I'm Celebrating: Being Awesome - An October 2016 Solo Trip Report - Update 7/24: Hiatus Over! Sorta.

Yes, I am going to bring things to trade with me next time! I need to start keeping my eye out for stuff, maybe collect some crap from the office.
What I good idea! I've been cleaning out the basement and finding lots of "stuff" that the kids left behind. We will be going to WDW this Saturday and need to try trading with the Jawas. :)
October 21st, 2016 - Friday

Star Wars Galactic Spectacular & Dessert Party, and More Beach Club!

When I last left ya'll, I had just been texted by @IowaTater to let me know they had already checked-in for the Star Wars Dessert Party being held inside of the Launch Bay, so I headed that way! Check-in at the podium outside was a breeze, and I was given that super fancy VIP souvenir lanyard thingy thing that I ended my last update with.

I headed inside, making my way back over towards the BB-8 display that I'd seen (and photographed) earlier in the day, as that's where she said that she and her DH had grabbed a table. Along the way, I had me a close encounter with a storm trooper, who was kind enough to stop in front of my scooter and strike a pose:


At the bottom of that ramp, I was immediately approached by a server with a tray of cocktails, asking if I would like one. DON'T MIND IF I DO, MA'AM!

Drink in hand, I made my way the rest of the way in, and very quickly I found them! Yaaaay! Hugs were had (there's a pic later, I promise), then I parked and then headed up to find the nommy nom-noms!

I was still moderately full from dinner, so I didn't go TOO crazy, but I did get my eat on fo' sho...


"Blue Milk" Panna Cotta.


Some sorta fun bread pudding with M&Ms, topped with vanilla ice cream.


And my FAVORITE part... The mini-cupcakes! BB-8 was lemon, R2D2 was vanilla, and Darth Vader was just a smaller version of the delicious chocolate peanut butter one that I had with lunch. I was a HAPPY HAPPY girl.

But I was about to get even happier, because I found...


The bar!!! Awww yeah. YES, all of these were INCLUDED. Turns out the drink I got on my way in was the Cosmic Citrus Twist. But ya'll know by now that rum is my drink, so I started hitting those Galactic Punches pretty hard...


The three of us chatted about our trips up to that point for while while enjoying our desserts and adult beverages. At the appointed time, the CMs started leading folks out of the Launch Bay to the viewing area outside in front of the Great Movie Ride. Uh oh, better get one more drink before we go! So I do, stick it in my cup holder, and off we go. Now @IowaTater 's DH is super speedy and got ahead of us, plus she was cool and went up via the ramp with me, which is longer.

WELL. I think she probably regretted this decision when my tipsy butt goes and sideswipes the wall... and my to-go drink goes flying! SPLASH. Liquor and ice all over the floor.

Now, NORMALLY, I would have stopped and picked up the cup and the ice and everything as best I could. But I was a little drunk, so instead I just looked up at her and went "Oh, ****. GO GO GO!" And so we ran away. My deepest apologies to the CM who had the clean up after this vacation lush.


We managed to find our way back to her DH and to the viewing area, which was pretty prime! At that point, we were also given another item included with the price of the dessert party...


This ridiculous Chewbacca stein!



Not gonna lie. He got re-gifted when I got home. My BB-8 sippy cup was WAY cooler.

And then the show started... The Star Wars Galactic Spectacular! (Cue a whole bunch of fireworks/projection/laser pics. Enjoy!)




MY BOO, BB-8!!!!!






It was a GREAT show, I really enjoyed it!

Before heading to the bus stops, I looked at @IowaTater and was like OMG we need a DisMeet pic in case we don't see each other again during this trip! (Spoiler alert: We did.)


Drunk faces! YAY!

We headed out of the park together (me whining about my elusive Belle shirt the whole time), and they headed to the busses, and I headed to the walking path. Which was really the boat dock. Because I was all kinds of turned out. Finally got myself pointed the right direction, and zip-zipped along the path. It was lovely! People were getting tickled at the speedy little scooter lady. Or pissed. It all sounded the same to me at that point.

As I was zooming along, I was passed two people heading the opposite direction and obviously they were having a Game of Thrones conversation because I heard one of them exclaim "The North Remembers!" And without a moment's hesitation, I bellowed over my shoulder at them "KING IN THE NORTH!" To which they screamed and cracked up laughing.


Good times.

So I finally make it back to the Yacht and Beach Club, and it turns out there's some sort of huge private party happening on the beach. DJ and live band taking turns. It was pretty rockin'. I made my way past all the excitement and into that lovely BC lobby...


So I'm in the lobby, and I pull my phone out of my bag, remembering that earlie that day, I had been texted my room number (once it was ready).

Room number... 4579. Hmmm. THAT'S not on the first floor. *shrug* Well, let's go check it out!

So I got as far as the elevators... And promptly forgot my room number. Pulled my phone back out. 4579! Sweet, I got this! To the 5th floor we go!

Wait. No. 4th floor. Right? *pulls out phone* 4th floor! Here we go for reals this time!

So I get off on the 4th floor and start to head to my room... Wait. What's my room number again? *pulls out phone* Okay, cool! Room 4579, I'm comin' for you, b****!

I head down a very long series of very empty quiet hallways, driving my scooter, kinda feeling like that kid in "The Shining," looking for room 4975. Wait... Is that right? *pulls out phone* NOPE! Okay, I got this now!

And finally...


Ya'll, by the grace of God, I found Room 4579. #vacationlush

First thing I did was call down to Bell Services to ask them to bring my luggage up. While I was waiting, I made sure to get all those nice fresh clean un-cluttered room pics taken for ya'll!











Now, obvious my lovely CM from check-in was able to pull some strings and accommodate my request for a high-floor after all... But was she also able to get me my full balcony?


She did, she did! Oh hey, ya'll wanna see my view? Okay!


From the balcony, looking straight ahead.


From the balcony, looking left. Yep, water and partial Boardwalk view. SCORE. (Also, the party that I mentioned earlier.)

Back inside the room, I started sorting through the things I had brought back with me as well as my park bag, getting devices plugged in, etc. I left the balcony door open and was dancing around the room the whole time. When the Bell Services CM showed up, he didn't even know, he was like "Are they having a party out there?" And I was all "Yeah, man! I'm jammin' to their music!" And he laughed and was like "Right on!" Good guy.

Of course, I continued to have my own private in-room dance party while I worked on unpacking my bags and getting all settled into my perfect little home for the next 7 nights!


The party ended at 10pm, so I finally closed up balcony, drew the shades, took a quick shower, pulled on my jammies, and crawled in my SUPER COMFY bed. I was worried that I might have trouble sleeping, as I often do on vacation, but between the soft mattress, the long exhausting day, and my still slightly inebriated state... I pretty much passed right out, and slept through the night. Hooray!


Up Next... Animal Kingdom, Part 1!
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The drink spill situation? Um, yeah, I've totally been there.

When I was younger, it wasn't a good night until I had somehow managed to break a glass. :drinking1

I'm sad we'll be missing the Star Wars show, but I'm excited about the Jingle Bell Jingle Bam dessert party. I plan to hit the gingerbread cocktail preeettty hard.

The room at the Beach Club is GORGEOUS!
Man, those Star Wars Dessert Party drinks are dangerous. Actually, all alcohol at dessert parties is dangerous. I think I have had a few too many at all of them. I actually had a big hangover after the Illuminations dessert party and had to send DH and DS to the parks for rope drop by themselves. Somehow, the CM at the monorail knew what was up when asked me about heading to the park alone. He razzed me until that darn monorail showed up:oops:

I wish I had a scooter though for those too many drinks at a dessert party situations:)

I hope we get as a nice a room when we stay at Beach Club in November. I really want a full balcony.

I still haven't figured out what to do with our Chewie steins:confused3 We ended up not picking them up on our second party.
The Star Wars drink menu looks pretty good. I would get buzzed on them, too, since it would easy to have a few too many of them. The Chewie mug is hideous. I wonder how many get left behind because they are just too big to pack in a carry on.

You got a fantastic room. The volleyball court section is a really nice place to be, especially if you aren't paying for lagoon view. ::yes::
You. Are. A . NUT!
I can totally imagine you doing all this.. I want to know if you can get a DUI on a scooter?
I cannot believe you dropped your drink. Alcohol Abuse!

and you have me even MORE excited for the Star wars party!!!!

the room is so BEAUTIFUL!!! the views are amazing and i would have been with you dancing around! WOOOHOOOOOO

I'm mostly a lurker but wanted to say I'm enjoying your TR! First, congratulations on the weight loss success - you look great! Absolutely love your Beach Club room - did you rent points? I don't remember. Next trip I may spring for a room in that area. So convenient to both HS and Epcot. Hope day #2 goes as well as day #1!
What a fun night!! I want that blue panna cotta!! Looks so good. And a DisMeet...sigh...must do some of those one day. Actually I have had ONE DisMeet in my life when we went on a cruise and I met some people from here. But must do it again.

Your room looks fantastic. Can I ask, does that little sofa turn into a bed? Just thinking for if I ever take my two kids...
At the bottom of that ramp, I was immediately approached by a server with a tray of cocktails, asking if I would like one. DON'T MIND IF I DO, MA'AM!

Is that an actual question? Do people ever say no?

WELL. I think she probably regretted this decision when my tipsy butt goes and sideswipes the wall... and my to-go drink goes flying! SPLASH. Liquor and ice all over the floor.

So ... apparently don't drink and drive applies to scooters too.
Although I'm perfectly willing to blame the wall for being in the wrong place (just go with it :)).

It was a GREAT show, I really enjoyed it!

I'm glad you enjoyed! I'm not a huge Star Wars fan (although I have now officially seen more than half of the movies, including the entire prequel trilogy, which is more than I could say a month ago ... or on Sunday, since I watched Revenge of the Sith yesterday (I think it was yesterday ... it was one of those days that isn't today)), but from everything I've seen, that show really looks amazing.

We headed out of the park together (me whining about my elusive Belle shirt the whole time), and they headed to the busses, and I headed to the walking path. Which was really the boat dock. Because I was all kinds of turned out. Finally got myself pointed the right direction, and zip-zipped along the path. It was lovely! People were getting tickled at the speedy little scooter lady. Or pissed. It all sounded the same to me at that point.

If people are annoyed at the scooter speed, they should walk faster!*
*I should probably point out that as a New Yorker, I think everyone except me walks way too slow


So I'm in the lobby, and I pull my phone out of my bag, remembering that earlie that day, I had been texted my room number (once it was ready).

Room number... 4579. Hmmm. THAT'S not on the first floor. *shrug* Well, let's go check it out!

So I got as far as the elevators... And promptly forgot my room number. Pulled my phone back out. 4579! Sweet, I got this! To the 5th floor we go!

Wait. No. 4th floor. Right? *pulls out phone* 4th floor! Here we go for reals this time!

So I get off on the 4th floor and start to head to my room... Wait. What's my room number again? *pulls out phone* Okay, cool! Room 4579, I'm comin' for you, b****!

I head down a very long series of very empty quiet hallways, driving my scooter, kinda feeling like that kid in "The Shining," looking for room 4975. Wait... Is that right? *pulls out phone* NOPE! Okay, I got this now!

Um, Billie, I say this with love, but ... are you sure you didn't have a few too many of those Galactic Punches?

That room looks beautiful, and awesome that you got your balcony and had such an awesome view! I'm officially jealous!
I was immediately approached by a server with a tray of cocktails, asking if I would like one.

Yeah, I pretty much gave the same response. I had already warned DH that I was NOT turning down free alcohol.

WELL. I think she probably regretted this decision when my tipsy butt goes and sideswipes the wall... and my to-go drink goes flying! SPLASH. Liquor and ice all over the floor.

Now, NORMALLY, I would have stopped and picked up the cup and the ice and everything as best I could. But I was a little drunk, so instead I just looked up at her and went "Oh, ****. GO GO GO!" And so we ran away. My deepest apologies to the CM who had the clean up after this vacation lush.

HAHAHAHA!!! Totally didn't regret it and I still laugh about it to this day! We hauled booty out of there!

I still think Chewie looks like he's had one too many of those cocktails as well.

Drunk faces! YAY!

I prefer to call them our "We're having a good time so forget you" Faces. And in our defense, that bartender was not stingy on the booze!

Your resort story is hilarious! I know you love your solo trips but I still say you and I need to do one together, even if we stay in separate rooms. We could title the TR "Two Vacation Lushes Take on Drinking Around the World"...or something like that lol

Alcohol Abuse!

No lie, I believe those were my exact words to her! lol
Oh. My. God. Billie. I just can't. This post was everything I wanted, needed, and more. Imagining you careening and zipping around just about had me in stitches. And omg the desserts. I need this dessert party in my life. Also I need the dance party. And the Beach Club. And to hang with you at Disney. I think that is all. Now, please :hyper:
HI Billie following along and loving your writing style, your hilarious. I would also be dancing in my room.....score. One of my first thoughts was wondered if you were going to be able to drive the EVC. Looking forward to future updates.
OMG you had me laughing with this post!
We just did the Jingle BAM dessert party but I gotta say, the alcohol situation at the SW dessert party looks much more my style :drinking1
Love your room views! And um, your BC room looks much nicer and even bigger than ours.....we were in a DVC studio but still, what the heck is up with that????
The Star Wars party looks awesome. We've considered doing it a few times, but that dang kids price is what keeps us away. But you know I would more than get my money's worth with the free drinks. Speaking of which.......Love your booziness tonight. Accident aside glad you are embracing vacation for all it should be.

Total score on the room!!!! What an amazing view. I'd totally still be dancing with a view like that
Paying catch up...


The above pic was a pose that the PP photographer told me to do. I thought maybe it was for a magicshot or something. No, apprently he was just trolling me. MFer.

I'd say he was admiring your awesomeness. Love it!

That is just super adorable!

Yaaaas! And of course, it was AWESOME. I, however, derped up and forgot that I usually take my glasses off for this one out of fear of them falling off. When did I remember this? Oh, you know, approximately .000001 seconds before we took off. And the result is this:


That was me on Space Mountain so no silver lining of being able to better see the ride.
But what I want to know is how the rider next to you is pulling off looking so completely serene.

Glad you were able to find that BB8 cup quickly. I seem to recall Su-Lynn having to search for a while.

Great start to your day at HS. Will be back to read more soon. Need some shut eye.
We did the Star Wars party this past summer, it was still outside then. What a great time, so many drinks, best show in the parks!
The drink spill situation? Um, yeah, I've totally been there.

When I was younger, it wasn't a good night until I had somehow managed to break a glass. :drinking1
Sure, but I'm supposed to be too old for such shenanigans now! (Apparently not!)

I'm sad we'll be missing the Star Wars show, but I'm excited about the Jingle Bell Jingle Bam dessert party. I plan to hit the gingerbread cocktail preeettty hard.

The room at the Beach Club is GORGEOUS!
Gingerbread cocktail? That sounds DELICIOUS!
And I LOVED my Beach Club room!

Man, those Star Wars Dessert Party drinks are dangerous. Actually, all alcohol at dessert parties is dangerous. I think I have had a few too many at all of them. I actually had a big hangover after the Illuminations dessert party and had to send DH and DS to the parks for rope drop by themselves. Somehow, the CM at the monorail knew what was up when asked me about heading to the park alone. He razzed me until that darn monorail showed up:oops:

I wish I had a scooter though for those too many drinks at a dessert party situations:)
I dunno, man... I think that scooter and a drinking were maybe a bad combination, given all the incidents I was having!

I hope we get as a nice a room when we stay at Beach Club in November. I really want a full balcony.
I hope you do too! It was fantastic!

I still haven't figured out what to do with our Chewie steins:confused3 We ended up not picking them up on our second party.
They're really weird, right?!

The Star Wars drink menu looks pretty good. I would get buzzed on them, too, since it would easy to have a few too many of them. The Chewie mug is hideous. I wonder how many get left behind because they are just too big to pack in a carry on.
The Chewie mug is super creepy!

You got a fantastic room. The volleyball court section is a really nice place to be, especially if you aren't paying for lagoon view. ::yes::
Yes! It was wonderful! A bit of a walk from the lobby, but... scooter. So it was fine, haha.

You. Are. A . NUT!
I can totally imagine you doing all this.. I want to know if you can get a DUI on a scooter?
I cannot believe you dropped your drink. Alcohol Abuse!
If DUIs could be given on scooters, I'd have done lost my scooter license. I was a MESS.

and you have me even MORE excited for the Star wars party!!!!
Ya'll are gonna LOVE it!

the room is so BEAUTIFUL!!! the views are amazing and i would have been with you dancing around! WOOOHOOOOOO

You can totally dance with me, long as you help me unpack!

I'm mostly a lurker but wanted to say I'm enjoying your TR! First, congratulations on the weight loss success - you look great! Absolutely love your Beach Club room - did you rent points? I don't remember. Next trip I may spring for a room in that area. So convenient to both HS and Epcot. Hope day #2 goes as well as day #1!
Nah, I looked into renting points, but I get a better discount off the regular Deluxe resort rooms through my work (40%). And thank you for the weight loss congrats, I appreciate it!

What a fun night!! I want that blue panna cotta!! Looks so good. And a DisMeet...sigh...must do some of those one day. Actually I have had ONE DisMeet in my life when we went on a cruise and I met some people from here. But must do it again.

Your room looks fantastic. Can I ask, does that little sofa turn into a bed? Just thinking for if I ever take my two kids...
Yes, the couch folds down into a daybed! Very cute!

So ... apparently don't drink and drive applies to scooters too.
Although I'm perfectly willing to blame the wall for being in the wrong place (just go with it :)).
Dude, YES. It was TOTALLY all the wall's fault! How dare it!

I'm glad you enjoyed! I'm not a huge Star Wars fan (although I have now officially seen more than half of the movies, including the entire prequel trilogy, which is more than I could say a month ago ... or on Sunday, since I watched Revenge of the Sith yesterday (I think it was yesterday ... it was one of those days that isn't today)), but from everything I've seen, that show really looks amazing.
If you're basing your feelings on Star Wars on the the 2 prequel films, no wonder it's not your favorite. Those are notoriously the worst of them!

If people are annoyed at the scooter speed, they should walk faster!*
*I should probably point out that as a New Yorker, I think everyone except me walks way too slow
I'm the SAME WAY. You'd think at my size that I wouldn't be a speedy walker, but compared to other people apparently I am, because getting stuck behind folks makes me CRAZY.

Um, Billie, I say this with love, but ... are you sure you didn't have a few too many of those Galactic Punches?
Oh, I'm absolutely 100% certain I had too many Galactic Punches. No regrets. #vacationluch

That room looks beautiful, and awesome that you got your balcony and had such an awesome view! I'm officially jealous!
There will be more view pics as this report (slowly) progresses!

Yeah, I pretty much gave the same response. I had already warned DH that I was NOT turning down free alcohol.
Technically not free, you DID pay the fee for the party! Bottoms up, I say!

HAHAHAHA!!! Totally didn't regret it and I still laugh about it to this day! We hauled booty out of there!
Yeah we did, girl. BAHAHAHA. I'm grinning right now thinking about it!

I still think Chewie looks like he's had one too many of those cocktails as well.
I still think Chewie looks high as ****. I wonder how many people use him to hide their stash in.

I prefer to call them our "We're having a good time so forget you" Faces. And in our defense, that bartender was not stingy on the booze!

Your resort story is hilarious! I know you love your solo trips but I still say you and I need to do one together, even if we stay in separate rooms. We could title the TR "Two Vacation Lushes Take on Drinking Around the World"...or something like that lol
Dude, I would LOVE for us to do a trip together! The only reason I love my solo trips so much is because I don't have anybody in my life who's Disney style matches mine. If I did, that would be swell! And I know you'd be okay with us going and doing our own things when we wanted to, also, so I'd totally be down!

No lie, I believe those were my exact words to her! lol
She tells the truth.

Oh. My. God. Billie. I just can't. This post was everything I wanted, needed, and more. Imagining you careening and zipping around just about had me in stitches. And omg the desserts. I need this dessert party in my life. Also I need the dance party. And the Beach Club. And to hang with you at Disney. I think that is all. Now, please :hyper:
You totally need to hang with me at Disney. We would have TOO much fun, girl!

HI Billie following along and loving your writing style, your hilarious. I would also be dancing in my room.....score. One of my first thoughts was wondered if you were going to be able to drive the EVC. Looking forward to future updates.
Thank you, and I'm glad you're here! And yes, I can always drive the ECV. How WELL I can drive it depends on how many drinks I've had, though... LOL.

OMG you had me laughing with this post!
We just did the Jingle BAM dessert party but I gotta say, the alcohol situation at the SW dessert party looks much more my style :drinking1
Love your room views! And um, your BC room looks much nicer and even bigger than ours.....we were in a DVC studio but still, what the heck is up with that????
Good! Laughter was what I was hoping to inspire! And that's weird that the studios would feel smaller than a regular room!

Your room was gorgeous!
Yes it was, I just loved it!

My gosh - no judgement - if they're going to provide you with some well deserved Galactic Punches, you have a responsibility to your devoted trip report readers to approach this challenge with enthusiasm! And if you choose to sprinkle some of that magic onto the floors and walls, well that's what they call (wet) pixie dust, right? Seriously, looks like a great time was had by all, and what a fabulous room adventure and surprise!
Hahaha, that should be my new justification. "Hmm, maybe I shouldn't eat/drink this... NO! I MUST DO IT FOR THE DISBOARDS!"

Oh, and a final wish for tonight:

Thank you sooooo much!!!

The Star Wars party looks awesome. We've considered doing it a few times, but that dang kids price is what keeps us away. But you know I would more than get my money's worth with the free drinks. Speaking of which.......Love your booziness tonight. Accident aside glad you are embracing vacation for all it should be.
Embracing it indeed. I did promise ya'll in the PTR lots of vacationlush-ness!

Total score on the room!!!! What an amazing view. I'd totally still be dancing with a view like that
Every time I look at the photos, I dance a little on the inside. I just loved it.

I'd say he was admiring your awesomeness. Love it!
I'd say he was trying to see if I'd fly off like Superman.

That is just super adorable!
I know, I loved it!

That was me on Space Mountain so no silver lining of being able to better see the ride.
But what I want to know is how the rider next to you is pulling off looking so completely serene.
I love when people in ride photos look like that. Or totally bored. I'm just like, "HOW?!"

Glad you were able to find that BB8 cup quickly. I seem to recall Su-Lynn having to search for a while.
Yes!! I couldn't believe my good luck!

Great start to your day at HS. Will be back to read more soon. Need some shut eye.
Take your time! Lord knows I'm forever behind on ya'lls reports!

We did the Star Wars party this past summer, it was still outside then. What a great time, so many drinks, best show in the parks!
Yes, it was FANTASTIC! I think I'm going to start doing a dessert party every solo trip!


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