The Last Trip: An (Eastern) Fantasy Food Adventure-Bonus Feature, Pam & Her Mom Pt 2 Sept 17 the end

What lovely pics in front of the mosaics and with the sisters; love your dress!

The massage sounds lovely.

Sorry to hear that Fran was so ill! Glad you had the right meds to help.

My DH would have loved that steak!
Ugh being sick on vacation is not fun!

I love your dress you were cute!

Jill in CO
What a shame that Fran was not feeling well. It otherwise sounded like the perfect sea day with massage, picture taking with and without characters.

I really love the date pudding from that menu. A lot of people say that the Enchanted Garden menu is not good, but for me it is actually one of the highlights. By the way, the app has all the menus for the cruise, so you could have read the whole menu to Fran. But it sounded like she was far happier with her tub of soft serve!! Very impressive!!!
Sorry that Fran was under the weather but glad that it not turn into pneumonia. The date pudding looks really good to me and my dh would love your prime rib. I like my meat a little more well done but dh likes it rare.
Reading your trip report with interest. I am thinking about renting a scooter for our cruise in Nov. 2017' Do not have a handicap room, but are on the Fantasy Deck two , right by the restaurant that is down there. I can walk, just not long distances. Is the scooter easy to maneuver on the ship. Can you get where ever you want. I heard people can be really rude toward people on a scooter. Would love to here your take on it. You can e-mail me at
I totally agree with this. Although during breakfast at Lumiere/Royal Court they do have that smoothie bowl thing...Morning tugboat I think it's called? It was yummy!

They also have that up at Cabanas, but it's got too many things mixed in that it doesn't sound at all good to me. Same with the Mango Mountain Hike.

Oh...that doesn't stop me from indulging, haha. I just pop a pepcid and take some advil if I need to later. I just make sure to drink them at night only so I can sleep any headache away.


I'm sure it was a different type of caviar that we paid and upcharge for, and it also included some champagne.

I don't go out of my way for caviar. If it's served to me, I'll eat it, but I don't order it specially.

Yup, with an accent on the last you pronounce it cah - nell - lay
I hope I did that right. hahaha.

That's what I kind of figured with my (very) limited French and all.

Thank you for the real description. I cannot bring myself to try it as I just can't bring myself to believe that it would be even close.

When you haven't had any carbs for two weeks you get desperate!

Hmmm...good point. Perhaps adding a couple nights after the cruise.....and trying a new resort....would be a win win.

Thanks to your photo in front of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, that has made it into our next trip - as well as the house from A Christmas Story (thx @pkondz). I was looking for something to break up that section of our road trip.

The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame was pretty interesting. I learned some interesting things about the psychedelic period which happened near where I grew up while I was growing up. I didn't realize that kind of stuff wasn't happening everywhere in the world. :laughing:

Yes, definitely going to Disney following a cruise is a win win situation.

Oh no! Sorry to read that Fran wasn't well. Hope it passed quickly.

Loved the pics of you and Anna/Elsa....and the mosaics. Beautiful.
Sounds like a great spa afternoon.
And that 1/2 cow on your plate looks nice.

It sort of passed quickly. Thanks we were having fun with the chairs and the photo shoots!

I did enjoy the half cow on my plate. Looking forward to Monday night when I can have another one!
What lovely pics in front of the mosaics and with the sisters; love your dress!

Thanks! I don't get to wear that one much.

The massage sounds lovely.

It was! I'm hoping to do one tomorrow!

Sorry to hear that Fran was so ill! Glad you had the right meds to help.

Unfortunately we've had problems when traveling before, so we come prepared now.

My DH would have loved that steak!

I really liked it too!

Ugh being sick on vacation is not fun!

I love your dress you were cute!

Jill in CO

We've had our share of it too!

Thanks! I like that dress a lot, don't have a lot of occasion to wear it. Hopefully once we're moved out I'll get more time out having fun and less moving boxes and stuff.

What a shame that Fran was not feeling well. It otherwise sounded like the perfect sea day with massage, picture taking with and without characters.

I had quite an enjoyable day, it's too bad she ended up getting ill.

I really love the date pudding from that menu. A lot of people say that the Enchanted Garden menu is not good, but for me it is actually one of the highlights. By the way, the app has all the menus for the cruise, so you could have read the whole menu to Fran. But it sounded like she was far happier with her

I really like Enchanted Garden's Menu probably the most. It has the largest selection of mains that I enjoy. AP is the least. Only the truffle pursettes and tomato tart appeal to me there.

Sorry that Fran was under the weather but glad that it not turn into pneumonia. The date pudding looks really good to me and my dh would love your prime rib. I like my meat a little more well done but dh likes it rare.

The last time she had pneumonia she was intubated for two weeks. Her breathing sounded like the might before she went into the hospital. It was scary.

I really love that date pudding. Beyond the Soufflé, iTS probably my favorite.

Reading your trip report with interest. I am thinking about renting a scooter for our cruise in Nov. 2017' Do not have a handicap room, but are on the Fantasy Deck two , right by the restaurant that is down there. I can walk, just not long distances. Is the scooter easy to maneuver on the ship. Can you get where ever you want. I heard people can be really rude toward people on a scooter. Would love to here your take on it. You can e-mail me at

Unless you are a skilled scooter rider, a rented scooter can be hard to maneuver on the ship. The rental scooters are usually larger than the model Fran uses. A lot of the spaces on the ship are tight and especially getting in and out of the elevators is a challenge. Plus if you don't have a handicapped room, there may not be enough space in the room for a scooter and other occupants. I think it depends on the scooter driver. Fran is very courteous, she isn't pushy, and she also realizes that most people don't see her down there. I think where the animosity towards scooter drivers comes from is those people who don't watch out for others, run people's feet over, and drive way too fast for the circumstances. We actually found on our Fantasy cruise that most people were really nice to her and very accommodating.
Great pictures with Anna and Elsa. Well done remembering your sparkly!

Glad Fran didn't get pneumonia, hope she felt better soon! Mom has missed two dinners on our cruises, I have missed no dinners :laughing:

Aren't those mosaics so pretty! Love your dress, very cute photos.

Glad you hadn't lost your camera.
Great pictures with Anna and Elsa. Well done remembering your sparkly!

Thanks. I had remembered Paula saying how they had transformed AP into Arrendel and I wanted to see it for myself this trip. I'd probably skip it next time around.

Glad Fran didn't get pneumonia, hope she felt better soon! Mom has missed two dinners on our cruises, I have missed no dinners :laughing:

Me too! Been there done that enough times. Rarely would I miss a dinner either!

Aren't those mosaics so pretty! Love your dress, very cute photos.

The mosaics are so pretty, I love a cute Disney mosaic.

Glad you hadn't lost your camera.

Me too! I had all the first couple days pictures on there!
So I realized yesterday that I forgot to include the next days Navigators in the last update, so here they are.

And I can finally say that I am all caught up again. (Had to take 32 teenagers to Vienna for the week - lots of prep beforehand, but good planning paid off and they were pretty tired when we got back to the hostel).

Love, love, love Remy brunch and the champagne tasting. And it was interesting to see that the menu has changed quite a bit.

You seemed to make the VERY best of your seaday with brunch and all the photo ops.

Sorry to hear that Fran fell ill, but relieved that you were on hand with meds.

Dinner looks very nice - we enjoy Enchanted Garden as well and I LOVE that Date Pudding. So yummy. Tom would have enjoyed that prime rib as well, I am not such a fan of it, I shy away from the sheer size of the meat.

Trying to stay on top of things and will email you soon.
Bummer that she was sick on another cruise. It's so hard for me to be away from home when I am sick like that.

I enjoyed Michael Holly on the Wonder. Did you manage to catch any of his shows?
Truth hurts.

I thought it was "love hurts".
I'm so confused....

So essentially you have the same boxes in your house, but you call them a different name?


Yes. I'm sure you could. If I could help you get it I would!

When I come visit, when I'm all "Let's do this! And this! And then this!"
Just say "How about a nap instead?"

I didn't realize you would even consider drinking coffee. I will try to point out in the TR when she does actually drink some coffee.

Oh, I've had tons of coffee!

Lemme see... mmm.... four.
Yep. I've had four cups of coffee in my life.

Yes there is, right next to the smoothie, so why would you pay $4.75 for a smoothie when you can get soft serve ice cream right next door for free. Just let it melt a little and you have a smoothie!

Good point.
And fruit is free at the buffet.

So... they're charging you for use of a blender.

Bring your own.

You need to hang out with me more!


But I still don't like cauliflower!

Me neither.

You can't even listen to a 10 minute talk? :confused3

Oh, sure.... Unless I'm tired. Then all bets are off!

Okay, I get that.

After we left our Remy Brunch, we decided to go down to Guest Services to take care of a small issue. Instead of booking our return transportation to the Boardwalk, they had us going back to the airport. All they needed to do was change one small letter on our Key to the World which indicated we were going back to a resort and not the airport. He printed us new keys and we were on our way.

For a second, when you said is was a small issue... those things somehow turn into big issues.
Glad it turned out to be as small as you thought.

You look perfectly content and quite regal sitting there!

When I noticed that my P&S camera was not in my pocket.

Uh, oh!

The sisters immediately noticed that I had adorned myself with snowflakes and thought that was quite an appropriate gesture.

Yes. Good call! :)

Then I bolted out of there.

I know the feeling!

I was headed back to the room to look for the camera, while she went to Guest Services on deck 3 to see if I dropped it after she took pictures of me.

Totally understand this. If you read my last update....

Turns out it was on the bed in the room

Wish my iPod had just been in the car.

I love that!

You look pleased as punch!

The hot tub was nice, but the jets didn't seem to work.

:( Well, that sucks. Then it's just a hot pool.

It was nice, and I even fell asleep for a bit.

Sounds like someone really enjoyed herself.

I came back to the room at around 6PM to find Fran fast asleep and complaining of massive indigestion.

Oh, no. Poor Fran.

There is always soft serve ice cream on Deck 11,

I guess I could have just waited for your update before asking about that.

so I took her little tupperware container up and got her vanilla ice cream.

I wondered how that would go with the indigestion...

I did want to save room for another of my favorite desserts. I started with the Lobster Ravioli in a tomato broth. It was a pretty large portion and I really enjoyed it.

Sounds yummy! I'd try that.
And I'm not a huge ravioli fan.

For my main course I ordered the Prime Rib. When he asked how I liked it done, I told him to bring me the rarest piece of meat he could find. It was a huuuuge piece, you could even say bigly. It was really good, all stupidity aside. Nice chunks of fat to pair in each bite of lean meat. I did my best, but could only eat about ⅔ of it.

I'm surprised you could even eat that much.
That thing looks huge!!!

For dessert, I ordered the Creme Brulee drink

Yeah... I can see myself ordering that too.

When I got back to the room, I found Fran worshipping a god no one wants to honor.

Oh, dear. I hope she started feeling better after that.

I was afraid that she might aspirate and it would turn into pneumonia. Spoiler alert: She did not.

Well... good for that, at least.
I do enjoy seeing your pics of all the different restaurants that you eat on the DCL as well as the food.

You got a lot of nice Disney character pictures during the trip.
:welcome: I'm glad you made it over here! Of all the TRs I read before going on the trip, yours was the most helpful. Even if we didn't repeat much of your activities, it helped give me a sense of timing for the cruise. It also got me to look up excursions and stuff, otherwise we would have probably just toddled around the ports which seemed pretty boring.
Aww I'm glad to hear! You seemed to have made FANTASTIC time on your sea days! How was the spa?
Sorry to her Fran got sick, but a tub of soft serve does look amazing haha. I actually never even thought to bring any containers before!
Cheers to the Birthday Girl!
party:Have a magical birthday today, Alison. party:

And I can finally say that I am all caught up again. (Had to take 32 teenagers to Vienna for the week - lots of prep beforehand, but good planning paid off and they were pretty tired when we got back to the hostel).

Wow! That sounds like a nightmarish trip! Thank goodness they were exhausted when they got back to the hostel. You stayed in a hostel? That would never fly in the US!

Love, love, love Remy brunch and the champagne tasting. And it was interesting to see that the menu has changed quite a bit.

It was your report that caused me to go there. We need to do it on our next cruise.

BTW @jedijill is also joining us on that cruise! :banana: I need to send you an email!

You seemed to make the VERY best of your seaday with brunch and all the photo ops.

I think we pretty much did, other than Fran feeling sick!

Sorry to hear that Fran fell ill, but relieved that you were on hand with meds.

From now on, I am traveling with all those meds just in case!

Dinner looks very nice - we enjoy Enchanted Garden as well and I LOVE that Date Pudding. So yummy. Tom would have enjoyed that prime rib as well, I am not such a fan of it, I shy away from the sheer size of the meat.

I don't mind the size as that is what I cut for myself at home. I don't care if I can't eat it all, but I give it a shot. In fact that is what I have chosen for my dinner of choice on my birthday tomorrow. I love Prime Rib!

Trying to stay on top of things and will email you soon.

I owe you an email as well!

Bummer that she was sick on another cruise. It's so hard for me to be away from home when I am sick like that.

I enjoyed Michael Holly on the Wonder. Did you manage to catch any of his shows?

She must be getting used to being sick on vacation the way it has been going. We will not travel without at Z-pack in the future. I've never seen Michael Holly. Spoiler Alert: the only show we saw was Aladdin.

I thought it was "love hurts".
I'm so confused....

No, it's "Love Stinks"

When I come visit, when I'm all "Let's do this! And this! And then this!"
Just say "How about a nap instead?"

Would we be napping together? :confused3

Oh, I've had tons of coffee!

Lemme see... mmm.... four.
Yep. I've had four cups of coffee in my life.

Wow. I can't believe you can count them.

Good point.
And fruit is free at the buffet.

So... they're charging you for use of a blender.

Bring your own.

I'm pretty sure that blenders are on the "verboten" list, as are musical instruments, and portable irons.

Oh, sure.... Unless I'm tired. Then all bets are off!

OK repeat after me. The ice enhances the flavor of the beverage. Oh heck, just dine with me and I'll do all the talking!

For a second, when you said is was a small issue... those things somehow turn into big issues.
Glad it turned out to be as small as you thought.

I try not to be a drama queen.

You look perfectly content and quite regal sitting there!

Well, thank you!

Yes. Good call! :)

I know the feeling!

Totally understand this. If you read my last update....

I'm just glad it was i the room.

Wish my iPod had just been in the car.

I'm guessing that someone got a new iPod, but you're lucky with the cloud.

I love that!

The gay mice?

You look pleased as punch!

I was getting a massage, why wouldn't I be?

:( Well, that sucks. Then it's just a hot pool.

There was some amount of water circulation, just no jets

Sounds like someone really enjoyed herself.

I've stopped doing deep tissue massages, so if I fall asleep i figure it was a good one. Today was interesting....Normally I prefer a female therapist, but they omly had a male available.

Oh, no. Poor Fran.

I guess I could have just waited for your update before asking about that.

I wondered how that would go with the indigestion...

I think my update when I got back to the room explains how the ice cream went with the indigestion. She thinks dairy helps. I'm not so sure.....

Sounds yummy! I'd try that.
And I'm not a huge ravioli fan.

I've had this one previous occasions and always iked it.

I'm surprised you could even eat that much.
That thing looks huge!!!

I was surprised too, but it had been like 8 hours since I'd had any food and I think massages make me hungry.

Yeah... I can see myself ordering that too.

It was a good drink and potent too!

Oh, dear. I hope she started feeling better after that.

Actually that was the night I emailed you thinking our vacation was "over", she did bounce back. I was amazed.

Well... good for that, at least.

Yeah, I've had enough times in the ER with her with pneumonia, no wonder I'm scared of it!

I do enjoy seeing your pics of all the different restaurants that you eat on the DCL as well as the food.

You got a lot of nice Disney character pictures during the trip.

Thank you! Eating is a big part on the cruise ships, at least for us. We like all the different options.


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