2018 Epcot International Food and Wine Festival: August 30 to November 12, 2018

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It was gone in April when we were there with just Moosehead and Labatt available (blech) and Ive seen reports on this board very recently that they said they are not bringing it back. I hope those reports are not true but I wouldnt be surprised. Disney probably wasnt making enough profit on it. Will be very sad if it doesnt return.
I don't get why EPCOT can't represent the west coast of canada. The best wines come from the Okanagan, and I'd say the best beers are from BC and Alberta. Makes me sad that they serve this garbage when there are so many good options. And moosehead? Garbage!
Can anyone going in the next few days confirm you don't have to go to the Festival Center 4 times to get the AP cutting board, and that they are tracking entrances to Epcot?
Can anyone going in the next few days confirm you don't have to go to the Festival Center 4 times to get the AP cutting board, and that they are tracking entrances to Epcot?
That’s how it was for the glasses a couple of years ago — just entering Epcot on that number of days was enough.
Can anyone going in the next few days confirm you don't have to go to the Festival Center 4 times to get the AP cutting board, and that they are tracking entrances to Epcot?
I'm curious to know this also. I'm also wondering what will happen to those who have issues with park entry like my mother does. Rarely does her Magic band or park ticket actually let her in without them having to call over the Guest Services person to reset/override her admission to let her enter.
The Belgium booth will be serving a world class beer this year - St Bernardus ABT12. It's strong (10%) but well worth trying.
Found this review on Beer Advocate:
A- pours a dark brown color with a one-finger creamy off-white head that has great retention and lacing all the way down the glass

S- smells of fruit cake, raisins, fig, spicy yeast and clove

T- dark brown breads, toasted bread crusts & fruitcake, followed by lots of dark fruit; raisin, fig & date. Mid-palate gives a caramel sweetness and spicy yeast that adds hints of clove, banana and phenolic notes. The finish is fruity and peppery with a linger of fruit cake and caramel

M- medium-heavy body with moderate carbonation leads to a creamy mouthfeel and a slightly warming finish

O- one of the best quads out there, and a benchmark of the style
Well, if there was any doubt by that the Guinness bailey’s shake came in a souviner glass or not, I think the fact it costs $10.50 means it definitely does!
Since they don't want anyone walking around in the parks with glass and the souvenir steins they sold at the booths were plastic I sincerely doubt these will be real glass. Hopefully someone will report back soon.
Since they don't want anyone walking around in the parks with glass and the souvenir steins they sold at the booths were plastic I sincerely doubt these will be real glass. Hopefully someone will report back soon.
AP holders did get glass stemmed glasses a few years ago as a gift. We walked around with our two the entire time we were there.
AP holders did get glass stemmed glasses a few years ago as a gift. We walked around with our two the entire time we were there.
I got those too. But they were boxed up when they gave them to us. Their rules are very contradictory since they do sell glasses & dishes everywhere. I think they just don't want anyone walking around with open drinks in glass that could be dropped accidentally.
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I got those too. But they were boxed up when they gave them to us. Their rules are very contradictory since they do sell glasses & dishes everywhere. I think they just don't want anyone walking around with open drinks in glass that cloud be dropped accidentally.
Yeah, I forgot those were boxed. Do they serve beer in bottles? Or just draft?
I got those too. But they were boxed up when they gave them to us. Their rules are very contradictory since they do sell glasses & dishes everywhere. I think they just don't want anyone walking around with open drinks in glass that could be dropped accidental.
I got a real glass at a DVC event in May and almost wasn't let into Epcot because it was in my bag. Agree very contradictory rules.
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