Do Not Disturb Gone! (BLT)

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I just read through all the pages, and I am concerned! My husband and I are staying at POFQ in 5 weeks. I have not told him about this new policy. I know he will be livid. We are seniors,and we have health problems and MUST be back around noon to rest so we can function the rest of the day. He will be very angry if someone insists on coming into our room while we are getting much needed and required rest.

I think we will look for offsite if and when we return to WDW. I love what the condo's look like at Windsor Hills and will do more checking into them.
It's sad, because we have always stayed onsite for the Disney bubble. It seems that this is another not well thought out reaction to a possible law suit by Disney.

I hope everyone who wrote a comment on here will take the time to write to guest services and voice their complaints and concerns. If they get enough complaints, then maybe someone with some common sense will stop this madness or revise it. I see it as an invasion of privacy. Afterall, WHY should I have to open a door and submit to this at anytime while on MY vacation. That is not a vacation to me, and will be the last straw for staying at Disney for me.
I've been following this new security thing closely, and I've read the recent testimonies, but I still don't feel like I have a clear understanding of the following "if, then" situation...

I am a victim of assault. The assaulter in question was a complete stranger, targeted me in a place where I could reasonably expect privacy, and my critical mistake was in assuming he was "okay" because he belonged in the space: nothing stood out to suggest that he meant harm, so I ignored my better judgment and didn't take some precautions I could have. This happened a long time ago, and I don't dwell on it, but I do take more precautions than it seems the average person does in life, especially when it comes to travel, and most especially when traveling alone. I use the deadbolt and latch every time I'm in a hotel room, without fail. I also travel with a doorstop and engage it when I'm in my room for the night. I never, ever open the door to a stranger while I'm in my room.

So what I wonder is this: if I've put out the Room Occupied sign, and I've locked all locks on my door, and I've engaged my doorstop, and I've answered the knock at my door with, "No, I'm sorry - you may not enter at this time," then what? Is the next step breaking in? Calling in OCSD? Or do they just move on and try again later? From what I've seen so far, it sounds like those who were told they MUST immediately allow entry for a security check did allow it, so I don't know what happens if the occupant's answer is a firm "no."
This whole thing is concerning to me to. We have a reservation for me, my husband and two daughters in September. My daughters are going to have their own room. I do not want someone barging into their room or mine. I also have to say we go to Las Vegas 4 to 5 times a year. We just stayed in a MGM hotel last month. We only take the Do Not Disturb sign off for 4 to 5 hours every other day. We are on vacation to relax and unwind. Housekeeping always calls to say if we need housekeeping to let them know. No one during our December trip came knocking to "check the room". They never bother us or invade our privacy.

Just curious, how old are your daughters? Because if one of them isn't at least 18 years old they will not be able to have their own room. Not unless it connects to yours. Wasn't sure if you are aware of that or not.
I've been following this new security thing closely, and I've read the recent testimonies, but I still don't feel like I have a clear understanding of the following "if, then" situation...

I am a victim of assault. The assaulter in question was a complete stranger, targeted me in a place where I could reasonably expect privacy, and my critical mistake was in assuming he was "okay" because he belonged in the space: nothing stood out to suggest that he meant harm, so I ignored my better judgment and didn't take some precautions I could have. This happened a long time ago, and I don't dwell on it, but I do take more precautions than it seems the average person does in life, especially when it comes to travel, and most especially when traveling alone. I use the deadbolt and latch every time I'm in a hotel room, without fail. I also travel with a doorstop and engage it when I'm in my room for the night. I never, ever open the door to a stranger while I'm in my room.

So what I wonder is this: if I've put out the Room Occupied sign, and I've locked all locks on my door, and I've engaged my doorstop, and I've answered the knock at my door with, "No, I'm sorry - you may not enter at this time," then what? Is the next step breaking in? Calling in OCSD? Or do they just move on and try again later? From what I've seen so far, it sounds like those who were told they MUST immediately allow entry for a security check did allow it, so I don't know what happens if the occupant's answer is a firm "no."

We don't know for sure what they will and won't do..esspecially in your situation....
It seems as if this policy is still in the roll out stage.
I do not believe that they are going to 'barge into your room'.
And it depends which resort you are staying at for now..
But they have stated that they intend to way or the other at least every 24 hours..
Your best bet is to use the housekeeping service every day..and be out of your room during that period of time when housekeeping does their rounds.
Again, they are not going to assault your space...but they do insist 'someone' check inside daily.
Let us know how it goes for you.
I just read through all the pages, and I am concerned! My husband and I are staying at POFQ in 5 weeks. I have not told him about this new policy. I know he will be livid. We are seniors,and we have health problems and MUST be back around noon to rest so we can function the rest of the day. He will be very angry if someone insists on coming into our room while we are getting much needed and required rest.

I think we will look for offsite if and when we return to WDW. I love what the condo's look like at Windsor Hills and will do more checking into them.
It's sad, because we have always stayed onsite for the Disney bubble. It seems that this is another not well thought out reaction to a possible law suit by Disney.

I hope everyone who wrote a comment on here will take the time to write to guest services and voice their complaints and concerns. If they get enough complaints, then maybe someone with some common sense will stop this madness or revise it. I see it as an invasion of privacy. Afterall, WHY should I have to open a door and submit to this at anytime while on MY vacation. That is not a vacation to me, and will be the last straw for staying at Disney for me.
Its expensive but the Four Seasons is right on property...
They WILL respect your privacy.
I just read through all the pages, and I am concerned! My husband and I are staying at POFQ in 5 weeks. I have not told him about this new policy. I know he will be livid. We are seniors,and we have health problems and MUST be back around noon to rest so we can function the rest of the day. He will be very angry if someone insists on coming into our room while we are getting much needed and required rest.

I think we will look for offsite if and when we return to WDW. I love what the condo's look like at Windsor Hills and will do more checking into them.
It's sad, because we have always stayed onsite for the Disney bubble. It seems that this is another not well thought out reaction to a possible law suit by Disney.

I hope everyone who wrote a comment on here will take the time to write to guest services and voice their complaints and concerns. If they get enough complaints, then maybe someone with some common sense will stop this madness or revise it. I see it as an invasion of privacy. Afterall, WHY should I have to open a door and submit to this at anytime while on MY vacation. That is not a vacation to me, and will be the last straw for staying at Disney for me.
DH said, it's time to sell our DVC contracts. This new intrusion/enhancement is his tipping point. Basta!
We don't know for sure what they will and won't do..esspecially in your situation....
It seems as if this policy is still in the roll out stage.
I do not believe that they are going to 'barge into your room'.
And it depends which resort you are staying at for now..
But they have stated that they intend to way or the other at least every 24 hours..
Your best bet is to use the housekeeping service every day..and be out of your room during that period of time when housekeeping does their rounds.
Again, they are not going to assault your space...but they do insist 'someone' check inside daily.
Let us know how it goes for you.
(Bolding is mine...) I agree - I just cannot see it happening. Way too much room for error and liability! I'm one who's always posted the Do Not Disturb sign for the entirety of my stay because I have no need for beds made, fresh towels, etc., so if offered to decline housekeeping for $$, I'll do that. I just need to make a mental note to remove the Room Occupied sign when I leave. I've been staying almost exclusively offsite the past couple years, but found better rates onsite for a couple upcoming trips. I'll definitely come back here and share any experiences I have then!
We don't know for sure what they will and won't do..esspecially in your situation....
It seems as if this policy is still in the roll out stage.
I do not believe that they are going to 'barge into your room'.
And it depends which resort you are staying at for now..
But they have stated that they intend to way or the other at least every 24 hours..
Your best bet is to use the housekeeping service every day..and be out of your room during that period of time when housekeeping does their rounds.
Again, they are not going to assault your space...but they do insist 'someone' check inside daily.
Let us know how it goes for you.
Reported instances suggest otherwise.
I'm wondering how they can depend on housekeeping DAILY???? It's been our experience that just getting housekeeping for a few days of our 10 day trips is like climbing Everest!!! Everyday routine housekeeping would be great, but I don't believe it.
I'm wondering how they can depend on housekeeping DAILY???? It's been our experience that just getting housekeeping for a few days of our 10 day trips is like climbing Everest!!! Everyday routine housekeeping would be great, but I don't believe it.

I've always had daily housekeeping, unless I'm staying on points. But housekeeping is simply making the beds, picking up towels, and cleaning up a bit. Disney doesn't do more than a light cleaning. I don't believe they even vacuum every day.
Reported instances suggest otherwise.
I've posted most of the reports here.
I'm not sure they constitute "barging'...
intrusive yes, ineffective yes, inconvenient yes...
but we were not privy to those actual reports and we may have acted (stood our ground) differently.
I think time will tell.
I am not in favor of the policy and I will not go to WDW anymore. Not giving them my money to spy/intrude/fake theater me.
That is the straw that breaks Mickeys back for me. The crowds, the declining up keep, the degraded CMs attitude...I could deal with..Its not my 1970s favorite place anymore but I still brought my own magic and knew how to work the touring and still have fun. But I like my privacy and there is no way around it anymore as far as i can see. And so as many have said here above..."Its their property, if you don't like it, don't go, stay elsewhere etc."
Disney knows that they can do anything they want to their guests, treat them as cattle, slaves, commodities what have you....the masses will still flock year round, jam the parks and their cash registers.
It just won't be with my $ anymore.
I've always had daily housekeeping, unless I'm staying on points. But housekeeping is simply making the beds, picking up towels, and cleaning up a bit. Disney doesn't do more than a light cleaning. I don't believe they even vacuum every day.
But DVCers did not have daily mousekeeping/trash/whatever. Our dues will increase with this unwanted intrusion.
I've always had daily housekeeping, unless I'm staying on points. But housekeeping is simply making the beds, picking up towels, and cleaning up a bit. Disney doesn't do more than a light cleaning. I don't believe they even vacuum every day.

We must have hit bad times each yearly trip? Honestly, it gets worse and worse to just get the basics. I was only talking about the basics, and don't expect a thorough cleaning. Calling the phone # for housekeeping is a joke. I had to go to the front desk and talk with a manager who talked with the manager at housekeeping about our situation. I was assured every day that it would be taken care of (won't go into that here) by phone housekeeping.
The point is, you should not have to go to the front desk and talk with a manager just for an easy request that was Always taken care of with one quick call to the "center" on previous trips before 2013. frustrating.
Reported instances (of barging in rooms) suggest otherwise.

I agree with that assessment. I'm sure that what CM's have been told to do can be misinterpreted and has been misinterpreted, to wit:

Good afternoon, all. Unfortunately, I encountered an issue concerning these security checks on my recent trip. On Friday, Jan 12, we spent the morning at Epcot. We returned to our room at Port Orleans Riverside at about 2:20pm for a nap. I veered off toward a designated smoking area and, when my Princess arrived at our room, she texted me that she noticed our room hadn't been cleaned yet and that Mousekeeping appeared to be next door. I came and chatted with the Mousekeeper in front of our open door, traded a bunch of wet towels for clean ones, and tipped her a few bucks. I then put the Room Occupied sign on the door and went back to the designated smoking area to smoke the second half of a cigarette. About three minutes later, I received a phone call from Security. They said "Mr. Underwear, your Room Occupied sign is on the door." I laughed and agreed that's true now, though it wasn't true until just a few minutes ago. They said that they needed to do a security check on the room at some time today. I told them we were napping after having been out all morning, but that we'd be back out of the room by 4:30 and that we had dinner reservations in the evening. They wished me a magical nap and a fun evening and I left the phone call smiling. I hung out at the smoking area, chatted with a nice person I met there, and killed a few minutes checking my phone. Probably 10 minutes later, I returned to my room and saw a guy scanning a keyfob to go in. I greeted him in a friendly way and said "that's my room and..." and he cut me off to gruffly say "I'm doing a security check" as he walked in! He was fully in the room when I caught him by the shoulder and pointed out my Princess asleep in the bed as I guided him back outside so that we could talk about it.

I don't want to rehash the specifics of the "guest recovery" situation that ensued, but the major argument that I made to Management is that this miscommunication shouldn't have happened in the first place. Since our reservations are all linked in the system, they should be able to connect that dots in the data and know that we were going to be out of the room in the morning for our fastpasses, and again in the evening for our dinner reservations, to "magically" do the security check without a risk of this sort of thing. Ultimately, I was satisfied that the manager I spoke to took it very seriously. They said they spoke to managers from other departments including housekeeping and security and that they were all on the same page that this shouldn't have happened for a variety of reasons, but further that they'll make sure to escalate the idea of using the data in this way to help improve the guest experience in every way possible.

I hope this doesn't make anyone too uneasy. I believe there was no malice on anyone's part in this situation, but a series of bad assumptions and miscommunications sure made for a miserable afternoon for me and my Princess. If you do have an issue, I encourage you to approach other Cast Members or managers about it as soon as you can. If you wait, there's less they can do to help fix it. By dealing with it while a lot of the people involved were still on the clock, we were able to get some quick answers and I'm hopeful this may even lead to a slightly improved policy.

So as long as there is a variety of CM's doing this security theater search there are bound to be problems. Just like you can ask different CM's the same question and get different answers you are definitely going to get different interpretations of how/when to act.

I doubt that any of the people performing these room searches are trained properly. I mean, they are requiring that HOUSEKEEPERS do it... c'mon! They are trained to be housekeepers and it's unfair to expect them to take on this added chore. How unhappy do you think people are going to be when they have their privacy invaded due to this mandatory room search. The housekeepers are going to bear the brunt of unhappy guests and I think they don't deserve that at all.

It takes more than reading a memo out loud to train people to understand how to deal with this mandate and I seriously doubt that housekeepers and other CM's performing this have been adequately instructed on how to handle the guest's concerns. The fact that Disney is requiring the housekeepers to do this reeks of a cheesy, cost saving cop out.

Disney is choosing to treat their guests like criminals and that is yet another instance in an ever increasing line of poor customer service.

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