Disney’s MARVELous Super Hero - New You - New Year Celebration – January 2017!!

QOTD: Tell us 3 things that are SUPER about you!
For those of us who have done something similar before - challenge yourself to tell us 3 different things than you have in the past.

This question is always so hard to answer!

1. I love having conversations with my dad about psychology. He's a psychologist and I love learning new things from him.

2. I go out of my way to make the people that I care about happy in whatever way they need it. I listen intently and offer a hug or anything that I know will make them smile.

3. Superficially, I make a fabulous redhead :upsidedow

QOTD: How are feeling at this half way point? What strategies could you use to maintain your energy levels throughout the rest of the month ... this can be physical e.g. fuel as in food or mental energy as in motivation ?

I'm feeling neutral towards my progress this month. I'm making good progress and very happy to see weight come off. This past weekend I tracked every single thing that I ate and drank and it was a major wake up call. I know that I eat badly on Fridays often but then that bleeds into Saturday and Sunday and before I know it I've undone all my hardwork. The nice thing is that I can do my best to work out to try and right the ship. So my goal for the next two weeks is to just continue on. I want to recognize the small victories and improvements (i.e. having a WW tracked breakfast the morning after a night of drinking!) and not getting too focused on the bad things.
There seem to be a lot of podcast listeners... anyone mind sharing their favorites?

Here's a quick shortlist (I really am addicted, this is about 65% of the ones I'm subscribed to!) of my favorites--
  • My Brother, My Brother, And Me -- three brothers give fake advice
  • Adventure Zone -- those same brothers play Dungeons & Dragons (which I don't understand usually but it's such a great story) with their dad
  • Sawbones -- One of those brothers does a medical history podcast with his wife
  • Rose Buddies -- Another brother does Bachelor recaps with his wife (They're really, really funny brothers, and their whole family is part of a huge podcast empire that I discovered this past year.)
  • Limetown -- Sci fi narrative kind of creepy podcast with some amazing twists
  • Alice Isn't Dead -- Another creepy-ish narrative about a trucker looking for her missing wife
  • This American Life (the classic!)
  • You Must Remember This -- 20th century Hollywood history
  • 2 Dope Queens -- very very funny stand-up comedy podcast
  • Oh No Ross and Carrie -- a podcast where two people research and fully immerse themselves into various religions, cults, and other practices with a claim to the supernatural, very thoughtful and interesting
  • Mystery Show -- a MUST LISTEN, a woman answers obscure questions without resorting to the internet, so funny and poignant. It hasn't been updated in over a year but I'm holding out hope!
  • Harry Potter and the Sacred Text -- two people who study divinity at Harvard read each chapter of Harry Potter as if it is sacred to them

Love it!!!! I'm a podcast addict too. I enjoy some of the ones you've listed. And.... Going to show my dark side here-- I love true crime stuff. Here are a few of my faves:
  • Serial (season 1 more so than season 2)
  • Crime Writes On... (discussions of true crime podcasts, shows, documentaries, etc)
  • Criminal
  • Strangers (not true crime -- just good thought provoking human interest stuff)
  • The Moth :love: (not true crime -- awesome stories told by real people about life and the human condition)
  • My Favorite Murder (I swear I'm not crazy-- this is actually in the comedy section)
  • TED Radio Hour
  • TDR Now (@Flossbolna - this may interest you. This guy and girl have a podcast where they give AMAZING tips and reviews of how to do Tokyo Disney!) They helped me plan soooo much! And now I listen and fantasize about going back!

First of all: Happy belated Birthday! I hope you had a fantastic day!

Yes, TDR is going to a definite part of the trip - most likely we will do a stopover in Shanghai as well, so we get to see three Disney Parks in two different countries in one trip.

Didn't you go to Japan last year? I guess I need to ask you for some recommendations! I have already been reading all kind of info about TDR over the weekend and my boyfriend has actually already been there, so he has some knowledge. But I also need to figure out what else we want to do in Japan when there.

Thank you! And YES I LOVED IT SO SO MUCH! That's awesome that BF has already gone. I wished we had had more time in Kyoto. I don't know how much time you will be there. We did it as a day trip, but I could have easily spent 3-5 days there. Then as a Disney lover, we had 4 days at the parks, and still ended up adding another day LOL Oh my goodness, you are going to have so much fun!!!

Managed to run the Star Wars 10K yesterday with ease but got a bad case of food poisoning at around 2am so I didn't make it to the half marathon :( This has really caused me to feel down about myself and what I am trying to do through the next several months for goals. I recognize that my job is going to be more involved than I was originally told, so now I've gone from one extreme of "nothing to do" and now am "doing everything" at all hours!

I know I shouldn't beat myself up and count this up to a combination of bad food and stress, but it really didn't sit well with me that I wasn't able to do something. I am human after all and there will be things out of my control.

I'm going to try to check in more here - this last week was just tough to do so. I feel just so darn tired all the time because of the hours being worked. I hope it gets easier!

So so sorry to hear about the race and your general funk! :hug: But glad to hear you're feeling better!

Maintenance mode is rough and I like the red grapes because it's like eating wine at work.

:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: Bahahahaha!!! Love it!

:thanks: all for the birthday wishes!

As for me... back to reality today :sad: But we had a wonderful weekend. It was a perfect birthday all except for the part where I said my age out loud and it freaked me out for the first time! LOL I'm not super vain about it, but it just struck me how fast time is marching on!

All those lovely pounds I lost came right on back after a weekend of drinking and having cake (considering I've had a pretty dry holiday season and minimal sweets compared to last year, I think my body was in shock!). Anyway, I will be back at the gym tonight to start working on that! The cake was totally worth the work I'll do for it. That I am sure of!

Happy Tuesday everyone!
OK, three new/different things:

1. I am observant, and most always aware of what is going on around me. If I had a higher tolerance for dirt and bugs (and was younger and healthier) I'd probably do pretty well on Survivor because I'd be good at reading people and shifts in relationships/strategy... and good at the puzzles, but any challenge involving swimming would be my downfall... or running...

2. I am self-aware and mindful of my boundaries, and how I manage my personal "crap". My Disney travel pal, who I often room with, and I joke that we're a good match because we know how to keep our "stuff" to ourselves (kind of a PNWesterner thing).

3. I'm a pretty great gift giver. There's a book written on the five different ways we show love... I've only read highlights but enough to know I fit the gift giver profile, and I take it pretty seriously.

So Sunday when I didn't do the Burke Gilman Trail hike the weather was beautiful...tonight for the walk at the beach? Windy and wet. I'm still planning on going, as long as an umbrella can be used.

Small victory... I actually cleaned up after myself last night, washing the dinner dishes instead of just setting them in the sink. Small but kind of mind blowing.

Over the weekend I did knit the second finger-less mitt and did complete a hat, but both need to be frogged and re-done. I wore the mitts yesterday and they are too lose and slipped down my hands. The hat just isn't right... it is beautiful breed-specific yarn and I want to use it to it's best possibility, which in this instance appears to be more of a close fitting beanie. Oh, and last night I also ripped out a sock I am working on because it was too big... I've almost knit back to the point I was at when I un-knit it and should have it off the needles tonight. I wish I could say I'm saving a lot of money on yarn by knitting things two or three times, but alas that is not the case.
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Good morning friends :D hope you all enjoyed your weekend.

It's the start of another week but more importantly today marks the half way point for the month ... time is flying by!

Lets think about Scarlet Witch...

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So she started on the dark side but came to join the Avengers after the death of her brother Quicksilver at the hands of Ultron. We could sometimes think of our unhealthy selves as being on the dark side but we are all changing sides also to the Healthy side!! Scarlet Witch has several cool powers one of which is the ability to harness energy and use it in battle and to protect herself.

The halfway point can be tricky sometimes ... it can either propel us to further success if we have been making great gains or if results have been slower or life has been hectic we can easily fall off the wagon around now. But I am here to cheer you all on :cheer2::cheer2: to encourage you to harness your energy, keep you moving and use it if you feel you are battling right now :D

QOTD: How are feeling at this half way point? What strategies could you use to maintain your energy levels throughout the rest of the month ... this can be physical e.g. fuel as in food or mental energy as in motivation ?​

I think I am doing ok so far this month. I have had a few bad days but more good days. I am still having issues with my ankle but I am trying to not eat as much.

Hello friends :wave:.

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We have been exploring the abilities and characteristics of the Marvel Super Heroes to help us on our healthy journey. But we need to think about what it is that makes all of us SUPER HEROES. We can spend a lot of time being self-critical on this journey and it is important to remember that we need to be kind to ourselves more often.

QOTD: Tell us 3 things that are SUPER about you!

For those of us who have done something similar before - challenge yourself to tell us 3 different things than you have in the past.

This is tough

1. I am a good listener
2. I am very caring
3. I am a hard worker
I was thinking this weekend about an hold dress that I have that I only got to wear once. This dress was supposed to be the dress that my mom wear at my reception but the the person who was hemming it hemmed it to short so it became mine. I wore the dress at the dress up dinner on the cruise that we took for our honeymoon. Shortly after that I got pregnant and haven't been able to wear. I have decided to make fitting into this dress as my long term goal. I have always loved this dress and really want to wear it again. Here are the pictures of the dress.

Front of Dress.jpg Back of Dress.jpg
Ughhh... I went on a walk that ended up being a whole mile longer and a LOT harder than I had expected, and today I am dealing with one of the worst villains yet this month... SHIN SPLINTS. :sad: I'm extra grouchy about it because I have a race on Sunday and I won't be able to knock out much last-minute training before then. Oh well.

Would Disney feet saving strategies help your feet and ankles? I always help mine after a long park day by rolling an icy cold water bottle around with them and then heading for an alternating cold/hot soak. Usually 5-10 minutes of cold water (a bucket of ice plus cold water in the tub) followed by 10-15 minutes in hot.

Ooooh this sounds incredible. I've been rolling them around on tennis balls, which helps my arches a lot. I definitely need to invest in some Epsom salts for nightly foot soaking, though! Thank you so much for the tip! :flower1:

Love it!!!! I'm a podcast addict too. I enjoy some of the ones you've listed. And.... Going to show my dark side here-- I love true crime stuff. Here are a few of my faves:
  • Serial (season 1 more so than season 2)
  • Crime Writes On... (discussions of true crime podcasts, shows, documentaries, etc)
  • Criminal
  • Strangers (not true crime -- just good thought provoking human interest stuff)
  • The Moth :love: (not true crime -- awesome stories told by real people about life and the human condition)
  • My Favorite Murder (I swear I'm not crazy-- this is actually in the comedy section)
  • TED Radio Hour
  • TDR Now (@Flossbolna - this may interest you. This guy and girl have a podcast where they give AMAZING tips and reviews of how to do Tokyo Disney!) They helped me plan soooo much! And now I listen and fantasize about going back!

Season 2 of Serial was SUCH a disappointment... I really hope Season 3 turns out better. My friends have recommended me all of the above but I like creepy-scary podcasts more than true crime-scary. Some of the episodes of My Favorite Murder (yup, that's the real name) have been excellent, though, if you haven't heard that one yet!

QOTD: Tell us 3 things that are SUPER about you!

1. I have an excellent memory for names and faces, though not so much things like whether I ever emailed my boss back.
2. I like to write and I think I'm pretty okay at it!
3. I'm very approachable and good at talking to people.
I was thinking this weekend about an hold dress that I have that I only got to wear once. This dress was supposed to be the dress that my mom wear at my reception but the the person who was hemming it hemmed it to short so it became mine. I wore the dress at the dress up dinner on the cruise that we took for our honeymoon. Shortly after that I got pregnant and haven't been able to wear. I have decided to make fitting into this dress as my long term goal. I have always loved this dress and really want to wear it again. Here are the pictures of the dress.

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That is an amazing dress! I shall look forward to the day when you can post a picture of you in the dress. I am sure that it will be even more stunning then than on the hanger!
Wow--awesome dress! Floss--your trip sounds Amazing! Doing ok except one of my cats Mickey died today. He was getting up there but I think I was in denial because his brother is my closest cat buddy. Anyway- I missed his renal failure symptoms which honestly at his age there wasn't much that could be done...he was a good boy, quiet, beautiful and an all around great cat. Why I have such a bond with his goofy brother I don't know but I promised him today before he passed I would make sure his brother went to see the vet for a check up and he will Thursday. I had the 2 since they were 5 weeks old and about to be euthanized at the shelter for having upper respiratory. download.png IMG_0460-1.JPG
Busy day today
Spent the morning getting 9 year old ready for therapy then calling insurance to double check on how many visits she has this year and determing if any documentation is needed for them. Calling her therapy place letting them know what is needed. Listening to part of the WDW DIS podcast. Getting ready and heading to town Bank, gas station ( fuel card as a gift for some friends), 2 different credit unions, grocery store come home help unload groceries put perishables away. Headed back out dropped 9 year old off at martial arts, stopped by the gas station in the same parking lot so DH could clean the truck windows for me ( at 5'3" I can't reach the center of the windshield) and tighten the bolt on the passenger side wiper. Dropped DH off at work, ran by the post office and mailed some letters, headed back to martial arts to get 11 year old. She talked me into going to Chinese place in same complex. Other than thei crab puffs need to have more filling they had the best buffet around. 3 huge long tables 2 of them double sides and ice cream cones or dish with sprinkles which made 9 year old happy ( she had a couple of noodles, a little bit of bbqd pork rib, and a mini burger patty with cheese and ice cream.
Went to JBQ practice came home got my 11 minute walk in only 15.5 laps today.
Time for a nap before being up at 12:15 am to get ready to go pick DH up from work then stop by Wal-Mart to have him pick up phone cards, get water, home, take a quick shower and bed.
Will get QOTD later
QOTD: Tell us 3 things that are SUPER about you!
For those of us who have done something similar before - challenge yourself to tell us 3 different things than you have in the past.

1. I have an excellent BS barometer. I almost always know when someone is lying to me.

2. Stealing from @dsnyfn1022, I am also a fabulous redhead.

3. I have a vivid imagination and can use it to get through almost anything.


Writing to you from my steamy bathroom at 3:00 AM where my cold has definitely taken a turn for the worse and moved into my chest. I'm hoping the steam will loosen the junk and let me get at least a few more hours of sleep. I've already called in sick for my regular job but am working on patching myself together enough to go to the first class. It may be short but I would at least like to go over the syllabus and get through our first topic.

Also, I'm annoyed that I can't have more hot and sour soup delivered at 3:00 AM. I need it! I currently want to be a primadonna superstar who can make unreasonable demands.

@4Mickeys - best to you, Bella, and her family today.

I was thinking this weekend about an hold dress that I have that I only got to wear once. This dress was supposed to be the dress that my mom wear at my reception but the the person who was hemming it hemmed it to short so it became mine. I wore the dress at the dress up dinner on the cruise that we took for our honeymoon. Shortly after that I got pregnant and haven't been able to wear. I have decided to make fitting into this dress as my long term goal. I have always loved this dress and really want to wear it again. Here are the pictures of the dress.

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That dress is just beautiful. Excellent long term goal!!

Wow--awesome dress! Floss--your trip sounds Amazing! Doing ok except one of my cats Mickey died today. He was getting up there but I think I was in denial because his brother is my closest cat buddy. Anyway- I missed his renal failure symptoms which honestly at his age there wasn't much that could be done...he was a good boy, quiet, beautiful and an all around great cat. Why I have such a bond with his goofy brother I don't know but I promised him today before he passed I would make sure his brother went to see the vet for a check up and he will Thursday. I had the 2 since they were 5 weeks old and about to be euthanized at the shelter for having upper respiratory. View attachment 215717 View attachment 215718

I'm so sorry about Mickey. Give his brother extra hugs. I've got an old girl of my own that I keep extra close - I love my husband and the dog and the other cat but Miss Sophie has always held the keys to my heart.
Doing ok except one of my cats Mickey died today.

:hug: I am sorry to hear that he looks gorgeous - hope you and his brother had lots of cuddles today.

best to you, Bella, and her family today

Thank you - it was a beautiful day the service was such a great tribute to her and her family. Amazing mother spoke and told such a beautiful story of her daughter's life.
It's Wednesday again ... can you believe it is here already?! Ok warning... gratuitous GIF of Thor coming up to help us celebrate WooHoo Wednesday lol :D


Big or small lets celebrate it all :jumping1:
My woohoo's this week. My ankle is finally getting better. I am ready to get back to working out however I don't think it will happen until Friday. My son has his first band concert tonight and my daughter has a follow up eye doctor appointment tomorrow.

Another woohoo is my son was able to make a full fist with his hurt hand. This is big. We weren't sure if he would be able to do this again. Now we need to work on the strength part of it. He was so excited to be able to go to basketball practice last night and practice. We are letting him decided when he has had enough. We told him if his finger starts to hurt he may need take a break. Next up will be his game this weekend. We will see how that goes. These boys are all very competitive and games can get rough. We will see how long he makes it.

Another woohoo. This weekend we made a chart for the kids (they each have there own) of what they need to do each day including homework. If they get all of there check marks at the end of the week they will get an allowance. They are very into this right now. It is helping mainly to keep my son from forgetting homework and to get him more on a schedule. So far it has worked but it really has only been a few days.

I guess after not having so many woo hoo's when I was sick I am making up for it now.

I am a bit bummed at work though. One of my friends here just put in her notice. She just had a baby right before Thanksgiving and she has decided to stay home with her. I can't blame her. I wish I was able to do that. I am going to miss her here though.

Have a great Wednesday!!!!!!!!!
Disconnecting my fitbit from mfp seem to be working and I am much more chilled.

Leg day in the gym today, I really feel good about the progress with my new program. Visible difference in upper body - particularity my arms. I was looking at some pictures from October last year and definitely much more toned appearance.

I am getting bonus for last year in the end of the month so time to do some Disneyland California planning & booking
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Woohoo Wednesday -- I'm down 12 pounds today! :cheer2: Aaaand... let's see... my work computer, which kept freezing, just returned to me. I have extra planning time today (which as you see I'm using very productively). And there are only 3 more days until my first race of 2017!! I'm not what you would call "ready" but I am pretty excited!

Happy Wednesday, everyone! :dancer:
Wow--awesome dress! Floss--your trip sounds Amazing! Doing ok except one of my cats Mickey died today. He was getting up there but I think I was in denial because his brother is my closest cat buddy. Anyway- I missed his renal failure symptoms which honestly at his age there wasn't much that could be done...he was a good boy, quiet, beautiful and an all around great cat. Why I have such a bond with his goofy brother I don't know but I promised him today before he passed I would make sure his brother went to see the vet for a check up and he will Thursday. I had the 2 since they were 5 weeks old and about to be euthanized at the shelter for having upper respiratory. View attachment 215717 View attachment 215718
Oh dear... they are both so beautiful. So sorry for the loss of one of your fuzzies.


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