The thing that drives me crazy is them saying Jess made a mistake by using the hex and keep asking her how it feels to throw her game away for Cody, but Jess was on the block, there was no way they were going to let her keep that power. They even said if Jess doesn't use the hex, vote her out. So she had no choice but to use it. Christmas is the one who threw her power away. She was not in jeopardy at all and there will be a time she is and she will not have her hex.
As long as Paul the puppet master is calling the shots Jessica will be going home. He is obsessed...

Really not a fan of Christmas or Raven and their complete smugness in the game.....whatever happened to the game where people strategize how to get others out? Throwing twists and curves to shake up the game?

This whole belittling and berating thing by everyone is really exhausting and quite annoying to watch.

I hate to admit it but there was about 5 minutes where I actually liked Josh.....that reverted quickly back.

In beginning, I had such high hopes for Alex, she sounded like she had her game play together but then she was starstruck by the little dictator /puppet master. So extremely sick of that arrogant, little.....tool
(it's the only word I could think of that wouldn't get me points! LOL)
How is Jessica still in this game?! She is "poking" people. If a guy were doing this, he'd be gone. I'm sure of it.
How is Jessica still in this game?! She is "poking" people. If a guy were doing this, he'd be gone. I'm sure of it.

Not only would a man be gone from the game, he'd be immediately fired by his employer, publicly shamed on social media, and likely have to register as a sex offender.
I'm not really sure why Josh had Christmas use the ring of replacement if his plan is to get out Elena.

This is exactly what my husband asked me last night.
This is Paul's HOH again, Josh is his sock puppet.
Seeing Paul laying HOH bed and Josh is down in the blue couch room talking to Christmas says it all............
How is Jessica still in this game?! She is "poking" people. If a guy were doing this, he'd be gone. I'm sure of it.
That could be said of any of the players. Paul put Vaseline in Cody coffee cup could of killed them. Josh.banging those pots all the time is harassment. They all do stupid things. I saw poking going on it wasn't as bad as what they say. Jessica wasn't the only acting badly that night.
That could be said of any of the players. Paul put Vaseline in Cody coffee cup could of killed them. Josh.banging those pots all the time is harassment. They all do stupid things. I saw poking going on it wasn't as bad as what they say. Jessica wasn't the only acting badly that night.

So you believe banging pots and putting vaseline in a coffee cup is the equivalent of shoving your fingers up someone's butt crack after they've told you not to do it?
I have never heard of anyone doing such a disgusting thing as what Jessica did or does. Completely gross. IMO, Jessica is not a person I would want to be acquainted with at all. She should have been thrown out of the game. How can CBS justify allowing her to continue? Also, I know in the past house guests have made quick hookups, but it doesn't make it acceptable behavior. Jessica talking about another couple is really strange and weird. She's disgusting. IMO
I know Josh is behavior is erratic, but it's obvious that Cody and Jessica are two nasty people. I doubt their condescending attitude isn't just confined just to Josh.
Watching Cody again last night was sad and frightening. I don't know a thing about mental health, but my heart went out to him when he was crying. My thoughts were that this is a very lonely man who wants to be loved, but doesn't know how to do it or change his behavior. It seems he knows he pushes people away and has a bad temper. However, on the other hand, that rage that he has is frightening. IMO, Jessica and he would be a disaster outside the house as a couple. He wouldn't be able to handle anyone disagreeing or arguing with Jessica. I could see him losing his temper and hitting someone. Jessica is a strong woman and can handle herself and he needs to be the hero. I just think that is his personality. I could see him having major fights with her friends and family. No one can ever know how someone is effected by what they see or what goes on when they are in the military so I hope if Cody's anger issues are due to that, he is able to get help. After all, it's his service and that of others in the military that keeps the rest of us safe.
On a lighter note, I think the sound effects this year have been hilarious. When Christmas was fighting with Jessica and turned and left on her scooter, the sound effects were great. Also, Paul is really funny in the DR.
I have never heard of anyone doing such a disgusting thing as what Jessica did or does. Completely gross. IMO, Jessica is not a person I would want to be acquainted with at all. She should have been thrown out of the game. How can CBS justify allowing her to continue? Also, I know in the past house guests have made quick hookups, but it doesn't make it acceptable behavior. Jessica talking about another couple is really strange and weird. She's disgusting. IMO
I know Josh is behavior is erratic, but it's obvious that Cody and Jessica are two nasty people. I doubt their condescending attitude isn't just confined just to Josh.
Watching Cody again last night was sad and frightening. I don't know a thing about mental health, but my heart went out to him when he was crying. My thoughts were that this is a very lonely man who wants to be loved, but doesn't know how to do it or change his behavior. It seems he knows he pushes people away and has a bad temper. However, on the other hand, that rage that he has is frightening. IMO, Jessica and he would be a disaster outside the house as a couple. He wouldn't be able to handle anyone disagreeing or arguing with Jessica. I could see him losing his temper and hitting someone. Jessica is a strong woman and can handle herself and he needs to be the hero. I just think that is his personality. I could see him having major fights with her friends and family. No one can ever know how someone is effected by what they see or what goes on when they are in the military so I hope if Cody's anger issues are due to that, he is able to get help. After all, it's his service and that of others in the military that keeps the rest of us safe.
On a lighter note, I think the sound effects this year have been hilarious. When Christmas was fighting with Jessica and turned and left on her scooter, the sound effects were great. Also, Paul is really funny in the DR.

That was hilarious when Jessica was still talking and Christmas just zoomed off! LOL


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