Impossible Burger

I just listened to a podcast about the Impossible burger. Her conclusion was that it is highly processed, so if you are trying to eat clean it doesn’t check that box. But if you are avoiding meat it is a good substitute.

I would say that a lot of ground beef isn’t clean either. It’s usually chemically treated. It’s cheap for a reason.
I am definitely planning on trying this. I'd rather eat processed fake meat then real who knows what is in it beef from a fast food restaurant. I consider fast food burgers the "hot dogs" of burgers, they are filled with parts I don't want to eat.
You couldn’t pay me to eat fast food.
I tried one last year at the Food & Wine festival, but it had a lot of unique stuff with it, so I couldn't really judge fairly.

Yesterday I had BK's and I enjoyed fact if the idea that having so many cattle is being very detrimental to the environment and climate change, I wouldn't care in the least if all fast food burgers became impossible burgers, but I know I'm in the minority in that.
Beef isn't all that clean, and when made into a burger it is a processed food. I think it would make more sense to compare the two on taste and preference, rather than on what's clean vs. processed, what's real vs. fake.
I haven't tried one yet but I want to, just to see what all the hype is about.

However, I'm much more interested in the development of lab grown meat. The idea of getting real meat from tissue cultures in a controlled environment (no e-coli) and without the mass slaughtering of animals is far more appealing to me.
I'm thrilled with all the plant based food options that we have today. The Impossible Whopper has gotten a lot of attention, but there are many. many restaurants embracing plant based foods. Better for the animals, better for the environment, and even though these "burgers" certainly aren't health food, they have zero cholesterol and overall less fat.

I never imagined when I ate my last actual hamburger over 30 years ago that there would come a day when I could go to White Castle and order a slider, or Burger King and order a Whopper. I love it.
They are cooked on the same grill as the animal based patties. Could be a bit of a problem for the vegetarians and vegans based on that alone.
I've tried the White Castle ones as I'm a fiend for WC and wanted to see how it was. Was nice, kinda mushroomy which to me is a selling point. Price was kinda meh though. My hubs eats them or the Dr. Preager's (spelling?) every time I drag him in. We're both carnivores but he has saturated fat issues and the Preagers are better in that regard. I'll stick to the regulars, I rather pride myself on being a snout to tail eater. Nothing should be wasted.
I would say that a lot of ground beef isn’t clean either. It’s usually chemically treated. It’s cheap for a reason.
I don't get what "clean" is supposed to mean anyways. I heard that used in a vitamin commercial, and it sounded like they were trying to make normal chemical processing sound like it was dangerous.

As for Impossible - their secret sauce is that the "heme" is produced by a GMO process. They use something that seems like blood, but produced by genetically modified yeast. The other secret sauce is GMO soy protein.
I get my grass fed, grass finished beef from a local farmer (as in about 5 miles from my house. It is pasture harvested (meaning the animal is dispatched in the pasture), and then processed at a local butcher. There is nothing "cleaner" in the food chain than that. Seriously. The animal eats nothing but native prairie grasses it's entire life. And, at a price that is very competitive with (if not cheaper than) the impossible burger. :-) There are advantages to living in exurbs on the prairie.
I haven't tried it yet but would like to. I'll probably wait until they are available in grocery stores, which I understand will be sometime this fall. Morningstar Farms used to have a "burger" that I loved: "Better 'n Burger". I don't know why they went away. I want to try the Beyond Burgers too, just haven't gotten around to it yet. (I'm not a vegetarian, but I do get into the eating healthier thing every now and then.)
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