Worst Things About Animal Kingdom?

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Okay, I promise, this is the last time I ask you these wide open questions, but we have one more episode to go with these topics! What do you think are the worst things about Animal Kingdom? Y'all basically said everything about the park was the best about it, so I'm super interested in hearing what you think the worst aspects are.
It is the hottest park because of all the foliage and all that foliage makes it seem closed in and confining. It is also poorly laid out so you have to do a lot of retracing your steps to go where you want to go next.
I don't think AK is confusing to navigate like others have stated here, but I do think it lacks an easy way to get from one area of the park to another. MK has the train (when it's not down for Tron construction). EPCOT has the boat that goes across World Showcase Lagoon. HS is, well, pretty small.

There's only one or two ways to get anywhere. I feel like AK is the park you have to do "in order" the most.
Until they added Pandora it was the lowest park on my list, so I didn't go there much prior to that, so I have a bit of a list. lol

1) The temp. It always feels like the hottest park in the summer because of the humidity. It's the one park I'll abandon if it gets too hot.
2) There is no easy visual way to get one's bearings just by "looking up" or at the horizon. In all the other parks you can easily see and sense where you are, with AK you can't. That is not a bad thing, and promotes exploring, unless the heat is getting to you and you are trying to escape quickly (see point 1).
3) For some reason I can't explain I don't like the view you get looking "down" on the Tree. You see too much pavement when you first enter juxtaposed with the tree as a backdrop. (MK: other buildings down a paved street with a castle. EPCOT: Metal and monorail and pavement, other structures, the ball. DHS: buildings, pavement, more buildings, theater.) Notice how there's not a big disparity between the entrance materials and theme vs. the icon you are supposed to focus on. This one is probably all just me, but the view isn't breathtaking to me like they want it to be. Now, the rest of the park, and the views when you get "inside" and up close to the tree and further into the park proper are fine.

4) They've actually fixed a lot on my list over the years so I won't go into those former gripes. I have to give them credit, and now AK is a must-do park for me.
It's currently my favorite park and I think it's pretty perfect. But the worst thing is probably its location, it's the only park you absolutely have to take a bus or car to, no matter where you're staying.
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Hot, Humid, Crowded and the potential for a snake dropping out of the trees...

Yup - back in 2016 - bit an 8 yr old boy too - he was ok...

Did not know this was a thing that happened...wow. Still I won't be worried about it.

Love, love, love AK, but since you asked...

Dinoland, apart from Dinosaur, we just completely bypass it.

The paths and walkways can seem very crowded even on a low crowd day.

I agree with the opinion of other posters that it's harder to navigate from one land to another.

It's the only park where I would skip something just because I'm tired and don't feel like back tracking and/or fighting the crowds on the paths.

This is a personal one for me-Tough to Be a Bug is just terrifying. Getting to see the Tree of Life up close and go under it is awesome, I love the posters and the music in the que. I do not appreciate some of the "special effects" at all. I don't think I've ever been and not heard a child crying or the parent actually have to leave because the child was so upset. I go with my family to see the Tree and walk right through the theater and wait for them at the exit if I can.
Biggest negative to me is Dinoland but not all of it. I really enjoy Dinosaur. I also think Triceratop spin is fine. The dig site is good too. The rest of it could be done so much better though.
Without a doubt, the humidity in AK is the worst. I had my first asthma attack in about 15 years in that park. When I spoke with my doctor after getting home I mentioned the having had an attack at Disney World. Without even looking up, he said, "Animal Kingdom?" Apparently quite a few people need their rescue inhalers at that park in particular.

While I love the park, I am not crazy about the width of the pathways; even a slight crowd can feel crushing on the narrow pathways surrounded by dense foliage.
Without a doubt, the humidity in AK is the worst. I had my first asthma attack in about 15 years in that park. When I spoke with my doctor after getting home I mentioned the having had an attack at Disney World. Without even looking up, he said, "Animal Kingdom?" Apparently quite a few people need their rescue inhalers at that park in particular.

While I love the park, I am not crazy about the width of the pathways; even a slight crowd can feel crushing on the narrow pathways surrounded by dense foliage.

Oh good I'm not imagining that it feels crowded on those pathways. I wasn't sure if it was the fact I had a stroller with me for the first time + the park having people in it now or if it actually was like that.
I agree with what others have said about the layout...I feel like we never quite new where we were going but I also feel like we missed out on something because we didn't know where we were. I do feel like adding more rides would be nice because even though they added Pandora I feel like it could use more.
besides the heat and humidity that others have mentioned there are two things that come to mind:

1) There are a few congestion points where there gets a lot of crowding - the worst is on the way to EE when there is already the line up for getting into Rivers of Light and they have CMs with signs out on what side to stay on if you are getting to certain things, etc. - other areas seem to handle crowds wise but there are a few challenging spots

2) The fact that a few rides/areas are fine but could be a lot better, so I guess "not living up to potential" - thinking Kali River Rapids is ok, but could be amazing, Dinoland (I like the back story but the rides and games make it seem cheap), even Na'vi River - a fine ride, but could/should be longer and have more animatronics)
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