The Bear Necessities! April 2019 W.I.S.H Goals

Hi Spencer!!!
Hello! My name is Spencer. I am 29 years old, and live in Delaware County, PA. I am currently trying to work on various fitness goals to REALLY get in shape.


That is so exciting about your cruise! You'll have to keep us posted what you find out. I hear you on the "planning" thing, the cruises are not as easy to research online. It's great that you're motivated to exercise, too, I'd use a cruise as an excuse to NOT exercise... :rotfl2:

I agree with you on the music, a great playlist helps so much!

Sorry to hear you've been sick. Make sure you're listening to your body as you work you way back up... it's frustrating, I know, do what feels right and give yourself time.
Hi My name is Laura. I’ve been on this weight loss / being healthier journey (battle? struggle?) for about 5+ years now . Back and forth and back and forth. Now we have a DW trip booked for August, and in order to not be passed out on Main Street from exhaustion and heat stroke and chaffing pain, I’ve really got to get serious about this. DH is on bored with me, too, so that should help. My ultimate goal is to drop at least 40 pounds. It’s going to take some time, which I think is the most frustrating part. Why can’t I just bibbidi bobbidi myself into my dream bod? .

Anyways, I’m rambling ...

My goal this month is to drink my water, go to the gym at least 6 times, and stick to our dinner meals we have planned.

Hi Laura! :welcome:

It's ok, we like rambling! Yes, if you're doing DW in August, training will DEFINITELY help! Lots of walking! We have been in late May and late June/early July, and the heat can be BRUTAL! Planning breaks in the middle of the day definitely helps, and guzzling all the free water!

So what kind of things to you like to do when you're at the gym?
Not great news today. My co-work got her diagnosis today. It is indeed Hodgkin Lymphoma. We were in a common area when she told me so I didn't get a chance to really talk to her. I did want to make her with people around. I can't talk about it at work because this is her story to tell if she wants to so I came here to just talk about or get it out. Trying really hard not to cry at my desk so people don't ask me what is wrong. I am not doing a good job of it though. So I am going to dive back into work since I have a ton of stuff to do.

Hi Piglet... so sorry to hear this. Hopefully now that they know what it is they can formulate an effective treatment for her. Diving into work is a smart coping skill until you can deal with everything in private, not only because it will distract you temporarily, but keeping up with everything work-wise means that you'll have time to take a break with your friend when you're both ready. I hope the weekend gave you time to process things and your week this week is a good one.
OK, guys, for Motivation Monday this week, I need advice!

I'm here mostly for maintenance - keeping fit enough to participate in things I enjoy, not gaining weight as I age, that sort of thing. But my DH has expressed an interest in losing a larger amount of weight, so I'm going to be walking the delicate tightrope of cheerleader. I want to help him stay motivated without sounding overly critical.

His challenges are stress eating, not feeling full on "suggested portion sizes," and a strong sweet tooth.

If you've been there with a family member (or your own family members have helped or hurt your progress) please help me figure out what to do/not do, say/not say, etc. Thanks!!


It's hard being a cheerleader! You want to be supportive, but not seem judgy. I have not had to do much with my husband over the years, as he drops weight easily if he just goes walking and puts down the cheeseburgers (really, it's *SO* unfair!)

I think to start, just asking broad questions and letting him decide how to share his thoughts is a good way to start. "How are you feeling," "How is it going," that sort of thing are a good way to start.

Unfortunately, "not feeling full," is one that takes time to change as the stomach shrinks and the brain adjusts, but maybe eating a lot of fiber will help? I like FiberOne 90 calorie bars as a treat... they are a little pricey, but they give you that "candy bar" feeling without as many calories and with 5g of fiber. Also, will he eat raw spinach? A big spinach salad as a first course or as a lunch can go a long way toward nutrition, but also, you get really BORED of chewing, because there's just so darned much of it. As far as stress eating, does he like popcorn? I love salt when I'm stressed, so a bag of low-cal microwave popcorn is something that sometimes works for me to keep the French fries at bay...

I like the free app/website Sparkpeople for planning and tracking. It's crazy-positive and allows you to track like weightwatchers, but for free. Even if he doesn't want to use the full program, poking around there might help him figure out how he wants to proceed. (That way the algorithm is the bad guy saying "nope, that's too much," and you don't end up in that role.)
I abandoned a monthly group I was suppose to lead and I came to apologize. I am really sorry. Something happened and it was a big shock. Big enough to make me completely forget about internet forums. It wasn't weeks after I came to some sort of normality and I realized what have happen.

I am sorry guys. I am happy to see the monthly forums are still going

I abandoned a monthly group I was suppose to lead and I came to apologize. I am really sorry. Something happened and it was a big shock. Big enough to make me completely forget about internet forums. It wasn't weeks after I came to some sort of normality and I realized what have happen.

I am sorry guys. I am happy to see the monthly forums are still going

Glad to see you pop back in and sorry to hear things have been rough.
Motivation Monday

The "declare" that came on Friday was what we thought/hoped it would be... phase two of my project has been postponed until phase one is solid. So very, very happy about this, as pushing forward would have been such a challenge with very little payoff. This week we get to adjust and re-plan, working from how long things will take to complete rather than trying to cram things into a mandatory timeline.

My motivation this week is two fold, 1) it's April 8 already! and 2) the Spring Whole Life Challenge starts next week so this is my transition week, where I need to make pre-challenge adjustments and really get my head in to the game this time. So on a personal level, I'm kind of doing that same things as with work, re-evaluating and re-planning.


I abandoned a monthly group I was suppose to lead and I came to apologize. I am really sorry. Something happened and it was a big shock. Big enough to make me completely forget about internet forums. It wasn't weeks after I came to some sort of normality and I realized what have happen.

I am sorry guys. I am happy to see the monthly forums are still going


Glad to see you pop back in and sorry to hear things have been rough.


Don't worry about us - we're just glad you're back!
Happy Motivation Monday!!! :cheer2:

My motivation this week is to get back on track after this weekend! We spent time at the outlets shopping, which is a lot of walking. However, we also ate out and snacked and I just had no self-control this weekend. It all started with my kids wanting Pizza Hut for dinner on Friday and my eating just fell apart after that. So Monday is a new day and I'm back on track! And the sunshine and warmer weather definitely helps to motivate me!
I abandoned a monthly group I was suppose to lead and I came to apologize. I am really sorry. Something happened and it was a big shock. Big enough to make me completely forget about internet forums. It wasn't weeks after I came to some sort of normality and I realized what have happen.

I am sorry guys. I am happy to see the monthly forums are still going

Happy to have you back-and hoping all is well for you now.
OK, guys, for Motivation Monday this week, I need advice!

I'm here mostly for maintenance - keeping fit enough to participate in things I enjoy, not gaining weight as I age, that sort of thing. But my DH has expressed an interest in losing a larger amount of weight, so I'm going to be walking the delicate tightrope of cheerleader. I want to help him stay motivated without sounding overly critical.

His challenges are stress eating, not feeling full on "suggested portion sizes," and a strong sweet tooth.

If you've been there with a family member (or your own family members have helped or hurt your progress) please help me figure out what to do/not do, say/not say, etc. Thanks!!
Well, my husband does not have weight issues (the weasel) but it has always been an issue for me to stay at a healthy weight-maybe this will help:

On the newest version of WW there is a huge list of foods that you do not have to “count” with the understanding they will satisfy you and you will not overeat. These are all vegetables (except avocados and olives) fruits, beans, eggs, chicken, seafood and non fat Greek yogurt. Any other meat (especially with loin in the name) counts so low he could basically eat 6-8 oz and be fine. We ate out Friday and I had a 6oz sirloin, grilled asparagus, and a salad. I had a roll as well. And being a guy, he could have had a potato or rice. I was pretty full.So he could basically have a plate full of protein-a pound of steamed shrimp for instance, a baked potato and as much vegetables as wanted. Even a lite beer. Right now I have a homemade pot of vegetable soup with white beans and shredded chicken in the fridge that’s “free”. It’s filling and I can have a roll or crackers if I want. I never mind weighing my food that isn’t free because I usually get more than if I just eyeballed it.

Hope this helps-I am just a great believer in eating what you like as you lose weight so when you’re at your goal the weight stays off. And it’s hard to stay on track if you’re hungry!
Thank you everyone. The weekend has done wonders. I am doing much better today. My friend has handled it all very well. She will get more info on stage and treatment after she has more test this week. Everything does look good as this is a very beatable form of cancer. It was more of the initial shock of it for me and i was super super emotional last week.

The weekend went ok. We got some painting done, I got my hair done (chopped about 4 inches off) and got a massage. Yesterday was a day of celebrating. DS's birthday was yesterday. I now officially have a teenager.

Today I am taking DD back to the orthopedic to get her ankle looked at. She broke 3 years ago and she is still having problems with it. After her soccer game on Saturday he just basically feel into my arms crying because her ankle hurt so bad. I have to hand it to her though. She played the whole game and got after the ball with it hurting really bad. They had no subs to even give her a break. She is one tough cookie.
Hi Laura! :welcome:

It's ok, we like rambling! Yes, if you're doing DW in August, training will DEFINITELY help! Lots of walking! We have been in late May and late June/early July, and the heat can be BRUTAL! Planning breaks in the middle of the day definitely helps, and guzzling all the free water!

So what kind of things to you like to do when you're at the gym?

Thanks! We’ve been in April and May and I always love the weather that time of year. Couldn’t pass up the free dining though .

At the gym, I don’t do too much - mostly cardio (treadmill, bike, or elliptical) and a couple weight machines. I know there’s so much more and better things I could be doing but at 5 am my mind just likes routine haha.
Good Morning, Dearies!!!

Happy Motivation Monday!!! :cheer2:
(And for my clever time travelers in the other time zones, aren’t you glad your Monday is already over???)

I hope everyone’s “Whatever Weekend” was full of only the most fun type of surprises, and zero eye-rolling teenagers muttering “…. Whatever…” (but if you had the second, send them here, I’m digging a pit to throw all of them into and they can come out when they’re human again…)

It seems like the weekend flew by, and here we are, already on the 8th!!! So that is what is motivating me this week, so much to do and a finite amount of time. What are your mini-goals this week to help you reach your big goals? What are your priorities?

I am working at getting back on track after a two week hiatus compliments of the flu. I ran outside today around the Art Museum in Philadelphia, and you would have I never ran before. Two weeks really sets you back!

Tomorrow I'm back to pull-ups and hopefully it will be better. My mini-goal for this week is take one things one day at a time.
Hi Laura! :welcome:

It's ok, we like rambling! Yes, if you're doing DW in August, training will DEFINITELY help! Lots of walking! We have been in late May and late June/early July, and the heat can be BRUTAL! Planning breaks in the middle of the day definitely helps, and guzzling all the free water!

So what kind of things to you like to do when you're at the gym?

We do August and while the heat is rough, its not terrible. We went late June once, and it was like a broiler. Training for it absolutely helps me.

Good luck!
This (still Monday here) morning when I got up, I fully intended to re-work my to-do list and start checking things off like crazy. The weather prediction looked nice, and since tomorrow is trash day, I wanted to get as much of the back yard cleaned up, dethatched, and bagged up as possible… The kids have early dismissal today and tomorrow so I was hoping they would help… ha. Haha haha. Ha.

I did pretty much *NOTHING* I planned to today. Got a little schoolwork in, that’s pretty much it. And it’s got me feeling pretty salty… just in time for:

Tuesday Topic: Potassium!

Wanna have some (non) fun? Try to find a hard number for potassium recommendation, then try to find the science behind it. You’ll probably find the number 4.7g/4700mg pretty easily, but WHY????

Research tells us that potassium is a major player in fluid balance/hydration, helping the body eliminate excess sodium at the kidneys as needed, and also potassium is *THE* electrolyte in play for every time a nerve “resets” after sending an impulse in the body, which in turn plays into muscle contraction. Potassium is key in the autoregulation of your heart beat (though to be clear, calcium, chloride, and magnesium are all super-important here as well…)

Is *THAT* why we “need” so darned much of it? *DO* we even need that much? Because honestly, that’s a pretty crazy number, and very few people get there, even when they try. That’s over 11 medium bananas. Per day. Or perhaps you’d rather have five cups of cooked chard? (Which is probably about 12+ cups raw…)

There is not an actual RDA for potassium that I could find. That 4700mg is a different number, called an AI (Adequate Intake,) which is a guess for how much you can safely eat that would also be an adequate quantity for 98% of the population across all the subgroups. So yeah, a million dollars is probably enough for most people to get by, let’s make that our goal for everyone…

The body is actually really good at reusing the potassium it already has, and hypokalemia (low potassium) is usually a condition caused by some other serious problem (diarrhea and vomiting being the most common cause.) While low potassium can lead to cramping, lethargy, weakness and spasms, it’s not a problem usually caused by a healthy person failing to eat their bucket of spinach daily.

So, with all that in mind, where are you on the potassium spectrum? Do you chug your kale and cantaloupe smoothie daily, or do you eat a banana once in a while, if the wind is right and your leg is cramping?
Tuesday Topic: Potassium!
To be honest, I don't really think much about how much potassium I am getting. I am a creature of habit. Every morning, I start with a Shakeology shake (water, ice, a scoop of chocolate Shakeology, powdered peanut butter and half a banana). Between the banana and what's in Shakeology, I just assume I'm getting what I need. But I should probably pay more attention.


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