Any NFL fans not watching this year due to the protests?

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Long time suffering Giants fan, and I love football! Still watching! I support peaceful protest and do not see kneeling as disrespectful.
This is the first year my daughter is really into it and she walked all of the way out the stadium crying on Sunday. Poor kid. She goes, “Why can’t they just win ONE GAME???”
This is the first year my daughter is really into it and she walked all of the way out the stadium crying on Sunday. Poor kid. She goes, “Why can’t they just win ONE GAME???”

Awww, it's so hard for kids. The Giants seem to find ways to lose. I don't know what is going on, but something has to change. We're 0-4, at this rate we'll have a good draft pick. :)
I disagree with the protests but I don't watch football (or any sports for that matter) so I guess it's a wash.
No difference, I don't watch football.
I'm not a fan of symbolic gestures. They are using the wrong forum IMHO. If you are truly concerned about a situation, go out and spend your time and money trying to fix it. Some players are doing that. Not enough though.

Given the life threatening injuries folks are suffering in football, I do wonder if sometime in the future it will be banned and people will be saying "can you believe it was actually legal to do this, and they called it a sport?!"

No one makes the football players play. Just like in boxing and ufc or any other sport. You do it for the $$$$$$$ you take the chance.
I gave up football years ago when I gave up regular tv. I get why they do it. I am all for their protest if they also try to be the solution as well. Protesting without action just makes you look like a spoiled brat. I also grew up in a military family, so my dad's side of the family has pretty much given up football. The highly respect our flag and our anthem and what they believe they stand for.
I kneel to God every Sunday in church. Kneeling is a gesture of respect, not disrespect. The players are kneeling to protest in a way that is respectful to our flag, nation, and veterans.

So no, I am in no way offended by the protests.
It's only a sign of respect if that's your intention.
It's only a sign of respect if that's your intention.
That's like saying that giving someone the finger is disrespecful only if that's a person's intention...

Being respectful is the players' intention. They've stated so publicly.

Kneeling is inherently respectful. That's why they're kneeling instead of just sitting down, which would be disrespectful.
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I don't watch sports because it does not appeal to me. I have no problem with this peaceful, respectful way of bringing attention to an issue. There is no greater show of deference and respect than taking a knee. Just ask the folks on Game of Thrones lol. But seriously, our vets fought for our right to peacefully protest, so get yer kneel on NFL!
Football was never my thing so I still don't watch but it has nothing to do with the recent attention.

I do find it hilarious that people are not watching now, but had no problem before watching even the players who have been in real trouble and were able to go back to playing.
I'm boycotting those team that are allowing there teams to take a knee. I'm about about to boycott about the whole NFL for allowing the players to disgrace veterans and the flag in this manner.
Were there countrywide boycotts of the NFL when players were arrested for murder? no
Were there countrywide boycotts of the NFL when players were arrested for repeated dosmetic violence? no
Were there countrywide boycotts of the NFL when multiple teams were involved in cheating? no

Yet the kneeling - which has specifically been stated is being done as a way to show respect to the flag but still peacefully protest a situation occuring in America - draws offense? The fact that this is what makes people get very upset shows a misguided set of priorities to me, and a deliberate misunderstanding of what the players are intending to do with the kneeling.
And, it is not 'protesting' the kneeling... It is called a simply boycott of something that one thinks is very very wrong.
It is called voting with your wallet, or your feet.
HUGE difference. HUGE HUGE HUGE difference.

If I was a big football fan, I would want to be watching Football.
A great American sport.
An activity that is supposed to bring people together, in the spirit of the Olympics and athletic competition.
Not some billionaire idiots who want to display their own issues, and force their political views on what might be called a captive audience, while on the clock, instead of on their own time.
Not some billiionare idiots who think that Ppotesting our flag, our entire country, that many have fought and died for, has anything, at all, to do with what they seem to think they are protesting about.
Not some people who think it is a good idea to disrespect and alienate half of their paying fans. ( I think/hope that the Franchises are beginning to realize this.)

That goes for other people who think that their job entitles them for force their issues and political views on others.
Like Kentucky Crazy Lady, many so-called 'stars' or 'personalities'.
Anyone on EITHER side of these contentious and divisive issues.
I have no double standard here.

These people could do SO much more good if they would use their own gabillion dollars, time, network of contacts, etc... in a positive way.
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kneeling - which has specifically been stated is being done as a way to show respect to the flag.
Ummm, are you kidding???
To 'Take a knee' (cant even stand that phrase) specifically during the presentation of the flag, and our National Athem, is not, very very very much, disrespecting our flag and our country.
Sorry, but it is what it is, and it is very very very obvious.
I just don't think kneeling is that bad. IMO it's a passive, peaceful way of getting a point across without being disrespectful. The media maybe wants us to think differently......maybe cuz they seem to be all over it at least on our local channels here in Michigan.
Ummm, are you kidding???
To 'Take a knee' (cant even stand that phrase) specifically during the presentation of the flag, and our National Athem, is not, very very very much, disrespecting our flag and our country.
Sorry, but it is what it is, and it is very very very obvious.
It is not very, very, very obvious.

So, as I asked another poster, you are in favor implementing forced shows of patriotism? Despite the fact that our constitutional freedoms are guaranteed by the very military you say are being disrespected.

I personally think it is disrespectful to the military to imply that they are fighting for nothing, that it is ok to ignore our constitutional freedoms that they have died protecting.

The ploy to try to hurt the NFL didn't work well anyway. The game I was at last week was sold out and there were less than 500 no shows in a 75,000 seat stadium. Every game has been sold out, with hardly any no shows, since this whole thing was resurrected.
Love this quote from "The American President." Kneeling can be substituted for the burning of the flag. Kind of sums up how I feel. This is what our brave soldiers fight for.

America isn't easy. America is advanced citizenship. You've gotta want it bad, 'cause it's gonna put up a fight. It's gonna say, "You want free speech? Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who's standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours." You want to claim this land as the land of the free? Then the symbol of your country cannot just be a flag. The symbol also has to be one of its citizens exercising his right to burn that flag in protest. Now show me that, defend that, celebrate that in your classrooms.

Then you can stand up and sing about the land of the free.
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