DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

Just easing myself back into work. Hence on the boards.
It's the best way to do the boards...while at work :tongue:

divorced by Leia/skewered by Kylo.
Spoiler alert!

You can tell I'm not a huge Star Wars fan.
Yeah, I gathered that when I listened to your podcast. So I guess it will be Toy Story Land for you when DHS is all done?

Who is having a Halloween candy lunch?
Not lunch, but I may have gone through DD's haul and picked out all the Reese peanut butter cups which she doesn't like, and had a late night snack. It was a lot better when she was younger because there were more things she didn't like. She started eating Doritos and Coffee Crisp in the last year, so now we're pretty much down to just the peanut butter cups.
Cubs bats are alive. Will it be a Mr. November?

Top O the Mornin Dads! Today is DDs 22nd b-day and we we have a tasting / preview event for wedding tonight so we are starting to get into more of the details of this thing now.

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Happy Birthday to dd. I figured someone would get the Star Wars reference.

Wasn't Han Solo supposed to be a gambler?
Maybe if he would have understood risk, he wouldn't have taken the risk with the cargo and owed Jabba all that money. And kept out of the freezer thing/tortured by Vader/general bad things/divorced by Leia/skewered by Kylo.

You can tell I'm not a huge Star Wars fan.

That's it. You are now on double secret probation.

Afternoon Gents,

Who is having a Halloween candy lunch?

Lunch and dinner.

We didn't even buy any candy this year.

Bought one bag. The dds hauled in about 5 bags worth. They are permitted a specified amount of candy for their personal use and the remainder goes in the community candy bowl.
7 zip already!
I can't think of much more exciting than a game 7... in the World Series... between two teams that have had such a long dry spell.
7 zip already!
I can't think of much more exciting than a game 7... in the World Series... between two teams that have had such a long dry spell.
Yep, 7-2 now in the 5th, but hopefully this will lead to a very interesting game 7!
That's it. You are now on double secret probation
:rotfl: Thank you sir. May I have another?
1 more to go! GO CUBS!
Right, I'm staying up as late as I can for this one. I hung on for a couple of hours last night and woke up on the sofa. Doesn't help I've got to be on a train at 0800 from the middle of London. Got my pennant under the TV.
Yeah, I gathered that when I listened to your podcast. So I guess it will be Toy Story Land for you when DHS is all done?
I'll obviously go, but I'm not sure what its going to do to the atmosphere of the park. It's gonna be plenty busy for the next few years, that's for dang sure.
They are doing a few SW bits on DLP, which I'm not totally convinced about, it feels like shoe-horning.
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'Morning all...
My thought for the day:
Living on the boarder of a swing state is a curse that I'd not wish on to anyone.

Sorry 'bout that...
I fell a bit better now, though.

Coffee Crisp
Coffee Crisp?
And what pray tell would these be?
Better yet... why aren't y'all exporting them down this way?

Bought one bag. The dds hauled in about 5 bags worth. They are permitted a specified amount of candy for their personal use and the remainder goes in the community candy bowl.
That's the trick...
No young'ens in the house so no treats.

Now, we also have a community candy bowl, which when filled usually contains either Reese's minis or M&Ms.
but sadly, the bowl has been empty for a while.

(Although I should probably drop by the store pick up some of the stuff now that it's all been moved to the discount racks.)
I'm glad the Series is going to game 7. It only seems fitting. Should be a lot of fun.

'Morning all...
My thought for the day:
Living on the boarder of a swing state is a curse that I'd not wish on to anyone.

Sorry 'bout that...
I fell a bit better now, though.

Less than a week now, and our national nightmare will be over. Then the new national nightmare can begin!
Just three more days and Mickey and I will be reunited. To say that I am excited is understatement. Why I get so excited at my age is probably odd to many. I know not to you guys, but man, I just can't wait!

It's the best way to do the boards...while at work :tongue:
Agreed. There's no better way to ease into or get out of work than spending time here.

Cubs bats are alive. Will it be a Mr. November?
I would really love to see the Cubs win it all. Last time they won was 1908. Crazy!

Bought one bag. The dds hauled in about 5 bags worth. They are permitted a specified amount of candy for their personal use and the remainder goes in the community candy bowl.
DS went up to Colonial Williamsburg where they had trick or treating. All M&M/Mars candy and they were handing it out by the fistfull. By the end of the round, his bad was full. He's three, so obviously he had to pay the daddy tax. DW hid a bunch as well to save as rewards for thumbs-up choices.

I can't think of much more exciting than a game 7... in the World Series... between two teams that have had such a long dry spell.
Agreed. This definitely makes things more exciting.
Morning gents. The roads are dry! Got to take the bike out for the first time in weeks. Felt great... if cold (2C/35F)
Should be more pleasant going home later... provided it doesn't rain. (30% chance)

'Morning all...
My thought for the day:
Living on the boarder of a swing state is a curse that I'd not wish on to anyone.

Sorry 'bout that...
I fell a bit better now, though.

I'm thinking that isn't necessarily a typo...

Coffee Crisp?
And what pray tell would these be?
Better yet... why aren't y'all exporting them down this way?

Coffee flavoured chocolate bar.
I have sent several to the States.
Perk of winning the contests on my TRs.
Along with Wunderbar, Caramilk, Aero, Crunchie and Smarties.

Less than a week now, and our national nightmare will be over.


Then the new national nightmare can begin!

Happy Wednesday. Still great weather here and I'm hoping we can skip winter this year. Youngest dd was able to get to school without DW or I noticing her wardrobe malfunction today - short tshirt and yoga pants - and I drove her a pair of sweat pants. :sad2:

Not lunch, but I may have gone through DD's haul and picked out all the Reese peanut butter cups which she doesn't like, and had a late night snack. It was a lot better when she was younger because there were more things she didn't like. She started eating Doritos and Coffee Crisp in the last year, so now we're pretty much down to just the peanut butter cups.

Weren't peanut butter cups nominated as the official disdad candy? If not, they should be.

7 zip already!
I can't think of much more exciting than a game 7... in the World Series... between two teams that have had such a long dry spell.

Agreed. Game 7 to win it all.

:rotfl: Thank you sir. May I have another?

My life consists of appropriately times movie quotes.


Now, we also have a community candy bowl, which when filled usually contains either Reese's minis or M&Ms.
but sadly, the bowl has been empty for a while.

(Although I should probably drop by the store pick up some of the stuff now that it's all been moved to the discount racks.)

That sounds like a great campaign platform. Free candy for everyone. :lmao:

Less than a week now, and our national nightmare will be over. Then the new national nightmare can begin!

Yes, as campaigning for 2020 starts Nov 9. :furious:

Just three more days and Mickey and I will be reunited. To say that I am excited is understatement. Why I get so excited at my age is probably odd to many. I know not to you guys, but man, I just can't wait!

I'm going in June and am already excited. I get it.
And it comes down to a game 7.

Does anybody know the whereabouts of Steve Bartman?

How many goats will be in the stands in Cleveland tonight?

One way or the other, something tells me that tonight's game will be one for the ages...
Dropped the Brit off at the airport yesterday so the house belongs to us now. Well except for the electrician, the screen door guy and the A/C repairman that will all be stopping by in the next few days.

Hoping for a good game and the Cubbies breaking the curse.
Dropped the Brit off at the airport yesterday so the house belongs to us now. Well except for the electrician, the screen door guy and the A/C repairman that will all be stopping by in the next few days.

Hoping for a good game and the Cubbies breaking the curse.

Man, first you get a new flush; now you get electricity, a door and A/C to boot. The life of Cj.

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Coffee Crisp?
And what pray tell would these be?
Better yet... why aren't y'all exporting them down this way?
Picture is below but can't do it justice, obviously. Already answered by @pkondz but to elaborate, they are little bits of heaven - coffee flavoured cream sandwiched between wafers and chocolate covered. As you may be able to tell from the bilingual wrapper, they are "un gouter leger, delicieux". Too bad you guys can get them south of the 49th. Maybe we need to start a DIS Dads candy exchange??

coffee crisp.jpeg

Got to take the bike out for the first time in weeks. Felt great... if cold (2C/35F)
Hmmm, sounds nice but just a tad nippley.

Coffee flavoured chocolate bar.
I have sent several to the States.
Perk of winning the contests on my TRs.
Along with Wunderbar, Caramilk, Aero, Crunchie and Smarties.
Really? I knew the others were Canadian, but Caramilk and Aero too? Wow.

Weren't peanut butter cups nominated as the official disdad candy? If not, they should be.
I'm good with that.

oungest dd was able to get to school without DW or I noticing her wardrobe malfunction today - short tshirt and yoga pants - and I drove her a pair of sweat pants. :sad2:
I feel your frustration. To be honest, I've given up on DD16. I've asked her if she would like to wear a can of paint to school because that's about all the yoga pants are. I think it's ridiculous. But I am definitely in the minority for some reason.
That sounds like a great campaign platform. Free candy for everyone. :lmao:
That one might actually work!
And it comes down to a game 7.

Does anybody know the whereabouts of Steve Bartman?

How many goats will be in the stands in Cleveland tonight?

One way or the other, something tells me that tonight's game will be one for the ages...

Great game so far, especially for Cubs' fans. I thought putting Lester in was a bad call, and it cost them two runs. Hendricks was pitching great at that point. I guess Ross got the home run though, so it only cost them 1 run so far. 7th Inning now.

Dropped the Brit off at the airport yesterday so the house belongs to us now. Well except for the electrician, the screen door guy and the A/C repairman that will all be stopping by in the next few days.


That sounds like a great set-up for a joke. What's the punch line? :lmao:

Picture is below but can't do it justice, obviously. Already answered by @pkondz but to elaborate, they are little bits of heaven - coffee flavoured cream sandwiched between wafers and chocolate covered. As you may be able to tell from the bilingual wrapper, they are "un gouter leger, delicieux". Too bad you guys can get them south of the 49th. Maybe we need to start a DIS Dads candy exchange??

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Looks great. Why don't you go ahead and mail 810+ to me and then I will mail out to all the guys with the next dues shipment.

Hmmm, sounds nice but just a tad nippley.

After that facebook fiasco, let's not consider nipples.

I feel your frustration. To be honest, I've given up on DD16. I've asked her if she would like to wear a can of paint to school because that's about all the yoga pants are. I think it's ridiculous. But I am definitely in the minority for some reason.


If women want to wear them in public, then more power to them. But, don't complain about others looking. Now, they have the absolute right to not be accosted physically or verbally in anyway, regardless of what they wear. With all that said, I'd like for my daughter to be more modest.


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