I love credit cards so much! v2.0 (see first page for add'l details)

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Can some explain to me like I’m 5 how to “save” my Uber credit from my shiny new plat?

I’ve literally never used Uber before, but we have a wdw trip in August and I think we might use it to get to rope drop nice an early a few times.
I'm wondering this too. Uber eats is not really for me though it finally delivers to my neighborhood. Between the delivery fee + the service fee (which apparently is not a tip), I spend most of the credit on having the food delivered. Would love to understand this trick:)

Dh and I went to Staples today and used our 25% back. We bought $75 worth of Amazon gcs (I know we can only get cash back on $70 of it). We've been super anxious waiting for my CIP to come in. We have a lot of things to buy for the house and wanted to wait until we have it. I doubt it'll come tomorrow, but that would be perfect since Dh won't be at work yet.

In other news, we plan to go see Toy Story 4 tomorrow and I'm pretty excited!
AMC at Disney Springs for the truly immersive experience? I'm a little behind and I am sure i'll see something further down the thread.
My irrational fear is spiders too. I blame it all on that Arachnophobia movie that I watched when I was like 18yo. I've never been the same. I cannot look at spiders on tv, pics and if I see one in the house and it doesn't get killed, I cannot sleep at all. Once when we first moved into this house 6 years ago, I walked into our bedroom closet at about 1am. I closed the door and when I looked up, there was a spider on the wall. I froze and stood there for two hours. I couldn't do anything but just stare at this spider knowing in my head that this was silly to be acting this way but unable to do anything differently. Somehow after a two hour standoff, I was able to run out the door, grab some windex and windex it to death :scared1: If I see one in our basement, I will have nightmares that night. I'm bad. I know it's irrational...'spiders are out friends cause they eat the really harmful bugs' (whatever!) and 'the spiders are far more afraid of you than you are of them' (um, excuse me, have you been inside MY head and theirs!?!!?). None of that computes. I see a spider and I'm paralyzed in fear. Thankfully, my dh knows how spiders affect me and he tries to intercede wherever he can!

This is pretty much the story of my life. Luckily DH is great about running when I scream. Otherwise it might get away before he gets there... I keep cans of raid all over, just in case. They need to be within an easy distance. I get occasional nightmares that there's a spider in my bed. Then I wake up, jump out, and turn a light on. And keep staring at the bed trying to figure out if it was a dream or not.
And I too watched Arachnophobia as a teen. Though I was already scared of them before that, no idea why I thought it was a good idea to watch it...
Do you think calling and explaining would be best? Or just leaving it be?
I think I would wait for the cards to come so you can actually see what name is on it.

I'd also agree with wait and see for now.

I've really never seen this situation before. In the meantime, you may want to brave r/churning and pose the issue on the Daily Question thread (Question, not Discussion unless you want to get downvoted into oblivion).
Still have the Amex Staples 10% back offer on two cards. Staples isn't close to me. Any good ways to use this from the couch??

Third-party eGCs?

Older DPs say third-party eGCs trigger the offer. Staples eGCs don't work because they're processed by Cashstar, and you wouldn't want them anyway because they don't GC>GC.

I'd say take a look at the eGC offerings and proceed to checkout. If the url looks like it's processed by Cashstar and not Staples, then stop because it likely won't credit.
Hello from beautiful Hocking Hills State Park in Ohio. Not really a vacation that can utilize our churning methods but I did make $150 on the car ride here with about 5 minutes of effort signing myself up and then referring DH to the SoFi bank bonus (both bonuses and referral posted the next morning!). Offsets the cost of our new bear proof cooler we had to run out and get after a raccoon got into our cooler the first night :dog2::oops:

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Your DD is so much bigger now than in your avatar! Love the family pic!
Still playing catch up but raise has 5% off SPLASH

Also taking the girls to the movies today so probably won’t catch up till next week. Love when they are out of school but they are eating like crazy! Good thing we only have 2 months off otherwise I need to find DH a second job!

Also anyone thinking of going to kings Dominion, went yesterday. The parade needs some help considering we are used to Disney. The new cirque galaxy was good. I liked last years better.
This is pretty much the story of my life. Luckily DH is great about running when I scream. Otherwise it might get away before he gets there... I keep cans of raid all over, just in case. They need to be within an easy distance. I get occasional nightmares that there's a spider in my bed. Then I wake up, jump out, and turn a light on. And keep staring at the bed trying to figure out if it was a dream or not.
And I too watched Arachnophobia as a teen. Though I was already scared of them before that, no idea why I thought it was a good idea to watch it...

One time as a teen at home in the UK, I woke up and felt like something was crawling on my arm - I looked down and sure enough there it was.........I never jumped out of bed so fast. In the process I lost the spider and couldn't find it again. Spiders were quite common in our home, but this was the one and only time I woke to find one on me.

I won't post a picture on here....but for for those curious - google UK Giant House Spider. :scared:😨
I also have flight anxiety, but sending my family without me would be even worse for me. In my twisted mind, if we are going to die, I would rather all do it together. I can’t even imagine if I sent them off without me and something happened and I survived because I didn’t go. I would want to die anyway so might as well do it with them. I hope she decides to go with you.

This was kind of why I wound up riding out the last hurricane here at home instead of taking off to Disneyland. DH wasn't able to leave and was on call for work. I was ready to take off with my mom to DLR and the decided against it. I figured if something happened to him I didn't want to come home to that.

I second this. Obviously don’t want to get into your wife’s medical and personal business, but perhaps she needs something different. I was prescribed Xanax for a brief period of time due to severe anxiety surrounding a job. Once I started taking it, I actually told DH that I finally felt like I could think rationally instead of just spiraling out of control. Obviously, general anxiety is different than an inherently irrational phobia, but perhaps there is a different medication out there for her to try so she can look forward to your November trip without the sense of impending doom! :)

This is an interesting point I've never considered with regards to my own irrational fear. Unlike everyone else I know with a Cuban background, I can't tolerate Xanax. Tried a half of one once at a really low dose that my doctor prescribed and I swore never to touch the stuff again. Stereotypically, Cuban peeps use Xanax as a cure all for everything. Think Windex from My Big Fat Greek Wedding and replace it with Xanax for the Cuban contingent :laughing: I know it works absolute wonders for others when it comes to anxiety.

Since you bring it up, this makes me wonder now if perhaps CBD oil would have an effect on my shark phobia. I've been taking it with the THC removed (since I have to be able to pass a random drug test for work) for the pain on the right side of my face caused by the nerve damage resulting from the Bell's Palsy last year that I unfortunately did not recover from fully. I refused to take Tramadol and didn't want to be on Gabapentin long term either and was recommended CBD oil which actually works. So I take it whenever the pain in my face is too great to deal with. It's also supposed to be very good for people with anxiety too. I guess I will be testing it out next time I head to the beach and see what happens.

My irrational fear is spiders too. I blame it all on that Arachnophobia movie that I watched when I was like 18yo. I've never been the same. I cannot look at spiders on tv, pics and if I see one in the house and it doesn't get killed, I cannot sleep at all. Once when we first moved into this house 6 years ago, I walked into our bedroom closet at about 1am. I closed the door and when I looked up, there was a spider on the wall. I froze and stood there for two hours. I couldn't do anything but just stare at this spider knowing in my head that this was silly to be acting this way but unable to do anything differently. Somehow after a two hour standoff, I was able to run out the door, grab some windex and windex it to death :scared1: If I see one in our basement, I will have nightmares that night. I'm bad. I know it's irrational...'spiders are out friends cause they eat the really harmful bugs' (whatever!) and 'the spiders are far more afraid of you than you are of them' (um, excuse me, have you been inside MY head and theirs!?!!?). None of that computes. I see a spider and I'm paralyzed in fear. Thankfully, my dh knows how spiders affect me and he tries to intercede wherever he can!

This is pretty much how I was with sharks. Can't see a picture or video of them without wigging out and even turned my face when Bruce shows up in Finding Nemo. I found that the fear has somewhat softened a bit over the last 10 years and I am going to directly attribute that to my Disney Cruise friends with horrid senses of humor. Somehow I wound up outing myself on the shark phobia on a Disney Cruise meets thread before our first cruise 10 years ago. I think someone suggested we all book a snorkeling excursion and I refused to do it. We became friends with 20 - 30 people over 2 cruises and all of us keep in touch and still travel together today. Since that first cruise I have been bombarded with the following over the years. Shark magnets placed on my cabin door nearly every day on every cruise, shark related FE gifts, two sets of shark themed flip flops, a shark themed hungry hippos game, a hand made shark hat, and even a ring with a miniature Jaws movie poster in it as well as a number of other shark themed objects. One meet up at WDW some of us were getting together at BCV and when I knocked on the door I was greeted by a ginormous helium filled floating remote controlled shark balloon. Several times a month someone will see a shark gif, video, toy, blanket, cake or whatever shark themed thing and tag me on FB and put it on my wall or PM me with said shark related whatever. After 10 years of this I have noticed that I don't startle as much as I used to. I can actually watch some of the videos sent to me without freaking out completely and can look at the pictures. I think it has served as a gentle confront your fear type therapy. Even Plane Princess has noticed my reactions to seeing sharks has lessened over the years. The terror isn't what it used to be.

So my suggestion would be to find a group of friends with a horrible sense of humor. They type that love to play Cards Against Humanity is a good indicator you've found your people. Let them know you fear spiders. Then, in about 10 years you may find you can avoid the 2 hour stand off and grab the Windex a little quicker. I don't think fears like this go away completely but they can definitely become less paralyzing. :flower3:
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One time as a teen at home in the UK, I woke up and felt like something was crawling on my arm - I looked down and sure enough there it was.........I never jumped out of bed so fast. In the process I lost the spider and couldn't find it again. Spiders were quite common in our home, but this was the one and only time I woke to find one on me.

I won't post a picture on here....but for for those curious - google UK Giant House Spider. :scared:😨

I'll skip the googling. :faint: But I did have one on me as a teen in bed also, so that is probably how the nightmares began. Never thought about it. :scared1:
Do you think calling and explaining would be best? Or just leaving it be?
I’ve never heard of this one either but my 2 cents are I’d leave it be. The card must be linked to the SSN, they can’t track these by names as too many people have the same name. Amex would have to cancel his newly opened account and open a new one for you. DH would have to get on the phone with them. Trying to explain how you applied for someone else could get a reaction anywhere from “bummer, computers are confusing” to “that’s a federal crime”. I think it’s best to let it go on as is.
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Still playing catch up but raise has 5% off SPLASH

Also taking the girls to the movies today so probably won’t catch up till next week. Love when they are out of school but they are eating like crazy! Good thing we only have 2 months off otherwise I need to find DH a second job!

Also anyone thinking of going to kings Dominion, went yesterday. The parade needs some help considering we are used to Disney. The new cirque galaxy was good. I liked last years better.

I hear you about the eating. I have vowed to buy fruit only for snacks. That should curb the snacking some. This thread moves so fast it will take you a long time to catch up if you are taking a break until next week!
We're going to see the movie tomorrow at 11:30 am! I'm more excited than I thought I would be. I guess I'm at that perfect age where I grew up with Andy.

We saw it last night and took one of the nieces. I was 26 when the first Toy Story movie came out. It was surprisingly very good. I had my doubts, especially after seeing Forky in the previews.

Andy made the mistake of entrusting Woody to Bonnie!

This. ::yes::

Between this and another diser whose movie opinion I trust I'm even more happy I put the dvd on hold at the library. I felt 3 tied it all up together and another wasn't needed. Didn't really care for bonnie and this new forky is awful. The trailer did nothing to make me want to see it in the theatre.

I felt the same way about TS3 and was a bit surprised to see a TS4. I also had my doubts with Forky in the preview and thought, "Oh no, they are going to ruin an awesome franchise for a money grab." I was pleasantly surprised and of course in tears at the end. Forky grew on me during the movie and I find myself wanting a collection of all the Toy Story figurines including Forky LOL
I did find I disliked Bonnie even more.

When you have kids you will understand, lol.

I could not care less. Kids seem to develop some weird obsession with collecting all of something. We’ve been through this a lot over the years. Paw patrol dogs, Pokémon cards, bey blades, my kid has some strong desires to complete a collection, and for some reason, you feel the need to cater to their ridiculous whims.

Some kids never outgrow that :rolleyes1
Another round of minimum spending Sunday (MSR/SUB). Let’s see what you’re working on or what you’ve met this week!

P1 CSP: $133 left which should be met with a utility on auto pay.
P1 Citi AA Biz: $90 left which will be met when pending charges clear.
P1 Delta Gold Biz: just short of $3K left.
P2 Amex BBP: card just arrived and will be my primary spend until I hit $3K.
P1 AU bonus for my Platinum card x2. First one met and 1,500 MSR already posted. Working on finishing up $500 spend for the second.

Still dealing with verification h*#% on P2’s Barclay Aviator. Broke down and registered an EIN (free) and hoping the paperwork satisfies their security/fraud team. I can’t even begin to explain the backwardness that is Barclay.

Also still waiting on 15,000 MR referral bonus from P2’s Platinum for my Delta Gold.

Successfully downgraded P2’s CSP when the fee hit to a second Freedom. Travel credit just reset on P2’s CSR and will quickly pay off our remaining DVC and PC to Freedom Unlimited once the credit posts.

So about $6500 of MSR. Time for another card. Just waiting to hit 90 days so I can try for CIP #2 for me.

I have p2s Citi AA Biz (5k ) (ill use Zola)
P2s PNC card (1k) (ill use Zola)
P2s Amex Gold (1k left) I want to also max out the grocery category by August.
P2s Schwab Plat didn’t arrive yet (5k)

Do I not have any cards??? Looks like I need to find something to go for lol
You just use them through the portal, no need to mess around with transferring! It’s super easy. Now not ALL hotels are always listed, but usually there are plenty to choose from. We do a LOT of one night stops so we are not too picky, I just read reviews and make sure they are clean and safe. HIE has definitely become our go to, a pretty consistent product, free breakfast too. We literally usually spend only about 10 or 11 hours in those rooms on stopovers, most of which is sleeping! The only problem is that the point value is so much better using UR for IHG bookings that I can’t bring myself to redeem our IHG points for the ridiculous points rates on their website...so we are sitting on about 500,000 IHG points which is really silly because they are obviously only going to become less valuable!

I have also found REALLY good value booking some of our non-chain hotels that we will be using in Australia through the portal. Destinations like that can be tricky because they don’t have the quantity of chain hotels that we have here outside of big cities, thus it’s harder to use my IHG or Marriott points. So the URs have come in very handy!

Thanks, I am totally new to URs. DH just got his first CIP a couple of days ago. So, I am soaking in the knowledge of how best to use them. I am planning to apply for one in September too.
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