Nine Nights: Filling 2019 with Disney Adventures around the World *New TR Link 7/31

Wow, Landon and Evie have both grown so much since your last trip! Evie looks a lot like you in that pic with Cinderella! I hope your move goes smoothly - look forward to reading your TR after you get settled in over there!
Glad you had a great trip and can’t wait to read all about it!

I wish we had seen you at the Villains After Hours but I hope you guys had a great time !
Thank you so much for posting some pictures of your trip! It looks like you had many magical moments. I'm glad you enjoyed spending time with your mom and enjoyed Landon experiencing Disney as a big kid. Hopefully Evie will come around one of these trips!

Travel safely to England! Once you're settled I can't wait to hear about your trip!
Honestly it didn't even feel that abnormal to have you say hello! But I think DH was surprised that anyone in the world may know me hahaha

Can't wait to hear about your trip!!
Glad to hear you had a great trip.

I'm sure it wasn't fun in the moment, but the picture of Evie angry that you'd dare offer her a delicious treat is a keeper!

It's crazy the things that make you realize how old your kids are getting. Something small will just hit you and you see them in a new light. It's bittersweet, but also really cool to see the people they're growing into.

Good luck with your move!!!
Hopefully you're getting all settled in!! I look forward to reading about all your Disney adventures!
We leave for England tomorrow! Our pup, Buster, has gotten the all clear for his health certificate, our Chunnel tickets have been booked, and we have completed the last round of goodbyes. Nothing left to do but sit around and miss our amazing trip to Florida!
I hope your trip to England went smoothly!
Spending time with my mom at Disney was a dream, and after she left I missed her a lot:
Love this picture of you two!
Although, a few moments did bring her a great deal of joy:
Oh Evie! This picture is sweet. :)
Landon was the one who took us the most by surprise. He had grown up so much in between this visit and our last, that it was kind of shocking touring the parks with him. He's a full fledged kid now and with that brought a new list of priorities and the inevitable whining. I get a little sad thinking back on him and this trip and realizing how old he's becoming. :sad:
Landon looks SO grown up!
I am slowly but surely catching up on trip reports; I might not leave the longest replies, but just know I'm back and reading! And once we've found a house and gotten a little more normalcy in our lives, I'll turn to transforming this PTR into an actual TR where I can start recapping our experience!
Can't wait to read all about it!
Spending time with my mom at Disney was a dream, and after she left I missed her a lot:

This right here is a treasure. Whatever you do, do NOT lose this photo.
I'm even more excited to read about your trip now after that wee update :goodvibes
Love all the photos but especially the one with you and your mum giggling :love:
Good luck with the move. Crossing my fingers it all goes smoothly for you:thumbsup2

Free time to get on the computer has been pretty nill lately; hopefully I'll be able to start writing about this trip before I forget everything!

I love this picture!!! I am sure it was some much needed family time!

I know! it is so hard to see them grow up. It is bitter sweet to see how strong and independent they become, especially when you want that sweet little kid.

This picture is amazing!

That picture with my mom is from one of our favorite day's together! I'm so glad she was able to come on this trip, because it was probably her best one yet.

I was not prepared for how grown up Landon would be on this trip. Sure, he's that way at home but I guess I still expected him to be my little travel toddler at WDW. It was a bit of a rude awakening for me...

I wish you safe travels and good luck on your move to England! I'm glad you had a nice trip back to the States and Disney World. Looks like some wonderful family time!

Thanks! We've been in England for several days now. The kids are losing their minds a little bit living in this tiny hotel room, but hopefully we'll find them a new home soon. With the 4th of July holiday approaching, everything has kind of slowed down. Hard to take your driver's test and register your vehicle, etc when all the businesses are closed for half the week.

Glad you had a great trip, I can't wait to hear about it all!! Best of luck on your travels to England!!

I'll admit, I didn't think this WDW trip was the best but now that it's over, I miss Disney terribly! I was suffering from some major post Disney blues after we returned. And that's when it kind of hit me that the vacation really was awesome.
I can't wait to hear about your trip. Good luck with the move.

Thank you; it has been a long week with still lots more to do, but we are loving England so far.

Wow, Landon and Evie have both grown so much since your last trip! Evie looks a lot like you in that pic with Cinderella! I hope your move goes smoothly - look forward to reading your TR after you get settled in over there!

It took me a minute to realize that Landon was so much older (age-wise and maturity-wise) when we were at Disney. He acted so differently that it made me miss his baby years quite a bit!

Glad you had a great trip and can’t wait to read all about it!

I wish we had seen you at the Villains After Hours but I hope you guys had a great time !

I wish we had seen one another, too! I'm sure if we were in the vicinity of each other, though, you would have heard Landon shouting "CAN WE GO ON SPACE NOW?!" every five seconds. :rotfl2:

Thank you so much for posting some pictures of your trip! It looks like you had many magical moments. I'm glad you enjoyed spending time with your mom and enjoyed Landon experiencing Disney as a big kid. Hopefully Evie will come around one of these trips!

Travel safely to England! Once you're settled I can't wait to hear about your trip!

This trip really did have some special moments, and I'm still extremely grateful my mom was able to be a part of the trip. We had a blast together.
Goodness gracious, Evie is killing me with her lack of Disney love! :rotfl:

Honestly it didn't even feel that abnormal to have you say hello! But I think DH was surprised that anyone in the world may know me hahaha

Can't wait to hear about your trip!!

It can be really weird when you stop and think about how many people all over the place could recognize you. I've run into DISers in the craziest places!
But I can just imagine your husband's face when he asked, "Where are they from?"
"Oh, Germany."

Thanks for wetting our appetite for the trip report! Looks like it's going to be another great one.

Good luck with the England move.

Looking back on it now, I really appreciate this trip and how much we needed that break from the craziness. It's helped a lot to think back on the special moments when we're knee-deep in the move stress and need a moment to relax.
Glad to hear you had a great trip.

I'm sure it wasn't fun in the moment, but the picture of Evie angry that you'd dare offer her a delicious treat is a keeper!

It's crazy the things that make you realize how old your kids are getting. Something small will just hit you and you see them in a new light. It's bittersweet, but also really cool to see the people they're growing into.

Good luck with your move!!!

When Evie burst into tears the second I tried to hand her a doughnut, I just had to photograph it. Like, I'm giving you sugar! Even Landon recognized the rarity of the moment and tried to point that out to her. But nope, she was having a moment and nothing was going to break her mood.

Hope you’re settling in ok! Still crossing my fingers I’ll be headed that way soon!

I'm so excited for you to see DLP!

Hopefully you're getting all settled in!! I look forward to reading about all your Disney adventures!

We've been here for a few days. Everything is a slow process here, and with the 4th of July holiday coming up things have had to pause even more; hopefully in the next few weeks we will be able to get into a new home and get settled! I did drive around the base the other day and wasn't as freaked as I thought I'd be, so I think I'll be able to master the driving aspect of England faster than I expected.

I hope your trip to England went smoothly!
Love this picture of you two!
Oh Evie! This picture is sweet. :)
Landon looks SO grown up!
Can't wait to read all about it!

Thank you; we're getting sorted out here slowly but surely.
Landon has grown up a lot this past year. Makes me more than a little sad to see him so grown up in our trip photos.

This right here is a treasure. Whatever you do, do NOT lose this photo.

Alex showed my mom and I this photo after the dinner, and I think we both teared up a little. This trip with my mom was amazing; I think we both knew how precious our time together was and didn't take it for granted. And this photo kind of encompasses how we acted and felt during this trip.
Hahaha I mean you guys have quite the story! Especially being there during your break between Germany and England!
Free time to get on the computer has been pretty nill lately; hopefully I'll be able to start writing about this trip before I forget everything!

No worries. You’ve more than a wee bit on your plate right now! We will still be here waiting with baited breath for at least a couple of years. If you don’t show up we’ll know you forgot the details :rotfl2: :rotfl2::rotfl2:

That picture with my mom is from one of our favorite day's together! I'm so glad she was able to come on this trip, because it was probably her best one yet.
it is a gorgeous photo :goodvibes
The kids are losing their minds a little bit living in this tiny hotel room, but hopefully we'll find them a new home soon.
Crossing my fingers you’re sorted soon :shamrock:
And that's when it kind of hit me that the vacation really was awesome
No worries, I'm right there with you trying to get caught up (and stay that way!) on trip reports. Take your time. Sounds like your trip was really one for the books! I can't wait to hear all about it. Landon looks so grown-up! And I laughed out loud at Evie's sassy face in that picture! You must have had quite the time!
Hahaha I mean you guys have quite the story! Especially being there during your break between Germany and England!

Hahaha, Cast Members' faces when they casually asked where we were coming from was priceless.
"Welllll, you see. Technically we just came from Germany, and we're about to move to England. But we're Florida residents."

No worries. You’ve more than a wee bit on your plate right now! We will still be here waiting with baited breath for at least a couple of years. If you don’t show up we’ll know you forgot the details

Oh dear, I hope I can work my way back here before that happens. :rotfl:

No worries, I'm right there with you trying to get caught up (and stay that way!) on trip reports. Take your time. Sounds like your trip was really one for the books! I can't wait to hear all about it. Landon looks so grown-up! And I laughed out loud at Evie's sassy face in that picture! You must have had quite the time!

This was a really special trip; I didn't realize it at the time, but looking back I realize it'll be one I remember for awhile.
I hate falling behind on reports, because it's so hard to dig your way out again! Hopefully, we'll both get a few good days where we can sort it all out!
Love the pictures you've posted so far! Especially the one with your Mom - so special. I love my sons to death but that picture makes me think a daughter would have been nice. Now 2 grandsons but I do have an awesome daughter-in-law. So, there's that :-) Good luck with getting settled in England. I'm sure you're all anxious to get in a place of your own. I'll be watching for life and trip updates!
Love the pictures you've posted so far! Especially the one with your Mom - so special. I love my sons to death but that picture makes me think a daughter would have been nice. Now 2 grandsons but I do have an awesome daughter-in-law. So, there's that :-) Good luck with getting settled in England. I'm sure you're all anxious to get in a place of your own. I'll be watching for life and trip updates!

Sons are special in their own way, and I think raising a boy has been a lot more fun than a daughter. I love Evie, but's rough terrain. :rotfl2: I think my mom and I have a lot of similar interests and traits, and that's why I get along with her so well. It sounds like you might have that with your daughter in-law, which is really fortunate.
We're still transitioning to life in England. It's been a slow process! Hopefully by next weekend, though, we will be in a house with our furniture and things will start to feel normal again!


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