Asia Disney Parks closed due to Coronavirus (SHDL, HKDL, TDL)

If I can give you some comfort as of yesterday there are no cases in Florence. There are 79 in tuscany but these are in small towns near Lucca, Pisa, Massa, Livorno, Arezzo and Siena. 54 in Lazio but they are not all in Rome. The Vatican has one. To be honest your son will only be going in touristic areas where the average Italian doesn't really go especially at this time. As I said now all museums and churches are required to ensure there is 1m distance between the people. I think he should be fine. Especially in light of the fact that they think in the next few days our CDC will declare the whole Lombardy a red zone meaning people from those areas won't be able to go out reducing the risk of spreading. It will probably be better for him to see all those monuments without such massive crowds. And I'm sure if the situation will get worse they will cancel. I attach you this link where u can see cases by region.

Whose son are you talking about? I never said a word about having a child going to Italy... Also the tour group I was talking about left a week ago. They fly home today. Though the government just announced that they are going have to do a 14 day isolation.
LOL sorry so many messages I misread it! 😅

Haha, no worries.

I mean, I've been sick the last week and a half, and my mind has been a bit off, but I hope I would have noticed if my 12 year old snuck off to Italy with a high school group 🤣

I'm sure they'll all be fine, but, I did agree it was irresponsible when they weren't going to require them to self isolate/monitor for symptoms upon return. Especially since they were making connections in areas with several cases, and no reported cases doesn't mean it's not there. But at any rate, they changed their minds and they're going to have to isolate so that's good.
Haha, no worries.

I mean, I've been sick the last week and a half, and my mind has been a bit off, but I hope I would have noticed if my 12 year old snuck off to Italy with a high school group 🤣

I'm sure they'll all be fine, but, I did agree it was irresponsible when they weren't going to require them to self isolate/monitor for symptoms upon return. Especially since they were making connections in areas with several cases, and no reported cases doesn't mean it's not there. But at any rate, they changed their minds and they're going to have to isolate so that's good.
Ahaha yes absolutely I agree I was just trying to comfort you in light of your ipotetical son having to travel 😂😅
Haha, no worries.

I mean, I've been sick the last week and a half, and my mind has been a bit off, but I hope I would have noticed if my 12 year old snuck off to Italy with a high school group 🤣

I'm sure they'll all be fine, but, I did agree it was irresponsible when they weren't going to require them to self isolate/monitor for symptoms upon return. Especially since they were making connections in areas with several cases, and no reported cases doesn't mean it's not there. But at any rate, they changed their minds and they're going to have to isolate so that's good.

Isolation after a trip like that makes so much sense. I'm glad they've changed their plan there.
I'm not sure. It says they considered switching to Germany instead, but decided to "not live their lives in fear". They didn't mention if they would have been out money or not.

Florence, Rome, Vatican City (where I see there's now cases). They were supposed to go to Northern Italy but did skip those cities.
I’m sure that is a tough call to make. I get not wanting to live in fear, but I would feel nervous sending my kid overseas without me right now. I obviously wouldn’t want them to get sick, but I would also be worried about them getting quarantined somewhere and not being able to get home! Hopefully everyone makes it home safely and healthy.
Well what can I say? The whole of Lombardy and certain provinces in Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Friuli and Piemonte have become red quarantine zones can't get in or out. I watched the whole press conference of the Lombardy Governor and he had teary eyes he said the national heath system has been put hardly to the test and it's not a sustainable situation. Meanwhile people keep going skiing, clubbing and doing other things that they have been advised not to as they have taken it so lightly. The Italian government has realised that it's not possible to contain it in Lombardy anymore but their primary objective it's not to not let it spread to the southern regions where the health system is certainly lacking. I can only pray for my parents hoping they don't catch it.
My trip is 8-13 June. BUT I have to decide whether to go by 16th MARCH. If I cancel then I just have to swallow losing the deposit, after that, and I lose the whole cost of the holiday.
Reports are that the peak of this is going to be around May here (in UK) so, it might be the very worst time to travel to USA, since it might be a tiny bit later there. And with our family considerations, it looks like I won't be travelling. :sad::sad::sad:
I don't know what to do for the best. I don't want to panic BUT I don't want to lose the large amount of money a WDW vacation costs over something I could see coming.
Yes, these things do blow themselves out. But, I don't think it will be by then.
Can't you just change the reservation? Maybe push back by a few months?
Can't you just change the reservation? Maybe push back by a few months?
Apparently SOME travel agents are allowing this, but, it is unlikely. Plus, if I move it, back, that's into hurricane season. And the scientists in Hong Kong are also suggesting it might take longer than usual for this virus to be over with. Plus, since my husband is in the very highest risk group for this illness (in that he has no immune system) it was risky to leave him with the kids anyway, and probably not wise in the current climate.
They have started to move the first patients from lombardy to nearby regions for the lack of beds in Lombardy. My fear is that in the next two weeks the region will be totally and utterly afflicted by it, as you saw in the previous images I sent and it will be everywhere and not enough doctors or medical staff. It's scary for my parents, my brother in law is a policeman that will have tto enforce quarantine to people so will be in touch with alot of people.
Some Lombardy numbers
Total cases are now 4189, 769 more than yesterday, 2217 are in hospital 556 more than yesterday, 399 in icu with 40 morentjan yesterday, 756 in quarantine, 550 cured 26 more than yesterday and 256 dead 113 more than yesterday.

He said that 65% in icu are over 65 but 45%aren't and he particularly underlined this point saying there are 30s 40s and 50s year old there.
He also said that in total in Lombardy there are 150 hospitals, 132 have now been dedicated to covid and 18 have been kept for other emergencies.
Cruise ship problem is ports. There are many ships around the world that can't find ports. I know off one of Réunion for over week. There is one off Japan with zero cases that is having trouble. Malaysia just band all cruise ship. Look at the one of Califorina the rumor is Pence wanted to evacuate all US citizen to military bases but Trump over ruled him as he didn't want them as stats on the mainland if they got sick
The US State Department is now officially advising Americans not to go on cruises:

I have to believe if we’re at that point then theme parks with tens of thousands of visitors like Disney aren’t far behind. This continues to be really really bad and unprecedented since the widespread use of airplane travel.
Dr Anthony Fauci was very strong about at risk people absolutely not getting on cruise ship this morning on Meet the Press.


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