FP for FoP looking better in late January

As expected, nothing at all on 2/2 for FOP. I got Navi and decided to change an Epcot half day layer in the week (2/7) to AK and was able to get FOP for anytime I wanted
I got FOP for Feb 6, 6 people for 9:10-10:10, and my other party got it for 4 people 9:20-10:20! So relieved. Now we can just rope drop Navi
I made my fast passes a few days ago and couldn't get FOP for our arrival day 1/28, did get one for 1/31 though.
Booked FOP this morning for 2/3. This was my 60+1. At exactly 7am I got a 5:35pm FP for 3 people which was the earliest time available. For the next half hour there were many slots available for 1-4 people for FP times between 5:40pm and 7:00pm. I got really lucky getting the 5:35pm slot since it allowed us to book Rivers of Light with a Fastpass time starting at 6:35pm. I guess those who are looking to book ROL and FOP for the same night really had to make a choice. Was surprised there were even any FOP at 60+1. Hoped this helps.
Is it different for ap holders because one of my friends still can’t get a fop fp when she tries 30 days out kinda nervous for 60 days out do it sounds like I have a shot
Is it different for ap holders because one of my friends still can’t get a fop fp when she tries 30 days out kinda nervous for 60 days out do it sounds like I have a shot

At 30 days out for an AP, there won't be any available. There is a slight possibility that someone would cancel one but your friend would have to be diligently check multiple times a day.

Booking at 60 days is still a tough sell (someone on this thread was looking to do that, but the last spots for their day disappeared around 60+2 I think). But, depending on how crowded your actual day 60 will be, it's possible. coasternut22 just booked 60+1 today!
i was just able to get 5 morning FPs for 1/14. I'm shocked...maybe MLK won't be as busy as i originally thought?
i was just able to get 5 morning FPs for 1/14. I'm shocked...maybe MLK won't be as busy as i originally thought?
Idk what just happened. I'm staying offsite and my window for my AK day on 1/3 opened this morning. Absolutely nothing for FOP and one opening for Navi in the evening as I expected. Just looked and there was an opening for every single time of the day for both of those rides. I was also able to get one for 7DMT for 1/2 that I was not able to get yesterday (also openings for every time of the day). I've been refreshing quite a bit yesterday and today with nothing. Tons and tons of stuff just opened up.
Idk what just happened. I'm staying offsite and my window for my AK day on 1/3 opened this morning. Absolutely nothing for FOP and one opening for Navi in the evening as I expected. Just looked and there was an opening for every single time of the day for both of those rides. I was also able to get one for 7DMT for 1/2 that I was not able to get yesterday (also openings for every time of the day). I've been refreshing quite a bit yesterday and today with nothing. Tons and tons of stuff just opened up.

Same here!!! No luck this morning for Jan 26th, then about 15 minutes ago I logged in, and boom tons of times available!! Makes me very happy as we had to switch a couple days around for our trip!
Oh boy, sounds like they've released more FPs. Great for you guys, but a bit worrisome as FoP is already a long FP line.
Without even seeing this thread, I was just able to move my Jan 13 FoP to a much better time, after I've been checking every day for the last 10 days. I am all of a sudden suspicious that something is up - either they never released enough FP to begin with, or they accidentally just released everything. If it is the second (Disney accidentally opened up too much), I'm afraid it might disappear. We shall see. There are only so many butts that can go through that line at a time. This will be interesting.
I booked my 60+1 this morning and was able to just now get a better time. Lots of times opened up all day and week.
Without even seeing this thread, I was just able to move my Jan 13 FoP to a much better time, after I've been checking every day for the last 10 days. I am all of a sudden suspicious that something is up - either they never released enough FP to begin with, or they accidentally just released everything. If it is the second (Disney accidentally opened up too much), I'm afraid it might disappear. We shall see. There are only so many butts that can go through that line at a time. This will be interesting.

If they did open up too much, we are talking a massive amount of time here. People reporting getting passes on January 3rd, and a bunch opened for me on January 26th, when none were available earlier today. If this was an accident, then all of January is affected.
I checked on 1/30 and 2/2 and saw a bunch in the afternoons, but nothing in the mornings (mid-day is suspect as I had other FPs). But I had morning FPs for FoP and no morning times were available for those days.


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