Mission space blech!

I really like the orange side, but if you get motion sickness, then yeah, it's probably not as fun. It's supposed to get a refresh coming up soon, though, so hopefully the graphics on the screen get a little better.
I used to like it, but I think they changed the scenario up. you used to go to Mars if I recall. Now it's like a trip around Earth? I've only done Green, and that's fine for me, it's more the story I find on the dull side. Also, the last time a rode it it broke down and we all got stuck inside. I've never considered myself claustrophobic. I do now.
I think I remember us doing it once when it first opened and we said never again for it. Both my son and I have issues with 3D rides like that (can't do Star Tours or the old Body Wars) and he has bad claustrophobia now.
Did Orange once. A crazy experience and I was dizzy after it. It was nice to try once but I doubt I’ll ever do it again

Then again I tried the tame version and I hated it cause I missed the “ real “ version

Either way then, I’ll never ride it again lol
I think the refresh is complete, right? I haven't heard much about it.
Yeah it's done. I didn't notice a huge change, except they sort of updated the graphics (the ride video was definitely showing its age). IMO they should've changed the actual story - I think the bit at the end with the joysticks is silly. I wish they had a "red" side, I feel like the orange isn't intense enough for me. I might be crazy but I remember it being more intense when it first opened! It's one of my absolute favorite though, so maybe just after riding it repeatedly it doesn't feel as cool as it did the first time.
That is too bad. I love it. I don’t get dizzy, disoriented or nauseous at all. But everyone is different! A couple members of our group won’t ride it anymore.

I am curious, did you ignore all the warnings before boarding? Or did you still think it wouldn’t be that bad? I think the constant warnings for orange cover their bases regarding motion and intensity and then some. I love the ride and sometimes all those warnings make me second guess myself! :)
Probably the least popular attraction at WDW next to Stitch. It's a shame they tore down an entire pavilion for a pretty mediocre attraction.

Not only does it make a lot of people sick or nauseous (myself included) .. I just didn't really find it very fun or exciting either. It's the only attraction at WDW that I just have no interested doing ever again.

I went in 2010 .. and to this day my wife and I swear we got on the "Green" side (knowing we aren't thrill riders) and we came out nauseous and just had to spend an hour or so recovering. But I feel the only way we would have gotten sick is if we did the Orange side. So we must have gotten brave and said "what the heck" and did the Orange side (because I distinctly remember the centrifugal forces) and the experience wrecked our memory :)

I suspect the Mission Space restaurant will be infinitely more popular than the attraction.
My H insisted on riding this (I think before they developed the "green" and "orange" sides...do I remember that right?) because the company he worked for was the corporate sponsor and he thought it would be cool. Not so much...he got so sick he spent 3 hours in the first aid station at Epcot, and then we had to go back to the room for the rest of the day and night and he had to just sleep it off (extreme nausea/headache/vomiting). I remember being really annoyed because I warned him that I had read about how many people got really sick -- even people who normally don't get motion sickness -- but he insisted. I disagreed and didn't think it was worth potentially blowing a day at WDW for, but oh well...he's a great guy and has long since been forgiven (though admittedly reading this post kinda took me back to my annoyance in that moment, lol)!
It's my daughter's favorite attraction at Epcot, strangely enough.

I was terrified the first time I went on the Orange side, but as long as I look straight ahead, I can manage it fine.


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