News Round Up 2017

I have to be honest, I am loving what I am seeing out of Festival of the Arts. I wish I was still there and getting to experience this. Oh well maybe next year...

I agree - the food looks really good, and wonderful plating, and the prices seem reasonable

And the art classes and stuff - just looks like a good time

So, the cynical side of me says it will be back next year but with 1/2 the quality and twice the cost
I have no issue with the remakes - especially when they are good quality as most of them have been.

EXCEPT that it means that it cuts back on the number of original ideas that get made. While I am sure I will really enjoy B&tB - it will still be something I've already seen. Something wholly original gives the most pleasure.

That was one reason I wish Tomorrowland did better at the box office than it did. Understandable for them to bank on things they now will make a ton of money vs things that might made some money
That was one reason I wish Tomorrowland did better at the box office than it did. Understandable for them to bank on things they now will make a ton of money vs things that might made some money

Me to - but it also suffered from being not all that good. That's the common thread with recent Disney "original" ideas that were disasters - Lone Ranger, John Carter, Tomorrowland: They just weren't that good. Tomorrowland had a lot of promise, but just sort of flared out in the 3rd act. Another reason to remake movies - you already have a story that'll work again. It's the reason they keep remaking Romeo and Juliet 300 years later.
The fans were out in force. They also had some merchandise to commemorate the closing. I was tempted to buy some, but I figured I was jumping on the bandwagon just a little late...


Here's the layout:
View attachment 214785

Sadly Star Jets is getting dumped too.

Thanks for posting that, really interesting (side note - shows me that the Haunted Mansion in the Magic Kingdoms mobile game was modeled after their version)

Is the BatB area considered it's own land or an extension of Fantasyland?
It really takes a large chunk of their tomorrowland.
Yes, but to be brutally honest their Tomorrowland is a bit of a disaster already. They have a mixture of 60s/70s Retro Tomorrowland look, Star Tours Spaceport look, and the Monsters Inc. building separated by vast concrete expanses that do little to unify the land. We complain about our TL, but there's is worse albeit with great attractions.
Thanks for posting that, really interesting (side note - shows me that the Haunted Mansion in the Magic Kingdoms mobile game was modeled after their version)

Is the BatB area considered it's own land or an extension of Fantasyland?
The New Area is considered part of Fantasyland, which is odd because there will be nothing but a thin corridor connecting them.
The New Area is considered part of Fantasyland, which is odd because there will be nothing but a thin corridor connecting them.

That's what I was wondering that it seemed pretty far away and outside of the fantasy land boarders/courtyard really ... I'm sure they will make it work visually though
As a couple that is paying their own way through the joy of getting married through Disney Fairytale Weddings, I can tell you that the budget is real. It may not be the cheapest option, or the lowest budget, but when you compare ours to other couples who have spent 20k on JUST characters...

I also find it kind of hard to knock on anyone being disappointed by having to have pictures with them and that cake...regardless if it was wedding pictures or not.

If it makes you feel better...all weddings are a ripoff. The most needlessly expensive day in most people's lives. So you aren't getting less for your money at Disney than anywhere else. Characters are not worth a penny for that.

I did the whole disney wedding was actually easy and a good value at the time (but like all other things at Disney...has been cranked through the roof)...but we definitely had not one inkling for character type upsells.

But as far as the castle cake was a moment in was well publicized...and it was an idea that ran its course. That has become a "cliche" complaint. When there is far worse right now to look at.

People get overly concerned with their is dead ;)
That's a little bit harsh.

And even if the budget is 50k, or 200k, or 500k, there's always a budget.

It's generally is also "generally correct"

Not all cases.

My point was the castle cake complaint is overdone. Wand 2.0 and the hat are far worse in my opinion.
I've heard they haven't sold as well as hoped.

I was there on 12/30, and they looked completely empty. It was a cold busy day, a perfect day to be using one of those, if you were willing to pony up the money. I guess no one was.
It never fit...just didn't look right in the space...

And it wore out its welcome

And the original idea..."100 years of magic" didn't make any sense...the 100th anniversary of the birth of a guy that dies 35 years prior?

The real "100" anniversary will be 2028.
I was there on 12/30, and they looked completely empty. It was a cold busy day, a perfect day to be using one of those, if you were willing to pony up the money. I guess no one was.
I don't think they marketed them very well either. Many of the people who would buy them probably are not on sites like this where they are being talked about.
I don't think they marketed them very well either. Many of the people who would buy them probably are not on sites like this where they are being talked about.

Though I would think people that would buy them aren't planning their own vacation - and the person doing it is probably on sites like this :D


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