A New Adventure Calls to Us- a Disneyland Paris TR extravaganza! COMPLETED 3/15

LOVE LOVE LOVE every bit of this report. I'm trying not to spoil too much for us...but on the other hand get as much info as possible.

I'm torn right now between three places to stay while there: Newport Bay (possibly with Compass Club), Sequoia Lodge or the nearby partner hotel L'Elysee Val d'Europe. All sound wonderful and priced close to the same...and they have a special with full board for Newport and Sequoia that I can book until end of April. I'm waiting since I'm famous for changing my mind a ZILLION times and the packages have a penatly if cancelled even this early. I think I want my flights solidified for sure before I book...in case it ends up being 2 nights instead of 3 nights. The only thing we have booked for sure right now for this trip is our cruise, which leaves June 28th and I want to spend a few nights before that in Rome, so Disneyland Paris will be where we start. Nothing better to get us to push through jetlag than to walk through Disney parks right?
LOVE LOVE LOVE every bit of this report. I'm trying not to spoil too much for us...but on the other hand get as much info as possible.
I'm glad you're enjoying it! If there's any questions I can answer, just let me know!

Nothing better to get us to push through jetlag than to walk through Disney parks right?
This is the best strategy!
J’adore ca! – Our last evening in DLP

When we finished packing we went back to the parks to enjoy our final evening. But first, we stopped at the concierge desk to confirm that they would be able to take our luggage to the train station in time. Online it says you can only use that service if your train is in the evening, but when we checked in at Disney Express upon arrival they told us they could do it earlier, we just needed to get our bags down early in the morning let them know our train time.

We also grabbed some special buttons they made for the Jungle Book & Lion King festival.

Which I failed to take a picture of. Sorry.

With that we went back through security and into Disneyland. I wanted to get more photos of the castle with that lighting, but it was all roped off. There was someone filming something very official-looking, with a woman in a suit with a microphone. The plaza was already like 75% full, even though it was still an hour and a half until the fireworks show. I’m still not sure what was going on, but it was something.

We asked a kind person to take a photo of us, since I realized we didn’t have any of the two of us in front of the castle.

Then we rode Hyperspace again (I think this makes 4 rides?) with a FP. I’m not sure when we pulled this FP, but apparently we had one. And we got the sound side again, so that was good.

We crossed back into Frontierland to look around the outside of Phantom Manor. We wanted to checkout the graveyard. Overall it’s a lot less punny than the US ones, although there was a pretty good one on these two big tombs:

[If you can’t read it, the manservant’s says “kept the master happy” and the maid’s says “kept the master happier”]

The lighting was really cool so I grabbed some photos of Big Thunder while we were there, then we rode Phantom Manor through the standby line, which was about 10 minutes.

For such an amazing ride, I was consistently surprised by how low the wait time was. We noticed a few more details this time around and it further solidified my love for it.

When we got off it started to sprinkle a little but we weren’t ready to call it quits yet. We still had a hotel FP to use and we decided to use it on Big Thunder.

We got to the FP line and the CM had just discovered those long claw-type grabbers (that you can use to pick up trash, you know?). He used it to take our FPs and said “J’adore ca!” (I love this!). It was adorable and made me happy.

My happiness wouldn’t last long because shortly after that one of the other rude guest interactions of our trip happened.

The normal way through the FP queue was blocked off, but another path was open so we took that. When we got to the merge point with the standby line, it was just a gate that was closed. A family in the FP line in front of us looked around for a minute, then opened the gate and joined the line. If I remember correctly, there was usually a CM at the merge point, directing traffic. There was no one here.

We didn’t see another way to merge, so we did the same thing, knowing full well that it looked like we had just skipped the line. That in itself made me uncomfortable, even though I knew I wasn’t doing anything wrong. However, one unkind British guest decided to make it even worse by loudly calling people who cut lines a certain very rude British term (but not to our faces, because that would require actual confrontation) and complained about how long they had waited in standby.

I seriously thought about saying something, but he was far enough ahead of us in line (that’s right- he was AHEAD of us, so our merge didn’t even impact his wait time) that we didn’t have to see him after that moment. While we were still in site of the questionable merge point, we saw multiple groups come in after us and do the same thing. So it wasn’t just us.

It soured the ride for me just a tad, but not too much. This was our first time riding in the dark and it was so pretty with all the lights. When we got off I thought about mentioning something to the CM about how the FP merge was confusing, but at that point it was 15 minutes to park close and I figured it wasn’t worth it.

Luckily the rain stopped by the time we got out of the exit, so we made our way out of the park in an attempt to beat the closing crowds. We had enough time to pause so I could practice some long exposure shots in front of the Disneyland Hotel. Not too many of them turned out, but it’s always good to keep practicing.

We stopped at Disney Village for dinner again, this time at Earl of Sandwich. We hadn’t eaten here before, even though there are locations at other Disney properties. It’s so good! I still don’t know if I’ll choose to eat at EoS over other favorites on Disney property, but when I see one out and about it’s on my list for sure.

I got a brie and ham sandwich, and Jon got a chipotle chicken. We both got drinks and sides and I and saw what I think was the only self-serve soda fountain on the trip. Since they have such strict rules around sugary drinks, most places have the fountains behind the counter. However, I did notice that each cup has a QR code and you have to scan the code when you fill up your drink, so I imagine it knows when you’re trying to get a refill (which isn’t allowed).

Full of Coke Zero and yummy sandwiches, we went back to the hotel for our last sleep at DLP.
“May the force be with you” – we say goodbye to DLP

On our last Disneyland morning we were running later than I wanted so after we checked out and dropped our bags off with bell services we decided to skip breakfast and just go straight into the park.

There was a rainstorm on its way out and the skies were still a little gloomy but the park was so empty. We took out time strolling up Main Street and enjoying the lack of crowds.

When we got to the castle we had to stop for some more photos. One thing I learned is that I am unable to resist the allure of photos of or in front of the DLP castle.

With the low crowd we figured the dragon would be lonely so we descended into the dungeon to bid our farewells.

On the way out we noticed an empty area with a good view of the castle so we walked right by without pausing.

Jokes. Of course we stopped for photos. We propped up my phone on a ledge and used the timer to get more of the two of us.

Our two favorite rides were calling to us, and we went to Frontierland to answer the call. When we walked into Frontierland we noticed an absolutely massive line for the main shop. We didn’t stop to ask what it was and to this day I’m not really sure. I tried to google special events from that day but got nothing. I think it might have been a specialty pin release, but I can’t be sure.

Anyway, Big Thunder had a 20 minute wait and we decided to ride it one last time. We got the front row on this ride, so that was fun! And a great experience for our last ride on it.

We got off and went to Phantom Manor, which had a 5 minute wait. Again with the surprisingly short wait times!

One thing I really wanted to try to do was meet Mickey. I thought I had read somewhere that you couldn’t meet him during Extra Magic Time, so shortly after the park officially opened we went back to his meeting area only to be confronted with a wait time of 80 minutes. Either I was wrong about meeting Mickey during EMT or people in Paris just really love their Mickey meets.

I was actually really bummed that we didn’t get to meet Mickey, since that’s something I try to do on each Disney trip. I guess we’ll just have to go back!

Wait times were starting to go up so we got in line for Dumbo, which was listed at 30 minutes. When we got on the ride our elephant didn’t move up in down. But it was a nice relaxing ride and a great view of Fantasyland!

We had one last hotel FP to use and decided to ride Peter Pan one last time, which I think was a nice last ride since it’s such classic Disney.

There wasn’t much time left before we needed to make our way to the train station, so we started to head toward the front of the park. We stopped at the Christmas shop in the castle to grab an ornament. We found a really cute one and I also got some precious Christmas Mickey, Minnie, and Figaro plushes. They were such a fun addition to our Christmas décor this year.

While we were in the shop the performers for Jungle Book Jive came through the castle on their way out to the show! It was so cool to see them go out, they were all shouting and excited and getting pumped.

Once the walkway was clear we went around the castle, listening/watching the show on our way to our lunch stop- Casey’s Corner. I watched the show through the windows as we waited for our food.

I got a regular hot dog and Jon got a hot dog with cheddar and onion. We also got some fries, Kinder ice cream bars, and I got a Coke Zero. We took our food outside and got a table with a castle view to eat. The show wrapped up as we were eating so we got to see most of it one last time.

The food was fine, very similar quality to Casey’s at WDW although with smaller portions. The Kinder ice cream bar is one of my favorite things ever and I’m about to start a petition to bring them to the US.

After one last stroll down Main Street we paused to say goodbye to DLP. We tried to take a cute goodbye video but the sun was right in our eyeballs so it wasn’t very cute.

We left the park and split up, with Jon heading to the train station to pick up our bags and me heading back to Disney fashion to get that Captain American jacket, which might be my favorite purchase from DLP. Before we split up, though, I was confirming the plan and we both looked at each other and at the same time said, “may the force be with you.”

Totally unplanned. We weren’t talking about Star Wars at all. That’s the kind of hijinks that happens when you marry your best friend, guys. I recommend it.

Anyway we were reunited shortly, one jacket and several suitcases later. And with that our time at DLP was officially over. It was bittersweet since we were sad to say goodbye to Disney but looking forward to the next leg of our trip in Provence. Stay tuned to read about our adventures in southern France!

Unless you were only here for the Disney part. In which case goodbye you are dead to me.
Lots and lots of fields- our journey to and arrival in Provence

When last I left you we were waiting for our train to Provence. We booked a Ouigo train, which is a budget trainline. So the fare is much cheaper but you have to pay for baggage, your seats are assigned, and there’s not dining car. Even the added luggage cost was still significantly cheaper than regular tickets and it was only a 3 hr journey so we were fine with the reduced services.

The other major difference with Ouigo is that you have to be at the check in area at least 30 minutes ahead of the scheduled departure. With most normal trains (at least in France & the UK) you can just show up and get on the train and they check your ticket while you’re actually on the train. Ouigo makes you check in before you board.

It was a weird check in because no one looked at our luggage to confirm that we had paid for it. We just took it with us and lugged it up the stairs and put it in luggage storage. Our seats were near the back of a car and faced forward, which was good for Jon who gets motion sick on trains.

The ride was pretty uneventful. There was a very fussy toddler in front of us who made a lot of noise but nothing unbearable. Jon slept and played games on his phone and I read and watched the French countryside go by.

If you’re wondering, French countryside is very similar to most other countrysides. There are lots of fields. Lots and lots of fields.

After about 3 hours we arrived at our stop in Avignon, where we picked up a rental car. The checkout process was super simple since I had done everything online, but they did need a credit card in Jon’s name as well. I thought that was weird but he had one on him so it was no big deal. The Hertz employee spoke perfect English and the customer service was great- we even got upgraded to a Mini Coop!

Our lodging for the next few nights was an Airbnb just outside of a nearby town, about a 30 minute drive from Avignon. We put the address in the GPS and went on our first French driving adventure!

Driving in France was pretty easy. There are lots of traffic circles, like anywhere else in Europe. But the flow of traffic is pretty much the same as in the US. Our GPS took us down a bunch of narrow country roads and we passed acre upon acre of fruit trees. Some I didn’t recognize but there were lots of apples.

My notes actually specifically say like sooooo many apples.

It’s a very agricultural part of the country and it was cool to see crops that I wasn’t used to, like apples and olives, as opposed to what I’m surrounded by at home (wheat and corn). We made it to our Airbnb, which was the top level of a farmhouse out in the country and it was adorable!

The hosts met us, but only the wife spoke English. She showed us around the space and we chatted for a few minutes. It was basically a small apartment with a kitchenette, which was really handy. And Josette had even left us a fresh baguette and some grapes! We were pretty hungry so we chowed down on that.

Our snack made us realize how hungry we were so we went into town to stock up on groceries. The plan for the evening was a nice picnic dinner out in our little private garden, so we got stuff for that. It was fun to look through the supermarket and see what was normal in France. We learned that peanut butter does exist but it’s much more expensive than Nutella. They also had some more interesting chip flavors. And their wine section was massive. I couldn’t decide on one bottle so I got two. Can you blame me?

The dessert selection wasn’t awesome at the market so we found a boulangerie and got some more bread, plus dessert and some croissants for the morning.

We took our supplies back and had our picnic, as planned. The weather was stunning and it was such a nice break after several days of being very on the go. Our bodies (and feet) needed the rest and it was helpful to unwind and reflect on the first part of our trip.
Up next- we explore the Luberon Valley!
Excellent trip!

Did you guys come away with a favorite ride?

Would you choose to go back to the DLP park? Or do you like WDW better?

I think they let Gaston do the decorating here. There are antlers in places that I'm pretty sure didn't need any more antlers.


Wow, Paris, your DL is risque!


Can't wait to hear about the rest of your trip!

Are you doing a cruise trip report?


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Did you guys come away with a favorite ride?
Mine for sure is Big Thunder and Jon's is a tie between that and Hyperspace Mtn!

Would you choose to go back to the DLP park?
I definitely want to go back at some point, especially after the expansion opens.

Or do you like WDW better?
I do still like WDW better, but DLP has its own kind of magic. I'm actually working on an article right now about the differences.

I think they let Gaston do the decorating here.
That was my though exactly!

Wow, Paris, your DL is risque!
That French humor :rotfl:

Are you doing a cruise trip report?
Definitely! I also have one from my DLR trip in November that needs to go up. Trying to get through this one in the next couple of weeks so I can work on the others!
Welcome home from the cruise! Excited to see Provence, as I'm studying French in school right now.
Man we loved Provence! It definitely helped to know a little bit of French as we got away from the Paris area.
Sounds like a nice final night & morning! I'm sorry you didn't get to meet Mickey- that's enough of a reason to go back ;)

I'm glad you had such a nice time at DLP!

Aww your picnic dinner sounded perfect for your first night!
We also grabbed some special buttons they made for the Jungle Book & Lion King festival.
Which I failed to take a picture of. Sorry.

There was someone filming something very official-looking, with a woman in a suit with a microphone
Nothing says official like a person in suit... in a theme park.
You look like you're not too sure about this kiss.
We wanted to checkout the graveyard. Overall it’s a lot less punny than the US ones,
I'm actually surprised the headstones are in english
[If you can’t read it, the manservant’s says “kept the master happy” and the maid’s says “kept the master happier”]
We still had a hotel FP to use and we decided to use it on Big Thunder.
Good choice. ::yes::
He used it to take our FPs and said “J’adore ca!”
I'm always so impressed when they use those (in WDW) to pick up trash. It doesn't really hide who they really are, but for the average guest, it does reinforce the idea that they're just regular CMs.
However, one unkind British guest decided to make it even worse by loudly calling people who cut lines a certain very rude British term (but not to our faces, because that would require actual confrontation) and complained about how long they had waited in standby.
And yet... where was a CM? That's... very odd. Were you supposed to take the FP line and then... just stay there until someone came by after park close... or the next morning?
We had enough time to pause so I could practice some long exposure shots in front of the Disneyland Hotel.
Nice shot. Did you try them while hand-holding the camera???
We stopped at Disney Village for dinner again, this time at Earl of Sandwich.
I finally tried that! They opened their first one in Canada and it happened to be here! Yummy!
Since they have such strict rules around sugary drinks,
Oh? Didn't know that. Huh.
I imagine it knows when you’re trying to get a refill (which isn’t allowed).
Wow. And I thought Disney's refillable mugs were bad.
One thing I learned is that I am unable to resist the allure of photos of or in front of the DLP castle.
Really? This is shocking news.
With the low crowd we figured the dragon would be lonely so we descended into the dungeon to bid our farewells.
Of course. Nothing worse than a depressed dragon. Perhaps a livid lizard.
We propped up my phone on a ledge and used the timer to get more of the two of us.
And then the phone fell in the moat...
We got off and went to Phantom Manor, which had a 5 minute wait
I think I need to go to DLP!
One thing I really wanted to try to do was meet Mickey. I thought I had read somewhere that you couldn’t meet him during Extra Magic Time, so shortly after the park officially opened we went back to his meeting area only to be confronted with a wait time of 80 minutes.
Yikes! Well... poop!
We had one last hotel FP to use and decided to ride Peter Pan one last time, which I think was a nice last ride since it’s such classic Disney.
What a great way to finish.
our lunch stop- Casey’s Corner.
Surprised... and not surprised that's there.
We took our food outside and got a table with a castle view to eat. The show wrapped up as we were eating so we got to see most of it one last time.
Perfect! :)
although with smaller portions.
Not surprised by that at all.
The Kinder ice cream bar is one of my favorite things ever and I’m about to start a petition to bring them to the US.
I wonder if we have them here? I now we have the bars.
We tried to take a cute goodbye video but the sun was right in our eyeballs so it wasn’t very cute.

Before we split up, though, I was confirming the plan and we both looked at each other and at the same time said, “may the force be with you.”
Awww... :)
Totally unplanned. We weren’t talking about Star Wars at all. That’s the kind of hijinks that happens when you marry your best friend, guys. I recommend it.
Stay tuned to read about our adventures in southern France!
I expected to have to wait more than a few minutes! :laughing:
Unless you were only here for the Disney part. In which case goodbye you are dead to me.
Nope! I'm more excited about that than I was for DLP, actually.
While I've never been to DLP (and may never), I've also never been to southern France... and very much want to!
We booked a Ouigo train, which is a budget trainline. So the fare is much cheaper but you have to pay for baggage, your seats are assigned, and there’s not dining car. Even the added luggage cost was still significantly cheaper than regular tickets and it was only a 3 hr journey so we were fine with the reduced services.
Good to know... and... assigned seats? No fighting for seats? I'm sold.
There was a very fussy toddler in front of us who made a lot of noise but nothing unbearable.
That's okay. That can't be helped and is just part of life.
I read and watched the French countryside go by.
Sounds wonderful!
they did need a credit card in Jon’s name as well.
Huh... He was listed as a driver, I presume? Maybe for insurance purposes?
we even got upgraded to a Mini Coop!
We put the address in the GPS and went on our first French driving adventure!
I love this! :)
And Josette had even left us a fresh baguette and some grapes!
I loved our French hosts. They did a similar thing for us. Such a nice touch!
The plan for the evening was a nice picnic dinner out in our little private garden,
That sounds heavenly.
And their wine section was massive. I couldn’t decide on one bottle so I got two. Can you blame me?
Wine? In France???
That looks so inviting. :)

I feel weighed down by shame.

You look like you're not too sure about this kiss.
It was a total surprise and he did it without my asking so that's real emotion right there.

And yet... where was a CM? That's... very odd. Were you supposed to take the FP line and then... just stay there until someone came by after park close... or the next morning?
It was just a very strange situation. I felt better knowing that we weren't the only ones who were confused, since we saw someone ahead of us do it and others who came after.

Nice shot. Did you try them while hand-holding the camera???
No for these I used my green pod, which is a bean bag type camera rest. I like taking that and my gorilla pod as an alternative to a full tripod.

Oh? Didn't know that. Huh.
Yep portions are strictly controlled and free refills of sugar drinks are not allowed.

Really? This is shocking news.
So off brand, I know.

Perhaps a livid lizard.

I wonder if we have them here? I now we have the bars.
If you do, let me know. I'm already trying to figure out a way to get back to Canada for a Beaver Tail.

I expected to have to wait more than a few minutes! :laughing:
You ask, I deliver.

While I've never been to DLP (and may never), I've also never been to southern France... and very much want to!
Well hold onto your croissants because southern France is comin!

Good to know... and... assigned seats? No fighting for seats? I'm sold.
I know, it's weird to me that assigned seats is something that's considered a downgrade. I find comfort in security and knowing there is a seat with my name on it is nice.

He was listed as a driver, I presume? Maybe for insurance purposes?
Yeah, it was just weird. Especially since we don't have separate credit accounts so the card # and info is all the same so it's just the name that's different. But sometimes when we travel we downsize wallets and only take one copy of the credit cards so thankfully we had one with his name on it this time!

That looks so inviting. :)
It was wonderful! And it was a separate one just for us. The hosts had their own.
I feel weighed down by shame.
It was a total surprise and he did it without my asking so that's real emotion right there.
The cringe is strong with this one.
No for these I used my green pod, which is a bean bag type camera rest. I like taking that and my gorilla pod as an alternative to a full tripod.
I've brought my gorilla pod, but... nothing beats a tripod... and I have brought that into MK before.
Yep portions are strictly controlled and free refills of sugar drinks are not allowed.
Really! Huh!!
If you do, let me know. I'm already trying to figure out a way to get back to Canada for a Beaver Tail.
Apparently not. Or at least not that I've found/seen.
The bars, yes... just not the ice cream bars.
You ask, I deliver.
Well hold onto your croissants because southern France is comin!
:laughing: Okay!
I know, it's weird to me that assigned seats is something that's considered a downgrade. I find comfort in security and knowing there is a seat with my name on it is nice.
It was wonderful! And it was a separate one just for us. The hosts had their own.
Even nicer!
Sounds like a nice finish to your time in DLP but I agree- not meeting Mickey is 100% enough reason to book another trip.

Your airbnb looked adorable and having a picnic that night sounds like the perfect way to relax post -Disney.
and I have brought that into MK before.
I hauled my tripod around Disneyland during my last trip. I definitely don't mind it but I was tight on luggage space for France so I left it at home.

Sounds like a nice finish to your time in DLP but I agree- not meeting Mickey is 100% enough reason to book another trip.

Your airbnb looked adorable and having a picnic that night sounds like the perfect way to relax post -Disney.
It was perfect, just sitting in the open air after a travel day and enjoying a nice break.


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