Guardasil Vax For 12 Year Old Boy?

All of my kids got this. Dd16 just got her first dose over the summer, so will need 2 more. Dd14 and ds14 just got their first, but they will only need 1 more. Our pediatrician says she was for the vaccine back when dd21 got it at 12, but with what she knows now, she is 110% in favor of the vaccine (and vaccinated her 3 daughters).
I suggest doing some online research. You're going to see lots of conflicting information.

On one hand it prevents certain cancer causing strains of HPV. On the other hand it DOESNT prevent certain cancer causing strains of HPV. So will your child be protected from HPV or cancer? Some.

Food for thought...

About 4,200 women a year die from cervical cancer. (It's probably safe to say lots of those women avoided yearly exams) About 360 deaths from penile cancer.

44,000 a year people die from drug overdose.

620,000 people die every year from heart disease

Almost 3300 people die in car crashes every single day.

I believe sometimes these drug companies feed our fears and manipulate our protective natures. They are making HPV out to be some killer epidemic when quite's just not. They will rake in billions on this vaccine and will probably only make a small dent in the death toll. Idk. Maybe that "one less" marketing really speaks to you. :confused3

Only you can decide.

Do your research.

I personally am not vaccinating my teenage son for this. For the record all my kids are up to date on the recommended vaccinations. This one just isn't on my radar.

Best of luck.

True, HPV might not be an outbreak but when it gets you, it becomes a big deal.

In my opinion, it's not worth the risk.
Both my boys got the vaccine. I was on the fence, but our pediatrician convinced me to get the vaccine for my boys. She said she would have given it to her boys in a heartbeat, but sadly they were too old for the vaccine.
Our oldest DD just received the first dose this summer. DD#2 will get her first dose next year. We plan for both of our boys to get the vaccine when they become of age.

For us it's a preventative measure. There are a 100 different forms of HPV and while the vaccine cannot prevent all forms it is peace of mind.
One of the things to keep in mind, when doing your research online...

Check your sources, and be very critical of what you read. Don't trust something just because the site name sounds "medical-ish" or because they quote people with letters after their names. Double check what you read with established sources like Johns Hopkins or the CDC.

Red flags:

"Your doctor won't tell you..."

"Drug companies don't want you to know..."

"The government is hiding these research results from you..."

And especially be wary of any kind of horrifying story about an individual child who was graphically injured by the medication you're researching. Anecdote is NOT data, and any time you come across an anecdote-heavy site, be wary. It's a form of crass emotional manipulation.

Finding Reliable Health Information Online:

(Full disclosure: Gardasil wasn't offered to boys when my children were in high school. My daughter got it. My son didn't. I wish we'd been proactive and gotten it for him!)
My kids were about the age when it came out. Their pediatrician said that she had to offer it but she would not give it to her kids. There was not enough information about long term efffects. SHe told us the it was our choice and we did not get it.

My daughters pediatrician said the same thing, she has 4 kids and would not give it to any. I am glad that she didn't push us because my daughters half sister had a major vaccine injury due to this one vaccine and I was adamant that she was not getting it. I am not an anti-vaccine person, she has had every one up until this one but this one is one she will not be getting unless she decides on her own that she wants to get it.
My son will be getting it when he's older. I realize it doesn't prevent all cancers, and I realize that - like all medical procedures and all medicine - there is a very small risk associated with receiving the vaccine.
But I can't imagine not protecting my children against a vaccine preventable virus unless there were a specific compelling reason not to (ie, allergy to components of the vaccine, autoimmune issues, etc)
Is it worth the risk to drive to the grocery store for milk? Because everytime you get in your car you have 1 in 133 chance of dying.

To me, possibly getting cancer isn't a risk I'm willing to take with my child. Every parent is different though. And no, I'm not saying you want your child to get cancer. No one deserves it.
I suggest doing some online research. You're going to see lots of conflicting information.

On one hand it prevents certain cancer causing strains of HPV. On the other hand it DOESNT prevent certain cancer causing strains of HPV. So will your child be protected from HPV or cancer? Some.

Food for thought...

About 4,200 women a year die from cervical cancer. (It's probably safe to say lots of those women avoided yearly exams) About 360 deaths from penile cancer.

44,000 a year people die from drug overdose.

620,000 people die every year from heart disease

Almost 3300 people die in car crashes every single day.

I believe sometimes these drug companies feed our fears and manipulate our protective natures. They are making HPV out to be some killer epidemic when quite's just not. They will rake in billions on this vaccine and will probably only make a small dent in the death toll. Idk. Maybe that "one less" marketing really speaks to you. :confused3

Only you can decide.

Do your research.

I personally am not vaccinating my teenage son for this. For the record all my kids are up to date on the recommended vaccinations. This one just isn't on my radar.

Best of luck.

Your car death data is reporting worldwide deaths while all your other data is US only. The US daily car death is approx 100/day not 3300 (its apples and oranges comparison. For instance cervical cancer deaths jump to 300,000 a year when using worldwide stats).

I think it's also important to note that approx 13,000 cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed each year and that in most cases cervical cancer treatments prevent future fertility. So even though cervical cancer isn't a major killer it can take away your ability to have biological children.
Is it worth the risk to drive to the grocery store for milk? Because everytime you get in your car you have 1 in 133 chance of dying.

Nope that's not how that stat works either. That stat is your chance of being killed by x in your lifetime- so we all will die eventually, what are the chances that the thing that kills you is a car crash- .0075188

Not the same thing that every time you get in a car you have a almost 1% chance of dying. That would mean most of us were dead before we hit 5 from traffic accidents.
My daughters are 30 and 32 now. They did not get the vaccine. It was new when they were younger and one of their classmates who got the vaccine had a horrific reaction. I had been on the fence about it, but that kind of decided it for me.
Nope, I don't do this one for boys or girls. I am thankful that we as parents get to make these kinds of decisions for our kids. I urge everyone to research thoroughly and make up their own minds. What is good for me may not be good for you.
Everyone I know was vaccinated. Anything that can prevent some HPV and save needless biopsies, worry and cancer is a good thing.
All vaccines have risks, in this case the good far outweigh the bad (in my opinion).

But then again, I believe in science and facts and are not swayed by people with agendas.
For those that say they vaccinate their children but are choosing not to get an HPV vaccine, why are you choosing to not get this one but are okay with the others?
Your car death data is reporting worldwide deaths while all your other data is US only. The US daily car death is approx 100/day not 3300 (its apples and oranges comparison. For instance cervical cancer deaths jump to 300,000 a year when using worldwide stats).

I think it's also important to note that approx 13,000 cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed each year and that in most cases cervical cancer treatments prevent future fertility. So even though cervical cancer isn't a major killer it can take away your ability to have biological children.
Fair enough. That helps me feel better about getting in my car anyway!

My crappy statistic quoting aside traffic related death and disability is staggering. We get all our fancy cars with airbags and special safety features and the numbers are still growing. Even though only day 40,000 people die 2 million are injured or disabled! That's a lot of grief.

I'm not saying people shouldn't get the vaccination. Fear is usually the driving factor with these things and we have more pressing things to fear.


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