Disney’s MARVELous Super Hero - New You - New Year Celebration – January 2017!!

@4Mickeys How sad, but you wrote about it so beautifully! Thanks for sharing!

That sounds like a terrible night! Do you find that the electronic devices make getting your eight hours harder?

I'm seriously considering banning mine from the bedroom. But then the whining about how my phone is my alarm clock and my kindle and my weather report and my flashlight all starts ( and I'm the source of the whining!)!

My issue with electronic devices is not that they make me sleep worse. I can put my ipad away and be asleep within 5 minutes. So the whole thing about light affecting your sleep is not my issue. However, the problem is in putting the thing away. For whatever reason, being on an electronic devise just sucks me in and I keep going here and there and suddenly another hour has passed. That is my biggest issue. To be honest, I had this in the pre-digital age as well, it just were books, newspapers and TV that caused the same problem. I still have the problem with books. They are even worse than the ipad because once I am really into a story I can read until 5am. When I was younger I could survive on three hours of sleep. At 45 that is not happening anymore!

I do have some success in banning my ipad from the bedroom because at least then there is less temptation to just quickly check this or that and suddenly it is 30 minutes later. I have an old iphone 5, and with the tiny screen it is far less likely to keep surfing around, so the phone if less of an issue.

BUT: Just to alleviate the whining: Get an alarm clock - or better: a weather station with built in alarm clock, a real kindle (if you use it without the backlight, it is also better if you have issues from sleeping after looking at a screen) and get a motion activated night light - or just a basic flashlight. :thumbsup2

I really can't tell you why I still have my phone on my nightstand, I guess in case there is an emergency with my parents? My fitbit is my alarm clock (and I prefer being woken up by the vibration anyway), I have a weather station and I sleep on my own, so if I need a light during the light, I just switch on the bedside lamp. And I have a kindle... Maybe the phone needs to go somewhere else in the room instead of on the nightstand. But my biggest issue is really the ipad...

QOTD: So now that we know our favourites and who we would be if we were a Marvel Super Hero .... Think about their personality, powers, abilities and then tell us how you are going to use that for inspiration throughout the rest of the month to help you achieve your goals.

I think the one personality trait that is kind of common to all the superheros that I need to focus on is the determination to follow through with the goal they want to acchieve. Give all and don't do halfbaked deals.


I slept better tonight, but had a lot of weired dreams. But I got my 8 hours of sleep! :jumping3: I am not feeling that bouncy, but definitely more bouncy than two days ago! This sleeping is really good for me! Who would have thought? I had a very productive day yesterday again and I think the amount of sleep definitely plays a huge role.

I was also starting to get a migraine yesterday, but my neurologist gave me a new prescription for better pain killers and they did their job and they killed the migrain totally (so far the pain killers usually just made it less bad) and so far it has not resurfaced. Very happy about this!!

I think I will try to get in the Wednesday run tonight as it is -8°C tomorrow morning and then tomorrow evening the forecast is for rain/sleet/snow... Not good running weather...
QOTD: I don't know the Marvel Super Hero's, but evidently Mystique and I are soul Sisters.

Previous QOTD: Backstory... still working on this, or actually starting to work on this again as I haven't been focused on it for a while, and I know it is impacting my health/weight.

Lots of good posts to read thru while catching up... so happy the board is active again.

Progress report for last week: I'll give myself 15% progress towards my goals for the month.

The little service on Friday was very nice: afterwards our family went to eat and then we went over to my Sister's house and sat and talked for several more hours: she got to spend a good amount of time with my Brother who flew up from Texas, so that was good. I suggested we put together a trip down to Texas for April, so we all talked about things we'll want to do, which will include day trips up to The Pioneer Women's Mercantile in Oklahoma and a day trip down the Fixer Upper Silo's in Waco.

The super cold temperatures have finally lifted, which is a good thing as we had a very wet and rainy storm yesterday which would have been a major problem had the moisture come down as snow. I finally got my tree down yesterday, it feels like it wasn't even there which is always kind of sad, and most of the exterior lights are at least turned off... boo. Other than that I really didn't accomplish much over the weekend, except to sit and knit hats for the upcoming Women's Marches.

One of the gals in my FB women's hiking group posted about getting together some winter walks, which I've so been wanting to do. Some people are still going up in to the mountains and hiking in the snow, which I don't want to do, I just want to get out for some good long walks with company, so I'm hoping something gets put together for this coming weekend. My waterproof hiking boots came over the weekend and I love them... I'll be wearing them out for walks around the neighborhood to break them in.

Happy Monday everyone!

Glad you are feeling good about the family visit after the service. I'm sure it was a hard day. Your visit to TX sounds like fun! A visit to the Silo would definitely be on my lis!

My friends I am very sad today ... this morning my beautiful, wonderful, bubbly 13 year old neighbour went to heaven. Her name is Bella and she is the biggest SUPERHERO I know ... she fought a valiant battle against cancer. Her wonderful mother and younger brothers came over to tell me themselves this morning. Bella was at times shy but also had a big personality and a smile that just lit up her whole face and was contagious and we had some wonderful water bomb fights this time last year. Bella, before becoming ill was the embodiment of a young healthy girl playing netball and was involved in the surf club amongst other sports.

So I am going to ask that any Mums on here give their kids and extra tight hug tonight and look into the sky for the brightest star there because her name is Bella.

This is a reminder to embrace your life, live it to the fullest and go after your health and wellbeing ... so this week whenever you get active - think you are doing it for you and for Bella and for all the other people who inspire us everyday.

So sorry to hear this! I will say a prayer for the family today.... and hugs to you all of course! Thanks for the reminder!..............P
Good Morning friends ... some interesting insight into our personalities yesterday with the help of our Character Quiz's - I love how we keep checking to see if it's really right lol.

QOTD: So now that we know our favourites and who we would be if we were a Marvel Super Hero .... Think about their personality, powers, abilities and then tell us how you are going to use that for inspiration throughout the rest of the month to help you achieve your goals.

Well, I got Iron Man.... but I had to google some of his powers and abilities because the only things that came to mind were the "suit" and Robert Downey Jr.! I think the most telling comment I found about Iron Man/Tony Stark was that "Here you have this character, who on the outside is invulnerable, I mean, just can't be touched, but inside is a wounded figure. Stan made it very much an in-your-face wound, you know, his heart was broken, you know, literally broken." I think that says a lot about me. I get hurt but try to hard not to show it.... I don't want to be seen as weak or vulnerable. Hmmm.... lots of food for thought there!


Okay.... gotta dash to work! TTYL.................P
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Good Morning friends ... some interesting insight into our personalities yesterday with the help of our Character Quiz's - I love how we keep checking to see if it's really right lol.

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I thumbnailed the images to fit them in....

QOTD: So now that we know our favourites and who we would be if we were a Marvel Super Hero .... Think about their personality, powers, abilities and then tell us how you are going to use that for inspiration throughout the rest of the month to help you achieve your goals.

I am not sure how to answer this. I really don't know anything about him. The description yesterday said something about being hurt in the past. But I really don't know. I will have to do some more research if I have time.

My friends I am very sad today ... this morning my beautiful, wonderful, bubbly 13 year old neighbour went to heaven. Her name is Bella and she is the biggest SUPERHERO I know ... she fought a valiant battle against cancer. Her wonderful mother and younger brothers came over to tell me themselves this morning. Bella was at times shy but also had a big personality and a smile that just lit up her whole face and was contagious and we had some wonderful water bomb fights this time last year. Bella, before becoming ill was the embodiment of a young healthy girl playing netball and was involved in the surf club amongst other sports.

So I am going to ask that any Mums on here give their kids and extra tight hug tonight and look into the sky for the brightest star there because her name is Bella.

This is a reminder to embrace your life, live it to the fullest and go after your health and wellbeing ... so this week whenever you get active - think you are doing it for you and for Bella and for all the other people who inspire us everyday.

This is so sad. I was crying while reading this. I will say a prayer for you and your family as well as hers.
Last night I got my steps in at home. It really helped watching a TV show that was really interesting. I was watching the story about the Mendez brother. I remember the story form when I was in like middle school.

I did not sleep well last night. I was up at like 4 for no reason. It was a crappy morning around here. We had snow, sleet, freezing rain and rain. I decided i was not driving the highway because there seemed to be a lot of accidents. I took the Rapid (our public transportation train). It is not the best but much saver. They are doing construction at my stop so I had to walk in the yuckiness. They were supposed to be done Fall of 2016 but I am not sure if they will ever be done.

Tonight will be a crazy night. My son gets his cast off. Yay!! I am excited and nervous. I really hope it healed right. We are bring the cast home with us tonight though. My son got a science kit for Christmas where you can swab different things and see what bacteria is on them. We told him we can do the cast. I am sure it will be really gross and something I may not even want to know. After he swabs it it will go in the trash.

I have a busy day today at work and a busy night so I am not sure if I will be back today. Have a good day everyone!
I'm sorry for your loss @4Mickeys but thank you for sharing such nice words with the group.

QOTD: So now that we know our favourites and who we would be if we were a Marvel Super Hero .... Think about their personality, powers, abilities and then tell us how you are going to use that for inspiration throughout the rest of the month to help you achieve your goals.

I'm assuming the common thread between the 3 Marvel characters I got was an appreciation for sarcasm/wit and a desire to be the best haha. So I think I'll channel that last bit to motivate me to be the best that I can be for the remainder of the month. I think Iron Man is also pretty confident so perhaps taking a page out of his confidence book will help me to feel better about myself mentally which will surely help me in my weight loss journey.
My friends I am very sad today ... this morning my beautiful, wonderful, bubbly 13 year old neighbour went to heaven. Her name is Bella and she is the biggest SUPERHERO I know ... she fought a valiant battle against cancer. Her wonderful mother and younger brothers came over to tell me themselves this morning. Bella was at times shy but also had a big personality and a smile that just lit up her whole face and was contagious and we had some wonderful water bomb fights this time last year. Bella, before becoming ill was the embodiment of a young healthy girl playing netball and was involved in the surf club amongst other sports.

So I am going to ask that any Mums on here give their kids and extra tight hug tonight and look into the sky for the brightest star there because her name is Bella.

This is a reminder to embrace your life, live it to the fullest and go after your health and wellbeing ... so this week whenever you get active - think you are doing it for you and for Bella and for all the other people who inspire us everyday.
Sending loving thoughts to the family.
So evidently Mystique is more of a villain than a hero? Hmmmm.... not sure what to think about that, do I need to learn how to own my dark side? She's a shape-shifter and that I can connect to as I am on a mission to shift my shape into something svelte and healthy.

Snow was forecast again for early this morning but the temps are too warm in the city for us to get anything. I wore my new hiking boots anyway, just because. Will try to get out for a walk at lunchtime and take them for a spin.

Here's to a healthful and happy Tuesday!
To kick off the week with a bit of fun tell us who your favourite Marvel Super Hero is and why. Also for a bit more fun when you find the time do a Marvel Character Quiz to see which one you would be ... lets see if there is a difference between your favourite and who you would be are you surprised with who they said you were?. Just google 'Marvel Character Quiz' and several will pop up.

Favorite is Bat Girl because she does good and only a select few know who she is plus she wears nice clothes

The 3 quiz where you put age and gender didn't give an answer, 2 other ones came up with Spiderman and 1 came up with Thor. This goes to show that I don't fit in a nice neat pigeon hole which is also what I am getting from those what will happen to you based on your facebook profile type questions. I never have gone neatly into a box. In school I was in Special Ed because of having a hearing loss but I didn't fit in because I was intellectually above them. On the same hand I didn't fit in with the regular students because I didn't always catch the subtle things in voice intonation.

QOTD: So now that we know our favourites and who we would be if we were a Marvel Super Hero .... Think about their personality, powers, abilities and then tell us how you are going to use that for inspiration throughout the rest of the month to help you achieve your goals.

This is a hard one but I would say that I want to start to look better though I know at my size it is going to take a while.

I was able to get my walk time in yesterday but am starting to go stir crazy with just walking in my house especially knowing that looking at the long term weather report that it is going to be late March or early April before it is warm enough to start being able to walk outside around in my yard trying to avoid the mud.
@sweetpeama I have no personal experience with it, but there is a fitness program on DVDs called Walk Away the Pounds. From what I have heard about it, it is a lot of walking in place, not high energy jumping around. I see that a lot of the videos can be found on youtube. I just did a search and this seems to be a relatively easy one:
Maybe doing something like this will help you feeling less crazy about running around inside? I know the video is 15 minutes and you are doing only 10 now. But there is no rule that you need to do the whole video!
@sweetpeama I have no personal experience with it, but there is a fitness program on DVDs called Walk Away the Pounds. From what I have heard about it, it is a lot of walking in place, not high energy jumping around. I see that a lot of the videos can be found on youtube. I just did a search and this seems to be a relatively easy one:
Maybe doing something like this will help you feeling less crazy about running around inside? I know the video is 15 minutes and you are doing only 10 now. But there is no rule that you need to do the whole video!

I haven't tried this one but have done the Leslie Sansone Walk Diet video and have gotten bored walking in place. I think a lot of it is with our extreme cold weather I have not been outside much and I am starting to go stir crazy. We have not had weather warm enough to really be outside for more than 5-10 minutes at best since early December.
I haven't tried this one but have done the Leslie Sansone Walk Diet video and have gotten bored walking in place. I think a lot of it is with our extreme cold weather I have not been outside much and I am starting to go stir crazy. We have not had weather warm enough to really be outside for more than 5-10 minutes at best since early December.

Maybe mix it up a bit? I totally understand your problem! And I guess going to a mall to walk around there would not work for you either? My boyfriend lives in Florida and he always talks about how he used to take his grandfather to the mall so that he could get some exercise inside because an 85-year-old walking in the Florida heat was not a good idea either. Don't give up because of the weather!
@sweetpeama I have no personal experience with it, but there is a fitness program on DVDs called Walk Away the Pounds. From what I have heard about it, it is a lot of walking in place, not high energy jumping around. I see that a lot of the videos can be found on youtube. I just did a search and this seems to be a relatively easy one:
Maybe doing something like this will help you feeling less crazy about running around inside? I know the video is 15 minutes and you are doing only 10 now. But there is no rule that you need to do the whole video!

I haven't tried this one but have done the Leslie Sansone Walk Diet video and have gotten bored walking in place. I think a lot of it is with our extreme cold weather I have not been outside much and I am starting to go stir crazy. We have not had weather warm enough to really be outside for more than 5-10 minutes at best since early December.

I have done many, many WATP videos and they can be boring, but there are SO many of them, you can definitely switch it up often! And the newer ones have more movement and better music than the older ones. There is even a power mile making the rounds now that sounds good! Don't give up on the idea until you've seen a few of them! They were my first foray into real fitness when I re-started this journey and it was a great way to get my "feet wet" so to speak!..........P
I also took 3 quizzes Hulk, Winter Soldier, Hulk! And well to be honest I really do fit the Hulk description. As for my favourites though I remember watching Spiderman cartoons as a kid - I liked him then and I like the Toby Maguire Spiderman movies - I didn't really like the Andrew Garfield version he was a little too arrogant for me - there is an ongoing argument between me and DS16 as he likes the Andrew Garfield version - although he did concede this week that Toby Maguire was the better Peter Parker. I am also putting up my hand for Thor - well because he is hot and because he is Aussie!!!

For those newbies who didn't see my post last year ... my kids and I played hookey from school/work and spent a day standing in the rain while they were shooting the Thor, Ragnarok movie in Brisbane - we were rewarded see pic of DS12 below and me in the background for some reason looking like I'm cheering but I was filming on the other phone lol

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@MinnieLovesTigger and @Oneanne - don't worry I got back into Super Heroes because of my kids.

Don't lie! You were totally cheering and partying! Lmao ;)
My friends I am very sad today ... this morning my beautiful, wonderful, bubbly 13 year old neighbour went to heaven. Her name is Bella and she is the biggest SUPERHERO I know ... she fought a valiant battle against cancer. Her wonderful mother and younger brothers came over to tell me themselves this morning. Bella was at times shy but also had a big personality and a smile that just lit up her whole face and was contagious and we had some wonderful water bomb fights this time last year. Bella, before becoming ill was the embodiment of a young healthy girl playing netball and was involved in the surf club amongst other sports.

So I am going to ask that any Mums on here give their kids and extra tight hug tonight and look into the sky for the brightest star there because her name is Bella.

This is a reminder to embrace your life, live it to the fullest and go after your health and wellbeing ... so this week whenever you get active - think you are doing it for you and for Bella and for all the other people who inspire us everyday.

So sorry about Bella. She sounds like a true princess. I hope she's at peace now, but I'm sorry that you have lost a friend. <3 Sending good thoughts your way.
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Just a super quick pop in. Crazy day that has me just getting home from work. It's before midnight, right?

My weird I went back to work so it is time to start exercising streak continued as I got in a good walking workout this afternoon. Still so cold but I must remember it is January.

@4Mickeys - I'm so sorry to hear about your friend Bella. She will be in my prayers tonight.

Back tomorrow!
Oh my gosh, that is so terrible about your neighbor :( I will pray for them. We are in a similar situation, our dear friends & neighbors just found out their 12 Y/o daughter has a mass - found it because of recurring sinus infections. It will have to be removed, which is going to be require a large amount of facial reconstruction & we are all praying like crazy it's not cancerous. SHe also has some abnormal blood work so....

My son also is getting his cast off -tomorrow morning! Perfect timing for water polo which also starts up tomorrow!

What migraine meds did you switch to that are working? I'm finding what I have is also just making it less, not completely gone. Last time, a couple weeks ago, it was 4 days of misery!

So, my goal for this week is to stay low carb, and lose 3 more pound. Hope it's not too steep!
10 minutes done for today with the challenge of 9 year old trying to stop and block me. I wasn't making her Mickey waffles and she was not amused. I am not very amusing to her tonight since I also slid off the road at an angle and she ended up sitting for a while at a 45 degree slope. Cue the fussing and crying. I am not going anywhere till Friday and that is going to be mainly daylight hours. Nightime blowing and drifting snow on an ice skating rink I've had all I can take.
I thought about trying to change things up some by going swimming or water walking but with these roads I am driving and I stick to the main ones I will reevaluate that idea sometime in the spring.
We are supposed to have a heat wave the middle of next week. They are predicting temps in the 40s.
@5disneykids I am Inn a hurry to get to work right now, but I will come back to your question about my migraine meds. In case I should forget, please remind me that I owe you an answer!
We are in a similar situation, our dear friends & neighbors just found out their 12 Y/o daughter has a mass - found it because of recurring sinus infections. It will have to be removed, which is going to be require a large amount of facial reconstruction & we are all praying like crazy it's not cancerous. SHe also has some abnormal blood work so....

I will pray for a good outcome for your friend's daughter. If is so weird how the world works sometimes - like when I was looking for a new rental house I came to this one on the spur of the moment by compulsion because I really didn't think I wanted to live in this area - we were used to being more in the middle of town closer to the shops and beach. But I did and then managed to be the one approved for the property - as a single person with kids that is always nerve wracking to me when you may be up against 2 income applicants. Then my son made friends with their 2 boys and we met Bella and my daughter would go out and play last summer when Bella was up to it and they would have water bomb fights and play handball on the street. The boys come over pretty regularly and particularly these holidays when things were intense at home it was a nearby safe place for them to hang out and have some fun with my kids. Anyway I guess I am saying sometimes you don't realise its the little things that people appreciate so much. My neighbour has told me that she feels like we were sent to be her neighbours during this time and how wonderful it has been to know the boys were welcome and treated so well while she could do what she needed to, to look after her daughter. I would have done so much more if I could have. I am sure you will be a wonderful support for your friends now and if needed in the future.

I am not very amusing to her tonight since I also slid off the road at an angle and she ended up sitting for a while at a 45 degree slope. Cue the fussing and crying. I am not going anywhere till Friday and that is going to be mainly daylight hours. Nightime blowing and drifting snow on an ice skating rink I've had all I can take.
I thought about trying to change things up some by going swimming or water walking but with these roads I am driving and I stick to the main ones I will reevaluate that idea sometime in the spring

That sounds scary - stay safe :-)

@Piglet glad you took the safer choice with your transport!

@Oneanne - so glad the service when well ... they can be so emotional but also help with the healing process. The trip with your sister sounds wonderful. I was thinking about your Marvel Character so I googled her - one description of her that I saw described her as an adventurer, to me that sounds like you - I am always jealous of your regular adventures.

Thank you for all your kinds thoughts and prayers for my friends - the support is really appreciated.

QOTD coming up soon - my computer is not playing nice right this minute grrr


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