Superthread for Disneyland Resort Closure and Reopening, 3/14/20 - 7/17/20: Please Post All Relevant Questions and Information Here!

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This sucks. This is also a very active discussion going on in the DVC subforum about whether to dump into RCI, or wait for some sort of announcement from DVC. What owners didn't want to do was dump into RCI and Disney comes back and says "hey here's something for you..." which would have been a better option than RCI.

I have banked 2018 points combined with current 2019 points for one night in May (24pts total) on an August UY, as disappointed as I will be to lose could have been worse.

The joys of ownership have to be balanced with the risks and responsibilities of ownership, unfortunately. Even if I have to move out of my house, I still owe property taxes =( I ache for those with 100..200...300+ points at risk. That's potentially years of scrimping/saving for the dream vacation suddenly gone.

I have seen the thread on the DVC boards you refer to. I figure I will probably lose somewhere around 70-80 points (I need to look more closely), but I will be banking over 300 too (if I cancel Sept), so I will have a lot of points for next year. I feel bad for people losing a lot more than me. At least I have some time still before I have to decide what to do with July and September banking deadlines.
I'm so sorry. I know how hard you worked to plan for this trip and how much of yourself you invested in that planning for you and your family. Don't lose faith -- this trip will happen.. somehow, some day -- when the time is right, it will happen. And when it does, no matter what happens, whether things look like you planned or whether things are a total surprise, the magic will still happen. Faith, trust, and pixie dust -- it will still happen for you and your family. Big hug for you.
Thank you 💜 You and everyone were so helpful! I regret so badly that all of this happened. When I stand back and think about where the whole world was just a few weeks ago, it is shocking how fast the entire PLANET was affected. BAM! Just like that.

Anyway, I did cancel our trip today. Oddly, I felt relief because I don't have to worry about it anymore. I backed off my threat not to try again until 2022 though 😉 My Southwest travel funds are good until June 2021. So at this moment, we are "booked" (in our brains only) for June 5-12, 2021. God willing, that trip will happen, because otherwise it has truly been the apocalypse. I really, genuinely look forward to trip planning with all of you later this year, if for no other reason than it means WE SURVIVED and things will be okay, even if they're a little bit different.
'Mayor of LA says no large gatherings till possibly 2021.

"It's difficult to imagine us getting together in the thousands anytime soon, so I think we should be prepared for that this year," Garcetti told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on "The Situation Room."

I know that Disneyland is not in LA, but how closely does Anaheim mimic the decisions of LA? I am not from the area, but do have a trip scheduled for Nov.
'Mayor of LA says no large gatherings till possibly 2021.

"It's difficult to imagine us getting together in the thousands anytime soon, so I think we should be prepared for that this year," Garcetti told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on "The Situation Room."

I know that Disneyland is not in LA, but how closely does Anaheim mimic the decisions of LA? I am not from the area, but do have a trip scheduled for Nov.
Nobody knows anything about what could happen and this is speculation on the mayors part. Maybe! Possibly! Could! All sorts of uncertainty in both his language and the language of the experts. We could literally discover an effective anti viral treatment tomorrow. Or one could never come and we have to rely on the vaccine timeline. There’s no way to know until we do the testing.
Newsom also previously stated that it was very unlikely the NFL would play in California this fall. Although the NFL =/= Disney, it is difficult to conceive of a situation where 50,000 visitors are admitted to Disneyland everyday while the Chargers play to empty stadiums or not at all.
I thought the chargers played exclusively to empty stadiums.

Actually some of their games have been packed.

With fans of the opposing team. :-)

There was a game against Green Bay that was supposedly 90% Packers fans.
Man, this is showing me how much having a small child has affected my football viewing habits. Back when I could watch three hours of football without a tiny dictator demanding when it was his turn to watch PJ Masks, the Chargers were a big deal against our very own Denver Donkeys. Anyway, I was aiming for a football team somewhere in the southern California region. I suppose I forgot about the LA Rams. Do we like them?
Back when I could watch three hours of football without a tiny dictator demanding when it was his turn to watch PJ Masks,
Preach. Also Why aren’t the PJ Masks in Disney parks yet? I know Disney doesn’t own the characters, but it’s hard for me to imagine they acquired a TV show without acquiring theme park rights.
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Anyway, I was aiming for a football team somewhere in the southern California region. I suppose I forgot about the LA Rams. Do we like them?
Well, L.A. kind of feels like the Rams were here, and then they left when Georgia took them to St Louis. So when they came back, it was as if they were rightfully ours.

The Chargers are a transplanted team that were successful in San Diego, and had a loyal fan base there. Since L.A. already has the Rams, nobody really cared about them. Kind of the way the Clippers were, and still very much are, treated as 2nd class citizens. Although now that they're winning, everyone wants to jump on that bandwagon. That's L.A. for ya. If the Rams start to suck, like they did right before they moved to St Louis, watch how loyal their current fan base remains.
I finally gave in and called the DL AP line to extend both our passes as I have given up on an online option, I was on hold for a little over an hour and then it took about 30 minutes to register my preference for the extension. I miss Disney but thankfully I don't need to call about my WDW pass since the default on that one is an extension since it is paid in full, as much as I like Disney music, that hold music was getting a bit old.
I finally gave in and called the DL AP line to extend both our passes as I have given up on an online option, I was on hold for a little over an hour and then it took about 30 minutes to register my preference for the extension.
Why did it take 30 minutes to register your preference? That sounds unbelievably long.
My question is why would disney take reservations starting june 1st if everything is so up in the air, seems like it just creates alot of work later with having to do cancellations. Wouldnt it be better to wait, or do they know somehting we dont?
Just an FYI everyone, Lansky's is crediting accounts up to three years and with a 10% discount. I told them we would see them in 2021 💜
Yes they have been amazing and accommodating during this period. Have not used them YET but i would highly recommend them.
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