall in love with Disney??
Only time shall tell!
(The suspense, I know...)

Now for the details!

Our Trip Dates:
Sunday, May 1st-
Monday, May 9th

Disney’s Art of Animation Resort
Little Mermaid Standard Room

For those of you who followed me over from my pre-trip report, Welcome back!
Any new readers, Welcome along! I'll post a link to my pre-trip report in the next post incase anyone new wants to check it out!

Thank you all for reading!
YAY!!!!!!!! So excited to read about your trip! Plus, I love your Beauty and the Beast skirt!!!!!!
Very excited to follow along! Your pre-trip report was great!! Can't wait to see all your pictures and follow along :flower1: I'll be back with my boyfriend as well in September after a one year hiatus and reading your pre-trip report just added to our excitement despite it still being 4 long months away! :hourglass
Following along! I didn't read the pre-trip report so I have some catching up to do.

I actually bought that Beauty and the Beast skirt a couple weeks ago for one of our upcoming trips it's too cute. :rolleyes:
Count me in!
Yay!!! Welcome along!
Woohooo!!! Welcome!!
Definitely following along!!!! Can't wait to hear about your adventures!
I can't wait to share my adventures with you guys!!! Welcome aboard!
Hoorayyy! Welcome!!
YAY!!!!!!!! So excited to read about your trip! Plus, I love your Beauty and the Beast skirt!!!!!!
Aww thank you!!! The Beast liked it too! :hyper:
I am so in!! That skirt is fantastic!
Why thank you!!!!
Yay! It's time!!
Joining in! I leave on Wednesday & can't wait to read along!
Enjoy your trip!!!!! Writing a trip report definitely helps with the post-Disney depression!!
Joining in as well.
So glad you're joining! Welcome!
Very excited to follow along! Your pre-trip report was great!! Can't wait to see all your pictures and follow along :flower1: I'll be back with my boyfriend as well in September after a one year hiatus and reading your pre-trip report just added to our excitement despite it still being 4 long months away! :hourglass
Aww thank you!! I'm so glad!! I agree too, reading fellow pre-trip reports and trip reports totally pumped me up and helped with the waiting for Disney to arrive blues! Bet your boyfriend and you are off the charts excited! 4 months will fly by!!! Summer's always do!
Following along. I just love Disney in May.
Ahhh isn't it wonderful!? My fav!!!! So glad you're following along!
Following along! I didn't read the pre-trip report so I have some catching up to do.

I actually bought that Beauty and the Beast skirt a couple weeks ago for one of our upcoming trips it's too cute. :rolleyes:
You're gonna love it!!! Perfect for the Florida heat and even more perfect if you're going to Be Our Guest!!! Very glad you found my trip report!
Now everyone, I've never made a table of contents before but I figured I better start!!!

So without further ado, here is my TABLE OF CONTENTS!


Wait. I don't know how to make one. Any tips?

I figured I'd just copy and paste the link the page is on..but then it'd always take you, the reader, to the top of the page instead of exactly to the correct post?

Well until I figure it out, I'll just NOT make links...which defeats the purpose of a table of contents.
Oh well...such is life.

UPDATE: Thanks to my girl @kadrachb for enlightening me on how to properly link my table of contacts!! You da best!

1. Welcome/Introductions
2. Week Leading up to Disney
3. Day -01

4. Day 00
5. Day 01 Traveling Time/Airplane Adventures/
Disney Day Part I
6. Day 01 Magical Express Adventures/Disney Day Part II
7. Day 01 Checking-In Under the Sea/Disney Springs Adventures/Disney Day Part III
8. Day 01 A Night of Surprises!/Disney Day Part IV
9. Day 02 Rope Droppin' It!/Epcot Day Part I
10. Day 02 Traveling Around the World/Epcot Day Part II
11. Day 02 That's Amore!/There's a Storm A-Brewin'/Epcot Day Part III
--->Bonus Day 02 Photopass Pics!
12. Day 03 We're Off to See the Castle!/Magic Kingdom Day One/Part I
13. Day 03 Hittin' Up Some Rides...Magic Kingdom Style!/Magic Kingdom Day One/Part II
14. Day 03 Dining with Sonny/Magic Kingdom Day One/Part III
15. Day 03 Entering a Land of Tomorrow/Magic Kingdom Day One/Part IV
16. Day 03 "Magical Moment!"/Magic Kingdom Day One/Part V
17. Day 03 The Perfect Ending to a Perfect Night Part One/ Magic Kingdom Day One/Part VI
18. Day 03 The Perfect Ending to a Perfect Night Part Two/ Magic Kingdom Day One/Part VII
19. Day 04 Rain Rain Go Away..We are TOTALLY owning this rest day!/Part VIII
20. Day 04 Crazy Old Morris/Part IX
Last edited:
The Week Leading Up To Disney!
I consumed a LOT of coffee this week! :drinking1I’ve never felt so overwhelmed. :faint:I had a million things to get done, and although I’ve been preparing for this trip for like a WHOLE YEAR, it snuck up on me!

I started packing like a solid month in advance. :eek: I brought my luggage up from the cellar, starting gathering all my supplies and packed away some summer clothes. I started hounding James to start packing the week before but he assured me he’d get it done.

Then the moment came...I realized I had too much stuff!! I took certain things out. Hmm I think 2 spray cans of sunblock and one face stick will be enough. Yes, I originally collected all the sunblock in my house and stacked it away for Disney!

Honestly when I think about it, I’m not sure how people with kids pack. I can barely handle myself, let alone a troop of kiddos! Or does one pack for a baby! SO MUCH STUFF!

I could’ve packed half the stuff I did and we would’ve been fine! Next time I have to remember this! But who am I kidding, I’ll probably overpack again!

Anyways, I managed to get most everything done! I went to the bank, cashed in all my coins I’ve been savings up in my Snow White bank, transferred my life’s savings to my checking account...I may or may not have spent it all...stay tuned to find out! :confused3


That’s my bank! I got it in the Germany pavilion at Epcot last May when I went with my family!

I also stuffed two tubes of mini M&M’s that I had James eat the week before with shiny pennies and quarters! I read this idea on the DIS a few months ago. It worked amazing! Every time we saw a Penny Machine we would be done in 30 seconds since it was so convenient! I stored them in a pattern, two quarters to one shiny penny. We bought a Penny Press book our first full day at Disney, which we kept in the front of our backpack with the M&M tube. It worked perfect! I can’t wait to show you the finished book! But first...on with the story!
Day -01

Yes...that’s Day Negative One. The day before our last full day before Disney.

This day is equally as important. The night before I closed at work, and was so grateful I had the morning off from work...which also means NO WORK TILL THE DAY AFTER I got up and got my nails done!

Just basic acrylics, and I picked out a teal color. The lady working on my nails commented that I picked Mermaid Green. WHAT!? How cool is that! We’re staying at a Little Mermaid room and I just so happened to pick mermaid green color! Ok am I the only one who thinks that’s cool?

You’ll be seeing pictures of my nails, but for now just think of Ariel’s tail, and you’ll pretty much have the color of my nails!!!


After getting my nails done, I got some more packing done and then it came time to go to my babysitting job. I packed my car for a night at James’ and also packed my dad’s luggage that James will be using. Then I was off!!!!

The kids I babysit are great. I started watching them when I was a senior in highschool. I interned at the Primary school where their mom’s a teacher. The kids were 6, 4, and 1 at the time. Now they’re 10, 8, and 5. WHAT! Kids grow too fast.

They’re also obsessed with Disney. Their dad did the college program and they visit Disney World when they can. We Disney-talked basically the whole afternoon into the evening from the second I got them off the bus till I left. I left about quarter of 8, and was on the highway 20 minutes later. I was off to James’!

I arrive at James’ about quarter past 9. He had water boiling for me to make mac n cheese. Basically the past month I’ve been eating mac n cheese almost daily. I’ve just been obsessed with it. James says every time he makes it, it comes out gross haha so I told him I’d make us some for dinner.

I made us Finding Dory shaped Kraft mac n cheese. At home, I’m an Annie’s girl, but I still make a mean box of Kraft! During dinner, James out of nowhere goes, “What’s the mac stand for?”







I looked at him like:


and slowly said, “Macaroni…”
We were laughing so hard by then. He said he knew that and just forgot. :laughing:
This is why I love him! :hug:

After dinner, we got all his things packed away. It took literally no time at all. He was right.
Before we went to sleep, I painted my toenails to basically match my fingers, just a little less greenish and more blue.

We passed out after that knowing tomorrow was our last day before we’d be waking up in Disney World!:earseek:
You pack like me! When I was packing I bought a ton of sunblock. My boyfriend was like I don't think you're going to use 3 spray cans of sunblock, and I was like how can you be sure we have enough! (We actually didn't even use one the one I got bothered my skin and we had to buy more there).:D

I bet your nails came out so cute, I love that color!

Work just flies when you have someone to talk Disney with. One girl I work with's mom is a DVC member and every time we work together I ask her to tell me everything about her last trip :rolleyes:
Following along! Though I'll probably get behind - we're leaving on Tuesday for Disney!!

That’s my bank! I got it in the Germany pavilion at Epcot last May when I went with my family!

OK, I think I know what I'm looking for as a souvenir now :) That is so so cute!

I also stuffed two tubes of mini M&M’s that I had James eat the week before with shiny pennies and quarters! I read this idea on the DIS a few months ago. It worked amazing! Every time we saw a Penny Machine we would be done in 30 seconds since it was so convenient! I stored them in a pattern, two quarters to one shiny penny. We bought a Penny Press book our first full day at Disney, which we kept in the front of our backpack with the M&M tube. It worked perfect! I can’t wait to show you the finished book! But first...on with the story!

Awesome idea - we don't really do the pennies, but it seems so much better to have an organized system than trying to scrounge around for change.

We passed out after that knowing tomorrow was our last day before we’d be waking up in Disney World!:earseek:

Yes!!! The best :) We've got 3 days and I'm already so excited. Can't wait to read more!


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