What is the most annoying question that people ask you?

What's for dinner? .....everyday even when I tell him every morning. He still asks later.

And the where is the........same place it's been for all the years we've lived here.
Happened 5 minutes ago....Where is the Aladdin DVD? Duh.....in the DVD cabinet :rolleyes:
"How are you doing today?" Seriously, me saying fine, thanks, and then to be polite having to ask them how they're doing and waiting for them to say fine adds a good 5 seconds to every transaction with a cashier or call center rep. :mad: 5 seconds I'm not getting back and at my age every little bit counts.
:confused3 Meh, if @TipsyTraveler won't dish we can always ask @RedAngie .

"How are you doing today?" Seriously, me saying fine, thanks, and then to be polite having to ask them how they're doing and waiting for them to say fine adds a good 5 seconds to every transaction with a cashier or call center rep. :mad: 5 seconds I'm not getting back and at my age every little bit counts.
Switch your reply to “Fine, thank you” and you’ll get four of those seconds back.
Oh where do I start
"Can I touch your hair?" Really?!
"Boys?! How do you do it?" Get up in the morning and do what any parent does.
"What are you?" I swear I'm human, but I might be part unicorn
"Do you regret not having a girl?" Like I had a choice?
"So are you SURE you don't want to meet your biological family?" Yeah I'm sure. I have one crazy family, I'm good!


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