ABCs of a Nursing School Grad Trip + FL Keys Mini Report;D is for: Dang! Last Chapter of this TR...

I have been absolutely terrible with posting replies, but I'm still here and following along!

I loved reading about your surprise upgrade and seeing those photos from the 4th floor. AKL is my favorite Disney resort, and I think it's fantastic that you were able to experience concierge. (I remember seeing the spot in the elevators for the concierge guests and thinking, "I wonder what it's like up there?" And judging from your arrival...pretty great!)
I sort of disappeared for awhile here...but it was for a good reason. My travel buddy and I had a trip to WDW during the Flower and Garden festival. So getting ready for that, bring there, then getting back on track at home kept me away. I did read a little bit here and there.

We have been going to WDW regularly since getting married in 88, staying exclusively on-site since the mid90s and at DVC resorts since the late 90s and have never once been upgraded! Congrats! I do have an online, non-Dis friend who lives in ft Myers. She is at Disney multiple times a year and will reserve an AKL concierge room during her ticket blackout periods just to enjoy the pool, animals and lounge. It sounds amazing! If we ever move there (we've talked about it for years, but nothing has ever happened yet), or we decide to take a non-park trip Id like to try the concierge rooms. At this point I don't like going all the way there and not spending most of our time in the parks so the additional cost of that level would be wasted if we aren't around to enjoy it. So for now, especially using the scooter, I prefer Boardwalk and it's park accessibility without needing to use a bus.
Oh, I also wanted to confess how utterly oblivious I am.

In your pics around the Boardwalk you had a pic of the girls on a sofa. (I'd go back and copy it but I'm on my phone...and, well, frankly too lazy :rolleyes1). I have stayed at the Boardwalk numerous times, including that very trip. I couldn't place it and figured it was one of the seating clusters in the lobby. Fast forward to the trip I just returned from. We're there a couple days, don't go through the lobby often because we usually go out the back door by the elevator on the DVC side. But we were this day and I made a point to look for it, still didn't see it. :confused:
Finally, our last day there, as we are taking our bags out to check them in at TSA I see it! I must have gone past it at least half a dozen times or more since we used the buses more this trip than usual. Makes me wonder what else I've been missing :sad2:
Remember the evening of fine dining at Victoria and Albert’s?


jk. Yes.

But Folks I’m about to share a moment in time, and in turn the included benefits, that simply made me literally drop a tear of delight and let out a squeak of surprise and stunned happiness.

I wonder what this "squeak of surprise" sounds like? Next time you get upgraded, please record yourself.

(“Soon”, if you haven’t figured it out yet, is a very relative term in the world of trip reporting.)

I am familiar with the concept.

When I told them that they were “already home”, they burst into big smiles and hugged each other.

Awwww!! :goodvibes

Well, the kids did; Mike, I don’t think really cared where we stayed.

Ah! Just happy as long as he can park his butt somewhere. A man of few requirements.

Queen Steppe, making dreams come true once in a while.

:laughing: Once in a while is pretty good. I kill dreams wherever I go.

Now, I know you can all do math


and I really don’t want to open a huge can of “controversy worms”, but yes, for one short night, we did have 5 people in our room.

Meh. I could care less. See next comment.

We were already paying the extra “adult fee” for Zach, since he was over 18, which is a stick in my craw.

I really don't get why hotels need to charge more for an extra person, other than an out and out cash grab.
As far as I'm concerned... you're paying for a room. Period. You want me to pay more? Then give me more!

I happened to know what that really feels like, and it isn’t very nice.

Yes... you do.

(And for you smart donkeys who think you’re going to pop one off about me having an actual craw, zip it.)

Who? Me??

You’ve been upgraded to Concierge Level. Congratulations on your Graduation!”

That's terrific! So happy for you!!

Never, EVER, EVER in my wildest dreams (they can get pretty wild)

Please describe some of these wild dreams...

Here's a view from the coveted 4th Floor:

Thanks for that, as I'll never see that view.

Waiting in our room:


Which shows that it wasn't a spur of the moment upgrade.

"OMG! Zach did you fart?"
"Nope! It was her!"

I had, knowing we’d be slowing down by then, built in plenty of resort time. I mean, why spend deluxe amounts of cash, and not enjoy what you paid for?

Which is why I'll never stay Deluxe. I can't justify the cash outlay for a room I'm almost never in. Resort too, for that matter.

Plus, I was now with a person who doesn’t “park” very well. For those of you who are hooked up with a hater, you get it.


Then again, it’s “Snack Time” all the time at Disney.

::yes:: Wayyyyy too many good snacks for it to be otherwise.

You could have unlimited of that?!?!!?

Coffee was available beginning at 5:00AM, Breakfast at 6:00. People? We’re talking a full breakfast here. Hot dishes included. There, in fact, was a cook doing up omelets.

Wow. And I do mean... Wow.

I'd have taken more, but started to feel weird about taking photos of everything.

I get that.

I enjoyed at some point a glass of wine.

Just one? Or were you just there for one day? Sorry, don't recall.

“We will absolutely fix the problem or replace it right away!”, was the response.

Nice! Not the experience Alison got, that's for sure.

2 days later, I was presented with a brand new American Tourister rolling suitcase to give back to my neighbors. No, it wasn’t exactly the same, but it was the same size, and was very, very nice. I’m sure it cost Disney over $300 easy.

I'm really very impressed.

Meantime, this was Mikki’s last night with us. After everyone was settled, she and I ventured out to explore a bit and get a drink to sit by the pool with.

Very nice. Got some alone time to chat with her. Mike didn't want to join you guys? Or was this more of a Mom/Daughter kind of thing?

after a dip into the Keys (a TR coming up someday near you),

You'll add it on to this one, won't you?

Southwest Air managed to take off a zipper pull on an outside pocket.

:sad2: Well that didn't last long.

After talking it over with my neighbors, they decided they did indeed want a new bag, which ended up costing me $150 afterall.

Not positive I'm following.
So you kept the new bag that Disney bought and replaced his bag with a same or similar one that he lent you, right?

Will you stick it out with me and find out what’s next as we work our way from A to Z?


Hmmm... nah. He runs a Contest and I'd hate to risk my lead in it.

Hmmm... So... not just a jerk... but a vindictive jerk. Gotcha.

Ok, if you were to back me into a corner, I guess I'd say, in this order to try or go to next:

Boardwalk, Poly, AKL, Wilderness Lodge, Beach Club, Yacht Club.

Interesting that you'd put WL before the last two. I thought you lived in the PNW so that one had the least appeal.

Too easy.

Uh, huh. You'd rather climb on the counter, right?

I dunno. I saw some pretty big fish snorkeling in the Keys.


I thought if you rode a Harley, you were cool enough already to wear anything and pull it off. Are you saying the "tough" is all an illusion?

Of course it's an illusion!
I try to look as cool and tough as possible...

But I'm just a big baby on a bike.


about that.

When I told them that they were “already home”, they burst into big smiles and hugged each other. Well, the kids did; Mike, I don’t think really cared where we stayed.

That's great the kids were thrilled. I'm sorry your DH is a non-believer! :laughing:

“Welcome Home, Mrs. Steppe…

You’ve been upgraded to Concierge Level. Congratulations on your Graduation!”

That is awesome! I've only stayed at Concierge Level by paying for it one way or another.

Never, EVER, EVER in my wildest dreams (they can get pretty wild) did I think I’d be staying at a Disney deluxe resort with my whole family, let alone, in a hoity-toity, over-the-top Concierge Level room. Ever.

I'm so glad that you got to have a once in a lifetime experience and especially on this trip!

Because we had 5 folks, Mikki had to go lose herself for a while until I called her. But in the meantime, the rest of us were personally escorted from the lobby up to the 4th floor.

That's too bad she couldn't get the tour too, but I totally understand. Good thing she was adult enough to deal with it.

We had the bulk of our trip behind us by now. We’d spent oodles of time it the parks, must-do lists were pretty much whittled down, and we had really entered the realms of “Vacation Mode”. I had, knowing we’d be slowing down by then, built in plenty of resort time. I mean, why spend deluxe amounts of cash, and not enjoy what you paid for? Now, we had about 4 billion more reasons to stick around. Plus, I was now with a person who doesn’t “park” very well. For those of you who are hooked up with a hater, you get it.

I am not hooked up with a hater, but she still "gets" the whole concierge thing. We have done it at AKL (before DVC) and it was definitely pricey, probably the reason she bought DVC! But AKL has an awesome Concierge!

Suffice to say, it was pretty darned amazing up there!


Ahhh, there it is, a missing wheel. Snapped off and gone.

“Excellent!”, I say to myself. “This is my neighbor’s bag I’d borrowed for the trip.”.

Ugh, but as you point out Disney takes care of it!

honestly, I seriously don’t get people who come in swinging, thinking they are going to get anywhere with a ‘tude. Don’t they understand they are going to get LESS service that way?

I know don't get what you want when you come on with an aggressive approach, just be understanding and everyone is better off.

After an hour or so of “lounging”, it was determined that to fix it would be 4 days.

NOPE! Not gonna work! “I’m sorry, Ma’am, we’ll have to replace it.”

SORRY!? LOL! My neighbors get a new suitcase...I’m not sorry. Disney, you just keep me wanting to come back, don’t you?

They are really good about things like that!

Southwest Air managed to take off a zipper pull on an outside pocket.

After talking it over with my neighbors, they decided they did indeed want a new bag, which ended up costing me $150 afterall. Surprisingly, I'm actually okay with this. In the end, I got a new bag for all the traveling I plan to do.

Ugh, with all you do and then SW screws it up. I'm glad it worked out for a win win!

I’ll leave off there, but have quite a bit more to tell you about our stay at the Lodge. Will you stick it out with me and find out what’s next as we work our way from A to Z?

I have stayed Concierge at the Lodge and can vouch that it is awesome! I have stayed at a few places Concierge but I think the AKL is the most awesome, so I can't wait to hear about more!
Way to go brilliant to get an upgrade to concierge level at the Animal kingdom lodge the food and drink avaliable looks very good. Having Breakfast there would save a bit of time as well.Suitcases what a bummer damaged twice what are the odds in that,you get a decent replacement then the airline goes and destroys the zip pocket on the new one.I have to agree with Princess Leia the prices for us brits for 2018 have went up so drastically.We are starting to pay the price for wanting to become an indipendant country from Europe again they have rocketed up.Our pound has plummeted in value against the world's currencys.You are not having much luck with the laptop technology is brilliant when it is behaving it's self but there is nothing more frustrating than tryng to wrestle with a tech device that won't play the game.Even worse when technology people claim to have fixed it and returned it back in the same condition.Hopefully when you get it back next time it will be fully restored.Did you find animal Kingdom lodge a bit remote from the rest of the parks some say the bus journey times are a bit long.
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I have been absolutely terrible with posting replies, but I'm still here and following along!

So glad you're still here! :) As you know, I'm pretty behind on your thread too! ;)

I loved reading about your surprise upgrade and seeing those photos from the 4th floor. AKL is my favorite Disney resort, and I think it's fantastic that you were able to experience concierge. (I remember seeing the spot in the elevators for the concierge guests and thinking, "I wonder what it's like up there?" And judging from your arrival...pretty great!)

Yep, definitely pretty great! Loved every minute, and the best part is that it was so completely unexpected!

I sort of disappeared for awhile here...but it was for a good reason. My travel buddy and I had a trip to WDW during the Flower and Garden festival. So getting ready for that, bring there, then getting back on track at home kept me away. I did read a little bit here and there.

Oh sure... excuses, excuses... ;)

But, it IS good to have you here again Tanya, in all seriousness. So glad you got to get away and enjoy F&G. Lovely, isn't it?

We have been going to WDW regularly since getting married in 88, staying exclusively on-site since the mid90s and at DVC resorts since the late 90s and have never once been upgraded! Congrats! I do have an online, non-Dis friend who lives in ft Myers. She is at Disney multiple times a year and will reserve an AKL concierge room during her ticket blackout periods just to enjoy the pool, animals and lounge. It sounds amazing! If we ever move there (we've talked about it for years, but nothing has ever happened yet), or we decide to take a non-park trip Id like to try the concierge rooms. At this point I don't like going all the way there and not spending most of our time in the parks so the additional cost of that level would be wasted if we aren't around to enjoy it. So for now, especially using the scooter, I prefer Boardwalk and it's park accessibility without needing to use a bus.

Yeah, if you can't slow down to enjoy the Concierge benefits, definitely no sense in splurging for it. We still did park time, but less of it because we were up there. I can see the lure of the Boardwalk for you though for sure!
Oh, I also wanted to confess how utterly oblivious I am.

In your pics around the Boardwalk you had a pic of the girls on a sofa. (I'd go back and copy it but I'm on my phone...and, well, frankly too lazy :rolleyes1). I have stayed at the Boardwalk numerous times, including that very trip. I couldn't place it and figured it was one of the seating clusters in the lobby. Fast forward to the trip I just returned from. We're there a couple days, don't go through the lobby often because we usually go out the back door by the elevator on the DVC side. But we were this day and I made a point to look for it, still didn't see it. :confused:
Finally, our last day there, as we are taking our bags out to check them in at TSA I see it! I must have gone past it at least half a dozen times or more since we used the buses more this trip than usual. Makes me wonder what else I've been missing :sad2:


But if you don't walk past it, or know it's there to look for it, I can understand how you'd miss it. I'm glad you DID see it though finally. :)

It is kinda funny though. LOL!

I wonder what this "squeak of surprise" sounds like? Next time you get upgraded, please record yourself.

You sound so confident there will be a "next time".

I am familiar with the concept.

I can't imagine why.

Ah! Just happy as long as he can park his butt somewhere. A man of few requirements.

Pretty much.

:laughing: Once in a while is pretty good. I kill dreams wherever I go.

I refuse to believe it.

I really don't get why hotels need to charge more for an extra person, other than an out and out cash grab.
As far as I'm concerned... you're paying for a room. Period. You want me to pay more? Then give me more!

I don't either. If it was truly a crowding thing or fire regulation they'd not allow it at all. It's stoooopid, and like you say a "cash grab".

Who? Me??

Smart aleks always can self-identify.

Please describe some of these wild dreams...

Ever seen the Labyrinth?

Thanks for that, as I'll never see that view.

Oh you of little faith....

Which shows that it wasn't a spur of the moment upgrade.

I hadn't thought of that. But you're right!

"OMG! Zach did you fart?"
"Nope! It was her!"


Which is why I'll never stay Deluxe. I can't justify the cash outlay for a room I'm almost never in. Resort too, for that matter.

But worth it if you take an intentionally "park light" vacation.

You could have unlimited of that?!?!!?


Just one? Or were you just there for one day? Sorry, don't recall.

We had 3 nights there. :)

Very nice. Got some alone time to chat with her. Mike didn't want to join you guys? Or was this more of a Mom/Daughter kind of thing?

Kinda just a mom/daughter time. Mike was tired from his long day of travel the day before still. He's not into late nights so much either.

You'll add it on to this one, won't you?

Yes, I believe so.

Not positive I'm following.
So you kept the new bag that Disney bought and replaced his bag with a same or similar one that he lent you, right?

Correct. Kept that one, and my neighbors and I spend an evening after I got home and picked on out together online over a glass of wine. THey are happy with what I bought them since they picked it out.

Hmmm... So... not just a jerk... but a vindictive jerk. Gotcha.

One can never be too careful!

Interesting that you'd put WL before the last two. I thought you lived in the PNW so that one had the least appeal.

Here's the deal... I got to see some of the Grand Californian at DLR on this last trip, and was.... impressed. I think I'm definitely warming to the idea of staying there someday.

Uh, huh. You'd rather climb on the counter, right?

Of course!

The sharks I saw (and swam with) didn't have teeth nearly that big.

Of course it's an illusion!
I try to look as cool and tough as possible...

But I'm just a big baby on a bike.

I conjured up a vision of you riding along with a pacifier in your mouth.
That's great the kids were thrilled. I'm sorry your DH is a non-believer! :laughing:

Anara was so thrilled with everything about AKL! The tour was another highlight for her. And me too, but in a way, not really. It allows me to take more solo trips that I really enjoy!

That is awesome! I've only stayed at Concierge Level by paying for it one way or another.

THere is no way I could ever afford that, so was so happy this was gifted to me!

I'm so glad that you got to have a once in a lifetime experience and especially on this trip!

Me too!!! So many wonderful things happened; every turn had another unexpected surprise around the corner!

That's too bad she couldn't get the tour too, but I totally understand. Good thing she was adult enough to deal with it.

She's pretty mature for her age. I think she just wandered around a bit, and then I texted her to meet me at the elevator.

I am not hooked up with a hater, but she still "gets" the whole concierge thing. We have done it at AKL (before DVC) and it was definitely pricey, probably the reason she bought DVC! But AKL has an awesome Concierge!

I'll likely never have this experience ever again, but it sure was nice! I can imagine that WL and AKL both would be awesome, but with the ethnic twists that AKL could put in, for me anyway, it kinda cranks it up a notch.

Ugh, but as you point out Disney takes care of it!
They always do. At least that 's been my experience.

I know don't get what you want when you come on with an aggressive approach, just be understanding and everyone is better off.

No, you don't. Just makes a stressful, bad situation worse!

Ugh, with all you do and then SW screws it up. I'm glad it worked out for a win win!

It was so ironic and in not a good way. But all's well that ends well.

I have stayed Concierge at the Lodge and can vouch that it is awesome! I have stayed at a few places Concierge but I think the AKL is the most awesome, so I can't wait to hear about more!
I was wondering how it stacked up to the others. Just out of curiosity.
Way to go brilliant to get an upgrade to concierge level at the Animal kingdom lodge the food and drink avaliable looks very good. Having Breakfast there would save a bit of time as well.Suitcases what a bummer damaged twice what are the odds in that,you get a decent replacement then the airline goes and destroys the zip pocket on the new one.I have to agree with Princess Leia the prices for us brits for 2018 have went up so drastically.We are starting to pay the price for wanting to become an indipendant country from Europe again they have rocketed up.Our pound has plummeted in value against the world's currencys.You are not having much luck with the laptop technology is brilliant when it is behaving it's self but there is nothing more frustrating than tryng to wrestle with a tech device that won't play the game.Even worse when technology people claim to have fixed it and returned it back in the same condition.Hopefully when you get it back next time it will be fully restored.Did you find animal Kingdom lodge a bit remote from the rest of the parks some say the bus journey times are a bit long.

We did get Food Court brekkie one morning but I think because we slept in too late?

But yes! Mmmm! So many yummy choices.

Ahh the suitcase drama. So funny, that in all of our trips we've never had an issue, until this time.... and then...


UGH! on the xchange. Boo!! I fear France may be headed the same way. Watching their election actually.

It's STILL out for repairs. I'm giving up hope of ever having my own laptop back again. Poor thing; I"m sure it misses me.

Hmmm.... not really actually. A bus ride is a bus ride, I guess. WE've had long ones from all the resorts we've stayed at- kinda depends on red lights and traffic. But, it was never annoying or anything. Not a reason, certainly to stay away.
Yikes I almost hijacked your thread posting my update on your thread!

Haha! That woudl have been funny! I am sure that Liesa would have no objection though to pictures of amazing food being posted on her thread. ;)

Liesa, I am horribly behind with comments. So sorry!! I think it is absolutely amazing that you got pixie dusted with an upgrade to CL for your AKL stay! You definitely deserved it! I would love to stay CL one day, but just the thought of how much it would cost makes me shudder. I have looked at it in the past and never could justify it. I already have issues paying more for a better view (unless the view is really really bad - like you know that it will be a stinky dumpster).

There was also no need to feel shy about taking pictures in the CL lounge. I have seen so many threads where people post detailed pictures of all the offerings in the concierge lounge here on the resort board.
You sound so confident there will be a "next time".

Of course. You're lucky. You said so yourself.

I refuse to believe it.

It's like you don't know me at all!

I don't either. If it was truly a crowding thing or fire regulation they'd not allow it at all. It's stoooopid, and like you say a "cash grab".

Only time I get it is if there's free breakfast or something.
But... then again... it's not really "free" if you have to pay for an extra person.

Smart aleks always can self-identify.

Thanks for thinking I'm smart!
But the name's pkondz... not Alex.

Ever seen the Labyrinth?

Good Lord!

What is wrong with you?!?!?


Oh you of little faith....

Let's just say it's extremely unlikely.

But worth it if you take an intentionally "park light" vacation.

Somehow.... Well, I was going to say that'll never happen....

But maybe it will! I'm going to stay optimistic.

Holy crap.
Must've been a few very "happy" concierge level guests.

We had 3 nights there. :)


Kinda just a mom/daughter time. Mike was tired from his long day of travel the day before still. He's not into late nights so much either.

Ah. Nice that you got that time, though.

Correct. Kept that one, and my neighbors and I spend an evening after I got home and picked on out together online over a glass of wine. THey are happy with what I bought them since they picked it out.


Here's the deal... I got to see some of the Grand Californian at DLR on this last trip, and was.... impressed. I think I'm definitely warming to the idea of staying there someday.

That place was pretty breathtaking, wasn't it?

I conjured up a vision of you riding along with a pacifier in your mouth.

It keeps the flies out of my teeth.
(“Soon”, if you haven’t figured it out yet, is a very relative term in the world of trip reporting.)

Exhibit A: my own TR.

When I told them that they were “already home”, they burst into big smiles and hugged each other.

So cool! I'm sure that was a special moment.

Well, the kids did; Mike, I don’t think really cared where we stayed.

Sigh. Mike, Mike, Mike. What are we going to do with you?

Now, I know you can all do math, and I really don’t want to open a huge can of “controversy worms”, but yes, for one short night, we did have 5 people in our room. Sorry, if you’re on the other side of that fence, but we did it, and I won’t apologize. Another $350 or whatever we paid per night was NOT worth it for 8 hours for one extra person.

Nope. Preaching to the choir here, as you well know. Not renting a second room for one family.

We were already paying the extra “adult fee” for Zach, since he was over 18, which is a stick in my craw. I happened to know what that really feels like, and it isn’t very nice. (And for you smart donkeys who think you’re going to pop one off about me having an actual craw, zip it.)

Aw, man. The Fun Police strike again.

“Welcome Home, Mrs. Steppe…

You’ve been upgraded to Concierge Level. Congratulations on your Graduation!”


Here's a view from the coveted 4th Floor:

So cool! Man, I love that resort.

We’d spent oodles of time it the parks, must-do lists were pretty much whittled down, and we had really entered the realms of “Vacation Mode”. I had, knowing we’d be slowing down by then, built in plenty of resort time. I mean, why spend deluxe amounts of cash, and not enjoy what you paid for? Now, we had about 4 billion more reasons to stick around.

Absolutely. When you pay a premium, you want to get as much value out of it as you can.

Plus, I was now with a person who doesn’t “park” very well. For those of you who are hooked up with a hater, you get it.

Thankfully, I have not had that problem. But I can understand.

We’re talking a full breakfast here. Hot dishes included. There, in fact, was a cook doing up omelets.

Man, that's a sweet deal.

SORRY!? LOL! My neighbors get a new suitcase...I’m not sorry. Disney, you just keep me wanting to come back, don’t you?


Southwest Air managed to take off a zipper pull on an outside pocket.

After talking it over with my neighbors, they decided they did indeed want a new bag, which ended up costing me $150 afterall. Surprisingly, I'm actually okay with this. In the end, I got a new bag for all the traveling I plan to do.

What is it with Southwest and luggage? And I say this as a general fan of Southwest.
I'm glad I figured it out! That would he been awkward if people started posting!

So in case you needed a bat signal I did post another update! :laughing:

But, I might have had a little fun with it. ;)

And today JUST might be the day I actually get some catching up done around here. Maybe.

Haha! That woudl have been funny! I am sure that Liesa would have no objection though to pictures of amazing food being posted on her thread. ;)

Actually, no I wouldn't. Since you're not on FB, you didn't see the photos of my Week of Awesome food.
Maybe I should post those just for fun. I had a great time cooking gourmet meals for a week just for fun.

Liesa, I am horribly behind with comments. So sorry!! I think it is absolutely amazing that you got pixie dusted with an upgrade to CL for your AKL stay! You definitely deserved it! I would love to stay CL one day, but just the thought of how much it would cost makes me shudder. I have looked at it in the past and never could justify it. I already have issues paying more for a better view (unless the view is really really bad - like you know that it will be a stinky dumpster).

Oh, I would never even consider it if I had to pay on my own. WAY too far out of my league! But sure was a nice surprise that I certainly didn't complain about.

There was also no need to feel shy about taking pictures in the CL lounge. I have seen so many threads where people post detailed pictures of all the offerings in the concierge lounge here on the resort board.

I probably should have in hindsight. I'm actually kinda sad I didn't now since I know I'll almost 100% sure never be back. At least I have the amazing memories from there to cherish and think back on. :)
It's like you don't know me at all!


Only time I get it is if there's free breakfast or something.
But... then again... it's not really "free" if you have to pay for an extra person.

'Free' is a tricky concept for some.

Thanks for thinking I'm smart!
But the name's pkondz... not Alex.

Hmmmm.... pkondz Trebek. Nice ring to it.

Good Lord!

What is wrong with you?!?!?


Oh? Not the kind of wild you were thinking of?

I'm going to stay optimistic.

pkondz pollyanna trebek.... even better.

Holy crap.
Must've been a few very "happy" concierge level guests.

I never saw any questionable behavior. I guess if you're paying that much, you'd better behave- it'd be such an expensive shame to get thrown out.

That place was pretty breathtaking, wasn't it?

I wish I'd taken more photos. I was pretty wowed to be sure.

It keeps the flies out of my teeth.

Mmmm! Breakfast on the go!
Exhibit A: my own TR.

Steady as she goes.....

So cool! I'm sure that was a special moment.

The smiles alone were worth it!

Sigh. Mike, Mike, Mike. What are we going to do with you?

Leave him at home to camp. Once a year is plenty for me.

Nope. Preaching to the choir here, as you well know. Not renting a second room for one family.

I just don't get it. If you're willing to stash a couple of kids on the floor... why not? It's your room.

Aw, man. The Fun Police strike again.

Party Pooper is my MO.

Absolutely. When you pay a premium, you want to get as much value out of it as you can.

I tend not to be one who wastes a good thing. Unless I'm party pooping. (see above)

What is it with Southwest and luggage? And I say this as a general fan of Southwest.

I'm a fan. Except that day.


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