I love credit cards so much! v2.0 (see first page for add'l details)

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My expedited CIP should be arriving today - perfect timing because we are less than $1 from meeting the spend on P2's United Explorer. If he bought anything today, that MSR is done and he can switch back to the CSR for general use.

So I got P2 to move from reluctant to accepting of the CC game by dangling a family trip to Europe in front of him. This was months ago. Well, we are getting closer to when I will actually need to book said trip, and he's being super waffle-y about where we should go. He shoots down the places I suggest, but doesn't come up with any suggestions himself (or if he does suggest somewhere, walks it back as soon as I start actually looking at the practicalities). Making me crazy. We've been together for 20 years, so its not like its a surprise - he hates planning ahead, for me half (maybe three quarters) of the fun of a trip is doing the planning! He enjoys the trips we do, and is very appreciative of my planning efforts, but getting him over the hump of agreeing where we should go is such a pain...

We were just discussing that the other night, he's pretty happy to have a travel agent he just hands his wallet over to and tells him when to show up :) Quite annoying on this end as the travel agent :laughing:
First off...THIS DUDE HAS A SPREADSHEET! :thumbsup2

So here is your last 7 months with Chase...
09/18 business
11/18 business
01/19 business
03/19 business

And you have 1 personal AMEX card in there too... I’d say you’re living on the edge... You obviously know what you’re doing in this game so I don’t really have advice to hand out other than to say be careful and know your risks.
You know, it's funny, but assuming I get a denial letter and not a shutdown, there's a small part of me that wants to apply for another CIP to see if my wife can get another 20K referral bonus. It's a really small part of me, and the rest of me is able to push back against it so far, but I do wish I could know what would happen.
I'm behind but trying to catch up. I had so much more time when I was on vacation or waiting in the airport! Now that I am back to work, no time to read or post.

I was trying to find the quote with yinz but can't. Originally from PA, not Pittsburgh but western PA nearer Altoona for those who might know the area. I didn't say Yinz but did say Younz. So much so that I asked in 3rd grade how to spell it for a report and was told that isn't a real word! Also, my mom is famous for worsh, worshington... My DH makes fun of that (not to her face). I didn't have that problem but do have to be thoughtful when I say color since I grew up saying it like keller. I sort of say it in my head before I say it out loud to make sure I am pronouncing it right.
Does anyone know how quickly their Citi AA Biz came? I called and tried to expedite it but no go. I've got camps to pay that I'd like to use against the MSR.
Forever. They take like 10days. You will see an envelope from Citi and get all excited but then they’re like nope fooled you. They send the welcome letter with T&C first. :faint: Then the card will come 5 days or so after that.
This weekend I need to really go through all my bank accounts and work on closing the ones I no longer need. Some are just not worth keeping. 5/3rd is trying to charge me $3 to transfer money out. Ummmh, I don't think so. I'll go to the branch and withdraw in person before I pay that fee. PNC is wonky and says my password is not working. I need to find some info so I can reset it. Once I do that, I'll change to the fee free version and leave only 500 there. The transfers from PNC take a long time (in my opinion) to go through. And I had to answer like 3 questions before it would work. I am all for security but really. I want to just transfer once I set up the external account. There is no way I'll keep this account around long-term.

I'll keep DH's Chase for a little while since it will work for a DD push. As much as I do not like PNC's online set up and security, I may still try to open another account for the bonus for DH.
If they did what's the worst that could happen? LOL :)
This is so accurate. I’m always a little stressed when I app for a new card, or call, chat or SM about something. But really what’s going to happen? They say no, I move on (or HUCA :P) I try to tell DS not to worry and stress about little things, and need to remind myself as well. I mean no one wants a denial, but really it’s not as big of a deal as we make it seem.
My personal Plat just showed up on my CR. So I'm 5/24 until August. Now I can stop thinking about if I should go for CIP #2. Got pretty close to just going for it a couple times, lol. Was glad I didn't when I saw the shutdown DP! Not that my velocity is quite that fast....

If that fails, start a new SM and try all over again! Its like HUCA except its SMUCA (yes I realize the letters actually make no sense there...) :P

That makes absolutely no sense, but it's catchy! Just SMUCA'd for the CSP match. Pointed out MSR was already met (read a couple DPs that they won't match until it is). Added in how disappointed I (i.e. DH) was not getting the higher offer, etc, etc. So guess I'll see!
This weekend I need to really go through all my bank accounts and work on closing the ones I no longer need. Some are just not worth keeping. 5/3rd is trying to charge me $3 to transfer money out. Ummmh, I don't think so. I'll go to the branch and withdraw in person before I pay that fee. PNC is wonky and says my password is not working. I need to find some info so I can reset it. Once I do that, I'll change to the fee free version and leave only 500 there. The transfers from PNC take a long time (in my opinion) to go through. And I had to answer like 3 questions before it would work. I am all for security but really. I want to just transfer once I set up the external account. There is no way I'll keep this account around long-term.

I'll keep DH's Chase for a little while since it will work for a DD push. As much as I do not like PNC's online set up and security, I may still try to open another account for the bonus for DH.

Try to pull the money from 5/3 instead of pushing it. That shouldn’t charge a fee if the institution you’re pulling from doesn’t.
Why not just grab the link from the app or the website? I wouldn’t use those emails, they take forever. :)

Yeah, I'm finding that out. My computer skills are sub-par, I can just copy a link? I'll have to look at the website again!

OK, app submitted. Got the 'we need to review your request a little longer' response. DANG! Forgot his credit is frozen! Hope he can unfreeze it now and still get approved.

Got a message his Experian inquiry was blocked, (oops!) then 9 minutes later I got him to unblock. Now we wait.
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We were just discussing that the other night, he's pretty happy to have a travel agent he just hands his wallet over to and tells him when to show up :) Quite annoying on this end as the travel agent :laughing:
This is pretty much my DH
Let’s go to Disney
It’s our 30th anniversary. Let’s try an AK cruise
Maybe we should try NCL
No, Disney
Extent of conversation. I did ask him to plan some trip to National Parks this summer since DS is in 4th grade and admission is free. So far, crickets.
It seems like the people asking for the match on r/churning have already met the msr. Does that matter?
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