I love credit cards so much! v2.0 (see first page for add'l details)

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Third-party eGCs?

Older DPs say third-party eGCs trigger the offer. Staples eGCs don't work because they're processed by Cashstar, and you wouldn't want them anyway because they don't GC>GC.

I'd say take a look at the eGC offerings and proceed to checkout. If the url looks like it's processed by Cashstar and not Staples, then stop because it likely won't credit.

I bought Disney GC's with mine. I think there's a small shipping charge but still came out to decent discount I think.
I bought Disney GC's with mine. I think there's a small shipping charge but still came out to decent discount I think.

Tagging @wendow.

I was also thinking of the physical Disney GCs, but that $1.99 shipping fee ($100 GC for $101.99) put me off a little. But with the Amex Offers 10% off, it's still a 8.2% discount after shipping. I was also eyeing the Target eGCs. Not good for Disney, but better than the REDcard 5% off for groceries and household essentials, and I'm sure @wendow won't have a problem spending them down.
If you couldn't apply for a Chase card, what would your next best CC SUB be that could be liquidated for cash. Preferably business not to add to 5/24?

There is Capital One...I think the Quicksilver is cash back. I don’t know that I would go for it though; if trying for Capital One and burning a personal spot I would hold out for the Venture (if the bonus ever increases back up).

I have had a Discover for years and plan to get one for DH in the next couple months. 4th quarter is Amazon 5% back so we will definitely use that. Not much of a sign up bonus but they double your cash back after a year. It is also a 0% card if you needed some time to float money.

Still have the Amex Staples 10% back offer on two cards. Staples isn't close to me. Any good ways to use this from the couch??

I just did it online...the fee is not great but I still think it is worth it for 10%. Plus I went through Ebates and it tracked.
Ugh, that is annoying! It was very easy to get the number from the Swan. The number to call is 800-227-1500. We will be there August 23-26, when will you be there?
ETA: I just explained that I booked through AA and was looking for the Disney confirmation number.
Thanks! Will call today. We are at wdw 8/6-15, doing a split between POR and Swan.
Have a safe trip @SouthFayetteFan and sorry you are having to deal with this last minute, but I absolutely think you are doing the right thing in going without her. I would do exactly the same in your position, especially for the kid's. I think it's good modeling for them :) It sounds as if your wife's fears are quite debilitating, and I'm assuming that since she has medications, she's seeing a doctor/psychiatrist about it--maybe he/she can give you some tips for next time? I had a mild fear of flying years ago, but in my case it was the kids who helped me through it. I absolutely didn't want to put any ideas in their heads about safety when they were young, and I didn't want to pass on any kind of fear to them, which helped me control it (aka hide it). But sounds as if she's beyond that :( The place is lovely and I hope you have a wonderful time. Take it from someone who has traveled solo/separately a lot--you can make great memories without mom or dad. My kids love alone time with my husband because he's a sucker for not-so-healthy food, LOL. Hugs to you all!
I agree with this. When my oldest teenager was going through some anxiety issues. I took my younger teen on a few trips just the two of us. Thankfully my oldest is fine and traveling again. I didn't want one child's issues to ruin my other child's childhood. For the kid's sake I think he is doing the right thing.
Tagging @wendow.

I was also thinking of the physical Disney GCs, but that $1.99 shipping fee ($100 GC for $101.99) put me off a little. But with the Amex Offers 10% off, it's still a 8.2% discount after shipping. I was also eyeing the Target eGCs. Not good for Disney, but better than the REDcard 5% off for groceries and household essentials, and I'm sure @wendow won't have a problem spending them down.
My dd16 works at Target so we get her employee discount too! That might be a good option for us. Thanks!
I'll skip the googling. :faint: But I did have one on me as a teen in bed also, so that is probably how the nightmares began. Never thought about it. :scared1:
I had one on me in bed one night too! This was long after my phobia began though. We were staying at a Marriott hotel :shudder:
This is an interesting point I've never considered with regards to my own irrational fear. Unlike everyone else I know with a Cuban background, I can't tolerate Xanax. Tried a half of one once at a really low dose that my doctor prescribed and I swore never to touch the stuff again. Stereotypically, Cuban peeps use Xanax as a cure all for everything. Think Windex from My Big Fat Greek Wedding and replace it with Xanax for the Cuban contingent :laughing: I know it works absolute wonders for others when it comes to anxiety.

Since you bring it up, this makes me wonder now if perhaps CBD oil would have an effect on my shark phobia. I've been taking it with the THC removed (since I have to be able to pass a random drug test for work) for the pain on the right side of my face caused by the nerve damage resulting from the Bell's Palsy last year that I unfortunately did not recover from fully. I refused to take Tramadol and didn't want to be on Gabapentin long term either and was recommended CBD oil which actually works. So I take it whenever the pain in my face is too great to deal with. It's also supposed to be very good for people with anxiety too. I guess I will be testing it out next time I head to the beach and see what happens.

That is really interesting and funny about the Xanax! I’m not very tolerant of most meds, and actually had a very bad reaction to Valium, but Xanax did exactly what it was supposed to do and didn’t make me groggy. I see so many people abuse it which I don’t get since it’s never given me a high, but that’s probably because I was using it appropriately. On the other hand, both my husband and mom threw their backs out on separate occasions over the last two months and took Flexeril and they both hated it. I’m not sure what people enjoy about being groggy and out of it, but I guess it’s good for me that I don’t get it!

As to the CBD oil, my mom uses it for her dachshund. I think it helps him some. I’ve heard some people use it for various aches and pains with mixed results. Some of the people I work with think it’s junk science, but in my opinion even if something has a placebo effect for a person, then I think it could be worth it for them.

Have you tried acupuncture for your face at all? I’ve done acupuncture several times and love it. We also do it on our horses and have seen tremendous results with them.
Question about the Chase offers ar Staples... DH and I have a Chase Freedom that we are co-owners (is that the word for it?) of, meaning I’m not an authorized user- it’s in both our names.
When adding the Chase offers to the card, I have a 5% back offer at Staples added when viewed under my account. That is the only offer for Staples I can see when logged in as me. When I view under DH’s account, this same card has a 15% back at Staples offer added. There is no 5% offer visible while logged in as him.

My question is, if I go to Staples and use his card, will they somehow apply the 5% offer instead of the 15%?

Just seems odd that it’s the same card but has two different offers to the same place.

Cross-posting on gift card board as well.

Thanks in advance!
No lol. We won’t be driving over an hour to see the movie. We have to pay $10 in tolls every time we go to Disney

We started in Orlando before our Melbourne Beach trip last year and so did DHs brother. He complained about stopping for tolls and we were like huh, we didn’t have any. Turns out we had our GPS set to no tolls. I think it took us about the same amount of time.
Question about the Chase offers ar Staples... DH and I have a Chase Freedom that we are co-owners (is that the word for it?) of, meaning I’m not an authorized user- it’s in both our names.
When adding the Chase offers to the card, I have a 5% back offer at Staples added when viewed under my account. That is the only offer for Staples I can see when logged in as me. When I view under DH’s account, this same card has a 15% back at Staples offer added. There is no 5% offer visible while logged in as him.

My question is, if I go to Staples and use his card, will they somehow apply the 5% offer instead of the 15%?

Just seems odd that it’s the same card but has two different offers to the same place.

Cross-posting on gift card board as well.

Thanks in advance!

Do your and DH's cards have the same credit card number, expiration date, and CVC number?
That was my plan but I don’t like the shipping charge on each Disney gc. That’s dumb and just irks me lol! Target is an option, like @Lain suggested.

If you do Netflix I have bought e-gift cards for that also. Will probably do more to finish mine up.
I’d be afraid to call... I mean, if they approved the card it clearly didn’t bother them too much. Unless there’s some reason you specifically don’t want your husband to have that card, I’d probably just let it go. Wonder if you could refer from that card to your own with the same business name but under your own account.
I think I would wait for the cards to come so you can actually see what name is on it.
I'd also agree with wait and see for now.

I've really never seen this situation before. In the meantime, you may want to brave r/churning and pose the issue on the Daily Question thread (Question, not Discussion unless you want to get downvoted into oblivion).
I’ve never heard of this one either but my 2 cents are I’d leave it be. The card must be linked to the SSN, they can’t track these by names as too many people have the same name. Amex would have to cancel his newly opened account and open a new one for you. DH would have to get on the phone with them. Trying to explain how you applied for someone else could get a reaction anywhere from “bummer, computers are confusing” to “that’s a federal crime”. I think it’s best to let it go on as is.
Thats what I was thinking. They didn't verify anything? @mamathompson, I'd be tempted to wait for the card to come and see what name is on it for sure before calling.

So after poking around more in his new business account I can see where it says the card was ordered yesterday. It says his name and Hilton Biz. I can't find my name anywhere in the account. I checked under managers since I had obviously put my name as owner and it isn't there either. The Hilton account they automatically set up is also in his name. So maybe it really will come in his name. Let my dumb mistake be a warning I guess, to always make sure you are logged out before applying for a different card.

Speaking of irrational fears, I have many, but the idea that I could accidentally commit a major crime is one of them! So let's hope that's not how the situation looks to Amex :guilty:
That is really interesting and funny about the Xanax! I’m not very tolerant of most meds, and actually had a very bad reaction to Valium, but Xanax did exactly what it was supposed to do and didn’t make me groggy. I see so many people abuse it which I don’t get since it’s never given me a high, but that’s probably because I was using it appropriately. On the other hand, both my husband and mom threw their backs out on separate occasions over the last two months and took Flexeril and they both hated it. I’m not sure what people enjoy about being groggy and out of it, but I guess it’s good for me that I don’t get it!

As to the CBD oil, my mom uses it for her dachshund. I think it helps him some. I’ve heard some people use it for various aches and pains with mixed results. Some of the people I work with think it’s junk science, but in my opinion even if something has a placebo effect for a person, then I think it could be worth it for them.

Have you tried acupuncture for your face at all? I’ve done acupuncture several times and love it. We also do it on our horses and have seen tremendous results with them.

Yes, acupuncture does help a lot. If I could walk around with a needle shoved in my face all day right where the jaw hinges in front of my ear I'd be a happy camper. I did try the Tramadol when it was first prescribed and then went home to read more on it and subsequently refused to take it again. That was just as well as it didn't do much for the pain. The Gabapentin worked perfectly for the pain but made me slightly dizzy from time to time. Then, the more I read about it the more freaked out I got and wanted to be off of it.

I had my doubts about the CBD oil since I'd also tried other essential oil tinctures both topically and orally and they had no discernible effect whatsoever. I did quite a bit of research before diving into the CBD oil stuff though since I'm reluctant to try any meds natural or otherwise. I went with a brand called Green Roads and was pleasantly surprised to find it actually works. A dropper full of the oil under the tongue or the pain cream applied to my face takes away the pain within a few second to a couple of minutes. Fortunately, the pain isn't always unmanageable and I do have days that I don't take the oil or apply the cream. I am glad to have found a solution that works quickly when needed and doesn't have unpleasant side effects.
If anyone is interested in worrying about another fear/phobia, I was once stung by a scorpion. While asleep in my bed.

Threw back the sheet to see it making it's way toward the leg of it's next victim, but we were able to flee the bed and squash it with a shoe before any additional damage was done.

The joys of southwest living...
dealing with verification h*#% on P2’s Barclay Aviator. Broke down and registered an EIN (free) and hoping the paperwork satisfies their security/fraud team. I can’t even begin to explain the backwardness that is Barclay.

I finally gave up and had them cancel my Jetblue Biz. I thought about registering for an EIN but was worried that may not be enough and was just over the whole situation. Fingers crossed for your DH card that does the trick!

The annual fee had posted on my card but wasn't yet due and the rep told me he'd have to check if they could waive it. When I was cancelling. A card that I was never allowed to use! Ridiculous. It was waived, or so I'm told. I'll have to double check to make sure.

I guess I'll plan to get my DH the Jetblue personal at some point (not even gonna try a biz card for him, don't wanna chance having to go through this crap again), but we're working on my CIP right now.
My boys are out jet skiing before we leave Clearwater. I am kinda of wishing I had gone with them. Five years until DS graduates and we can move to someplace warm (hot)! I will miss MD’s steamed crabs and crab cakes though. We saw them frequently on the menu in Clearwater but nope there is no way they could be “MD like.”
That was my plan but I don’t like the shipping charge on each Disney gc. That’s dumb and just irks me lol! Target is an option, like @Lain suggested.
Yeah, I only did to test a shopping portal too and can’t remember which. I did buy Disney and it didn’t track for me but did for others. Luckily I have a store 10 mins away, but if I didn’t I’d buy online since some savings is better than none. Gift card opportunities went from plentiful to non existent the last few weeks. Stinks. The target idea is good if you shop there.
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