DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

Been a productive AM already. Hope you can all tell it is a Friday and your weekend gives you something different to hope for. I am trying to get some field plots in before the rain starts again but we are short handed. A co-worker had complained of headaches for a couple of days and went to the regional hospital yesterday. Ended up getting transferred to the big city for further testing. Preliminary results are leaning towards a tumor. :(

Morning from a overcast Westfield NB. Got my surgery done yesterday, everything went well. Back at work today, Happy Friday guys
Glad to hear that it went well. Prayers for a successful recovery.
Been a productive AM already. Hope you can all tell it is a Friday and your weekend gives you something different to hope for. I am trying to get some field plots in before the rain starts again but we are short handed. A co-worker had complained of headaches for a couple of days and went to the regional hospital yesterday. Ended up getting transferred to the big city for further testing. Preliminary results are leaning towards a tumor. :(

Ouch, that's not what you would want to hear. Hopefully it all goes well for your co-worker.
Morning from a overcast Westfield NB. Got my surgery done yesterday, everything went well. Back at work today, Happy Friday guys
Good Job Hancock GIFs | Tenor
Yeah, it won't be easy, but I'll find something...even if I have to ask, "Would you like fries with that?" Thanks.

My daughter works for Chick Fil-A part time. The one phrase they have to nail, of course, is "My pleasure". I learned from her that there's a whole dialect in those two words, depending on tone and inflection.

We also walk the dogs every day, but keep our distance from others. Quite a few people out walking that I'd not seen before.

I've taken quite a few more walks around the neighborhood, myself.

You know... that expression has become a euphemism for unskilled and probably un-intelligent workers. But I have a heck of a lot more respect for someone who actually works instead of sits at home collecting dole (if they're able to work. Not including those who can't for whatever reason.)
I've worked (like a lot of teens) in the restaurant industry and it's not an easy gig, at all.

Sarah comes home awfully tired every night she works. They really don't have any downtime at that place.

Hey guys quick stop by in the middle of all this craziness. SIL is quarantined and waiting for COVID-19 test results 3 days and counting.

Yikes. Praying for good news, Mike!

So... another new way to quarantine yourself. Launch into space. Clever.


Reached out to Jeff and Norm, as I haven't seen them for a while.

Thanks for doing that. I've seen Jeff pop up on Facebook once or twice.

Last night was another EPCOT eating around the world, we were in Norway. The boy prepped Pork Belly, went on the the interwebby, worked out how long to cook it for, the time to put it in, and the curly haired Ninja prepped the potatoes and the cabbage. It's actually pretty fun. Curly Haired Ninja got to pick the name of the restaurant, so we went with......

Elsa's Palace.

Still a cool idea. Sounds like the kids are into it.

I think everyone in life should work at least a year in either retail or the food service. It teaches you not to be a complete d!ckhead to people. Retail and Food are incredibly hard jobs.


I can't say my daughter really loves her job. We told her at the start, though, that she was going to learn a ton of valuable lessons that would help her later on when she has a job she wants. Two years later, she's told us she understands that now--how to work for someone, how to deal with people of all kinds (especially dealing with unhappy people), etc. And she'll have incentive to do well in school so she never has this kind of job again!

Randall, did you brand him on the butt yet with his number? And don't give none o this lockdown nonsense, there's a job to do.

:rotfl:Rookie hazing. Somebody has to do it.

Got my surgery done yesterday, everything went well. Back at work today,

Glad to hear it, Rob!

Hope everyone is staying safe and hasn't become too bored yet.

Been wandering the Netflix menu for something to pass the time.

Hope you can all tell it is a Friday and your weekend gives you something different to hope for.

I was thinking of exploring the basement this weekend. It'll be an adventure!

A co-worker had complained of headaches for a couple of days and went to the regional hospital yesterday. Ended up getting transferred to the big city for further testing. Preliminary results are leaning towards a tumor.

Wow. Praying they caught it early.
Shops seems to be calming down a bit here,
How about now?
I was wondering what would happen if your Prime Minister (or anyone's PM/President/whatever), now that he's tested positive, succumbed to this virus, what would happen. A campaign would be difficult as would voting.
So it looks like like I am doing a year's worth of project in about a 5 month window
Ouch. Good luck.
Yeah, but when you get up there, the Aliens take your temp before they let you through.
Meh. They've been doing that for years...

"Axqlutl, why is your rectal probe in your anterior pouch?"
"Dang it? Where did I leave my pen?"
I think everyone in life should work at least a year in either retail or the food service. It teaches you not to be a complete d!ckhead to people.
I don't miss all the disciplinary meetings I had to hand out though. Normally for not turning people not turning up, or abusing discount. Or generally being a bit rubbish.
Yeah... I can see that as not being the most fun.
Yeah, we all kind of feel a bit useless. in any other time we would be all flying round there, having the kids, helping out......
Got my surgery done yesterday, everything went well.
Oh! Glad to hear it went well.
A co-worker had complained of headaches for a couple of days and went to the regional hospital yesterday. Ended up getting transferred to the big city for further testing. Preliminary results are leaning towards a tumor. :(
Oh, no... Hope it was caught early enough.
My daughter works for Chick Fil-A part time. The one phrase they have to nail, of course, is "My pleasure". I learned from her that there's a whole dialect in those two words, depending on tone and inflection.
:lmao: I bet!
Sarah comes home awfully tired every night she works. They really don't have any downtime at that place.
Sounds about right.
I can't say my daughter really loves her job. We told her at the start, though, that she was going to learn a ton of valuable lessons that would help her later on when she has a job she wants. Two years later, she's told us she understands that now--how to work for someone, how to deal with people of all kinds (especially dealing with unhappy people), etc. And she'll have incentive to do well in school so she never has this kind of job again!
Yep. Totally get that.
ow about now?
I was wondering what would happen if your Prime Minister (or anyone's PM/President/whatever), now that he's tested positive, succumbed to this virus, what would happen. A campaign would be difficult as would voting.
It's interesting, but we don't vote for a head of state. We vote for the parties, the leader of that party is invited to form a government. So I guess it would be either the deputy leader or they would elect a new one.
It's interesting, but we don't vote for a head of state. We vote for the parties, the leader of that party is invited to form a government. So I guess it would be either the deputy leader or they would elect a new one.
When you say you vote for the party... do you vote for members of a particular party? Or just the party itself?
Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "Sign at the bottom"
When you say you vote for the party... do you vote for members of a particular party? Or just the party itself?
A representative of the parties. Candidates stand in the 650 constituencies for each of the major parties. Everyone votes and that single member is returned to Parliament. A working majority is 326 (650/2+1), so the leader of the party who has 326 or more candidates returned is invited by her Majesty to form a government on her behalf.
Interestingly, the PM used to be taken from the House of Lords (Don't get me started) and his official name is First Lord of the Treasury. He is called the Prime Minister as some Civil servant called him "Primus inter Pares" (first amongst equals) as technically, the entire Cabinet form the executive.
A representative of the parties. Candidates stand in the 650 constituencies for each of the major parties. Everyone votes and that single member is returned to Parliament. A working majority is 326 (650/2+1), so the leader of the party who has 326 or more candidates returned is invited by her Majesty to form a government on her behalf.
Interestingly, the PM used to be taken from the House of Lords (Don't get me started) and his official name is First Lord of the Treasury. He is called the Prime Minister as some Civil servant called him "Primus inter Pares" (first amongst equals) as technically, the entire Cabinet form the executive.
Interesting. So... basically the same as here. We vote for candidates who are members... or not... of a particular party (you can be an independent... but usually independents don't get elected.) If a party has 170 seats in the House of Commons (338/2+1), the leader becomes the PM. Or... the party with the most seats but less than 170 forms a minority government. (Our current PM's party has 157 seats.)
Technically, the Queen is asked, but it's basically a rubber stamp. Canadians don't really consider the Queen when voting.
Technically, the Queen is asked, but it's basically a rubber stamp. Canadians don't really consider the Queen when voting.
Yeah, thats the same as us. Except here, every bill that goes through has to receive "Royal Assent". The last time it was refused, well, that didn't work out too well for Charles I.
Yeah, thats the same as us. Except here, every bill that goes through has to receive "Royal Assent". The last time it was refused, well, that didn't work out too well for Charles I.
Same here. Our bills go through the Senate and can and have been vetoed there.
So, as many of you have seen on FB, the LEGO has turned up, so that's me done for the rest of the afternoon. So.

That's it. I'm calling it. Work week over. Everyone out. Last one standing gets to take Hermione Grainger back for a bit of naked wizard chess. But because of social distancing, I think the my best move is to bash the bishop.

Have a great weekend fellas.
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Yeah, thats the same as us. Except here, every bill that goes through has to receive "Royal Assent". The last time it was refused, well, that didn't work out too well for Charles I.
Same here. Our bills go through the Senate and can and have been vetoed there.

Royal assent here is given by the Governor General on behalf of the Queen.


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