This is us..

Hmm the 9/11 theory is interesting but wouldn't the kids have been older maybe 21? They looked to be the age of that high school episode. Also I thought they lived in Pittsburgh when they were younger hence all the Steelers references? It's so easy to miss something on this show though!
It seems this Sophie is the cause of a lot of Kate's issues. Jack dying unexpectedly in their teens would explain why they are all having issues now including Kate not seeming as happy as she was once.
Omg…last night's episode made me crazy for three reasons:

1. They were listening to Borderline but doing Vogue. Kate was dressed like early 80s Madonna which was out of out of style by 1990 when Vogue was released.

2. Why do men just all of a sudden fall for Kate in like two seconds? I can see it happening once with Toby, but now this new horse guy sees her and is instantly falling all over her? Totally unrealistic.

3. I'm hating the whole Kevin's love life storyline. Olivia, the other girl (I can't remember her name) and now this new girl…ugh. I don't particularly like any of them (granted, I haven't seen much of this new one). The writers don't give it any time to see him developing any kind of relationship with these people so it's hard to care about whichever one he picks. It was bad enough with the first two girls and now they add a third? And one he hasn't even seen in 12 years? Jeez. Give it a minute. I think it's sloppy, lazy writing and I'm not going for it. I think back to shows like Moonlighting and Cheers where the love took a long time to develop and when it finally did, you were SOOOOO excited because you cared about these characters. These writers need to chill.
My son has a theory about Jack's death.

1) Kate is terrified of planes and flying.

2) Kevin destroyed the plane models.

3) Jack works in the City, and they live in a suburb of NYC/PA

Possible conclusion: Jack died in 9/11. The timing is right.

Any thoughts? The only hole I can see is Kate saying about watching a Super Bowl in 06, but what if she meant with his ashes?

They *look* like teens in the funeral scene...but 9/11 would make them 21/22 years old.
I've said before that I haven't cried watching the show. That changed this week.

The scene where Kate is drumming and having the flashbacks and she ends up screaming punched me in the gut and I did shed a few tears. That scene was so, so powerful. Seeing bits and pieces of Jacks funeral didn't help either.

I'm glad the show rebounded from last weeks episode.

I usually delete the episode after I watch it, but this one I didn't delete. It needs to be watched a few times, I think.

I didn't think about the borderline/vogue mixup but it is an error. They were at their 10th party so no way Vogueing was a thing then.
Omg…last night's episode made me crazy for three reasons:

1. They were listening to Borderline but doing Vogue. Kate was dressed like early 80s Madonna which was out of out of style by 1990 when Vogue was released.

2. Why do men just all of a sudden fall for Kate in like two seconds? I can see it happening once with Toby, but now this new horse guy sees her and is instantly falling all over her? Totally unrealistic.

3. I'm hating the whole Kevin's love life storyline. Olivia, the other girl (I can't remember her name) and now this new girl…ugh. I don't particularly like any of them (granted, I haven't seen much of this new one). The writers don't give it any time to see him developing any kind of relationship with these people so it's hard to care about whichever one he picks. It was bad enough with the first two girls and now they add a third? And one he hasn't even seen in 12 years? Jeez. Give it a minute. I think it's sloppy, lazy writing and I'm not going for it. I think back to shows like Moonlighting and Cheers where the love took a long time to develop and when it finally did, you were SOOOOO excited because you cared about these characters. These writers need to chill.
1. The party had been going on for awhile so I imagine there was a wide range of Madonna songs playing through the day. Jack was trying to cheer her up, she was playing along. I can see the parents saying okay, you can have a Madonna party but it has to be 80s Madonna not cone bra, fishnet and half naked Madonna. Or Kate just liked 80s Madonna better.

2. I don't know, I seemed to always have that friend who guys fell for instantly. Heck, my SIL is that girl.

3. I was relieved it wasn't Olivia. Clearly the writers are building up to big parts of why Kevin and Kate are the way they are. This girl is going to play a huge role in that. It's also peeling back more layers of Kevin, he started off shallow and flighty but now we're seeing he does have something deeper going on. I HATED the 10 years to get together romances from back when. They were just hooks to keep you coming back and once the characters were together the show was pretty much over or somebody left breaking the other's heart. They were formula plot lines and all the same.

I don't know about the 9/11 theory. My money is still on brain tumor.
I've said before that I haven't cried watching the show. That changed this week.

The scene where Kate is drumming and having the flashbacks and she ends up screaming punched me in the gut and I did shed a few tears. That scene was so, so powerful. Seeing bits and pieces of Jacks funeral didn't help either.

I'm glad the show rebounded from last weeks episode.

I usually delete the episode after I watch it, but this one I didn't delete. It needs to be watched a few times, I think.

I didn't think about the borderline/vogue mixup but it is an error. They were at their 10th party so no way Vogueing was a thing then.

With the microscope examinations of each and every historical reference of the show I checked when Vogue was released as I was watching the show last night. It was released in March of 1990, so definitely within the timeframe to be on the radar of ten year olds at the time.
With the microscope examinations of each and every historical reference of the show I checked when Vogue was released as I was watching the show last night. It was released in March of 1990, so definitely within the timeframe to be on the radar of ten year olds at the time.
. The kids were born in August 1980 so yes, the timelines definitely match up.
Just watched it and cried when Kate was doing the drumming and having the flashbacks. I think this show is amazing and love how we get more details on the characters with each episode. Sophie isn't a new love interest for Kevin, she is his ex wife and childhood sweetheart. She's also the source of a lot of Kate's issues, along with the death of her dad. I'm so happy that we get to see Kate deal with the deeper sources of her issues with weight, rather than go the gastric bypass route. It looks like they will also have her possibly questioning her relationship with Toby.

I don't examine every little historical detail of the show. I think by doing that I would miss the point.
Just watched it and cried when Kate was doing the drumming and having the flashbacks. I think this show is amazing and love how we get more details on the characters with each episode. Sophie isn't a new love interest for Kevin, she is his ex wife and childhood sweetheart. She's also the source of a lot of Kate's issues, along with the death of her dad. I'm so happy that we get to see Kate deal with the deeper sources of her issues with weight, rather than go the gastric bypass route. It looks like they will also have her possibly questioning her relationship with Toby.
I don't examine every little historical detail of the show. I think by doing that I would miss the point.
I kind of disagree (if only in principal by this point because I've lost a lot of interest in this show). But if the flash-back plot device is going to be so heavily relied-upon to develop the characters and story line, I think the writers ought to have the details 100% nailed. It's disorienting otherwise.
Did anyone notice that grown up Sophie is the girl from Walking Dead? It was driving me crazy because she looked so familiar. I think her name was Jesse, and she was the hairdresser involved with Rick at ASZ and she had the little boy with the worlds worst haircut?
With the microscope examinations of each and every historical reference of the show I checked when Vogue was released as I was watching the show last night. It was released in March of 1990, so definitely within the timeframe to be on the radar of ten year olds at the time.

You're right. For some reason I was thinking their 10th birthday was in the 80's. That's what I get for watching the show half asleep lol
I kind of disagree (if only in principal by this point because I've lost a lot of interest in this show). But if the flash-back plot device is going to be so heavily relied-upon to develop the characters and story line, I think the writers ought to have the details 100% nailed. It's disorienting otherwise.

I think they've done a great job.
Just watched it and cried when Kate was doing the drumming and having the flashbacks. I think this show is amazing and love how we get more details on the characters with each episode. Sophie isn't a new love interest for Kevin, she is his ex wife and childhood sweetheart. She's also the source of a lot of Kate's issues, along with the death of her dad. I'm so happy that we get to see Kate deal with the deeper sources of her issues with weight, rather than go the gastric bypass route. It looks like they will also have her possibly questioning her relationship with Toby.

I don't examine every little historical detail of the show. I think by doing that I would miss the point.
Yes to all of this!

I actually found myself getting protective of Toby and I don't particularly care for him, lol. This guy though put Kate's crap right up to her nose and forced her take a good hard look at herself. Toby remains passive in that respect, most likely because then he'd have to examine his own issues. If nothing else maybe this guy will have Kate asking Toby for a little more than romance.

The picking apart of the historical details diminishes the storyline IMO. For me it just is what it is. I also think some of the out there theories are going to lead to huge disappointment for a lot of people. At its core this show is about relationships, that's what I'm focusing on.
Just read an interview with the show's creator - he confirms that Jack died when the kids were in their late teens (16/17), so that would make it the late 90's.
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Also Sophie was one of the girls that wrote the note to Kate at the pool about not wanting to be her friend anymore because of the way she looked.
Btw, I loved Kate and Jack's "Vogue" scene. She is darling.
In the flashback, the note at the pool was signed by Samantha. Are we 100% sure Sophie was part of that mean girl group? Last night's episode was the first time I can recall hearing her name.
I think they've done a great job.

Me too. I couldn't be bothered to find out when diet coke came out or when a Madonna song was released or any other small details, it does not change anything for me and has nothing to do with the character interactions or story lines. Kate liked Madonna. She had a Madonna themed party. To me, nothing else matters. I just take it for what it is........a great tv show.

I do understand some must get all the details correct for true authenticity, but I just have no interest in researching timelines and verifying details. All the power to those that do though! I am impressed by the things people find.
Hate the horse man he's pure evil. I hope Toby whoops him.
I loved the scenes with Jack and Kate dancing. How super sweet. I was wishing my dad was more like that.
It will be interesting to see how the Sophie storyline plays out.
I hated seeing the funeral scenes so much they were so painful. The kids looked like younger teens to me.
I don't care about authenticity. It a feel good show and I feel good so that all I care about.
Did anyone notice that grown up Sophie is the girl from Walking Dead? It was driving me crazy because she looked so familiar. I think her name was Jesse, and she was the hairdresser involved with Rick at ASZ and she had the little boy with the worlds worst haircut?

Yes! In the walking dead,I just didn't like her with Rick and was so glad they killed her. When I saw her on last night's episode, I was like cool! Maybe, I was just glad it wasn't Olivia.
William was the best part of last night's episode. The rest was meh and didn't do a thing to further the stories. We knew Jack died, we knew about how old the kids were when he died, we knew Kate has serious issues with her weight, and we knew Kevin has been a selfish, shallow jerk his entire life.

This episode was by far the weakest.


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