(spin off) What is the WORST Christmas gift you've ever received?

The in laws...

My BIL and his girlfriend once gave me jewelry, a necklace and the gem was a tanzanite. Um...you are not my husband nor do I love you two and I don’t like tanzanite, I like diamonds but I will also take emeralds, opals or rubies but not from someone who is not my husband. Needless to say it sat in a drawer for a few years then I threw it away~didn’t care if it had monetary value.

Same BIL/GF gave me multiple years in a row the same 2 candle scents:balsam fir and evergreen (or something like that). Now I love a real Christmas tree and the smell of it but I do not like those scents. So in return I would get them candles that I liked, you know like Macintosh, pumpkin spice, etc...

Other BIL gave us one of those coffee table/side couch table zen water gardens. This is gong back about 15-20 yrs ago. I never used to and threw it away. Same BIL gave me a bunch of Disney snow globes. At least he knew I liked Disney but I am really not a dust collector person and those gloves require dusting of the small parts.

MIL- a taco salad maker, well the thing you put a wrap in and bake it so it comes crunchy in the shape of a taco bowl. Books to write about the house upkeep..um, there are computer programs for that, and pillow last year with a poinsettia. Ow I like those plants but they are not pretty on a pillow! She also gave me a blanket last year of a color I would not choose and really geared towards a males style.

I know there are more but I can’t recall. Oh one year my DH bought me a bunch of ornaments. Let’s just say quite a few are ugly, not something we participate in-he bought a Santa on a baby grand piano, um, neither of us plays a piano or has any interest in listening to a concert with a piano player. Every year I tell him a few of the ornaments I hate and he knows it! I am mean but hello...bad gift and you are my husband I had to train you that first Christmas!
Wow, you’re pretty tough to please. None of the things you mention are totally outlandish and your reaction to the necklace is actually kinda bizarre. Maybe tell all your friends and family to just go with Amazon gift cards and keep their heads down from now on...:duck:
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Mine might not be so bad after reading these loL! The year I turned 16 my sister and her then dh gave me a full set of Corvette Keys and told me that in the garage was my car. I went to the garage and there was a corvette in there but it was model sized lol! Not the worst by any means but not funny when you are 16!!!!!!!!

My inlaws like to by trinkety crap. They waste their money on dumb stuff and it bothers me - they also get a kick out of giving me John Deere brand things (straw holders like you would find in a soda shop, switch plate covers, mini lunch boxes). They were farmers and my dh loves JD but not me. So one year they give me a really heavy, big box to open. As soon as I unwrap it I see that its a JD box.... I felt my face fall to the floor but I tried to hide it (unsuccessfully). Once i remove the box, which was a joke, I found silverware (not JD) but they wanted to prank me so that I thought I was getting something JD. They are strange people loL!
From my BIL/SIL. A sweater 3XL. That year, I wore a medium.

There were no tags, no way to know where it came from. It was a super heavy sweater and I donated it. I hope someone really enjoyed it and kept warm.
My nana got me the wrong sizes of clothing every year at Xmas for about 2 decades. I think she thought I was fat (I wasn't her favorite, but I do love her) and that my actually heavier cousin wasn't. (BTW, I was tiny.) It was hysterical in hindsight. Her buying clothing seemed to be roughly based on how much she liked you. It was weird and quirky. She'd buy my size 8-10 mom clothes from plus sized specialty stores, but mom could often wear the clothes she bought me - when I wore clothes from the children's department. It really upset me when I was in middle school though, but I was in middle school, what can you do? Sometime after college she actually got really food at gift giving, but the women still doesn't understand the idea of keeping a receipt or a gift receipt. When we get gifts from her, mom and I still ask "what size?"
My husband's sister once gave me 4xl pajamas from the walmart clearance rack. Nothing wrong with walmart clearance, but I was a size 12 at the time.

Same sister in law - misprint t-shirts from a gift shop clearance rack - the ones they sell 4/$10. All size small, regardless of recipient, none of us were small.

From my husband - a beatles greatest hits cd - I don't like the beatles, he loves them.

I already posted the worst one on another thread - junk mail and old computer parts wrapped up in a box. His family loved to do the wrap up an empty box to make someone think they are getting a big present then laugh hysterically when the recipient realizes there's nothing in it gag. He knew what I thought about it, especially since their developmentally delayed younger sister was a favorite target (and there usually wasn't a real gift to replace it). So he decided for some strange reason to do it to me in front of his entire family and some friends. The only thing that saved him was that the cat had torn the box open a couple of days before and I had seen what was in it while fixing the tear so I just said thank you and set it aside without opening it when my turn came. He got an earful later that night. I told him that if he wanted to stay married that he had better never try that again with anyone, especially not at our house.
The in laws...

My BIL and his girlfriend once gave me jewelry, a necklace and the gem was a tanzanite. Um...you are not my husband nor do I love you two and I don’t like tanzanite, I like diamonds but I will also take emeralds, opals or rubies but not from someone who is not my husband. Needless to say it sat in a drawer for a few years then I threw it away~didn’t care if it had monetary value.

Sorry but you sound super rude in this incident. That's a fabulous gift. It may not be your style but to just throw it away and be ungrateful. Wow.
Wow, you’re pretty tough to please. None of the things you mention are totally outlandish and your reaction to the necklaces is actually kinda bizarre. Maybe tell all your friends and family to just go with Amazon gift cards and keep their heads down from now on...:duck:
I was thinking the same thing. None of those gifts sounded that hideous.
One year, I asked my parents for hunting gloves. I got heavy mittens (which is what my dad prefers for hunting). So, the following year, I asked for “hunting gloves - NOT mittens”, and received a different style of mittens.
So the wrong sizes thing by numbers of sizes is common? That's so weird. I can see buying a small or large for somewhere who is a medium, but a range of sizes off.
Oh surely, the pearl necklace, given me by the ex.
It was the nicest presented gift I ever received from him which should have made me suspicious right then and there:lmao:.

I put to the side that I had already expressed a distinct dislike for symmetrically shaped pearls (I prefer free-form), white blue color (does nothing for my skin tone thus white with a yellow or pink tone are my favs) and do not like choker length; gimme opera length or gimme nothing. Of course he gave me a choker length clutch of white blue symmetrical pearls.
What mitigated the situ was the obvious care that went into packing the offering. Double boxed with the 2nd container being a 30's Art Deco powder container. The pearls themselves were wrapped in a antique hand tatted silk handkerchief and I received a beautiful hand made card of vellum and lace appliques.
Rarely if ever wore the pearls but the powder container and silk handkerchief were well cherished and displayed.

Ahhh but then it hit. The marriage ended and at some point I found self in financial straits. Decided to sell some of my possesions and included the necklace.
Imagine my surprise, humiliation and chagrin when the seller pronounced the pearls fake.

Yes, well that was then and this is now. At this point in my existence I thank him for the valuable life lessons he taught me. Oh and the fact that the last I heard he was an itinerant grape and herb picker somewhere in Europe warms that dish of ice cold vengeance just a teeny bit because really I prefer room temp meals....
The year I was 16, I received a flannel nightgown and a polyester muumuu from my dad and his girlfriend. That's it; no stocking, no other gifts.

May not seem so bad, except her two youngest kids (elementary school age) received so many gifts that there wasn't room in our tiny living room for anyone to stand. Her oldest (a year older) got everything you would need to furnish your first apartment, plus a stereo system and a Walkman and a full stocking (including gift cards, candy, makeup, cassette tapes). the younger kids didn't upset me so much, as they were kids. But the older...yeah, I was pissed.

I've been doing Reddit Secret Santa for a few years, and the worst gift I've received there was a Google 3d thing. Not a bad gift for some people, but 3D rides and movies make me ill, and there is no way I can use this thing. Same Santa exchange, DD2 got a movie kit from Amazon. Expired popcorn and expired movie tickets. Amazon wouldn't replace it.
Story of my life. Every other Christmas my sister and I got to watch our younger brothers open a virtual toy store while we got Kmart jammies and crocheted crap from the church bazaar. Once she bought us down vests, we were SO excited! They were hugely popular back then. When she brought us home she gave the receipt for them to my stepmom and told her she expected the money for them on our next visit. (woman never paid a penny in child support) We’d go to her house for a month in summer doing all her yard work then she’d drop us off and take her “real family” to Universal, Disneyland, Hawaii. She’s still like that but now with the grandkids. Pretty much pays for everything for my brothers kids for birthdays and Christmas. I get a text telling me to tell my kids happy birthday. She has their numbers.

The in laws...

My BIL and his girlfriend once gave me jewelry, a necklace and the gem was a tanzanite. Um...you are not my husband nor do I love you two and I don’t like tanzanite, I like diamonds but I will also take emeralds, opals or rubies but not from someone who is not my husband. Needless to say it sat in a drawer for a few years then I threw it away~didn’t care if it had monetary value.

Same BIL/GF gave me multiple years in a row the same 2 candle scents:balsam fir and evergreen (or something like that). Now I love a real Christmas tree and the smell of it but I do not like those scents. So in return I would get them candles that I liked, you know like Macintosh, pumpkin spice, etc...

Other BIL gave us one of those coffee table/side couch table zen water gardens. This is gong back about 15-20 yrs ago. I never used to and threw it away. Same BIL gave me a bunch of Disney snow globes. At least he knew I liked Disney but I am really not a dust collector person and those gloves require dusting of the small parts.

MIL- a taco salad maker, well the thing you put a wrap in and bake it so it comes crunchy in the shape of a taco bowl. Books to write about the house upkeep..um, there are computer programs for that, and pillow last year with a poinsettia. Ow I like those plants but they are not pretty on a pillow! She also gave me a blanket last year of a color I would not choose and really geared towards a males style.

I know there are more but I can’t recall. Oh one year my DH bought me a bunch of ornaments. Let’s just say quite a few are ugly, not something we participate in-he bought a Santa on a baby grand piano, um, neither of us plays a piano or has any interest in listening to a concert with a piano player. Every year I tell him a few of the ornaments I hate and he knows it! I am mean but hello...bad gift and you are my husband I had to train you that first Christmas!
Um. Wow.
one year my ex FIL gave me bubble wrap and hand soap..both from the dollar store. I didn’t care that it was a ‘cheap’ gift, he didn’t have a lot of money so I appreciated the thought. It was the fact that out of the whole store, that’s what he chose. The bubble wrap wasn’t even good, it didn’t pop it just kind of deflated.

The worst gift I ever gave was whooping cough. Somehow I got it and passed it on to my sister and brothers. We all missed about four weeks of school and my youngest brother ended up in the hospital. We were all vaccinated but I guess we got a faulty batch or something.
A box of a sample pattern of silverware.

If you're of a certain age, you may remember that you could order samples of silverware from magazines or in the newspaper. Well, my mother took my sister and I to see my sister's Godmother during Christmastime. I was a pre-teen, and honestly, didn't expect a gift from her nor did I react when I didn't get a gift. I guess the lady felt bad, asked to be excused for a few minutes, and came back down with this box of silverware wrapped for me. She must have went up into her storage area and scrounged for something to give to me! Twenty plus year later, and it's still the oddest/worst thing I've ever received!
The in laws...

My BIL and his girlfriend once gave me jewelry, a necklace and the gem was a tanzanite. Um...you are not my husband nor do I love you two and I don’t like tanzanite, I like diamonds but I will also take emeralds, opals or rubies but not from someone who is not my husband. Needless to say it sat in a drawer for a few years then I threw it away~didn’t care if it had monetary value.

Same BIL/GF gave me multiple years in a row the same 2 candle scents:balsam fir and evergreen (or something like that). Now I love a real Christmas tree and the smell of it but I do not like those scents. So in return I would get them candles that I liked, you know like Macintosh, pumpkin spice, etc...

Other BIL gave us one of those coffee table/side couch table zen water gardens. This is gong back about 15-20 yrs ago. I never used to and threw it away. Same BIL gave me a bunch of Disney snow globes. At least he knew I liked Disney but I am really not a dust collector person and those gloves require dusting of the small parts.

MIL- a taco salad maker, well the thing you put a wrap in and bake it so it comes crunchy in the shape of a taco bowl. Books to write about the house upkeep..um, there are computer programs for that, and pillow last year with a poinsettia. Ow I like those plants but they are not pretty on a pillow! She also gave me a blanket last year of a color I would not choose and really geared towards a males style.

I know there are more but I can’t recall. Oh one year my DH bought me a bunch of ornaments. Let’s just say quite a few are ugly, not something we participate in-he bought a Santa on a baby grand piano, um, neither of us plays a piano or has any interest in listening to a concert with a piano player. Every year I tell him a few of the ornaments I hate and he knows it! I am mean but hello...bad gift and you are my husband I had to train you that first Christmas!

This may be the strangest post I've ever read on these boards. Even if you didn't like the necklace, why would you throw it away? That makes no sense. I don't think any of that is "needless to say" at all...
Dh's grandmother used to give us some crazy gifts. Now that she is gone, we kind of miss them.
Well my grandparents used to own a five and dime store...they would get leftovers from retailers that no one wanted and sell them at their own store, along with penny candy and trinkets and crap. Every year my brother and I got 10 pennies to spend at their store on the penny candy and some cheap *** junky trinket item- usually a ceramic elf or Santa. It always still had the price tag on it and usually said "50% off- $1! So my grandparents (who had money) spent $1.10 every Christmas on my brother and I...their only grandchildren at the time. My dad and his four brothers each got a card with different amounts of money. My dad is the oldest, so he got $5, my uncle (the second oldest) got $4, the third $3, etc. The wives got nothing.
I'm reading a trend here: ex husbands with the emphasis on it's over, it's over now, LOL and MILs.

I was fortunate and really got along well with the ex's family including MIL and in fact remain in touch with his sister to this day; his parents are dead now.

My ex DIL and I despise each other's guts but are very polite about it (errrr mostly) prolly since the feeling is hardcore mutual. The last gift she gave me was a nothing special $2.00 bar of soap (price was still on it. Sighhhhhh); I gave her nothing since I do not gift to look "good".
A few celebrations later I returned the same bar of soap to her elaborately re-boxed just to let her know I know a dis when given one and she weally shouldn't confuse me with anyone else:).


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