Essential Oil, what is the purpose of this junk

To part you from your money.
I know people who are spending obscene amounts of money on this stuff. I will admit, I did buy a diffuser myself. I only used the Walmart stuff...maybe that is why I have been less than impressed with essential oils, I didn't spend enough money :rotfl2:
I was briefly in an oil multi-level marketing young living as I was trying to find natural remedies for some things going on and was told/sold to try oils. The diffuser alone was some ridiculous $150 or so, just about passed out on that but went in and tried it for some months, didn't work, and needless to say I bailed out of there.
Because perfume and cologne wasn't enough they had to add something else to torture people with allergies. FYI a crowded bus is not the time to put these things on.
I still use the occasional tea tree for hair, yes admittedly jumped on that bandwagon on tea tree oil hair benefits. However, I had that bottle from a retailer. From the company I mentioned, I still have the orange and Christmas scent for the house to diffuse, I like the scent. I have used the lavender scent for sleep issues and the supposed stress away oil, those didn't work and don't care too much for the scent. I guess if I had any very negative things to say about essential oils, it's don't pay a ridiculous amount as I did for diffusers and oil club, when you're not going to use them a lot. Do some shopping around, and try just one or two at a time. Or, you'll have about 10 or so oil bottles remaining unused after one use, either the scent was overbearing and nauseating, had an allergic reaction to, or just plain didn't work (all this is me!).

And, there are more essential oil companies promoting pure oils to shop around with, than just the one I listed, and don't have to be a "member" to get a bunch of unused, few try, oils.
I’ll put myself out there and say that I use essential oils somewhat regularly. Modern medicine is always our first path, however essential oils have been helpful with things such as allergies, headaches, bug bites, muscle aches, stomach aches, insomnia, stress, etc. as well as using them in lieu of candles for home fragrance and odor elimination.
I am not a big user of them but think many smell good though I don't have much success scenting a room with them. I did get rid of a possibly cancerous lesion by putting turmeric oil on it. Made the lesion disappear in a few days. I think they have their limited uses and like many other things can be helpful for some people in some circumstances.
I am not a big user of them but think many smell good though I don't have much success scenting a room with them. I did get rid of a possibly cancerous lesion by putting turmeric oil on it. Made the lesion disappear in a few days. I think they have their limited uses and like many other things can be helpful for some people in some circumstances.
I just hope nobody goes this sort of route to avoid modern medicine like Steve Jobs did. He had a very treatable form of cancer but delayed for a long time thinking that alternative cures will work.
I just hope nobody goes this sort of route to avoid modern medicine like Steve Jobs did. He had a very treatable form of cancer but delayed for a long time thinking that alternative cures will work.
I thought he had pancreatic cancer?
I know a few people who swear by them, meanwhile I just shake my head. The smells nauseate me. I'll stick to actual medicine. BTW, I don't discount all natural remedies, just those that scream scam.
My sister is big into essential oils. I think, like many other things, someone took something that has *some* validity and has turned it into a multi-million dollar industry.

I definitely don't think they are a cure-all. However, I have some chronic stomach issues. She gave me some of her "digestive blend" of oils to try, and I'll admit I did feel better. I have no expectation that it "cured" me in any way, but whether it was the scent, or the warming sensation, a simple placebo effect, or something more, it lessened my symptoms. She also has a blend she uses for headaches, but that didn't help me at all.
I just hope nobody goes this sort of route to avoid modern medicine like Steve Jobs did. He had a very treatable form of cancer but a delayed for a long time thinking that alternative cures will work.
A skin lesion that goes away in a few days is a world different that chronic pancreatic cancer. And not to start something but some people are harmed by the medical system, not everyone benefits.
A few of them can have some medicinal uses, but the industry has kind of blown things out of proportion and unfortunately a lot of people seem to think they can replace all medical care. Tea tree oil can be good for repelling lice, peppermint for headaches, for example... but once these multi-level-marketing schemes got popular people started doing and claiming all sorts of crazy stuff. And many people think just because they are "natural" that they can't ever be used in an un-safe way, which is not true.... I mean, arsenic is all natural too but you won't catch me adding it to my water.
I do know that asking the people selling essential oils at the county fair if you can see the peer reviewed studies validating the efficacy of their claims leads to them getting downright salty with you.


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